The Dark Arts
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 07/18/2002
Updated: 11/27/2002
Words: 4,439
Chapters: 3
Hits: 1,046

The Clan

Messr Emily

Story Summary:
A basic prequel to the Secret of the Twins. Tells about Rose at Spellfire, the Black Clan, and the Trust.

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
A basic prequel to the Secret of the Twins because the computer with my stories on it is down. Tells about Rose at Spellfire, the Black Clan, and the Trust.
Author's Note:
Rose goes to Spellfire... She's has an interview with her headmistress and somehow manages to get in.

Chapter One - The Unexpected

     Rose Black sat neatly beside her mother in front of the large mahogany desk belonging to the headmistress of Spellfire Academy of Magic. Her hair had been brushed until it shone and organized into a high bun, her naturally scarlet lock pulled back into the bun instead of being allowed to dangle in her face. Her red and black robes, though as dramatic as ever, were suitably tame for an eleven-year-old girl meeting her new headmistress. The headmistress, a prissy woman who looked to be doing a poor imitation of Rose's severe "Aunt" Minerva, didn't like it one bit.

     "This is highly irregular, Mrs. Black, you must understand that. This is a school for somber, relatively powerful girls, and your daughter does not fit the criteria."

     "I understand that Rose doesn't fit under your description of 'somber', but between her magical power and the letter I'd think you wouldn't have any problems with it." Maralin Black tapped the letter from Albus Dumbledore that lay before the annoying woman on that oppressive desk... a lovely style, if it was done more delicately.

     The headmistress, however, picked up the letter, snapped it to straighten it, and read out loud.

"Agnes Prince,

     "I understand that Maralin Black is bringing her daughter, Rose, for the entrance exam to Spellfire Academy of Magic. I assure you that, if she is disposed to, she can be a very solemn child, though her natural disposition reminds me strongly of her father's, and that of the late James Potter. As you went to Hogwarts a few years above them, you will remember that they were difficult, but Rose is easy enough to handle as long as you are suitably polite because she reacts with a temper as fiery as her mother's ever was in some circumstances and her magical prowess becomes suddenly and violently evident. Her problem in learning to use magic will not be calling up her magical power, but controlling it.

     "I hope that you will find her as much of a joy as I have.

     "Albus Dumbledore"

     She set down the letter and half-glared at Maralin. "You call that a letter of recommendation?"

     Rose, however, bit her lip to stop a laugh and then answered. "Papa Albus always did have a very healthy sense of humor."

     Headmistress Prince shifted her rather unremarkable glare to Rose. "And you, miss... I suppose we can accept you, but we'll have to do something about that red in your hair. As soon as it's grown out enough you'll have to cut it off."

     "I've had the #&%@ thing all my life. It's %*&#@$ not going to #%@$@^ grow out."

     Agnes Prince looked shocked. "Young lady, you are going to have to moderate your language!"

     "I $%&#$@ well am!"

     "There is no way I can accept her, Mrs. Black," Headmistress Prince said stuffily, swelling in anger.

     "I $&%# well don't #$@%@# want to #@$! come to this #&@^ stupid #$%!&# school!"

     "Rose!" Maralin admonished. Rose lowered her eyes, looking a little embarrassed. Except for her eyes, which were glaring fiercely at Agnes Prince. "I don't know how my daughter would up with the worst tongue in the whole Clan- and that's saying something! Child, this is a school for young ladies and you'll have to learn to hold your tongue if you expect to stay out of trouble."

     Rose made a vaguely rude noise in her throat, looking up. "Mum, I'm a Black, #@!& it! All of us have !@$#%@ foul mouths--#$%@, even you do! @#$%, and we don't @#$%!# well stay out of @#$% trouble! Besides, I don't @#%@$# want to #$@%!& go here, I $#@%^$ belong at Hogwarts! The entire @$#^$& Clan expects me to $#!@%^ well go to Hogwarts! @#$%, it's @#$%#$ traditional for at least the @#%#^& oldest child to #$@%^# well go to Hogwarts! #$%@^$ @#$&!"

     Maralin sighed. "Rose, can't you say one sentence without swearing?"

     "Hmm... maybe. There! I #$%@# well did it! Twice! And there was a third %^$# time!"

     Maralin dropped her head into her hands. "#$@%! Why do I bother?"

     "Wouldn't know," Rose said, grinning. "I just keep on going with the @#$%. Does that mean that I can @#$^@$ go to Hogwarts?"

     "No. You know that this was Albus's idea. He thinks it would be best if you didn't go to Hogwarts, at least at first."

     "And then later I get to go to Hogwarts, I know. You'll probably keep me in this forsaken place until my seventh year and send me to Hogwarts for my last term."

     The rest of the day was a blur, and how Maralin had slipped Rose into Spellfire the girl had no idea, especially since that comment had completely enraged the headmistress. Somehow she found herself taking the entrance exam and passing with flying colors, then being added to the role to be sorted upon her arrival on the fifteenth of September.