Astronomy Tower
Blaise Zabini/Harry Potter
Blaise Zabini Harry Potter
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/14/2005
Updated: 10/14/2005
Words: 1,076
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,621

Ginny Finds Out


Story Summary:
One evening, Ginny follows Harry as he leaves the common room, something he does quite often lately. What she sees is not what she expected. Harry/Blaise slash, written pre-HBP.

Author's Note:
I'm a huge Harry/Blaise fan, and now I finally wrote a H/B fic! It took me a while to think of a plot (not that this thing really has a plot anyway), but then I remembered that I'd always wanted to write a Relena Finds Out fic sometime. But since I don't really write GW fics anymore, I decided to write a Ginny Finds Out fic instead. If you really like Ginny, you might not want to continue reading, though I promise you that she isn't bashed too badly. :P

Ginny Weasley was walking through the Hogwarts corridors, looking for Harry Potter. She'd had a crush on him ever since she first saw him at King's Cross, the year before she'd gone to Hogwarts herself. Then, six years ago, it had been merely an -- unrequited -- childhood crush, but her infatuation hadn't become any less over the years. Which, of course, explained her scrolls about the castle, every time The Boy Who Lived left the Gryffindor common room.

She smiled. Wasn't he just the cutest? She had dated other guys -- Micheal Corner and Dean Thomas -- only to discover that it was Harry she truly wanted. She knew that he, deep down, loved her just as she loved him; he was just too shy to admit it.

As Ginny rounded another corner, she finally spotted the person she'd been looking for. Unfortunately for her, he wasn't alone, just like the other times the last few weeks when she'd actually managed to find him. After all, she couldn't leave the common room immediately after he did; that would raise suspicions. If only she had the Marauder's Map...

Harry was talking amicably with a dark-haired Slytherin, called Blaise Zabini, if she wasn't mistaken. She supposed that the frequent meetings between the two of them had something to do with the inter-house unity Dumbledore and the Sorting Hat had been trying to promote.

She sighed dreamily. Her Harry, he was so heroic! It must be terrible to socialise with those nasty Slytherins, but Harry just did it, to save the world.

Not one moment did the thought that some Slytherins might actually be nice cross her mind. And why would it? She'd never heard anything positive about them.

Ah well, she wouldn't bother him if he was working on important things like Inter-house unity. She returned to the Gryffindor common room.


The next evening, when Harry left the common again, Ginny followed him earlier than usual. If she did that just this once, no one would think weird things about that. She hoped to have a chance to talk to him before he went meeting other people.

"Hi," she said, breathlessly.

Harry, who had obviously not heard or seen her follow him, turned around. "Hi, Ginny."

"So, how are you?" she asked.

He shuffled his feet a bit. (Aww, he is nervous around me! she thought.) "Uhm... I'm fine." He paused. "Listen, I'm meeting someone, so..."

She nodded in understanding. "Of course. Inter-house unity business, I s'pose?"

Harry hesitated. (How cute!) "Uhm... right," he said. "Well, see ya." And he walked off.

Ginny couldn't resist the temptation to follow him, especially now that it was so obvious that he liked her.

She followed him a couple of minutes, carefully remaining in the shadows. When she rounded the next corner, she saw that Harry had met up with the person he was supposed to meet.

It was that Blaise-guy again. Ginny continued to silently follow them, hiding behind corners and statues, hoping to catch something of what was being said. They seemed to be walking through the castle quite randomly, talking and occasionally laughing about something, but she couldn't make out the words.

But then... they stopped walking. Ginny hid quickly in a niche in the wall.

The Slytherin pushed Harry against the wall, a positively predatory gleam in his eyes.

She knew it! Those Slytherins couldn't be trusted! He'd just been waiting for a chance to attack Harry, while pretending to be striving after inter-house unity!

And now the dark-haired Slytherin leaned closer to Harry; undoubtedly to whisper death threats in his ear or something equally vile, she thought indignantly.

She was just about to come out of her hiding place and tell that bastard to leave Harry alone -- just as she'd done in Harry's second year, in the bookstore -- when...


She just stood there, hiding place forgotten, gaping at the scene in front of her. That slimy git... was kissing Harry! Her Harry! And the worst part of it, was that Harry didn't seem to mind at all. Quite the contrary. He had wrapped his arms around the Slytherin's neck and appeared to be returning the kiss passionately. Meanwhile, the Slytherin was using his left hand to support himself against the wall, but his other hand was pressed against Harry's chest and slowly sinking.

She couldn't take it anymore. She ran for it.


Later that evening, Ginny was sitting in front of the fireplace, staring into the flames. Every time someone asked her if something was wrong, she replied "No, nothing" and continued her gazing.

It was late when Harry finally returned and the common room was empty, except for Ginny, who was still sitting there. His eyes fell on her, and he walked slowly toward one of the other chairs in front of the fire. Only a couple of hours ago, she would have leaped with joy at such an event, but now she didn't even acknowledge his presence.

"You saw us." It wasn't a question, and thus she didn't bother answering it.

"I'm sorry, Ginny. I didn't know you still... were interested in me. I really didn't want you to find out like this." After a short silence he added: "Actually, I wanted no one to find out."

"Why?" she asked quietly, still not looking up.

Harry smiled wryly. "I doubt many Gryffindors would accept our relationship. I mean, he is a Slytherin."

"And a boy."

He looked at her sharply. "Does that bother you? That I'm, you know, gay?" he asked curiously.

She thought about it, then shook her head. "No. Though I'd wish thinks were different."

He smiled at her. "Thanks, Gin."

They sat a while in companionable silence; nice and warm in front of the fireplace, while outside the wind was howling.

Then Harry cleared his throat, a bit nervously, and said: "Uhm... I know this is a bit..." he trailed off. "Would you mind to keep what you saw to yourself? We're not ready yet for people to know about us. If Malfoy'd find out, he'd probably make Blaise's life hell!"

She managed a weak smile. "Sure."

"Thanks, Gin. You're a real friend." He briefly touched her arm, then left for his dormitory.

Ginny, however, didn't leave yet. She sat there for a while, thinking, and eventually came to the conclusion that she really didn't mind that much. It was time to move on.


Author notes: So, whatcha think of it? Was it bad, stupid, great, something else? Please tell me! You'll get a virtual chocolate chip cookie if you do! Uhm... please don't flame me, though. This fic isn't meant to be taken entirely seriously.