The Dark Arts
Drama Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/13/2003
Updated: 04/13/2003
Words: 1,194
Chapters: 1
Hits: 409

The Impossible


Story Summary:
What would you do if you had a perfectly happy life and it was suddenly torn apart? If your brother ends up with the only deadly ailment not curable by magic? If your sister attempted suicide? This is the life story four Hogwarts-going quadruplets.

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
OK this is just a mood setting chapter. It lets you know what a good life the quads (as I call them hehe) had and introduces characters and all that good stuff!

The sun shone brightly on the roof of the old farmhouse in the hills of Scotland. Orion hopped out of bed and skittered across the room. His twin brother Patrick rolled over in bed and groaned.

"Ri, could you try NOT to sound like a herd of elephants?"

Orion just grinned.

"Wake up sleepy head! We have to go to Diagon Alley to get our school stuff today!"

Suddenly awake, Patrick jumped out of bed.

" Oh yeah! I'd almost forgotten! What time is it?"

"Nearly 9:00! We'd better go wake the girls!"

The two boys bounded out of their room and across the hall into the room that was shared by the other two quadruplets, Milan and Cheyenne. They exchanged evil grins before pouncing on their sleeping sisters.

"Gosh guys... how many times do I have to yell at you before you quit doing that?" a voice from the doorway said, amusedly.

Orion, Patrick and the now fully awake girls, looked over to see their older brother, Parker leaning on the doorway.

"C'mon goofballs. Get dressed or we'll be late to meeting Angelina at the Alley."

Milan rolled her eyes.

"And God forbid you be late for you girlfriend" she taunted, diving back under the covers as Parker launched a tickle attack on her. "OK! OK! I take it back! MOMMY!"

Mrs. Alexander poked her head in the door.

"Milan, Parker, stop it. Everyone be dressed in 10 minutes or you'll be left behind."

The quadruplets all went their separate ways to dress. Orion dug through his wardrobe, finally deciding on a set of indigo robes. He began to pull them on but winced as he raised his arms above his head. His shoulder had been bothering him for about 2 months now, but he didn't dare tell his mother. She'd overreact. Orion shook his head and finished pulling his robes on. He dug through his dresser to find a comb, and ran it hurriedly through his strawberry blonde hair, before stepping out into the bathroom they all shared.

"Blast! I hate it when we do this!" Patrick exclaimed, as they stepped out to see that all four of them were wearing the same indigo robes.

They all laughed and headed down the stairs into the cozy kitchen, where they found Parker, their four-year-old sister Jessibelle and their mother standing next to the lit fireplace.

" Come on sleepyheads! We get to go shopping!" Jessibelle rejoiced, hopping up and down, blonde pigtails bouncing.

Milan bent down and scooped up the little girl.

"That's right! Now mommy gave you the list of our supplies so you can be our little helper today, right?"

Jessibelle nodded eagerly.

Orion snorted. "Girls..."


After they had used Floo powder to get to the Leaky Cauldron, they met up with Parker's best friend, Roger Davies, and his (Parker's) girlfriend, Angelina Johnson.

"Hey Roger, hey Angelina!"

Orion rolled his eyes.

"Well Park, we are going to leave you with your little friends and go get our stuff. Meet us back here in 2 hours."

The quads and Jessibelle exited the pub into Diagon Alley.

Orion sniffed the fresh outdoor air.

"Ah, good ol' Diagon Alley! Off to Gringotts I guess."

They headed toward the snowy white building at the end of the Alley. They hadn't gotten more than halfway down the Alley when they ran into a large crowd outside Quality Quidditch Supplies.

"What's going on there?" Cheyenne wondered aloud. Her and Orion were on the Gryffindor House Quidditch team. She was the new keeper, since Oliver Wood graduated, and Orion was a chaser.

At that moment Harry Potter came bounding up to them.

"Did you guys hear about the contest?"

"Contest?" the quads chorused.

"They are having a drawing! Firebolts for your WHOLE team if you win! Imagine what we could do if all seven of us were on Firebolts!" He bounded away.

"What a nutter..." Milan snorted.

"Hey don't call Harry a nutter just because you are a Quidditch Nazi!" Orion laughed and playfully ruffled her hair.

"Orion Blaize Alexander don't you touch my hair!" she took off after him down the Alley.

Patrick and Cheyenne (who was carrying Jessibelle) had just started to follow, when a drawling voice halted them.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the fabulous foursome. Where's your other half? Off looking for your father?"

The quads' father had left them unexpectedly 6 months ago, and they were still trying to get used to life without him.

"Bugger off, Malfoy." Patrick said coolly. But little Jessibelle's short temper snapped. She struggled out of Cheyenne's arms and proceeded to try to beat Malfoy up. But being so small, her blows did nothing until she struck "the spot". Malfoy buckled and fell to his knees.

"Jess! Honey, that's not nice! Malfoy are you OK?" Cheyenne exclaimed.

"Chey, what are you doing? Its Malfoy, who cares? Way to go Jess!" Patrick said, high fiving his little sister. "C'mon, we have to catch up with Milan and Orion."

Cheyenne gave Malfoy a concerned look before turning and following Patrick up the Alley.

When they finally met up with their siblings outside Gringotts, Milan and Orion had already gotten their money out for them.

"Where have you guys been?"

"We were watching Jessibelle smack the crap out of Malfoy! It was priceless!" Patrick exclaimed happily.

Cheyenne shot him a look.

"She hit him in the, ahem, area. And he's probably still on the ground back there. I wanted to make sure he was all right but Patrick made me come with him..." she explained.

Milan stared at her.

"Since when did you start caring about Malfoy?"

"Yeah really! I mean Jess beat him up because he made a crack about our dad! So why should you care?" Patrick added.

"I don't know what came over me. Sorry guys I won't do it again." Cheyenne said with a smile.

After completing their shopping, the quads were just heading back to the Leaky Cauldron to meet Parker, when they ran into Hermione Granger, Ron Weasely, and Harry coming out of Flourish and Blotts.

"Hi again!" Harry greeted.

Ron just scowled and Hermione smiled. The quads all knew perfectly well that Ron disliked them, although they didn't know why. They all also knew that Orion had a crush on Hermione, although she didn't know it.

"What are you guys up to today?" Orion asked them.

"Well, we just got all of our school stuff, and we were just about to head back to Ron's. We're staying there until school starts again." Hermione answered. "What are you lot up to?"

"Well, we were about to go back to the Leaky Cauldron to meet back up with Parker, and then we were going to go to the lake. You guys want to come?" He finished.

Hermione looked at Ron. Ron shrugged.

"Sure! Why not? It'll be fun!" she said with a grin.

"OK we'll come get you guys from the Burrow at 2 then?"

"Sounds great!"

Orion grinned as they walked away. His little sister had beat up Malfoy, and he would soon be seeing Hermione in a bathing suit. Life was good.