The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Tom Riddle
Angst Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/13/2004
Updated: 07/10/2005
Words: 27,318
Chapters: 10
Hits: 4,666

Friend or Foe

niger aquila

Story Summary:
To what length would Harry go to keep his promise? Harry went back home and was about to start his fifth year in Hogwarts 'again'. He was confused and didn't know what to do with Voldemort anymore. Are they friends? Or foes?

Chapter 02


Chapter 2: Visiting an old friend

Harry and Ron joined Hermione in the Great Hall during breakfast the next morning. Hermione gave them their class schedule and Harry quickly scanned through it. The first lesson today was...

"Potions!" Ron groaned.

"It's not that bad, Ron," said Harry.

"Not that bad!" Ron exclaimed, staring at Harry disbelievingly. "Double Potions on the first day with those bloody Slytherins and the greasy git!"

"Oh, stop acting like a child, Ron," said Hermione. "Every lesson was important for us this year. Don't forget we need to..."

"Take the OWLs this year. I know, Hermione. You've been talking about it for ages," cried Ron.

Lucky for Harry, the arrival of mails stopped the two from further argument. Harry's face lit up as he saw Hedwig flying towards him with a small box tied to her leg. Harry reached out and untied the box. He gave Hedwig the toast he left before opening the box hastily.

Harry was not surprised to fine a stone in the box. The stone was dark blue with an irregular shape.

"What have you got, Harry?" Hermioine asked from beside him.

"What's that? Who sent this to you, mate?" asked Ron, leading forward to have a better look at the stone.

Of course Harry knew who it was from. Who else would send him a stone except a certain old wizard? But if his guess was correct, he knew he would not want Ron and Hermione to see whatever would happen when he touch the stone; so he closed the box and slipped it into the pocket of his robe.

"Nothing special," he lied. "Just something I ordered by mail during the summer."

Hermione frowned. "You are not sending letter to Sirius, right? Professor Dumbledore said it is too dangerous for us to..."

"I know, Hermione. I am not writing to him, don't worry," Harry answered dryly.


Just as they had predicted, Snape made them to brew a very complicated potion on the first potions lesson this year. They all set to work once Snape had finished his speech, stating clearly that only the top students could enter his NEWTs class.

Harry read the instructions on the board three times before getting off to gather his ingredients. The draught of peace. The potion itself was not that difficult to brew actually; it was complicated, but no special skill was required. As long as the brewer followed the instruction closely, there should be no problems in brewing this potion.


Severus Snape was in a bad mood today, and the fact that he was currently facing the fifth year Gryffindors did not help at all. The potion he assigned them to brew today was not at all difficult, though he bet most of them would carelessly miss a step or two and ended up ruining the potion. He could only hope they didn't end up blowing their cauldrons and messing up his classroom. But anything could happen, especially with that worthless Longbottom and Potter in the class. Speaking of Potter...

He shifted his gaze to his nemesis' son and was surprised to find that the boy, unlike the others, did not rush to pick up the ingredients at once. Instead, Potter spent some time to read the instructions before leaving to gather his ingredients. There was nothing special about the action actually; Severus always did that prevent making careless mistakes. But Potter? That boy never regarded instructions as anything important, like his dead father, and often made mistakes that could easily be avoided. So what made the change?

Well, he was not interested in finding it out more about Potter anyway. He cleared his thought and started to check the students' work.


"A light silver vapour should now be rising from your potion."

Severus walked around the classroom, checking the students' work. Weasley's and Longbottom's potion were total failures; and Granger's, as usual, had nothing that he could criticise, not that he would compliment her of course. He stopped next the Potter's cauldron and looked down at the potion, smirking inwardly at the thought of casting Evanesco at the boy's work. But he was wrong; Potter's potion was almost perfect. For nearly five minutes, he stayed at the same spot, observing his most hated student. Potter didn't even stop or look up at Severus' gaze. In fact, Severus thought Potter did not even aware of his presence, which meant, Potter was brewing his potion with utter concentration. Yes, Potter did change...


After lunch, Harry slipped away and went back to the dorm alone. Ron and Hermione seemed to have developed a closer relationship during the last summer holiday and Harry decided to make good use of it. The thought of being left out made him quite upset, but he needed some time being alone, especially with the whole Voldemort thing disturbing him.

Harry took out the box and observed the stone more closely before touching the stone tentatively. The stone glowed at the touch and within a few seconds it vanished in Harry's hand and was replaced by a letter. Harry blinked before moving on to read it.

Dear Alex,

I am so glad to hear from you, child. It has been a long time. I hope this letter can reach you safely. The stone I used this time ought to make sure only you can receive this letter, but I dare not take that risk and write more than necessary in this letter.

I know many things are disturbing you, but I do not want you sneak out of Hogwarts, especially not in a time like this. There is much I would like to talk about with you, so how about a visit on your first Hosmeade weekend? You still have the thing I gave you last time we met, right? Please don't put yourself in danger and wait in Hogwarts patiently before that day. If you have any problems, go and find Albus, I am sure he can help you.


P.S. I have enclosed something you forgot to take before you left fifty years ago. Congratulations! I am really proud of you.

Harry searched in the envelope and found another parchment in it. What could it be? He was sure he didn't forget anything...

He stopped as he realized what the parchment was. He quickly glanced through the page and his jaw dropped at what he saw.

"Wow..." he whispered in amazement.

Harry gazed down at the parchment again. That was his OWLs result? He knew he did quite well in it, but not that well.

Astronomy: Exceeds expectations

Charms: Exceeds expectations

Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding

Herbology: Exceeds expectations

History of Magic: Acceptable

Potions: Outstanding

Transfiguration: Exceeds expectations

Care of Magical Creatures: Exceeds expectations

Divination: Exceeds expectations

Him? Outstanding in Potions? He shook his head in disbelief. But then, he must admit he did find that subject quite fascinating once it was taught by someone who did not hate him and it had become one of his favorite subjects over the year. The fact that a certain Nicolas Flamel, who was a great potions master himself, was determined to make Harry saw how wonderful the subject was only made Harry's interest in Potions deepened. Potions could do many things that wand magic could never do. For instance, what better method to make someone tell the truth other than using Veritaserum?

Harry found himself smiling at Nicolas' word. How nice it was to know someone was actually proud of him.


The Defense lesson that afternoon was a total disaster and Harry's good mood was quickly transformed into anger and annoyance.

'Understanding the principles underlying defensive magic? Learning to recognize situations in which defensive magic can legally be use? Placing the use of defensive magic in a context for practical use? What's all these rubbish?' thought Harry, staring at the blackboard. 'So the Ministry decided we do not need to learn how to use defensive magic at all? I should have known... of course they would do anything to deny the obvious fact.'

After a few minutes of reading silently, someone finally decided to voice out their question.

"I've got a query about your course aims," said Hermione.

And soon enough, Ron, Dean, Parvati and Harry himself entered the debate while some others were still raising their hand, waiting to be addressed impatiently. Harry could see nearly all of the students in the class were not happy with what Umbridge had said and doubted the effectiveness of her "teaching method". Most of them, Harry mused, were that concern only because of their OWLs; only a few of them, namely Harry, Ron, Hermione and perhaps Neville, truly understood why learning how to defense themselves was so important in a time like this.

"And what good is theory going to be in the real world?" said Harry loudly, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"This is school, Mr. Potter, not the real world," said Umbridge softly.

"So we're not supposed to be prepared for what's waiting for us out there?" Harry countered.

"There is nothing waiting out there, Mr. Potter."

Harry was about to retort, when he suddenly realized he was going to regret whatever he was going to say. He bit his tongue and forced himself to calm down. He had gone too far, and continued to argue with Umbridge would do him no good. The Ministry had stated clearly that they didn't believe a word Harry had said, so it was useless for him to argue with Umbridge. Harry might get a week of detention after announcing the truth once again, and nothing would change after that, Umbridge and the other students would still not believe him. No, that was not a wise move; it would do him no good at all.

"But you- know- who is out there somewhere!" Ron spoke up from beside him.

"Ten points from Gryffindor, Mr. Weasley," said Umbridge. "If you really believe the tale that a certain Dark wizard has returned from the dead..."

"He did return. Harry saw him..."

"Ron!" Harry hissed, stopping his friend.

"As I was saying, you have been informed that a certain Dark wizard is at large once again. This is a lie," said Umbridge. "And five more points from Gryffindor, Mr. Weasley."

Ron's face glowed red from anger. "Harry is not..."

"That's enough, Ron!" said Harry quietly, barely concealing his own anger. He pulled Ron's sleeve and stopped him from angering the Ministry officer any further.

Umbridge glanced from Ron to Harry, then turned back to address the whole class, "Now, class, go one and read the first chapter."

Harry was glad that Ron did not argue any further, as his own anger had already reached a dangerous level; he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold himself back.


"Why did you stop me, Harry?" Ron asked once they were back to the common room.

Harry sighed. "Think about it. We all know where Umbridge comes from and why she's here. There is no use arguing with her, it would only earn you weeks of detention."

Ron thought for a while. "But we need to do something," he said eventually. "Imagine that, she don't even plan to teach use how to defend ourselves."

"I can't believe Professor Dumbledore would hire someone let her. And in our OWLs year no less," said Hermione. "We need more then theory if we are to pass our OWLs and of course, defend ourselves against You- Know- Who."

Against Voldemort? Every thought about Tom hit back at Harry with full force. Fight against him? Could Harry do that? After all he'd been trough? He really needed to talk to Nicolas, as soon as possible; otherwise he would surely drive himself insane before the first Hogsmeade weekend.

"Harry?" Hermione's voice brought him back to reality.

"Wh... what?" asked Harry.

"I was saying we should organize a defense group," said Hermione. "What do you think?"

Defense group? That was a nice idea. Everyone needed to be able to protect themselves, especially in the dark time they were in.

Harry nodded. "That's a good idea, thought we need to plan carefully, we will be in great trouble if Umbridge find out," he said. "But who will be teaching us?"

Both Hermione and Ron looked pointedly at him.

Harry winced. "What? You are expecting me to teach?"

"But you are the one who are most skilled in defense, Harry. Think about the Triwizard Tournament, and the Patronus Charm, you're the only one who can do it," Hermione pointed out.

Harry rubbed his forehead. "I'll need to think about it."


The first week of school was nearly as worse as a summer with the Dursleys and Harry was glad that it was finally Sunday. Ron was busy with his homework and Hermione was studying in her usual spot in the common room. Harry was glad that he had already finished his fifth year once, so he didn't need to worry about his schoolwork and could focus on other things. He managed to use the excuse that he needed to do some research for the defense group and slipped pass from his friends' supervising gaze.

Harry was going to visit Nicolas today, regardless of what the old wizard said. He simply couldn't stand waiting until the first Hogsmeade weekend. He was not sure if talking to Nicolas could help him or not, but at least he could voice out all the disturbing thoughts that was bottled inside him. Beside Sirius, Nicolas was the only wizard that Harry trusted enough to share all his thoughts.

Nicolas had said that the portkey could work anywhere, even in Hogwarts; so the only thing Harry needed to do was to find a place where no one could find him and activated the portkey. And a place where no one could find him could only mean...

Harry entered the room of requirement and found himself standing alone at the edge of a forest. The forest, of course, was familiar to him. After all, he had spent hours in here before, though not alone, he was accompanied by Tom every time he was here.

He took out the red stone from his pocket and took a deep breath.



Harry fell heavily onto the floor; the same spot he fell onto that day, he mused. He heard footsteps approaching him and found himself facing an amused Nicolas Flamel.

Nicolas was much older than the last time Harry saw him, but well, that was fifty years ago. Despite the age, Nicolas' eyes were twinklng, much like Dumbledore's.

"Ah, welcome, Alex," the old wizard greeted warmly. "Or shall I say Harry?"

Harry greeted him and sad smile he added quietly, "I would rather be Alex. It's so hard to be Harry Potter."

Nicolas smile sadly and gestured him into the house.

Nicolas' house hadn't change much since his last visit. The only different was the bright red stone on top of the glass cabinet was no longer here.

"The Sorcerer's Stone..." Harry started.

"It's alright. Immortality is not the most important thing of life, Harry. Death is but the next great adventure," said Nicolas.

Harry smiled. "I remembered Dumbledore saying the same thing in my first year."

Nicolas laughed. "Yes, I can imagine him saying that."

Harry suddenly remembered something Dumbledore said. "Your wife..."

"Perenelle died last year," said Nicolas simply.

"Er... sorry," Harry said softly, lowering his gaze.

"Don't be," Nicolas said. "Death has nothing to be afraid of; always remember that."

Harry looked up and nodded.

Nicolas smiled. "You've never met her, right? I remember she was going on a mission for the order at that time."

"Order?" said Harry, startled. "The Order of the Phoenix?"

Nicolas nodded. "The order was set up a long time ago, though at that time it was against Grindelwald, not Voldemort."

Harry looked down at the mention of Voldemort.

Nicolas placed his hand on Harry's shoulder and directed him to a chair. "There's much we have to talk about. Come and take a sit."

Nicolas gestured Harry to sit down on an arm chair and sat himself on the opposite one.

"Lemon Drop?" asked the old man.

Harry couldn't help but chuckled. No wonder Nicolas and Dumbledore were friends.

"No thanks."

Nicolas threw the candy into his mouth before looking back at Harry.

Harry spoke up first. "I'm sorry. I know I should wait until the next Hogsmeade weekend and not sneaking out of school like that, but..."

"It's alright," said Nicolas. "Actually, I expect you to come even sooner."

Harry blinked; he didn't expect this answer.

Nicolas laughed. "You're James Potter's son. And James Potter was not a patient man, from what I've heard."

"You know my father?"

Nicolas shook his head. "No. But I've heard a lot about him from Albus. And a lot about you too."

"How long have you known I am Alex?" asked Harry.

"At the first time I saw you on the newspaper. That is, when you were one. I recognized your scar immediately. But since I am the only one who knew what 'Alex' actually looked like, it is not likely that anyone else could have recognized you." Nicolas paused for a moment and continued more seriously, "I guess you are here to talk about Tom Riddle, am I right?"

Harry nodded. "I don't know what to do," he said softly.

"I can understand." Nicolas looked thoughtful for a while. "I see you haven't told anyone about your trip yet; you didn't even tell Albus," he pointed out.

Harry looked down at the ground and started to tell Nicolas about Dumbledore's attitude over the summer.

"I believe Albus has his reason for not telling you about the connection. Try to talk to him. I am sure he can understand."

"I don't think he can judge fairly," said Harry. "I mean, Tom... Voldemort is his enemy, and it didn't seem right to tell him I am... I was Tom Riddle's friend."

"You are Tom Riddle's friend, Harry," said Nicolas firmly. "Albus is a wise man, I am sure he can help you. But tell him or not is your own decision. Either way, you can always come here and I will try my best to help you."

"Thank you, Nicolas," said Harry softly. "I really need someone to talk to."

"You are confused." Nicolas observed.

Harry nodded slowly. "I don't know what to do. I always considered Voldemort as my enemy, but..." He sighed. "I don't know what to think of him anymore. If I didn't go back in time, everything will be alright, then..."

"Then you can continue to hate him without any hesitation?" Nicolas suggested.

Harry paused for a while and finally nodded, defeated.

"Is that really what you want?" Nicolas asked quietly. "Do you really regret befriending Tom Riddle?"

Harry thought about the time he spent with Tom and all the experiences they shared. After a long silence, he whispered, "No." He looked up at Nicolas. "But what if I have done more? If I have done more, maybe Tom would not become what he is now; maybe Voldemort would not even exist."

"There's no such thing called 'what if'. What's done is done. We can only focus on the future, not dwelling on the past. Your journey to the past has created a... very interesting situation. I believe you should have worked out why you could survive that killing curse by now."

Harry looked up at the statement, confused. "I thought that was my mother..."

"Part of it is because of your mother's sacrifice. But your mother was not the only one who sacrificed her life for her children, so why only you can survive?"

"I've never thought of that..." Harry said thoughtfully.

"It is because of Tom Riddle," said Nicolas. "Tell me, Harry, other than power, what do you need for a killing curse to work?"

Harry didn't see what Nicolas was getting at, but answered nonetheless. "Er... the intention?"

"Exactly," said the old wizard. "Voldemort has every intention to kill you, as Harry Potter, so a fatal killing curse shot out from his wand and hit you. But then, he had no intention to kill you, as Alex, at all. So a strange thing happened; the curse rebounded and hit Voldemort himself with full force."

Harry gasped. "So... you mean the curse didn't work because Tom didn't want to kill 'Alex'?"

Nicolas nodded. "As I said, you are Tom Riddle's friend. Alex Salutor is always Tom Riddle's friend," he said. "As for whether you still consider Tom Riddle as your friend or not, you must judge it yourself. I'm sure you've got the answer, even though you refused to admit it."

Harry just sat there in silence, musing on Nicolas' word.

"Just give yourself some time, child," said Nicolas. "I know it is hard for you, after all Voldemort has done. And that prophecy would only make it harder for you."

"Prophecy?" Harry looked up sharply.

Nicolas looked shocked and he paled visibly. "You don't know?" he said weakly.

Harry narrowed his eyes. "What prophecy, Nicolas?" he asked cautiously. "What should I know?"