Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Hermione Granger
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Published: 06/10/2002
Updated: 10/23/2002
Words: 10,131
Chapters: 11
Hits: 14,870

Let The Truth Be Told


Story Summary:
Harry and Hermione obviously like each other, but are either of them brave enough to make the first move? Or will Ron and company have to help them along? Romance...Comedy...it's all here!

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
Muahaha...i know im evil with the last question on Chapter 7. Now, here is the long awaited (well maybe not all that awaited) chapter 8. I really hope you like this. It's the soul of my story...ok maybe not, but i can almost guarantee that you'll like this one! Now, on too the answer....
Author's Note:
Thanx so so so much for the wonderful reviews. I'm really sorry that it took me so long to post but i have been really busy with school and work and other stuff. I hope you are still reading my fic...again, im really sorry about the delay. You can find me as Mione017 on AIM. My email is

Chapter 8


Hermione hesitated at first.

'Why does he care so much?' Hermione asked herself. 'Does this mean he likes me back? No, that can't be. He just thinks of me as a friend.'

"C'mon, Hermione, please, let me help," Harry stepped closer again.

"H-Harry, it's really not a big deal. I'm probably just over reacting anyway," Hermione said still choking back tears. She walked over to her bed and sat down.

"Hermione," Harry said soothingly. "Just tell me who that idiot is who is hurting you and I'll go knock some sense into him." Harry stepped forward and knelt on his right knee so he was looking up at Hermione. Hermione began to cry again. The moonlight from the window was glistening off Hermione's face, which was wet from tears.

Harry couldn't take it anymore. He got up and sat beside her on the bed. He took Hermione gingerly into his arms and wrapped his strong arms around her petite figure rocking gently from side to side. Her tears were wetting his robes, but he didn't care. Hermione was resting her head on Harry's chest and he rested his chin on top of Hermione's head.

They must have been sitting like that for at least an hour when Harry realized that Hermione had stopped crying.

"Are you okay now?" Harry whispered.

"I feel a little better," Hermione answered, managing to give him a little smile.

"I'm glad," Harry replied and kissed her unconsciously on her forehead.

This obviously surprised them both. Hermione let out a small gasp and Harry just stood up. It got awkward again. Harry just did the first thing that came into this mind. He walked over to Hermione's comforter and picked it up.

"Umm..." Harry stuttered. "You're going to need this. It's going to be a cold one."

Harry walked over to Hermione who was still sitting there shocked. He put the blanket next to her and backed away.

"I better go. It's getting late."

Harry practically ran out of the girls' dormitory.

Something inside Harry stopped him from running. In fact, he turned around and ran back to Hermione's room. This time, he didn't feel the urge to knock. He just opened the door and ran in. Hermione still sat there with a shocked look on her face.

"Hermione," Harry began. "I- I don't know how to say this, so...umm...I guess I'll just say it."

Hermione looked up with a still puzzled look on her face.

"Hermione, it's been what...7 years?"

Hermione nodded.

"Well, we've always been great friends right? We- we've always been there for each other. At least you've been there for me. I don't know if I was just help," he laughed nervously and put an arm behind his head awkwardly. "Well, here's the thing...." Harry took a deep breath. "Hermione, what I'm trying to say is...well, you're the best friend a guy can ask for. You're so smart and witty. I mean I have other girl friends, well not girlfriends but friends who are girls. But it's just not the same with Ginny or Cho or anyone else. I just love being around you. I don't know what I'm going to do without you next year, or even for the rest of my life. I know we have our moments and sometimes I just act stupid and pretend I don't care about you or your opinion but believe me, I still kick myself for those times. From the first Quidditch match where you saved my life to this very moment I don't think I can live without you. Hermione, I know you might not feel the same way about me but..." Harry paused.

"But what?" Hermione asked quietly.

Harry walked over to her bed side and knelt down again. He looked up at her, took a deep breath and continued.

"But I just have to get this out, it's been inside me for too long. Hermione Granger, you've stolen my heart. I love you, and I don't think there is anything in this world or the Muggle world that can keep me away from you."

Harry saw tears coming out of Hermione's eyes. He got up and started for the door.

"Harry, that was beautiful, but I have something to tell you," Hermione was interrupted.

"Don't say it, please don't say that you don't love me back, I know that already."

"Oh honestly, Harry. Do I have to spell it out for you?"


Harry had no time to finish his question. Hermione grabbed the front of his robes and pulled him in for a kiss. It was a sweet, innocent kiss. They both had their eyes closed and parted seconds afterwards. Hermione still had a hold of Harry's robes.

"Is that clear enough for you?" Hermione asked with an amused look on her face.

"Well, I might have to get a second opinion," Harry joked.

The two of them were about to lean in for another kiss when there was tapping on the window. Hermione let go of Harry and the two of them walked over to the window. There were two owls there both carrying letters.

Hermione opened the window and the two owls dropped the letters at their feet and flew off immediately toward the school owlry.

"You were right, it is a cold one," Hermione said picking up the letters while Harry closed the window. "This is for you," Hermione said handing Harry the neatly addressed envelope. They both opened their envelopes and began to read. Hermione went first.
"--Dear Hermione, I know you like Harry and Harry likes you back. For crying out loud, just get together! Ron.--Â What does yours say?"

"--Dearest Harry, I can't take it anymore, in fact none of us can. We, meaning Ron, Ginny, Seamus and I, have had a conference discussing you and Hermione. Through the transfer of very important information, I have learned that you have feelings for Hermione. Feelings beyond just ordinary friendship, feelings beyond just a crush. I also regret telling you that Ron has deceived you. But that's insignificant to what you are about to find out. Hermione shares the same feelings towards you. We are sick of you two holding your feelings back. You have to express those feelings for each other. Face it, it's tearing you apart, isn't it? Alright then, that's all I can help you with, the rest if up to you. Good luck, Lav.--Â At least Lav's had some thought put into it I suppose."

"You'd think they would have written these sooner, it would have saved us a lot of trouble," Hermione commented with a smile.

"So what does this mean?" Harry asked.

"All those things you told me and more," Hermione replied stepping closer to Harry. Both of them forgetting the letters, let them fall to the ground.

"It means that I love you, too, Harry."

"Even more than your books?" Harry asked jokingly, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"So much more," Hermione replied. She wrapped her arms around Harry's neck when there was another tap at the window.

Harry let out a frustrated groan and let go of Hermione. "What can it be now?" He went to open the window and another owl flew in with a letter for Harry.

"It's from Ron," he said. "--Harry, I hope you didn't get any letters for
the past couple days. If you did, please don't kill me. Lav made me do it! I swear! Anyway...if you plan to hurt me, can it wait until after Christmas vacation? We all decided to come back early since all of our parents decided to leave the houses locked with a note pinned to the door stating that they were out on vacation without us. We'll be back December 30. Cheers, Ron.--" The owl had flown out in the middle of the letter so Harry closed the window.

"That's tomorrow." Harry stated.

"Actually, it's past midnight. They're coming back today," Hermione corrected.

"It doesn't matter...now where were we?" Harry asked letting this letter join the other two.