Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Slash Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 12/04/2002
Updated: 12/04/2002
Words: 596
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,089

Hold On

Nicolette N. Coer

Story Summary:
Harry/Draco. Harry's been kicked out by his wife. Again. But, his loyalty will dictate his actions, and his good friend knows this. Silly Gryffindor.

Author's Note:
Thank you to my betas! with out them I would be lost.

Harry sat on the steps to the house. It was raining hard, but the overhang protected him from the wet. As he gazed out at the broken sea, a small figure appeared along the beach. As the figure grew nearer, he could make out the features. Pale hair clung the forehead with wet, pale skin... Harry stood, so that the person could see him. The figure approached.

"Sorry to be standing on your doorstep, but the door was locked. And I couldn't open it."

Draco Malfoy sighed, and took out the keys. "I knew I should have held off on the Non-pick-able lock." Fiddling with the keys, he placed one in the keyhole. Opening the door, he continued, "Come in. It's too damn chilly out."

Harry stepped into the house, casting his coat on the sofa. Looking about, he ran his fingers through his hair. "You know, you really need to get this place cleaned. so dusty..."

Draco sighed. "The only way this place would be cleaned is if I get some house elves in here. And that's not going to happen. No place for them to stay."

"Still... "

"Listen, I think there is some cake in the kitchen. Want some?"

"Hmmm...Sure. As long as it's not stale."

Draco walked into the kitchen. It was on the large size, with brass pots and pans hanging over the stove. In the corner a large stone upright case stood. Draco opened it, and a frosty breeze came out. Draco took from it a cake. "Here. Talk."

After he ate a bit, he started to talk. "She kicked me out again."

"That much is obvious."

"Well... I kind of came home late. And refused to tell her where I was. Then we slept together. After that, she started to bother me about buying her something, saying the 'look how good I am to you!' type of thing, then she yelled, I yelled, she kicked me out."

"And where had you been? The strip joint?"

"No, actually, I was buying her something. Didn't want to tell her. Kinda stupid, huh?"

"Well, I've always said she was a big git. Never could understand why you married her. Quite a stupid move on your part, I must say."

Harry nodded. "Yes, I recall you saying that before. What was that last week? Two weeks ago?"

"Actually, it was a week and a half ago. Long time. Far too long. Wish she would have kicked you out earlier."

"I'm sure."

Draco yawned, and glanced at the clock. "It's late. Come on, up to bed."

"It's not that late. You're just making excuses." But he fallowed him up the stairs and went to bed with him. They woke refreshed.

"I need to be going. She'll be expecting me home."

"You don't need to go back, you know. You could stay here."

"Well, no. I married her; I have to live with her. I won't stay away."

"Ah, but that's the problem with Gryffindors. They are far too honest and brave for their own good. Stay too close to people. Heck, they have far too much in common with Hufflepuffs. Go ahead. See you in a week or so. She will kick you out in about that long. I'll change the lock for you. Good bye." Draco rolled on his side and went back to sleep.

Harry clothed himself and left. Draco was right; he would be back the next week. But sometimes personal honor is a stronger force then common sense. That's the problem with Gryffindors. They hold on too damn long.
