Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Published: 11/27/2005
Updated: 11/27/2005
Words: 552
Chapters: 1
Hits: 539

Together at Last!


Story Summary:
Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny, and Harry are getting together for Christmas. Voldemort has been defeated and they are all out of school, except for Ginny, who is in her seventh year.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Ron, Ginny, Hermione, and Harry are together for Christmas at the Burrow. Ron thinks this will be the time that he will be able to tell Hermione how he really feels about her. However, Ron has got some competition!
Author's Note:
I dedicate this fic to all of those who reviewed my previous fics. Thanks you guys!

Chapter 3-

Ron slowly opened his eyes. Fred and George's beds were empty. He got up and shook Harry awake.

"Harry get up," he said.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Fred and George are gone." Harry's eyes widened in shock. The two boys got up and went quickly down stairs. Everyone else was already awake.

"Mum, Fred and George are gone!" Ron announced.

"Oh I know dear. They had to take care of some urgent business at the joke shop," Mrs. Weasley answered calmly.

"Oh," Harry and Ron said together.

"It's so quiet without them here," Hermione said in between bites of her French toast.

"I agree, there's no such thing as a quiet Christmas," replied Ginny.

"Why don't we invite Remus and Tonks?" Hermione asked.

"That's a fantastic idea Hermione!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed. "I'll send them an owl."

She stood up and walked into the living room to write her letter. Just as she was leaving, an owl flew in through the window and landed on the kitchen table. It was a large brown barn owl with huge gray eyes. It stuck out its leg with a reluctant expression on its face. Ginny reached out and untied the letter.

"It's from Victor Krum!" she shouted.

"Victor Krum?" everyone said at once.

"It's for Hermione," Ginny said.

"Me?" Hermione said, looking shocked.

"For goodness sakes, read it!" Ron said.

Hermione began reading the letter. When she finally set it down on the table she wore a look of utter surprise on her face.

"What did it say?" Harry questioned. Hermione looked too surprised to speak so she handed him the letter.

"Dear Hermioniny," Harry read. "Please except my invitation to my Quidditch game on Sunday. All of your friends are invited also. Yours truly, Victor Krum."

"Well, are you going to go?" Ginny asked excitingly.

"I think you should," Harry said.

"I don't know," she said hesitantly. "What do you think Ron?"

"Uh..." Ron said. He had not been listening, only looking at Hermione. "I think it'd be fun."

"Okay then, I guess we will," she replied, smiling.

"We? You mean...we can go too?" Harry beamed.

"It did say that we were invited too dear," Ginny said. Ron looked at his younger sister. He still wasn't used to Ginny calling Harry dear.

Ginny, not wanting to be stared at, went to ask her mother.

Chapter 4-

"Hurry up Ronald, we'll be late," Mrs. Weasley called to her son. Ron had slept in and was now rushing to get ready for the game. The others were in a hurry to go because of the cold.

"I can't wait to see Victor again!" Hermione whispered to Harry and Ginny. "I haven't seen him in so long."

Ron finished getting ready and the six companions apparated in turn. When they got there, Ludo Bagman greeted them.

"Hey mates," he called, walking toward them. "Heard you were invited by Krum himself!"

"That we were Ludo," Mr. Weasley said.

"How'd you manage the invitation?" he asked.

"These four met him during the Tri Wizard Tournament," Mr. Weasley said, gesturing to Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

"Really?" Ludo asked rhetorically. "How about this weather? Looks like a white Christmas!"

"Sure does," Mr. Weasley replied.

He showed them into the stadium and their box seats. The game began several moments later.