Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger Severus Snape
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 03/18/2004
Updated: 04/22/2004
Words: 32,859
Chapters: 13
Hits: 27,311

Truth or Dare


Story Summary:
Hermione is Dared to seduce Professor Snape. Need I say more?

Chapter 05


Chapter 5: Failure

Harry and Ron sneaked in tentatively, and Ron hissed, "Hermione!"

Hermione opened her eyes to see her best friends, looking rather frightened, holding armfuls of get-well presents.

"We... erm... just wanted to know if you ever wanted to see us again," Harry said warily.

Hermione took one wavering breath and burst into tears again.

"Okay," said Ron, dropping his load onto a side table and turning to make a getaway. "I guess that a 'no, Ron, I never want to see you again,' so I'll just..."

"No, wait!" Hermione wailed. She threw off her covers, and--without bothering to put on a dressing gown or slippers to ward off a chill--she ran to the boys and threw her arms around their necks. "Don't go anywhere! Please. Don't ever, ever, ever leave me! I can't... I just can't..." Her breathing increased rapidly to something approaching hyperventilation.

"Messrs. Potter and Weasley!" screeched Madam Pomfrey, cracking to a high C in frustration. "I will not have my patient driven to hysterics again. Out!"

"No, Madam, don't make them go, please!" begged Hermione. "I'll calm down. I'll practice my relaxation techniques when they have to go."

Madam Pomfrey harrumphed. She peered disapprovingly at the two boys, then left, shaking her head and muttering.

Hermione got back into her bed and under the covers, obedient to her nurse's orders. Ron and Harry sat in chairs next to her bed and dumped the rest of her presents on her lap.

"So what does everyone think about Hermione going all crazy?" Hermione asked sheepishly, breaking the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Oh, you know," Ron said, shrugging, "they're just surprised it didn't happen earlier."

Hermione chucked a Chocolate Frog at Ron's head.

"Actually, I'm serious, 'Mione. Everybody marvels at the way you can deal with so much at once, they all just expected you to crack."

"And if you ask me, it's about time," Harry said softly. Hermione looked at him. "I'm glad you finally did something about all the stress. It's not good to hold it all in and let it just... go rotten. I know this brings up a sensitive subject, but Snape's held a grudge all his life, and it hasn't done him any good at all."

"Harry, you're tactless," Hermione sighed.

Ron glared at Harry, then said quickly, "Have some fudge, 'Mione."

Hermione did and found it quite to her liking.

"So Blaise's going to your house for Christmas holidays?" Ron mumbled through his mouth of the Chocolate Frog Hermione had thrown at him.

Hermione sighed again, but smiled inwardly. They never changed. The Dares were just another adventure for them. She laughed gently; she could see the tabloid headline now: INNOCENT GAMES GO BAD--STUDENT TO SECRETLY BED PROFESSOR.

"Yeah," Hermione assented, "but I'm not especially worried. She seems fairly decent, and she was mostly there to balance me. Besides, it's not like she can do any magic. It'll be a learning experience for her."

Ron and Harry suddenly sniggered.


"Only you, 'Mione," Ron chuckled. "Only you would make a Dare into study hall."


The next day she was permitted to go to her afternoon Potions class. They were still doing Love Potions, but the end was in sight. It was their last day in Potions 'til the holidays.

"So when do you plan on... you know?" Ron whispered during a lull in the lecture.

Hermione inhaled sharply. She knew the boys meant well, but they would never realize just how close to her heart Malfoy had thrust his javelin.

"Not until after holiday," she whispered, pretending to get another quill. "That'll give me some serious time to think about it."

"Shhh!" Harry hissed as Snape stepped into their row. Fortunately, Snape swept past them without saying a word.

"Phew," breathed Hermione. "I don't fancy a detention with him. Not under the circumstances."

Harry and Ron shared a meaningful look. "You know," said Harry slowly, "that might be a good idea. It'd be a legitimate reason for you to be alone with him."

"No," said Hermione forcefully.

"But 'Mione, it makes perfect sense...." Ron insisted.

No, Ron," Hermione repeated. "A detention goes on your record. I know I haven't cared before, but I had much better reasons to not care. There are other options, and I'll take them."

"But 'Mione, a student with a teacher goes onto the record, too."

Harry elbowed Ron in the ribs.


"Class dismissed," Snape said, speaking over the cry of pain, "if Mr. Potter is finished abusing Mr. Weasley."

Both boys busied themselves with packing up their books.

Hermione did the same, sticking her notes into her Potions tube. She slung her pack over her shoulder and winced as she passed Malfoy and Pansy.

"Hear you went psycho, Mudblood. Couldn't stand another day without your Professor?" Malfoy taunted.

Pansy joined in. "I think we finally know why you're the only Gryffindor who makes full marks in here."

"Just ignore them," Harry whispered in the familiar mantra that Hermione had once chanted for Harry. "Just ignore them."

"I know," Hermione murmured.

"Instead of thinking about Hermione's Dare, Malfoy, maybe you should concentrate on yours," Ron shot back at Draco.

Draco's smile disappeared faster than if it had Disapparated.

Hermione was grinning as they left the Potions classroom.

"I never really thought about the fact that Draco has to humiliate himself in front of everyone," Hermione said happily. "It's even better than the ferret trick."

Harry and Ron grinned.

Hermione's smile faded quickly as a thought occurred to her.

"You guys go on ahead. I'll meet you later," Hermione said unexpectedly. Harry and Ron were suspicious, but continued their walk to the common room. When they were out of sight, Hermione double back to the deserted Potions classroom.

She peered in. Maybe not so deserted. Professor Snape was sitting on his desk, his legs crossed at the ankles again, looking somewhere at the left corner. He looked even more exhausted than Hermione had ever seen him. It was a part of him he never showed to any of his students--which must have been exhausting in itself. Then again, she could understand a little. He was a Death Eater gone spy who had to don a double façade, both supporting the Headmaster while subtly undermining him--except only pretending to undermine him. Not to mention the duty of a teacher, which was a feat on its own to teach years one through seven; especially the first years, though she was sure--with a touch of amusement--that she, Harry, and Ron seemed just as bad, if not worse.
He obviously did not have another class, or else he would not have let his guard down so quickly.

So he was alone....

Should she try now? There was always the risk of getting caught, but she might not get such a perfect chance.

Snape stood, and Hermione stiffened. But he was just getting up to sit behind his desk.

Hermione relaxed, but moved away from the door, pressing her back to the stone wall.

And even if now was a good time, how would she execute it? Would she just walk straight to him, kiss him hard and straddle him in his chair? Or would she just hex his and her clothes off before she walked in and forced him into her before he realized what was happening? Or better yet, hex his and her clothes off, turn herself invisible and pique his interest that way?

No, no, no, she thought. Seduction was the game, not magic. He had to want her, lust for her, and she had to make him feel that way.

Hermione felt strongly as though she was going to throw up. After she consummated this Dare, she was going to murder Malfoy.

Taking a deep breath, she took part of her Potions notes out of her pack and Banished them surreptitiously to her seat. Then she knocked.

"Enter," Snape's familiar, cold voice called.

Hermione pushed open the door and said weakly, "I left my notes."

Snape had been looking at his desk where several essays were being graded. He acknowledged her only by lifting his head, then lowering it again, not condescending to speak to her.

She went to her seat, bent over, and grabbed her Banished notes. She took out her wand and hid it in her sleeve. She stood.


Snape lifted his head again and arched a baleful eyebrow.

"Erm..." A thousand possibilities went through her head at the moment: With all the lecturing on Love Potions, do you ever find yourself interested in a practical test?... Want to see just how much research went into my Love Potion?... How about a student who gives back?...

"Never mind."

Snape set his correcting quill down sharply. "Then you shouldn't have said anything at all."

"Sorry, sir," Hermione apologized, mentally kicking herself.

"I thought you were trouble enough at the beginning of the year, and--despite your academic record--you have surpassed my expectations. Now go burden some other unfortunate with your presence."

Hermione backed apprehensively out of the room. No, not a good time, not with Snape acting like a caged leopard. Not to mention the fact she was hyperventilating. She had to close her eyes and count to two hundred eight two before she was composed enough to leave for her next class.

Author notes: The plot thickens. Nice trick, huh? Happy April Fools' Day.