Old Moon


Story Summary:
: Post OotP - Lupin is coming to terms with the losses in his life and struggling to continue with his role within The Order. He has more trouble than he thought when a mysterious ailment plagues him and makes him a danger to those in the Order. Circumstances change, the war gets a lot worse. After a series of events, Lupin and Hermione find that all was not as it seemed nor who it seemed to be, and they grow much closer, more than seemed possible.

Chapter 01

: Post OotP - Lupin is coming to terms with the losses in his life and struggling to continue with his role within The Order. He has more trouble than he thought when a mysterious ailment plagues him and makes him a danger to those in the Order. Circumstances change, the war gets a lot worse. After a series of events, Lupin and Hermione find that all was not as it seemed nor who it seemed to be, and they grow much closer, more than seemed possible.

Words: 1,724
Hits: 748
Chapter 02

Hermione's breath caught in her throat and she fought to breathe. She clapped her hand over her mouth in horror, and thought,

Words: 3,710
Hits: 567

The water beaded, then ran down the imperfections of the shower wall. A trail followed in the water's wake and disappeared after it. Lupin ran his finger down the now invisible path and lent his head, gently against the cool glazed surface of the tile.

Words: 4,468
Hits: 429