Astronomy Tower
Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Romance Slash
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/19/2003
Updated: 05/21/2003
Words: 3,917
Chapters: 2
Hits: 3,793

If In The Heavens


Story Summary:
Remus and Sirius return Harry to school, stargaze, contemplate, and make love.

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
To Nezad and Dawnatello...thank you for taking the time to read and host my fics.

Chapter One: Dusk

"Harry, come in after you catch it, it's too dark out there."

"It's not that dark," came a voice from the treetops.

"Well, it's dark enough, and I want you to get a good night's rest for tomorrow."

Sirius felt two long arms slide around his waist. "You're so parental," Remus whispered, and Sirius thought he could detect a trace of a smile in his voice.

"That's my job," replied Sirius, resting his hands over Remus's. "Besides, he's been practicing Quidditch since after dinner, and he's probably more tired than he knows."

A small golden ball with rapidly fluttering wings shot by the two of them. "It's by the apple tree, Harry," Remus called.

Out from the quickly falling darkness came a wiry boy with untidy hair sitting atop a broomstick. He looked at the two men standing on the porch. "Thanks," he said, and took a sharp turn to the right.

"I can't believe he's fifteen already," Remus whispered in Sirius's ear. "It seems like only yesterday that he was born."

"I know what you mean," said Sirius. "But then again, when you think of all that's happened since..."

With a soft thud, Harry landed on the porch, the struggling Snitch between his fingers.

"How many catches was that?" Sirius asked.


"Nice," said Remus, impressed. He'd never been much of a Quidditch player, though Sirius had played Keeper for Gryffindor for five years.

"What time are we getting up tomorrow?" asked Harry, trying unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn.

"Six in the morning," said Remus. "My boss is letting me borrow her car, and we'll drive to London in that."

"I'm coming too," Sirius added. "I don't think a dog should attract too much attention in a crowded train station."

"Now we'd better get inside and to bed," said Remus, removing his arms from Sirius's waist.

Once they were inside, Harry started towards the staircase. Then, suddenly, he turned back towards Remus and Sirius. "Er - thanks for letting me stay here," he said awkwardly.

"We didn't let you stay, we wanted you to come," said Sirius.

"And we'd like it if you'd come again over Christmas," said Remus, smiling.


"Yeah. And if you want, I'll teach you how to drive the motorcycle," said Sirius.

Harry's face broke into a wide grin. "That would be so cool." He paused. "Well, good night, then."

"Good night," said the two men in unison.

Chapter Two: Night

Sirius collapsed on the bed next to Remus. "Well, I survived my first week of parenthood," he said, and sighed.

"And very nicely," said Remus, resting his head on Sirius's chest. "You know, I've been thinking..."


"Have you ever thought about us having any kids of our own?"

"You know," said Sirius, turning his head towards Remus, "I have. It couldn't be until my name is cleared, though."

Remus shut his eyes. "And we can't do that without Peter."

They lay there in silence for a while, listening to the clock on the nightstand tick away the seconds.

"Harry's taking us rather well," said Remus suddenly.

"What do you mean, us?"

"You know, us together. He doesn't seem to mind."

"No, I think you're right. I think he's like James that way; James never thought it was anything unusual." He paused. "Maybe the world is changing that way."

"Maybe. Sirius?'


"Do you think they'd let me adopt kids?"

Sirius ran one hand gently through Remus's wavy hair. "Well, I think there's at least a chance that they might, as long as we took enough precautions. Dumbledore would probably vouch for you too. And if they don't, they're fools. You'd make a fantastic parent, Reme."

"Thanks," said Remus, smiling softly. "You would too." He lifted his head from Sirius's chest and sat up a bit. "So, how many do we want?"

"How does two or three sound to you?"

"Exactly what I had in mind. It's unfortunate that they won't be ours genetically...I can just imagine a little girl with shiny black hair and blue eyes..."

"Or a little boy with pale skin and long, delicate eyelashes..."

"Oh well, I'm sure they'll be gorgeous no matter what they look like," said Remus, yawning.

A mischievous glint flashed through Sirius's eye. "Even if they have stringy, greasy hair and cold, menacing eyes..."

"God forbid! Ugh, why did you even say that? I'm going to have nightmares now about raising a little miniature Snape. That's the most ghastly thing I ever heard of!"

"I'm only teasing, darling, it would never happen."

"I should hope not!" Remus shuttered and pulled the blanket up to his chin.

Sirius slid one arm around his waist. "Oh, I remembered something I forgot to tell you before. It said in the Daily Prophet that tomorrow night is supposed to be one of the best nights of the year for stargazing."


"Yeah. And I've noticed that the roof is completely flat."

Remus smiled to himself. Perfect. It would be the ideal romantic opportunity for something he'd been meaning to do lately.

Chapter Three: Daybreak

Moving as quietly as he could, Sirius left the bedroom. They still had ten minutes until they had to be up and, knowing Remus, he wouldn't be out of bed a second sooner than he had to be. As Sirius slipped through the door, Remus's breathing was still deep and peaceful.

Sirius walked silently up the staircase to Harry's room and knocked on the door. "Harry," he called softly, "it's Sirius."

Harry stuck his head out the door. "Is it time to get up already?" he asked groggily.

"Well, not quite, but I wanted to ask you for the - "


" - before Remus wakes up."

"One second," said Harry as his head vanished back into his room. He reemerged a second later with a small brown box in hand. "Here it is."

"Thanks a lot."

"You're welcome. Good luck."

"Sirius!" came a voice from downstairs. "Is he up yet?"

Sirius walked over to the edge of the banister. "He's up," he called back. He turned to Harry, slipping the box into his pocket. "Well, I'd better go get ready."


Half an hour later, all three of them were washed, dressed, packed, and ready to leave. However, Sirius had a few last-minute things to say before he transformed.

"Harry," he said solemnly, "we all know you've got a knack for breaking rules, and usually I wouldn't care."

"God knows he broke enough of them himself when he was your age," Remus interjected.

"But the circumstances are very different. No one was trying to kill me. I want you to promise me that you'll avoid getting into any trouble this year."

"I don't try to get into trouble, it just seems to happen," said Harry emphatically.

"I know, I know. Just make a conscious effort not to do anything even remotely dangerous. Now, I'm not trying to limit your life. Have fun with Ron and Hermione, go to classes, play Quidditch, go to Hogsmeade. Just watch out for yourself."

Harry appeared to be thinking hard. "I will," he said at last.

"Oh, and write to me about the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," said Remus. "I'm curious to see who it is this year."

"Try to stay away from Draco Malfoy too," said Sirius. Harry opened his mouth in protest, but before he could speak, Sirius added, "I know. You don't try to get into fights with him, it just seems to happen."

"Dumbledore said he's giving you the Marauder's Map back when you arrive," said Remus. "Use it well."

"Oh, and about Snape," said Sirius. "If he gives you problems, you have my permission and blessing to use a Severing Charm on his - "


" - hair. Hair, Remus, I was going to say hair."

"Oh, I'm so sure you were."

"I was! Now get in the car and stop corrupting Harry with your hyper-sexualized mind."

"I have a hyper-sexualized mind?! I'm not the one who - "

"We really should get going," Sirius interrupted quickly.

"One moment," said Harry, grinning widely. "I think Remus was going to say something."

"Yes, I was," said Remus, trying to suppress a smile as he watched Sirius squirm. He decided to let him off the hook. "But maybe it wasn't that important."

Sirius rolled his eyes and rested his hands on Remus's shoulders. "You are so terrible," he said, leaning close.

"I know," said Remus, kissing Sirius quickly before he walked out to the car.