The Dark Arts
Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter
Harry and Hermione and Ron
Crossover Alternate Universe
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 05/24/2006
Updated: 06/04/2007
Words: 91,458
Chapters: 67
Hits: 75,013

Harry Potter and the Dark Lord of the Sith


Story Summary:
On Christmas morning in their seventh year, a flying accident causes the Trio to vanish. They reappear in a galaxy far, far away... where a war against the Galactic Empire rages.

Chapter 36


Chapter 36.

Most people, including Jabba himself, were still sleeping. Even Leia--whom the Hutt had dressed in a metal bikini--had dozed off. Hermione carefully approached Jabba and touched Leia's hand. The princess immediately jumped wide awake.

"It's just me," Hermione whispered.

"Oh, sorry."

"Luke's coming, isn't he?"


"Don't worry."

"Easy for you to say, sitting there invisible! Can't you get me out of here with your magic?"

"And leave Han and Chewie for Jabba to take out his wrath on?"


"Best wait for Luke..."

"Here he comes," Leia whispered. Hermione immediately stepped away.

Luke, wearing black robes, walked into the throne room, following Bib Fortuna.

"At last, Master Luke has come to rescue me!" Threepio exclaimed from behind the Hutt.

The Twi'lek walked up to Jabba and whispered into his ear. "Master," he said.

Jabba's eyes opened. The majordomo continued. "Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight."

"I told you not... him," Hermione made out Jabba's words.

"I must be allowed to speak," Luke said. He gave a short glance towards her, so Hermione figured he used the Force to figure out where she was standing... she hoped no one else would be able to do the same.

Fortuna whispered something else to his master. At that, Jabba lashed out. "...fool!" he said. "He's using... Jedi..."

Luke took off his hood. "You will bring Captain Solo and the Wookiee to me," he said.

"Your... work on me, boy," Jabba replied.

"Nevertheless, I am taking Captain Solo--and his friends. You can either profit from this--or be destroyed. It's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers."

Jabba laughed, and was joined by his sycophants. Threepio stepped up. "Master Luke, you're standing on..."

"...no bargain... Jedi," the Hutt said. "I shall enjoy... you die."

Luke raised his hand, and a blaster flew into it. But before he could get a shot off, Jabba hit a button, and the trap door opened, sending Luke and the guard into the pit. Hermione approached and looked down.

"Oh no! The rancor!" Threepio shouted.

Hermione saw a glimpse giant beast, and heard its roar. In her head, she went over the possible spells she could use... stunning wouldn't be powerful enough for something that big.

Then she saw the pale woman sneak off. Not again, she decided, and rushed after her. She somehow felt that it could only mean trouble.

But the woman either sensed her--very possible--or she deliberately took a very twisted path... Hermione didn't care--the only thing she was absolutely certain about was that the woman was trouble. Trouble Luke didn't prepare for. Well, that was the reason she came along.

She was so obsessed with keeping after the woman that she didn't notice a man step out into a corridor until she bumped into him. The man's face expressed bewilderment and then he yelled at the top of his lungs "Aaarrhh! Guards! Intru--"

"Stupefy!" Hermione shouted, knocking the man down. She covered her face with the invisibility cloak again and resumed the pursuit.

The corridor ended inside a large cave. The woman was standing at one end, next a tunnel covered by a metallic grating. The rancor's roars were heard from there. And then, she heard a loud crash, followed by heavy breathing. The woman drew a blaster from her holster.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" Hermione yelled. The woman immediately jumped away from the grate and stared around her.

Then many running feet were heard. The woman immediately sprung up and ran towards the corridor she and Hermione came through. Hermione moved ahead to trip her.

"What the--" the woman shouted as Hermione noticed the hood of the cloak uncover her again. Why doesn't that thing stay on? she thought, getting her wand ready. Then she felt a powerful push knock her down, and the woman ran off. Damn, damn, damn, she thought. She barely hat time to cover herself once more before guards, as well as a fat man wearing nothing but a mask and pants ran in. The guards dragged Luke out, while the fat man leaned against the wall and cried... Despite the situation, Hermione understood him. The rancor was like his pet. She headed back up, very careful not to reveal herself to anyone else. I'm not going to lose that woman again, she vowed.


Ron's steps echoed in the quiet halls of the medical frigate as he headed towards one of the bacta tank rooms. When he entered, the lights were dimmed, and the tank itself shimmered brightly in the center. Hermione's naked, unconscious body bobbed in the tank.

"What... what happened?" Ron managed.

"Vacuum exposure." A man rose next to the tank. "Her fighter was shot down."

"Wedge?" Ron asked, although he couldn't think it would be anyone else.

"Lieutenant Weasley," Wedge Antilles said coldly. "What--"

"Will she be okay?" Ron interrupted. This was no time to settle their issues--or to figure whether there is anything to settle in the first place.

"Her body, yes. Her mind... they won't know if her brain was significantly damaged until they revive her."

Hermione without her mind. And then it hit him. "It's my fault," he whispered.

Wedge looked at him. "What?"

He paused. "I killed her. I might as well have been the one who pulled the trigger."


Ron got angry. "Don't pretend you don't understand!" he shouted. "I'm a pilot too; I know what it's like! Your whole focus has to be on the current situation; you don't get distracted. She needed support, she just came out of Imperial captivity, her best friend essentially freed her by taking her place--she needed someone to hold on to--and instead of offering that, I walked out on her! On top of that, I made her feel guilty about the support she might have gotten from you. Bloody hell, it's enough to send anyone over the edge! And I had the temerity to say she wasn't a good friend! It's my fault Hermione might be worse than dead--and I will have to live with that for EVERY BLOODY DAY OF THE REST OF MY LIFE! Hit me, Wedge!"


"Punch me! Beat me up! I deserve it, and more! Shoot me if you want! I KILLED THE WOMAN YOU LOVED!"

And then Wedge threw a punch, taking the wind out of Ron. Ron didn't try to fight back, and took in several blows, before falling on the ground, his mouth covered in blood.

Ron's eyes fell on the bacta tank. "Look..." he muttered.

Wedge turned away, and rushed to the tank. Ron stood up and joined him. Hermione's eyes had opened, and were moving.

"Hermione!" he breathed. Wedge had pressed his face to the tank, and Ron noticed a tear streak down his cheek.

Hermione's eyes shut again, but Ron knew it was sleep and not death. He couldn't describe the relief he felt.

Wedge must have felt the same, sine he immediately turned towards him.

"Uhm... Sorry for punching you."

"I asked for it, and I deserved it. Forget it. How long did you sit here?"

"Since we got back from the mission. Four days."

"She will make it."

"I know. But..." Wedge said awkwardly, "...just what are your feelings towards her?"

Ron was embarrassed by the question. "Oh, that. You don't need to worry. We tried a relationship, back when we were still in our world, but it didn't work out." Damn, why did he have to remind me of that disaster? "I'm lucky I kept her as a friend... until now."

"What do you mean?"

"She won't want to be on the same planet as me after what I did to her."

"Do you want me to persuade her otherwise?"

Ron gathered himself. "Sorry, I still have some pride left. I'm going to apologize to her in person--with you as a witness. And if she won't accept my apology, that's her right. But I also need one favor."


"This conversation we just had... Remember it, write it down, record it--I don't care, just so you're able to give her the gist on it--"

"But you said that you would--"

"Wait, I didn't finish. So you're able to give her the gist on it if I am not."

"If you're..."

"Dead. The last thing she needs is to think I died hating her."

"I'll do that," Wedge promised.

"Take care of her, Wedge."

"May the Force be with you."