Astronomy Tower
Lavender Brown Parvati Patil
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 05/18/2004
Updated: 12/29/2004
Words: 20,541
Chapters: 36
Hits: 32,638

In the Closet


Story Summary:
This is the story of a broom closet at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What inhabitants has it seen?

Chapter 02


How can this be wrong?

"We shouldn't do this, Frank!" Alice mumbled between kisses.

"I know Alice, but why does it feel so good then? Why do our bodies keep insisting that we should?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's nature telling us that we are in the wrong relationship!"

"What would Sirius say, if he knew you were cheating on him with me..."

"He would go nuts! You may not be his best friend. But you certainly are one of his best friends." It was hard talking and kissing at the same time. "In here. Alohamora!"

"Marlene would do the same thing, I guess." Frank said, leading Alice and him into the closet and closing the door behind them.

Alice let out a moan. Her hands were grazing in his robes, finding their way down his pants. She had a desire that desperately wanted to be satisfied. She desperately wanted Frank and she wanted him now!

She guided him into her. Swinging her legs around him. That was quite hard to do in the close environment of the closet, without breaking your kneecaps. It was all worth it to have him closer in her.

It felt so good. How could something that feels so good, be so wrong? Alice didn't know, nor did Frank. They had been each other's guilty pleasure from day one. And this is where it had leaded them. Both seeing and dating other people, while secretly enjoying each other's bodies in the infamous broom closet.

The closet had quite a reputation. It had a long history of couples that had been in there. It was legendary.

"Frank, I love you!" Alice moaned as Frank's mouth launched another attack at her breasts.

"I love you too, Alice! You know someday we will get married and have lots of kids!" Frank said.

"Deal! Lots of kids, but they'll have to wait until we have finished here at Hogwarts!" Alice said. She wasn't a Prefect for nothing, she was intelligent enough to protect herself from the dangers that the stolen moments with Frank could have.

She kissed him again. She swung one leg back off him.

"You know what? I'm going to tell Sirius that it's over. He can get a new girlfriend in like seconds!" She snapped her fingers. He'll probably already have somebody else, she thought.

"Indeed, he can get another girlfriend in seconds. I see all the girls are swooning over him. I tell Marlene it's over too. Maybe she and Sirius can get together."

"That would be great. They are both fantastic people. But they are not right for us. We are right for each other. I don't want us to be a secret any more! Because secrets tend to have a way of coming out when you least want them to get out!"

"Amen!" said Frank

So as soon as they could get their hands of the other, they got out of the closet and headed to their partners to tell them the bad news!

Author notes: Nect chapter: Marlene McKinnon and edgar Bones...