

Story Summary:
Hannah enters Hogwarts two years late and has to learn seven years' worth of work in five years. Lily Evans makes friends with Hannah, and tries (unsuccessfully) to convince herself she hates James Potter. Remus' 'secret' is almost revealed to the whole school. All in all an average time at Hogwarts.

"The New Girl" - Prologue

Chapter Summary:
theres a new girl at hogwarts

'The New Girl'

Everyone was sat in the great hall at the beginning of a new year. The five most popular girls in Slytherin were deep in conversation. Their names were Narcissa Black, Claire Ramsey, Sarah Robertson, Hannah Roberts and Abi Dickinson.

"Jack Parkinson is looking fine this year," Claire swooned.

"Lucius Malfoy is fit as ever!" Sarah giggled.

"Hands off he's mine!" Narcissa snapped.

"Hannah's got her eye on a Gryffindor!" Abi teased.

"What?" Hannah asked, bringing her eyes back to the Slytherin table. The other girls just giggled. The new first years came into the hall but one looked very tall for eleven. Dumbledore arose from his chair and announced, "We also have a new third year joining this year". The tall girl bowed her head in embarrassment. Her long blonde hair cloaked her face.

"She's definitely a Malfoy," James Potter told his friend Sirius Black.

"How would you know?" Sirius asked.

"Because she has blonde hair and blue eyes," James said.

"Yeah but she's an ash blonde, the Malfoy clan are peroxide blonde," Sirius explained.

"How would you know about hair colours?" James asked.

"You don't want to know, trust me," Sirius replied.

"Newall, Hannah," McGonagall shouted. The third year stepped forward nervously. As soon as the hat touched her head it yelled, "GRYFFINDOR". Hannah walked over to the Gryffindor table. A girl with auburn hair and bright green eyes beckoned her over.

"Sit with me?" she asked and smiled. Hannah nodded and sat down. After everyone had been sorted and had eaten, Lily began to point people out.

"....and that's Orlagh Lacey, she helps me out with my homework if I don't get it, but that's only happened once. And that's her best friend Hayley Blackwell; she's half blood. Her dad owns the largest collection of magical horses in Europe," Lily went on.

"Magical horses?" Hannah asked.

"Unicorns, stuff like that," Lily explained. "And down there is Potter and Black."

"Who?" Hannah asked.

"Did I just hear someone ask about the fabulous James Potter and the magnificent Sirius Black?" James asked theatrically.

"Joy!" Lily said sarcastically. She then turned to James and said more seriously, "Bog off, Potter."

"But Evans, I heard you mention me!" James said.

"I was warning Hannah to avoid your smarminess," Lily said.

"Who the hell's Hannah?" Sirius cut in.

"That would be me," Hannah cut in.

"Oh, the new third year!" Sirius exclaimed. Hannah looked at him suspiciously. James and Sirius sauntered off.

"Bigheads," Hannah muttered.

"How did you guess?" Lily asked.

"Because they acted like smarmy gits," Hannah explained.

"There is another gang you want to avoid," Lily began. Hannah looked at Lily. "The most popular girls in Slytherin. Narcissa Black, Hannah Roberts, Claire Ramsey, Sarah Robertson and Abigail Dickinson."

"You also want to avoid Severus Snape, Regulus Black, my brother, and Bellatrix Black, my cousin," Sirius said from behind them.

"God, scare us all half to death why don't you?" Hannah said. Sirius walked back to where he was sitting. Lily took Hannah up to the common room. As Hannah looked around, she realised the madness was just beginning.