The Dark Arts
Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter
Harry and Hermione and Ron
Crossover Alternate Universe
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 05/24/2006
Updated: 06/04/2007
Words: 91,458
Chapters: 67
Hits: 75,013

Harry Potter and the Dark Lord of the Sith


Story Summary:
On Christmas morning in their seventh year, a flying accident causes the Trio to vanish. They reappear in a galaxy far, far away... where a war against the Galactic Empire rages.

Chapter 51


Chapter 51.

The small party approached the Imperial base. It looks quiet, Ron thought. Too quiet. Harry, Luke and Mara disappeared somewhere during the night. In some ways, Ron felt relieved. For one thing, he wouldn't have to watch his back. For another, the whole 'Force' thing and lightsabers made him a bit uncomfortable. He looked around. Everyone appeared worried, especially Ginny.

"The main entrance to the control bunker's on the far side of that landing platform." Leia pointed across a small valley. "This isn't gonna be easy."

"Easier than escaping from the Lestranges," Ron whispered to Ginny. "Or from Coruscant, for that matter," he told Jan.

"Hey, don't worry. Chewie and me got into a lot of places more heavily guarded than this," Han assured them.

Two of their Ewok guides began chattering excitedly among themselves for a few seconds, then said something to the protocol droid.

Threepio translated. "He says there is a secret entrance on the other side of the ridge."

"Right," Han said. "Let's split up. Leia, Chewie, and myself will take the north route. Ron, Jan, and Ginny head south. Each of you'll have one guide. We've got to meet up in an hour, so make haste."

The small group headed off in different directions. The droids joined Han's group, and soon, they were out of each other's sight.

"Ginny, do you really think You-Know-Who's around?"

"Ron! Are you implying Harry ran away from the battle?"

"Of course not!" To call Harry a coward, you had to be really stupid.

"I'm sure he was right."

Ron nodded. "So what's going on back home?"

Ginny laughed for a moment. "Well, I was Head Girl in my last year. I was studying to become a Healer."

"Don't want to be an Auror? Or a Quidditch player?"

"No to the first, and I'm not good enough to play pro," she replied.

"You're a lot better than I am," he said.

Ginny smiled. "Harry's the only one of us who would have stood a chance. By the way, Ron, you're an uncle."


"Bill and Fleur had a baby last year. They named her Clarissa, for some reason. Cutest--"


"Boys." Ginny shook her head. "Neville finally proposed to Luna two months ago," she said. Everyone expected that, Ron thought. "And you don't want to know what your ex-girlfriend did." What could Lavender do that was so strange?

"Oh?" Jan was suddenly curious. "Do tell."

"Jan," Ron pleaded. He really didn't want to remember that... he was really stupid to start that relationship in the first place, and for half of his seventh year, before he, Harry, and Hermione got here, he had to endure constant sniping and nasty pranks from her.

"She married," Ginny said, obviously enjoying herself.

"Who's the poor bloke? Seamus?"

"Seamus married Parvati," Ginny replied. "I honestly don't know what she was thinking..."

"Who? Parvati, or Lavender?"

"Both, actually, but Lavender--"

"Ginny, cut to the chase. Who?"

"Okay, okay. Malfoy."

"Ha, ha," Ron said. "Not funny."

"I'm serious."

"Ron, who is this Malfoy, and why do you both find it strange that your ex-girlfriend married him? Say,"--she nudged him-- "you don't still--"

"Jan, that relationship was doomed the moment it started. Lavender... I honestly don't think she ever thought about anything but snogging. Not exactly what you need in the middle of a war. And Malfoy is a Death Eater in training. Well, his father is a big supporter of You-Know-Who," he said.

"Voldemort," Ginny translated for Jan. "Ron, when are you--"

"Don't bug me about that... I've said it, I can say it... I just don't like to."

"He's also a bigot," Ron continued. "He thinks pure-blooded wizards--those born into wizarding families--are superior to Muggles, Muggle-born wizards, and half-bloods. I suppose Lavender's a pure-blood, so he has no complaints against her on that front."

"She is, at least for three generations," Ginny said. "Beyond that, things can get dicey."

"Your friend Hermione, she's--"

"She's Muggle-born. He hates her for that... and for being better than him in all the classes. We never got along, and I don't intend to start."

"Well, Lucius Malfoy was apparently killed--we have Lupin and Tonks to thank for that," Ginny filled him in. "So Draco inherited the whole estate, claimed to renounce serving Voldemort, married Lavender, and has announced that he intends to run for Minister of Magic as soon as he is old enough." Ginny spat on the ground. "Well, at least you found a way for us to get away if he wins," she finished.

"Okay, everyone, quiet down," Jan said. "We're nearing the entrance."

A short distance away, a small bunker was seen, patrolled by a couple of stormtroopers.

Ron, who was walking point, drew his wand, and crouched down, walking carefully. The path ahead made a turn around a large tree...

Ron found himself staring into the barrel of Han's blaster. "You're here," the Corellian said. "Everything all right?"

Ron nodded.

"Didn't meet anyone. No patrols. I don't like it," Jan said.

"I've got a bad feeling about this myself," Han grunted. He pointed towards the bunker. "We can blow the shield from there... we just need to get in for a few minutes."

"I have an idea," Ginny whispered.


"Well, I guess it's time," Hermione said. She was standing next to Wedge's X-wing, while the rest of Blade Squadron was doing the last preflight checks. She already made sure her own fighter and CueSeven were ready. But like she said, it was time.

Wedge pulled her towards him, and kissed her. This surprised Hermione, since neither she nor Wedge liked public displays of affection.

When Hermione's face registered the surprise, Wedge chuckled. "Look around you," he said.

"What?" she asked, and then realized what he meant. Kissing couples were a rather common sight in the large hangar. Not that it didn't make sense... for some of these people, this was the last time they would see each other. For all I know, it might be the last time we see each other. She pushed the thought down, and returned Wedge's kiss.

"See you at the victory party, Wedge," she said. "May the Force be with you."

"Good luck. I love you."

She smiled and headed towards the area of the hangar where Blade Squadron was readying. "CueSeven, you ready?" she asked the astromech droid as she climbed into the fighter.

The droid gave a happy-sounding beep. "That's good. Thanks," she told the service crew member who handed her the helmet before activating the disengaging the ladder and preparing to leave the hangar. She activated the comm system.

"Captain Hermione Granger, Blade Squadron executive officer, reporting in."

"Acknowledged, Captain Granger," the voice of Pash Cracken, Blade Leader said.

Blade Squadron was a new unit, half X-wings, half newer, faster A-wings. Hermione had flown an A-wing on one Rogue Squadron mission. Their speed was certainly impressive, but Hermione didn't envy their pilots. If she was in an A-wing rather than the sturdier fighter at either Yavin or Suran Minor, she would have died. That Pash was flying an A-wing surprised her. To each his own, I guess... At least in this battle, she would stick to the more familiar craft.

CueSeven interrupted her thoughts with a chirp. The fighters in the squadron had reported ready status. She looked out the cockpit, saw fighters leaving the hangar, nodded. Lifting her ship, she gracefully pulled it through the hangar door, and, maneuvering away from the capital ships, formed up with the rest.

Pilots began reporting in. "Blade Two, standing by."

"Blade Ten, standing by."

"Blade Three, standing by."

"Blade Twelve, standing by."

"Blade Eight, standing by."

"Blade Eleven, standing by."

"Blade Nine, standing by," she said. "Third flight ready."

"Acknowledged, Blade Nine," Pash replied.

There were three flights of four fighters each in the squadron. The squadron commander typically lead one flight, the executive officer another. Her flight, with numbers nine through twelve, consisted of two X-wings and two A-wings. The A-wings, Blade Ten and Eleven, were both flown by men a few years older than her. The other X-wing pilot was a Twi'lek female from whom this would be the first combat mission.

"Proceed with the countdown," the voice of Admiral Ackbar ordered. "All groups assume attack coordinates."

"You heard the admiral, CueSeven." She switched to another channel. "Nervous, Lin?"

Linra'sin was the Twi'lek pilot. "Yes, ma'am." she answered.

Hermione remembered that how Wedge's words of encouragement before every mission gave heart even to experienced pilots like the Rogues. Pash probably did something similar, but she went to bit farewell to Wedge, and so missed it. But it couldn't hurt for her pilots to hear something from her. She opened the communication to the other pilots in her flight.

"You'll be fine. Stay with the me, and with the rest of the squadron. Keep an eye on each other. Remember to keep maneuvering--don't think, just fly. The Death Star is not the kind of target you can miss. And don't let yourself get scared. You have shields, they don't." Damn it, she thought. Wedge probably said something much better, but it's the best I can do right now.

"All craft, prepare to jump into hyperspace on my mark," Ackbar said.

"All right," Lando's voice echoed. "Stand by."

The Millennium Falcon launched first, followed by Rogue Squadron. Other squadrons began entering hyperspace in a predetermined order.

"Blade Squadron, launch!" Pash ordered.

"Roger, Blade Leader," Hermione said. She saw her three flightmates' fighters vanish, and then pulled her own hyperdrive lever.

The starfield vanished, replaced by a familiar blue swirl. Hermione closed her eyes and relaxed. She wasn't afraid of falling asleep, but her eyes would be under major strain soon.

The words formed in her head. May the Force be with us all.