The Dark Arts
Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter
Harry and Hermione and Ron
Crossover Alternate Universe
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 05/24/2006
Updated: 06/04/2007
Words: 91,458
Chapters: 67
Hits: 75,013

Harry Potter and the Dark Lord of the Sith


Story Summary:
On Christmas morning in their seventh year, a flying accident causes the Trio to vanish. They reappear in a galaxy far, far away... where a war against the Galactic Empire rages.

Chapter 48


Chapter 48.

"Raise you twenty," Wedge said.

Wes Janson threw his cads in. "I'm out."

Tycho Celchu did the same.

"I call," Pash Cracken said.

"So do I," added Hermione.

At this moment, the randomizer struck. Hermione looked at her new cards, and closed her eyes, thinking.

Wedge placed his cards in the interference field. "Raise, fifty," he said.

"You're bluffing," Pash replied. "Raise, eighty."

"Hermione?" Wedge said.

She lifted her head, glancing at the table. "Call."

"I think you're the one who's bluffing." Wedge looked at Pash.

"Am I? Go."

"Very well. Two hundred ninety seven," he said, throwing all of his chips into the pot.

Pash looked a bit disconcerted at this, but he matched Wedge's chips, having only a few decicreds left.

Hermione leaned back in her chair, took a deep breath, and called. The pot was now more than a thousand...

Both Wedge and Pash seemed surprised at the move. Wedge shook his head and flipped his cards. There was a Commander of staves and seven of flasks. Twenty-two.

"I wasn't bluffing," he said.

"Neither," Pash declared triumphantly, "was I." He revealed his cards. Mistress and nine, both coins. Twenty-three, or pure sabacc.

"How does a man get that lucky?" Wedge grumbled.

"He doesn't," Hermione told him.


She flipped over her three cards. Two of sabers, three of staves, and...

The Idiot.

Raking in her chips, Hermione laughed. "That's what happens when you think the other person isn't paying attention."

"Has anyone ever told you that you are evil?" Wedge said.

She tossed her head back. "That's me. The little evil witch. Yaow!" she yelled as Wedge grabbed her from behind.

"What, afraid?" Wedge whispered in her ear.

Hermione was about to answer when Pash interrupted them. "Excuse me," he said, " but I'd like to speak with Captain Granger. In an official capacity," he added.

Hermione pulled herself out of Wedge's arms, straightened her uniform and stood up. "In an official capacity," she repeated. "Sir."

"Don't worry, this won't take long. You know I'm commanding Blade Squadron. That's Squadron Two of Gold Group. I need an experienced pilot for an XO. Would you like the job?"

Hermione thought for a few seconds, but her mind was already made up. In fact, she was planning to ask for something along these lines. "I accept," she said.

"Hermione, what--" Wedge begun.

"Wedge, you know why. It's not a good idea for you to have a... relationship with a subordinate. I'm surprised Command allowed it to last this long without transferring me."

"Well, we didn't fight any major battles at the time, did we? You're right, of course. Not a good idea. But it always felt good having you watch my back."

She smiled and took his hand. "I know. But, since I will be leaving... don't you think we should spend as much time together as possible?"

Pash headed for the exit. "I trust that you will be with our unit tomorrow, Captain Granger. On time."

"I am never late, Major," she said. That seemed to satisfy Pash, but now Wedge looked at her curiously.

"Never? Not once in your life?"

"Well..." she started, "there was this one time in third year when..." Wedge laughed and embraced her. Hermione knew that despite the ease, tomorrow's battle weighted very heavily on both their minds. If the ground team fails...

No. She would not let herself think that. In fact, right now, she wouldn't let herself think of anything.

Anything except Wedge.


Ron, Harry and Mara were heading towards a group of lights in the distance. Approaching closer, they saw that there was an entire village there, built partially on the ground, but mostly in the trees, with narrow bridges connecting them. They carefully hid on the outskirts, not wanting to be seen.

"I thought Endor was devoid of native intelligent life," Mara said. "Guess those scouts bungled up. Again."

"Harry," Ron whispered, "are you sure we're in the right place?"

"They're here," he replied. "At least," he continued, "Ginny is."

"So how do we get there?"

"What is it, Ron?" Harry chuckled. "Afraid?" He saw two creatures standing at the nearest walkway heading up to a tree platform. They resembled large teddy bears, and were armed with spears. They had enormous eyes that constantly scanned their surroundings.

"I am not afraid," Ron defended himself. "But the goal isn't to fight them, is it? If it was, I wouldn't worry so much."

"We could use the mind trick," Mara suggested.

"Too many, even for both of us," Harry said. "But I do have an idea..."

"The invisibility cloak!" Ron exclaimed. "I have it... right... here..." His voice was suddenly full of fear. "Oh, no..."

"Ron! You lost my invisibility cloak?!"

"I'm sorry! I guess it fell out in the fight with the biker troops."

Harry shook his head. "Ron..." He was angry, but he had developed enough control to hide it. In the large scheme of things, it wasn't a big deal... but he loved that cloak.

"Fortunately, I was thinking of something else. Chameleo," he whispered, pointing his wand at himself.

"Potter!" Mara demanded. "Where are you?"

"Right here." He clasped her shoulder from behind. Mara spun around, instinctively drawing her lightsaber, but stopped herself from igniting it. Ron tensed.

"It's okay, Ron. Any of us would have done the same." He turned back to Mara. "Ready? I'm going to cast the same spell yon you." Mara nodded. "Chameleo," Harry said, and Mara also vanished from view.

Ron cast the spell on himself. Harry raised his wand and cast the Sound Bubble charm around them.

"Now they can't hear us, either. Come on."

They carefully walked towards the bridge. But as they passed by both guards suddenly rose and sniffed the air vigorously. They lifted their spears and headed towards them. Mara, Ron, and Harry ran up the walkway before they could be intercepted. After they made up into the platform surrounding the tree, Harry sighed. "Why didn't I remember about the smell?"

"We're here. Let's find the rest," Ron said.

As they made their way through the village, both Harry and Mara were surprised that it appeared empty. But the place was obviously not deserted, so Harry supposed everyone was at some village assembly. They moved to get closer to the concentration of lights.

They walked onto another platform, looked down, and gasped. It took Harry a fraction of a second to take everything in. Man of the teddy bear-like creatures, Threepio sitting in a large wooden chair, the creatures giving him a good deal of room, Leia pleading with them, spears aimed at her, and Han, Luke, Jan, Chewbacca, and Artoo hanging upside down over fire pits were fires were either starting or ready to be started. There was no sign of Ginny.

Harry and Mara drew their lightsabers.

"On three," Ron said, taking out his wand. "One. Two. Th--" But then, they heard screams from below. The native creatures were running in panic, pursued by the throne with Threepio on it, hovering in the air. Threepio's head was surrounded by bright blue and green glowing globes, which spun wildly, periodically dropping down to the ground level, sending further waves of panic. The whole scene was somewhat funny, especially since Threepio sounded as terrified as the creatures.

"Jump onto that platform, but don't draw your lightsaber," Harry said. "Now!" The three of them jumped, landing next to Threepio, whose throne was finally settled back on the raised platform. The natives released their captives, whom they were attempting to cook a few moments before. Artoo immediately chased one of them, firing his electric spark weapon. Harry laughed.

"Thanks, Threepio," Luke told his droid. "Ginny, I think you've gone a bit overboard with those things." He pointed at the glowing spheres still hovering over Threepio's head.

Harry heard a nearby swoosh and saw Ginny pop from under the invisibility cloak. "Hi, Harry."

"You saved my cloak!" Harry exclaimed. He pulled Ginny to himself and kissed her.

"Hey,"--Ron approached him-- "go somewhere--"

He was interrupted by Jan's kiss. Harry shook his head. "Nothing going on, huh?" he asked. He turned to Luke. "What happened?"

"Well, Threepio offered to tell our story to the Ewoks," Luke said. "They might help us. Who's that?" Luke asked suddenly.

"Oh. That's Mara Jade. It's... well, it's a long story, but I think we can trust her now. She says she has information vital to our mission."

"But she has a--"

"Lightsaber?" Harry prompted. "Yes. And she knows how to use it." He remembered the Bespin battle.

Luke glanced at him curiously, but said nothing, heading towards the largest building. Putting his arm around Ginny, Harry followed.