Astronomy Tower
Remus Lupin Severus Snape
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/14/2003
Updated: 05/24/2003
Words: 26,591
Chapters: 13
Hits: 3,520

Once in a Blue Moon


Story Summary:
16 Years ago, Pilar de Lisle was sent to "exile" in America. She and the man she loved have been separated for that time. Now she's come back, and they are reunited at Hogwarts. But will their love survive the years? And exactly which of these three men is he?

Once in a Blue Moon Prologue-01

Author's Note:
Thank you to Rea - my beta reader.

Once in a Blue Moon


The young woman stood up to hear the verdict of the Council, visibly sagging with relief as she heard the news.


In the crowd, she sought one face - one beloved face - and as their eyes met they smiled and both allowed themselves to hope - for the first time - that they would have a long life together. To be a family.

Unfortunately, good can sometimes do great evil - and the results can have repercussions that nobody can foresee.

She walked out of the chamber, and saw him standing with Dumbledore. In a few steps he was with her, joyfully they grasped each other - and he spun her around carolling "free, free".

Neither noticed how solemn Dumbledore was.

"I need to speak with you both," he said, "now."

The man and woman looked at each other. Unconsciously their embrace tightened, neither one wanting to let go of the other. "No," snarled the man, "Can't we just be alone - for a while?"

"Please..." begged the woman. "This is the first time we have even seen each other for a year! Just a few minutes?"

Dumbledore looked at the two before him. Not an unlikely couple, but one whose existence was not well known. A couple who's combined magical knowledge, power and strength were formidable.

And who's lives he had to rip apart.

16 years later - Salem, Mass.

Pilar de Lisle stood at the window of the Salem Institute looking out. She glanced again at the letter in her hand, a letter that would change her life. Her shoulders shook with mirthless laughter. Funny how life comes full circle. She was to go back.

Pilar's face settled into its usual hard lines, as she turned back to her class - busily writing an essay on ways to counter ensourcellments for her DADA class.

She wondered if she would be able to forgive.


1 September - Hogwarts - morning

Dumbledore studied his newest staff member cautiously. He knew she could carry out the task - but would she want to? The years had been kind to her, her face had faint lines around the eyes, but other than that, she looked like the young woman he had last spoken to before she had left for America. He noted the pinched look of her mouth, and realised that she carried with her a coldness she had never had before.

And he felt regret that he had been the cause of it. His back straightened. His life had been long - and he had had to make decisions and do things he had not wanted to do.

But never as bad as what he had done to those two young people.

"You seem to have had singularly bad luck with all of your DADA teachers, Professor," Pilar said. "Careless of you." Dumbledore winced - he dealt with that tone every day from Snape.

"What's the real reason you want me here - Severus Snape knows far more about the Dark Arts than me - but you don't use him."

She got up and paced the room, her leather coat slightly swinging around as she turned. "I also can't help but notice certain other people hanging round here. You seem to be arming Hogwarts. How do I fit?"

"You could say that I am taking precautions. You know Voldemort is back."

Pilar nodded. "Yes," she smiled suddenly, her face taking on an even harder cast. It was not a nice smile. "You want extra protection here - it's not hard to notice who you have gathered. Quite some power. IF you can get us to co-operate. Old enemies and all that," she drawled.

"Old enemies, yes, but new truces. And you have common enemies. Don't you want to pay off some old scores?"

"I have a few that could use payment," she said, looking at him directly - her deep blue eyes catching his - drawing him into their depths. She'd discovered the trick at school when they were learning enchantments. Probably the one thing she had been really good at without trying hard.

"Pilar stop that!" warned the Headmaster, "I acted on orders from the Ministry. You know that." He moved closer to her, "And never, ever, try that little trick of yours on me again. It won't work."

"Worth a try," she said casually, moving over to stroke Fawkes.

"That's why I want you here - you have some unorthodox tricks that you aren't afraid to use. You've become a strong witch - physically as well as magically. Your exploits in America have not gone unnoticed by me. Or others."

Pilar felt her heart constrict and her breath catch. "Him?" she asked, and Dumbledore nodded. "Does he know I am here? What I'm to do?"

"No. I haven't told anybody else - the Governors only know I hired you because you are very good at what you do - and because of my penchant for bringing old students back to work here."

Her eyes narrowed - "And they call me cruel." She gave another of her enigmatic shrugs. "Oh well, I suppose it's time to meet the staff."

The Staffroom was rather more crowded than usual, and as Remus Lupin walked in (accompanied by a large black dog) he noticed that the tables (each teacher had one) had been pushed together to make a large centre table. He greeted the other teachers, and sat down in an empty chair. Carefully choosing one as far from Severus Snape as possible.

"Mr Black," came a familiar female voice "We know you are here, so you can just transform now."

Lupin looked at his friend, who was grinning cheerfully at Professor McGonagall. "Told you it wouldn't work," he said.

"Worth a try," came the reply.

At that point, the door opened again and Professor Dumbledore walked in, a woman at his side. Lupin and Black froze. Her!

What they didn't notice, was that the same reaction occupied much of the rest of the staff table. After all, she was an old student, and well known to most of the staff.

Sirius black looked her over closely. "Her face has gotten hard," he thought, "but her hair's the same colour - and her eyes" he smiled to himself as he remembered the havoc those blue eyes had wrought throughout the school. Almost as much as a certain pair of green eyes.

Lupin sat up straighter. His senses on alert - "Predator" he thought, "She's become a predator."

Both men were astonished as she deviated to come near them "No time, no time," said Dumbledore as he ushered her up the table, "We have a lot to cover." He took his place at the head of the table, and motioned for Pilar to sit.

She sat down next to Professor McGonagall and looked around the table. Her face unreadable. Her mind in a turmoil. 'How will he have changed," she thought, "and what will he think of me?"

"Firstly," said Dumbledore, "You will notice we have three extra teachers with us this year."

"Yeah," said Pilar sarcastically, "You're determined to get a full year of DADA classes this year." Laughter rippled around the table.

"Very funny, Miss de Lisle," said Dumbledore. "It is gratifying to know that your inappropriate wit has not addled over the years"

"Sorry Sir," Pilar could have kicked herself - why was she was reverting to schoolgirl behaviour?

"As you know, Voldemort has returned, and appears to be stronger than ever - judging by last year's events. So, I have decided that we need to concentrate on strengthening the students in their Defence against the Dark Arts. Therefore, I have put both Professor Lupin and Professor de Lisle on as DADA teachers. Mr Black will assist them both - however I must stress to you all that he is not here."

Pilar chuckled "Virtual teachers? So we move into the computer age!" This time, Dumbledore did laugh, as did both Remus and Sirius. They grinned at each other with pleasure, remembering classes they had taken with this woman at school. Life at Hogwarts with her around was certainly going to be more interesting!

"Is this really necessary," snarled Snape, "Surely if you needed assistance, I could have helped."

"No, Severus," said Dumbledore, "I have made the decision necessary for the school. Professor de Lisle is, you will have to agree, one of the best in the field of Dark Arts, and Professor Lupin is excellent with the students. You are needed where you are."

He then continued, "Professor de Lisle, you will be returning to your old house, Ravenclaw, and Professor Lupin with continue with Gryffindor - Mr Black also.

"We have a rather larger group of first years coming this year - and so Mr Black will be grounding them in Defence against the Dark Arts, interspersed with lessons from Professor Lupin - and Professor de Lisle. Professor Lupin will teach the 2nd, 3rd & 4th years, and Professor de Lisle the 5th 6th and 7th years. In addition, all years will have one lesson per week from Professor de Lisle in combat." He then looked at Snape, "I am sure that you will be pleased to assist her in this."

Snape's face was a study in anger. It made it quite plain to everybody that he would definitely NOT be pleased to assist.

"We shall also revive the duelling club - now that we have competent teachers to run it.

"Finally - I am sad to say that Professor Trelawney has decided to leave us. Therefore, divination classes will cease."

He looked around the table at his staff, "I need not tell you how serious the situation we are in is. No student will leave the ground without a teacher to escort them. This includes Hogsmeade weekends, when I shall need the entire staff to be on duty.

"Remember - the students arrive this evening. I know that you will all make them welcome - especially our new first years."

With that, Dumbledore stood and left the room.

Sirius and Remus came racing up the table and each grabbed one of Pilar's arms. "When did you get here?" they asked.

"Today," she said. "I was invited to teach at the end of last year - well not so much invited as ordered. But tell me - WHY is Sirius not here? I assumed he must be cleared - given what has happened and everything."

"Not cleared," snarled a voice behind her, "And obviously somebody you are pleased to see."

"Ahhhh, Severus," purred Pilar. "It's lovely to see you as well. After so many years, that is." She looked up at him - her blue eyes widening. He looked away, and stalked off, muttering something about "tricks."

"Git," said Remus, "Like always. I would have thought he'd be pleased to see an old friend."

Pilar shrugged. "Who knows. I often used to think that he didn't even know why he did some of the things he did." She watched him move around the room and pour himself a cup of tea. "Yes please," she carolled in his direction. "Milk, two." She turned back to the men standing with her. "Do you have any idea how much I longed for a proper cup of tea in the last sixteen years? Americans have no idea how to make a proper pot - and I can't stand coffee - Starbucks notwithstanding."


"A huge coffee franchise. The do have nice hot chocolate - and don't do a bad herbal tea - vanilla is great! ...." She trailed off as she saw the strange looks. "I forgot - the US magical community interacts more with Muggles than over here. Probably something to do with the typical American makeup."

"Your tea," said a voice, as a black-clad arm came over her shoulder, holding a cup and saucer. With a chocolate biscuit on the saucer.

Pilar jumped slightly. She had definitely not expected Snape to actually make her a cup of tea! Nor the biscuit. She smiled at him. "Thank you," she said simply and took the cup. "For the biscuit as well. I love chocolate."

"I remember."

With this, Snape swept out of the room. Pilar was not the only one surprised. The older teachers looked at each other wearily. They also remembered certain classes and their occupants.

This was going to be a difficult year.