Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger Viktor Krum
General Romance
Multiple Eras
Published: 06/09/2003
Updated: 11/20/2003
Words: 224,686
Chapters: 100
Hits: 71,003

Past Present

Miss Yetigoosecreature

Story Summary:
Hermione, Harry, and Ron visit Viktor Krum in Bulgaria and discover there's a lot more to Viktor's past than they could have imagined.

Chapter 92

Chapter Summary:
Finally, Hermione shows Viktor the seal of the alliance, but he's not so impressed... seems he's already pretty familiar with it from somehwhere else...
Author's Note:
Khan Krum, a real historical figure, and Nikephoros, also a real historical figure... are both really quite fascinating. Google them up sometime and read a bit. The true story of what Krum did with Nikephoros's skull was entirely too good to ignore. Storywise. I wouldn't recommend recreating his methods at your own Tupperware party...

"Harry and Ron are in Divination OWLs. I tried to get them to drop that nonsense when I did, but they didn't listen," Hermione murmured, pulling out a chair at the library table.

"Better not let Firenze hear you say that. You will get a long lecture on how we puny humans do not pay close enough attention to signs. And he is probably right. We do not until it comes back to bite us," Viktor shrugged, flipping to the next page of the book on the table in front of him.

"There. Take a look at that. What do you think?" Hermione said, pushing a sheet of parchment across the table. Viktor picked it up and studied the drawing on it for a moment.

"Good rendering. But you forgot the Nastoinik," Viktor said absently, sliding it back.

"Forgot... what?" Hermione said after a few seconds of stunned silence.

"The Nastoinik. The Guardian," Viktor replied, not looking up from the book.

"Beg pardon?" Hermione pressed.

"Well, you got the shield shape, the bear, the eagle, the dragon and the kelpie. But you forgot the Guardian. Although where you found a copy of the crest with writing on it, I would like to know. It is not in A History Of Magical Education in Europe and the only one I know of that has the writing on it is hanging in the main hall. That's just the name of the school, though, and in German at that. And that one only got put back up after the renovations right before I left, so you could not haff seen it," Viktor replied.

"Only... what?" Hermione asked somewhat thickly.

"Picture of the Durmstrang crest," Viktor said slowly, raising his eyebrows.

"Durmstrang crest! But that's not the Durmstrang crest..." Hermione protested.

"Sure it is. I sat right under the tapestry for seven years, three meals a day when I was there, surely I would recognize my own school's crest. And it was in half my schoolbooks. Maybe The Guardian was not on the original, but it has looked that way since before Gryndel died. He helped design it. Supposedly they each represent a Patronus. Stoykos, Krum, Gryndel and Gustav. Bear, eagle, dragon, kelpie. Then the Guardian down at the bottom," Viktor explained, moving his finger around the drawing of the crest as he talked about each element.

"But... the book I took it out of said it was the symbol of the alliance they formed... what's the writing say?"

"Makes sense. They all had at least a small hand in the school's founding. I guess they adapted it later. The writing is 'Elementi ot reshenieto'. Elements of the Solution. I guess that is Krum's contribution, since that is Bulgarian. It is in the school charter. All about preparing students for life and not necessarily giving them the answers to everything, but providing them with the elements of the solution. The charter says it in much frillier language, but that is essentially what it boils down to. But..." Viktor trailed off and pursed his lips.

"But what?" Hermione prompted.

"Bear... land, eagle... air..."

"Dragon, fire. Kelpie, water," Hermione finished, "But what's it mean?"

"Maybe nothing," Viktor said, "but it seems like a big coincidence... what time is the Astronomy OWL?"

"Starts at eight forty-five. Why?" Hermione asked, cocking her head.

"You get Harry and Ron together and plan to meet me in the common room after you three get done. I am going to check out some more books."

"What kind?"

"History. I can't help but feel we are still missing something. Something in all that sounds familiar. Very familiar. All that about the four of them together... the Patronuses... Nikephoros. It sounds a lot like what the other book said about combining Patronuses. Maybe they knew how to do it. Maybe they knew how to pair them up. Maybe that is what made the rest so afraid of them. Maybe I can find another dusty old book while you all take your test. Or maybe all of this is just a lot of spitting in the wind," Viktor sighed.

"Spitting in the wind?" Hermione laughed.

"Waste of energy and you end up all wet. Go on. You need to go eat," Viktor prodded.

"Aren't you coming?" Hermione asked.

"I will go let Dobby assault me with one of his picnic baskets later. When I get tired of sitting in the library. Books can be read just as well at the kitchen table," Viktor said with a half smile.

"I'll let Ron and Harry know when they come to eat," Hermione promised.

"I will probably sit here and watch the tower. Just in case Umbridge gets any more funny ideas. Maybe I can sic Minerva on her again, if necessary."