Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Lord Voldemort
Drama Horror
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/26/2004
Updated: 06/08/2005
Words: 38,821
Chapters: 14
Hits: 1,892

Black Blood


Story Summary:
'Doors whizzed past him. Screams past him. Green lights shown from behind closed doors. He could hear vociferous screams whichever door he past. Plates of witches and wizards name flew past him as he ran. The pictures turned from solid to skeletons. They glared down at Harry. Pictures of witches and wizards, who'd succumbed to the dark side, or to Voldemort, screamed warning threats of murder.'

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
'Once again, Harry was in the room with the girl and Voldemort, his parents only a few feet away. Sweat dripping down his forehead. Darkness hovered around him but he could see everything like it was broad daylight.

Chapter 3

Once again, Harry was in the room with the girl and Voldemort, his parents only a few feet away. Sweat dripping down his forehead. Darkness hovered around him but he could see everything like it was broad daylight.
The room looked different, but still the same. The green light had vanished and been replaced by darkness.
Looking around, he saw that the girl looked different, much different. Red lines covered her dress and body. Blood dripped slowly down her arms, legs, stomach, and face. Her dark red, almost black, hair was thrown around and no longer looking silky and smooth. Tears were dried against her cheeks along with crusted blood. Blood crusted against her lip made her lips look brighter, but more devious.
"What did he do to you?" Harry asked himself. Looking back at Voldemort, a green light came shooting out of his wand toward Harry.
To find the escape, you must look inside yourself, a soft voice said in Harry's head. Time seemed to stop. The green light froze right at Harry's face. Everything froze.
Closing his eyes, flashbacks flashed through his mind. Everything was too painful to see. Especially when he knew he was going to die. He saw his mother and father surrendering to Voldemort. He saw his friends. He saw Hermione and Ron, without him. He saw his godfather, Sirius Black, before he was murdered. Professor Dumbledore with his pet phoenix, Fawx. Beside him was Professor McGonagall. Professor Remus Lupin besides Lily Evans Potter, James Potter, and Sirius Blacks' grave.
Harry opened his eyes and looked at Voldemort fiercely. His eyes burned with anticipation. If his parents and godfather died for him, he would die for them, but not by surrendering.
The more he looked at Voldemort, the more everything was fading. Harry could only see pieces of Voldemort. The room started to disappear. And everything got brighter. Only the girl stayed clearly. Everything was only pieces. But the girl was in one piece.
Harry lost consciousness for a minute and everything came slamming back together. Pain seeped into his body. His eyes wouldn't open, and when they did, he couldn't see anything. All he heard were footsteps coming dangerously close to him.
"Trying to escape, Potter," Voldemort's hissing voice said from behind Harry.
"Where am I," Harry asked, forgetting where he was for a second, then soon remembering.
"We're in the Department of Mysteries. The place where you lost, dear, pathetic Sirius Black-."
"Why? Oh yes. He was your godfather. The only family you had left. He wasn't even blood. But close enough. Well, since you obviously have no one else, no one will care about Harry Potter's death." Voldemort raised his wand at Harry.
Again, the same caring voice came flooding through Harry's mind.
To find the escape, you must look inside yourself.
But more kept coming.
You must know who loves you to escape. Without true love and dedication, you will be trapped here forever. Unless you know who and what you really are.
Time seemed to stop. Voldemort's wand cast an eerie sparkly glow around the room. Everyone Harry knew flooded through Harry's head. And soon they seemed like they were right next to him. Hermione's curly brown hair bounced on his shoulder. Ron's caring hand rested on Harry's shoulder. Harry looked at his two best friends. Ron's crooked weird smile now seemed like the best smile. Looking over at Hermione, her pretty brown eyes fascinated Harry.
Everything seemed perfect. The love he had for his best friends, seemed like the only thing going right in Harry's life. He smiled at his two best friends.
"All you have to do, Harry," a caring voice said behind Harry. He turned around and saw his mother and father behind him.
"Is believe in yourself," Lily said.
"You can do it, Harry," James said.
If Harry couldn't trust his father before, he immediately regretted it. His voice was loving, not one bit of deceit behind it. How could he have not trust his own father? After he had saved Harry's life when he had been a baby?
"We understand, Harry," Lily said. "We know it's hard to trust. Especially when someone you know and love betrays you. But you must know, your family and friends will always love you."
Everybody Harry loved circled around him and filled the room. Though they were the spirits, and not the real person, what they said was true. Without his friends, he wouldn't be the Harry Potter everybody knew, but just some boy out to face the Dark Lord.
But it was too late by now. A white light exploded from Voldemort's wand and hit Harry. He collapsed and everything started to disappear. Opening his eyes, Hermione and Ron were only mere shadows now. They were fading and leaving Harry. Screams could be heard. The scream vociferous. But somehow Harry had already heard it before. Then he remembered.
It was his mother. His mother screaming as if remembering the night they lost their lives.
Hermione cast one more shadowy look at Harry. Her smile gone and a frown replaced. Her eyes, once pretty and kind, were dark and glare-like. Then she disappeared.
Ron's crooked smile was gone. His face emotionless. But his eyes holding deep care, but also hate. The red hair resting on his head now looked redder and more devious.
Instead of the people he loved, people he hated circled around him and started chanting terrorizations of death. Draco Malfoy held a knife in his hand. A snake slithered behind him. It's tongue sounded dangerous and deafening.
Harry's breaths came out raggedy. His body started shaking and twitching. Like he was having a seizure. But that only caused more excitement for his enemies. Harry tried to stop, but his body wouldn't allow him to.
Malfoy dropped the snake and watched it as it slithered up to Harry. It started slithering up Harry leg and up his chest. Suddenly, more snakes started moving up to Harry from behind everybody around Harry. They all started slithering up on Harry's chest. But the one that scared Harry the most was a big, black and purple seven-foot snake. All the other snakes moved off of Harry as the black and purple one made it's way over to Harry slowly, but fast. Like time was going fast, but his enemies made it go slower.
The snake looked awfully familiar. Then it hit him. Harry had seen this snake two years ago. In his dream of Frank Bryce, Voldemort, and Wormtail.
The snake slithered up to Harry's chest. Everyone looked at the snake with anticipation. When the snake was on Harry's chest, it looked up at Harry. He struggled to keep his head up. The snake must have weighed about two hundred pounds, or more. It hissed deathly at Harry and then looked at his chest. A glowing white light exploded from Harry's chest. As he screamed, the snake hissed and leapt down to his chest and bit. Bit as hard as it could. Harry screamed as his enemies roared with laughter.
Then, as quickly as the pain had come, it was gone. But it had seemed like an eternity. The scream still echoed in the dark little room. Harry opened his eyes and saw that the snake was gone, but a rush of liquid poured from Harry's chest. He looked down and saw black ooze soaking his shirt and running down his chest. A black mark stained his shirt.
Harry looked back up and everybody had disappeared. No one could save him. He was going to die. His heart had already begun to slow down and his body hurt like hell. Why couldn't he just die, and never suffer again? Why couldn't he just join his family in heaven?
Then the girl showed up out of nowhere. Her body outlined with an angelic glow. Could this girl be the answers to his prayers? Could she possibly save him?
"You know you can escape," she said, her voice soft, but loud. "The only way out is to believe."
Then she disappeared. The room fell black and cold; like a cell for prisoners. Harry closed his eyes and tried to believe in himself. But the only thing he could think of was the black ooze pouring out of his body.
As Harry twitched violently on the floor, the black ooze had begun to drip on the floor around Harry. Harry began to think maybe he was meant to die now. Maybe he had told himself he would defeat Voldemort so much that he had believed it and blocked out chances of Voldemort defeating Harry. He had believed the rumor that good always triumphed over evil in the final round, but now, he was starting to have his doubts.
Finally, Harry just quit. He closed his eyes and shut out everything. His head rolled to the side.
The last thing Harry heard was a young woman shrieking, "Harry!!!"

Author notes: u c that review button? please click it and review! please and thanx u!
luv u!
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