Astronomy Tower
Fleur Delacour Harry Potter
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 01/11/2004
Updated: 01/11/2004
Words: 2,902
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,319

The Saga of a Saiyan


Story Summary:
Crossover of HP/DB-Z. AU. Harry Potter is more then a wizard, he is one of the strongest fighters in the galaxy. One of the last few of his race. After growing up with master Roshi, searching for magical Dragon balls Harry/Goku kills. Prof.Dumbledore shows up and accepts him into Hogwarts. In Harry's sixth year no one knows of his past and Harry likes it that way. Until Master Roshi becomes one of the DADA teachers and his past comes back to him. How will his friends react when they find out he is one of the strongest fighters on the planet? And can do things that no one thought possible? What will happen when a Saiyan comes to earth and tells Harry what he really is? Harry/Fleur and an extremely jealous Hermione.

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
I would like to thank my beta readers Renata and Emily for beta reading.

The Saga of a Saiyan


A silver capsule hurtled through the earth's atmosphere, igniting the air around it into a spectacular yellowish orange. Inside a small baby boy with a brown tail was peacefully sleeping.

"No!" Lily Potter yelped, sitting up in her bed rapidly, then covering her face with her hands and sobbing.

"Are you all right, honey?" her husband, James Potter, asked with concern.

Lily and James were still deeply upset about losing their baby in a miscarriage a couple of months earlier, Lily more so than James because of the maternal connection. Both Lily and James had been excited about becoming parents, only to have it taken from them.

"Everything will be okay, I promise," James said soothingly, taking his wife in his arms.

Lily clung to James tightly. Suddenly a loud explosion sounded outside, and the house rattled violently.

"What was that?" Lily asked fearfully.

"I don't know," James said, reaching for his wand. "You stay here. I'll go check it out."

"Oh, hell no, I'm not losing you, too," Lily said sternly. "I'm coming with you."

James started to protest, but decided against it when he saw anger flash in her eyes. "Ok then, let's just go."

The Potters slowly exited the house and made their way into the forest that surrounded their home. The source of the explosion wasn't very hard to find.

It was a large crater, and in the center was a silver capsule with a purple window. "Alohomora," James said, pointing his wand at the capsule's hatch. It slowly opened with a hiss, and when the steam let up, Lily gasped at what she saw: a sleeping baby.

"We should report this to the Ministry," James said, looking over the strange capsule.

"No!" Lily said sternly. "If we report it, then they'll take him away and do who knows what to this poor child. It could also be a way for Him to find us."

"So what do you want to do, love?" James asked.

"We'll keep him, and raise him as our own. We already have a nursery made and everything set up, so it's perfect," she responded, cheerful at the prospect of being a mother.

"Lily, look, the kid isn't even human!" James said, looking at the baby's flicking monkey-like tail.

"With Him around, do you honestly think we'd be able to get out for anyone to see his tail?" Lily asked, looking sad.

"Ok. Let's get him home. What will we name him?" asked James, giving in to his wife's wishes.

"Harry," Lily said with a smile. "Harry Potter."

Over the next year, baby Harry became exceptionally strong and easily angered. The only person whom he was remotely friendly to was Lily. He easily tore the family cat apart and made James a paranoid wreck, but all in all, they were a happy family.

James and Lily lived in fear with their new son, for outside their protected home an evil monster known as Lord Voldemort stalked those of impure blood. Lily and James were both part of the wizarding world, which was hidden from the normal or 'Muggle' world.

Voldemort's main targets were the Potters, for a prophecy said they would have a baby boy who would challenge him, and have the only chance of defeating him.

James, Lily and Harry lived peacefully for that year, until Voldemort finally discovered their hidden home.

Lily heard the monster enter her house and heard her husband attempt to battle him, but his agonizing screams announced Voldemort the winner. She held her son protectively as the monster used a spell to open the door to the nursery.

"I won't let you hurt my son!" Lily announced boldly, standing between Harry and the Dark Wizard.

"I don't want to harm you, Lily," Voldemort hissed, almost snake-like. "All I want is the boy."

"You'll have to go through me first!" Lily growled, reaching for her wand.

"That's fine with me," Voldemort whispered, before he pointed his wand at Lily and screamed out: "AVADA KEDAVRA."

Lily Potter's body fell to the floor, dead.

"Now for you, child," he said, smiling at the one-year-old, who was looking out the window at the night sky and its full moon. "Say goodbye, boy." Voldemort cast the same spell on the baby, sending him flying backwards behind the cradle.

"That was easy enough," Voldemort said, stepping over James's dead body and out the door. The Dark Wizard, a monster so terrifying that only a few had the bravery to even speak his name, stopped dead in his tracks in fear from the sound of a roar that would frighten anyone and anything. "What?" he asked slowly, turning around to look in the direction of the roar. It came from the window to the nursery, where none should still be alive.

"What is that, the child?" he asked, as the top of the home exploded, knocking the cloaked wizard flat on his back. He looked up and fear filled him to his very bones. Where the house had stood now stood only wreckage and something very, very frightening: a very angry, fifty-foot, gorilla-like monster with glowing red eyes, dark brown fur, and on his brow a fresh lightening bolt shaped scar.

What happened next is unknown to anyone. Some say the monster destroyed Voldemort. Others say he injured him so severely he could only go into hiding. All that is known is Professor Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, arrived shortly after and found that the only sign of Voldemort was a torn smoking cloak lying in a crater and Harry sleeping in the wreckage of the house naked, and completely healthy except for a strange scar on his forehead.

Professor Dumbledore took the infant to Lily's sister, Petunia Dursley, and her family, and left the baby on the doorstep. When Petunia opened the door to see the baby, she shrieked happily at the cute little baby, but when she picked him up out of the basket she screamed in fear and disgust. "IT HAS A TAIL!"

Vernon, her husband, pulled her into a hug. "Never fear, love, I have the small box we got Dudley's pet ferret in. We can put it in the box and mail it to your grandfather, Gohan. I'm sure he'll take care of it in a humane way."

The two disgraceful Muggles did just that. When Harry arrived at Son Gohan's small shack, the old man felt sickened by what his granddaughter and her husband had done to this child because he was different. "Hmmm, what is your name, son?" he asked, raising the baby in his arms, making him coo happily. "Seeing as I do not know your name, I will give you one," Gohan said with a smile. "I shall call you Goku, Son Gku, after the legendary Monkey King.

Harry grew up happily as Goku. His 'Grandpa' Gohan taught him various forms of Martial Arts, up till the time he died when Goku was five. Shortly thereafter, Goku met a girl by the name of Bulma Briefs, whom he joined on a quest for seven magical balls called Dragon Balls. The Dragon Balls have the ability, when all seven are gathered together, to summon a magical dragon, which will then grant one wish. The two traveled all over the world and met many friends during their two year quest, including Master Roshi, Goku's second martial arts teacher; Krillin, his best friend and combat partner; Yamcha, Bulma's on-again off-again boyfriend; Oolong, the shape changing pig; and many others. He also made a few enemies, including the Demon King, Piccolo, and the greedy and evil Red Ribbon Army.

"GIVE ME BACK MY GRANDPA'S DRAGON BALL!" Goku cried out, flying overhead on his golden cloud the Flying Nimbus, which only the pure of heart could ride upon. He flew deep into Red Ribbon Headquarters.

"GO GET 'EM, GOKU!" The bald and short martial artist, Krillin, cheered for his best friend as he jumped offhe cloud into a window of the Red Ribbon's towering fortress.

"Please be careful, Goku!" the teenaged Bulma prayed, watching him go in.

The young martial artist fought through the guards with ease, until he made it to General Red's office. "This ends now!" Goku cried. "You're a bad man, and I'm going to stop you, once and for all!"

"Now, let's talk about it, kid," General Red stuttered back, stepping away from the ten-year-old Goku.

"No, no more talk! Give me my Grandpa's Dragon Ball and turn yourself in, or we fight," Goku snapped, taking a fighting stance, his monkey-like tail flicking.

color="Black">"Ok, ok, I give," General Red said, reaching behind him for his hidden gun. He then quickly pulled it and aimed it at the startled ten-year-old. In a flash Goku brought his foot to the General's face, sending him stumbling backward, then gave him a volley of rapid punches and kicks. And in a rage untouched before now, Goku blasted him with a Ki blast, sending him flying backwards out of the window.

It took the young man a moment to realize what he'd done. Then slowly and fearfully he looked down, and several stories below, he saw General Red lying lifeless on the ground. "I ... I killed him...." Goku was near catatonic; he had fought but never had he killed.

"You did what you had to do, son," a voice called behind him. Goku turned and saw an old man with a long white beard.

"I ... killed ... I don't wanna anymore ... I don't wanna hurt anyone ever again ..." the boy sobbed.

"Then come with me," the old man said. "I'll take you where you won't have to hurt anyone ever again. Where you'll be safe."

Goku nodded and walked toward him. "But first we must take care of something," the old man said, pulling out a strange stick and waving it at him.

"What are you ..." Goku asked, looking down at his now glowing tail, just before it vanished. "MY TAIL?? WHERE'D IT GO?"

"Do not be bothered by it, Mr. Potter. Let me take you home," the old man said, reaching out his hand to the boy.

End Prologue

***Six years later***

Harry Potter was counting down the seconds until he would be sixteen years old. His best friend Ron Weasley was sitting beside him.

Harry had never told anyone of his past before he came to Hogwarts, telling everyone he lived with his stupid aunt and uncle. No one had ever pushed the subject, knowing he didn't like to talk about it and wouldn't. He had severed contact with Krillin, Bulma and the rest of the gang, telling them that they would understand someday what was going on; surprisingly they'd understood and told him that it was okay. Bulma, however, had cried through the whole conversation they had had.

Four ... three ... two &llip; one ...

"I'm 16!" Harry cheered. Right on time the door burst open and Ginny came running in, lunging at Harry. He lost his balance and toppled over on his back, taking Ginny with him. "Ooo, is this my present?" asked Harry, with a mischievous grin.

"Eww NO!" screamed a blushing Ginny, scrambling off Harry.

Hermione came in next, wishing that she were the one on top of Harry instead of Ginny.

"Happy Birthday, Harry!" Hermione congratulated him, giving him a longer than needed hug. God, why didn't he put a shirt on? I'm gonna melt, thought Hermione, reluctantly pulling away from his warm body.

During the next half hour the rest of the Weasleys came in, congratulated him and gave him presents. He got a broom servicing kit from Ron, a large dragon tooth necklace from Hermione, and a book about him from Ginny (entitled Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived). The twins gave him loads of new and old Weasley Wizard Wheezes products; Mrs. Weasley got Harry some very fashionable clothes. He thanked them all greatly and awaited the owls that were sure to come.

A few minutes later two owls flew into the room and landed beside Harry, fighting for position. Harry took the package and letter from a beautiful pink one first, wondering whom it was from.

Surprisingly it was from Fleur Delacour.

Dear Harry,

Happy Birthday! My sister won't stop talking about you, and I'm starting to do the same thing. I feel nervous writing this, so I'll get down to the point, would you like to come over to Paris for the rest of the summer and stay with us? My parents fully agreed and I would just love to spend some time with you and get to know you more. Send your reply with this owl as soon as possible.

Wishing you a Happy Birthday, yours forever

Love, Fleur.

P.S. I'm going to be your second D.A.D.A. teacher.

"Wow, Fleur has a crush on you," said Ginny, who was reading over Harry's shoulder. This caused Hermione to go red with anger.

"I hope so. I like her a lot, and have always wanted her as more then a friend. At frst she was a real bitch but then she turned out to be really sweet, gentle and caring," replied a very happy Harry.

Hermione, who was listening intently, was boiling with jealousy and anger. How could that snobby little bitch take MY man. And how the hell can he like her! This is total bullshit! HARRY IS MINE! I will NOT give him up to that veela trash, oh, hell no, this is war.

"One hot veela for Potter, zero for Ron," teased Fred.

"Harry, mate, I'll pretend I'm not jealous of you as long as you give me all the details when you get back. No matter how dirty they are," proposed Ron.

"I'll think about it," said Harry, absent-mindedly opening up the Hogwarts letter.


First of all, Happy Birthday. I have decided to appoint you as one of the Prefects, and I'm sure that you know of all the responsibilities that go with it. I would like you to know that there will be two DADA teachers this year, Miss Delacour and Master Roshi. You now have twice as many DADA lessons and they will be with all the years, from first to seventh, we felt that it was necessary since the Dark Lord is on the rise to power that students be more prepared, especially the younger ones. I also expect you to help all the others as much as you can in Master Roshi's lessons. You know what I mean. You might also be interested to know that your friends Krillin and Bulma have been accepted into Hogwarts, and you will therefore have to help them out as much as possible in magic. Your Quidditch captain is Katie Bell, as you had decided last year. Your O.W.L. results are on the other piece of parchment. The train leaves on September 1st 10:00am.

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.

'This should be a very interesting year, but definitely a fun one," thought Harry. "Hey, guys, we've got twice as many DADA lessons and two teachers," announced Harry to the room. "It's Fleur and Master Roshi."

"Hey, Harry, give Fleur some of the good stuff and you'll be getting top marks. If you know what I mean," quipped George.

"So who's this Master Roshi? If you guys have him, we probably do, too," said Ginny.

"You'll see who he is, and actually all the years have him together at the same time," answered Harry.

"Wow. That should be interesting."

You can't possibly imagine, Ginny, thought Harry.

"Hey, 'Mione, can you pass me some parchment and a quill, please?" Harry asked Hermione, who was leaning against the desk.

"What for?"

"So I can tell Fleur I'm coming."

"Oh," replied Hermione icily and threw the parchment and quill to him.

"Look everyone, Granger is jealous," laughed Fred.

"What the hell would I be jealous of, you stupid git!" yelled Hermione.

"Maybe that Fleur has a nice big bed, specifically made for shagging our good friend Harry here?" teased Fred.

Harry hadn't noticed anything, as he was quickly writing down a reply.

Dear Fleur,

I would love to come and spend some time with you.

Love, Harry

'There we go, perfect." He then turned to the pink owl. "Take this to Fleur as quickly as possible, all right?" The owl hooted and went off into the night sky through the window.

The row between Hermione and the twins (George entered immediaely) lasted for a good twenty minutes before Harry and Ron kicked everyone out, telling them they were sleepy.

---Paris, France---

"Mother, are you sure I wasn't too obvious in the letter?" Fleur asked her mother worriedly.

"Boys can be very thick headed sometimes, and even if he does catch on there is absolutely no harm in that," replied her mother comfortingly.

"Margaret's back, she's back!" called out a very excited Gabrielle, running into the kitchen where her sister and mother were with the owl.

Fleur quickly untied the letter, opened it and read it. Her face was that of pure joy. "Well he just made it as obvious as I did," announced an extremely happy Fleur, scrambling to find a quill to write a response with. As sn as she found the quill she quickly wrote a response and sent the owl off with it.