Life without danger is a waste of oxygen


Story Summary:
Lots of love triangles. The trio are in training in order to prepare for war with Lord Voldemort. They pick up a few people on their way and decisions are made as to which side people are really on. A tale of true love, firery passion and lots of action. Are the ones we love really with us?

First day back at Hogwarts.

Words: 4,965
Hits: 1,709

The trio begin lessons.

Words: 4,318
Hits: 961

The first prefect meeting is held. Snape and Draco have an interesting conversation and Cho comes back.

Words: 3,714
Hits: 793

The day of the halloween ball finally arrives.

Words: 4,963
Hits: 801

Ahhh, it's the morning after!!! Can Hermione and Draco come to an understanding?

Words: 4,227
Hits: 703

Draco gets into a spot of trouble and Ron gets transfigured.

Words: 3,174
Hits: 678

Draco spends the weekend at Hermione's.

Words: 4,115
Hits: 702

The trio pass there last christmas at Hogwarts, but will Ginny get what she wants?

Words: 5,109
Hits: 580

Lots of love triangles. The trio are in training in order to prepare for war with Lord Voldemort. They pick up a few people on their way and decisions are made as to which side people are really on. A tale of true love, firery passion and lots of action. Are the ones we love really with us?

Words: 3,963
Hits: 461

The trio and Draco retreive Professor Snape's body.

Words: 4,346
Hits: 681