The Dark Arts
Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter
Harry and Hermione and Ron
Crossover Alternate Universe
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 05/24/2006
Updated: 06/04/2007
Words: 91,458
Chapters: 67
Hits: 75,013

Harry Potter and the Dark Lord of the Sith


Story Summary:
On Christmas morning in their seventh year, a flying accident causes the Trio to vanish. They reappear in a galaxy far, far away... where a war against the Galactic Empire rages.

Chapter 29


Chapter 29.

They were marched into a darkened chamber full of industrial machinery and fumes. In the center of the platform was a large well surrounded by hoses. The same two armored figures that were at the table stood nearby. Ron guessed that the green-helmeted man was the bounty hunter.

"What's going on, buddy?" Han inquired Lando.

"You're being put into carbon freeze," the Baron Administrator informed him.

"What if he doesn't survive?" the bounty hunter demanded. "He's worth a lot to me."

"The Empire will compensate you if he dies," Vader assured him. "Put him in!" Ron closed his eyes.

Chewbacca charged at the stormtroopers, howling with rage. The Imperial soldiers, obviously under orders not to harm the prisoners, began beating the Wookiee with the butts of their rifles. Threepio, from Chewie's back, screamed in terror. Ron looked around. Maybe I can do something now, he thought, deciding to take advantage of the moment. He quickly grabbed a blaster pistol from the holster of a nearby imperial officer, and shot its owner dead. Then he dashed for the exit. Before he could take two steps, however, something invisible gripped his throat and he collapsed. A stormtrooper took the weapon from him.

"Brave, but stupid," Vader lectured him. "Restrain them!" The Imperials handcuffed him and Leia, as well as Chewbacca.

"Save your strength," Han told the Wookiee. "There'll be another time. The princess--you have to take care of her. You hear me?" Chewie nodded and shed tears.

The stormtroopers pried Han and Leia apart in the middle of a kiss. Ron could only watch as they lowered Han into the well.

"I love you," Leia exclaimed.

"I know," Han replied.

Ron looked at Leia, who was in tears. "I'm sorry," he said.

Steam hissed out of the hoses around the well and then the crane lifted out... something. It was a large metal slab, and on its front were a human face and two hands. The facial features were unmistakably Han's. Ron gulped. Leia trembled with fear. Chewie moaned.

"What... what's going on?" Threepio got curious. "Turn around, Chewbacca, I can't see. Oh... they've encased him in carbonite. He should be quite well protected--if he survived the freezing process, that is."

The Wookiee cut him off with an angry growl. "Well, Calrissian?" Vader demanded. "Did he survive?"

Lando checked the readings on the side of the block. "Yes, he's alive. And in perfect hibernation."

"He's all yours, bounty hunter," Vader dismissed the other man. "Reset the chamber for Skywalker."

An officer walked up to him. "Skywalker has just landed, my lord," he reported.

"Good. See too it that he finds his way here."

"What of his... partner, my lord?"

"Make sure they separate. Then deal with him yourselves." Ron gulped. So Harry was here. He had an all too good idea what deal with him meant.

"Calrissian,"--Vader gestured at the prisoners-- "take them to my ship."

"You said they'd be left in the city under my supervision," Lando protested.

"I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."

Stormtroopers motioned the three prisoners out of the chamber. For some reason, Lando tagged along. Leia glared at him. Ron was more angry at himself. If I didn't try that, our hands would be free now. Now that Darth Vader is elsewhere, it might have been easier to pull off.

His thoughts were interrupted by shooting. The firing was getting closer. He turned and saw a glimpse of Luke and Artoo.

"Luke!" Leia cried. "Luke, it's a trap! It's a trap!"


Harry and Luke were sneaking through the city. They didn't really know where they were going, relying on the Force to guide them. Luke suggested they not show their lightsabers until necessary, and Harry agreed. But the corridors of the city--at least on these upper levels--were wide, clean, and completely deserted. Harry could only see people in the distance. He added that to the list of strange and disturbing things about the place.

Luke gestured to the droids to stay back and trotted across the corridor. Harry crawled along the other wall, ready to catch any possible enemies in the crossfire.

Luke pointed forward. Harry saw a man--at least it appeared to be a man--wearing armor and a cylindrical helmet--walking with a precise determination. Behind him, two men in blue uniforms pushed some sort of metal block supported by repulsors. And behind them walked two stormtroopers, rifles at the ready.

There's a surprise that's not a surprise, Harry thought. He glanced at Luke. "The Empire," he said.

"Who else?" Luke shrugged. A blaster fired.

He and Luke drew their blasters. The helmeted man's next shot was dead on. Harry doubted he could have avoided getting hit without the Force to warn him. He took a shot at the man, but he managed to duck. Luke fired, also missing. The man disappeared behind the wall. By the time they got there, the corridor was empty.

They turned around and saw, further down the hallway, Chewie, Ron, Threepio, and Leia marched away under guard. Next to the group was another man, well-dressed, who didn't appear to be either a prisoner or an imperial.

"Luke!" Leia shouted. "Luke, it's a trap, it's a trap!" Two stormtroopers pulled her away, while the rest began shooting at them. Harry and Luke returned fire, and ran after their friends.

"C'mon," Luke tensed. Harry followed, keeping slightly behind Luke, in case more stormtroopers suddenly burst out from one of the side corridors.

They found themselves, once again, in a deserted hallway. A door next to them opened, revealing a darkened chamber. Before Harry could say anything, Luke stepped in. Harry wanted to follow, but the door slammed. "Perfect," he muttered.

Artoo beeped and rolled away. "Hey! Where're you going?" Harry shouted, but it was no use. CueSeven gave him a sympathetic beep.

"CueSeven, can you open the door?"

The droid's reply made Harry feel like he was the stupidest person in the galaxy. "Of course. No outlet. In that case..." He drew his lightsaber and cut through the door.

Another nasty surprise awaited him, however. Instead of the dark chamber, there was a solid column of metal. He shook his head, and then followed Artoo. CueSeven whistled and joined him.