James Potter/Lily Evans
James Potter
Humor Romance
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Published: 12/19/2005
Updated: 01/17/2006
Words: 3,633
Chapters: 3
Hits: 2,425

A Aardvark and Apples


Story Summary:
James is a bad boy. James stares at Lily. James doesn't pay attention is Transiguration. James turns best friends into aardvarks. Bad boy, James, bad boy...

Chapter 01


Chapter 1: Snogs!

It was a normal day in the life of a sixteen-year-old boy that goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...well as normal as it gets around here. I was sitting on a couch in the Gryffindor Common Room "staring at Lily Evans" as my best friend Sirius Black put it. I don't think I was staring; I was just admiring her, that's all. Sirius was incidentally wearing my Invisibility Cloak and poking various people in their heads. It was quite funny to watch, really. Remus Lupin, another one of my friends, was helping Peter Pettigrew, yet another friend, with his homework. Poor Peter is so helpless when it comes to homework. I pity him.

By the way, my name is James Potter. I'm a sixth year at Hogwarts and in Gryffindor. Sirius Black is my best friend, as mentioned above, and Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew are also my friends, although Peter gets on my nerves sometimes. Don't tell him I said that.

"Oy, Potter!" I looked up. Evans was yelling at me.

"What?" I said.

"Stop staring at me and get off my Transfiguration homework," she said. I looked down and saw her homework sticking out from under my bottom. How did it get there?

"Well, sorry!" I said and handed her homework back. "You shouldn't shoved your homework under my butt in the first place." Wrong thing to say. Next thing I knew was that Evans was pummeling me with every red and gold cushion she could lay her pretty, little hands on.

"How dare you say that I put it there!" she shrieked. "Just because you're so stupid you can't see that you're sitting on my homework!!!"

"Ouch! Gerroff me!" I yelled. "Help me, Sirius!" Sirius was supposed to be invisible so he didn't do anything. "Remus! C'mon, pal! Help me!" Remus got up and pulled Lily off of me.

"Come on, Lily," he said. "I'm sure James didn't mean what he said." He turned to me. "Did you James?" I shook my head really quickly. Evans glared at me.

"Aw, c'mon, Evans," I said, making puppy-dog eyes at her. "I'm sowwey." I said it in a very baby voice. Chicks love it. Evans expression did soften a little.

"Forget it, Potter," she mumbled. "I probably failed it anyway." I knew she didn't like Transfiguration, but she was failing?

"You're failing?" I asked. "I'll help you." Evans looked up at me and actually smiled.

"You will?" she said. I nodded.

"Why not?" Evans smile got even bigger. I sat down next to her and we started on her essay. Let me just tell you that she had a lot of mistakes. After we finished, Evans gave me a really big smile and thanked me. Then she went to bed. I sat back in my armchair. Sirius came and sat down next to me.

"Hey there, Prongs," he said.

"Hi, Padfoot," I said.

"What are you thinking of?" Me and Sirius tell each other everything. So I could tell him what I was thinking, couldn't I?

"'Bout Evans," I said. Sirius nodded.

"You really like her don't you, James?" he said. I stared at him. I thought he understood that.

"I've already told you I did."

"Yeah, well, I thought it was like all the other girls you said you liked."

"Those?! They didn't mean anything! They wanted to go out with me so I took them to the Three Broomsticks."

"And you snogged them," Sirius was grinning.

"No, I didn't snog anyone." I knew Sirius didn't believe me. "Okay, okay, so I snogged a couple of them."

"Like who?"

"Um... like Chang..."

"You dated Chang!"

"Yeah, for like a week."

"And you snogged her?!"

"She started it! I swear I didn't do anything!" And I didn't either.

"Yeah, I believe you, mate. She does that. I gotta admit I've snogged her too. But only because I was drunk on butterbeers." I nodded wisely. Getting drunk on butterbeers is very serious. If it ever happened to you, you know what I mean.

"I wasn't drunk when I kissed her," I said. Sirius nodded. For a while, we just sat in silence. We did that sometimes. Soon Sirius got up.

"I'm going to bed," he yawned. I nodded. "You coming?" I shook my head.

"In a while," I said. Sirius nodded and left without asking why I wasn't coming. Isn't that great? Most people would be like, "Why? What's wrong? C'mon! Let's go!" But not Sirius. I sighed. I just sat there staring into the fire. I think I dozed of for a moment because all of a sudden I heard this loud banging noise coming from behind the door that lead to the girls' dormitories. I crept up real quiet and flung open the door. What I saw was not pleasant! My mouth fell open and I just stared and stared.