Harry Potter and the Forest of Shadows

Logan Potter

Story Summary:
In Harry's sixth year, there's a woman who comes back from his past. Does she have some of the answers to life's toughest questions? If so, why is she coming back so late in his life? And what is this surprise she and Remus are cooking up for him?

Chapter 17

Chapter Summary:
Harry talks with Dumbledore, meets a new family member, finally tells about the prophecy, and has a nightmare.
Author's Note:
Hey everyone! Well this chapter was originally longer but the end was stupid so I took it out and post this chapter as an early Christmas present. The end is being rewritten so that it actually has some point in the story. Chapter 18 should be out sometime in early January or sooner because Christmas break is coming...woohoo!!!

Harry Potter and

the Forest of Shadows

Chapter 17: Choices

Harry fidgeted nervously in the armchair as he waited for the headmaster to show up.

Sunlight streamed through the open window, a cool breeze carrying in laughter from outside. The window had a lovely view of the grounds. Harry realized it had been a long time since he had felt as at peace as he did just sitting there in silence.

A quick glance around the room made his stomach squirm guiltily. A large quantity of objects that used to shine proudly were missing from the small tables. Harry drew his mind away from the absence of the gadgets that weren't there because of him.

When the scared-looking first year had walked into McGonagall's class just as everyone was arriving, Harry didn't know what to expect- especially when he heard that the headmaster wanted to speak with him.

Perhaps the old man wanted to reprimand him for his behavior from last year but Harry knew that couldn't be it. The only thing he could think of was exactly what he had been desperately trying to shove to the back of his mind.

The prophecy.

He started to groan, but stopped and jumped high when the door opened. Professor Dumbledore walked silently behind his desk, sat down, and looked at Harry with a slight smile, yet sad eyes.

Harry cast his eyes to the floor. "Hello, Professor."

"Hello, Harry my boy. Would you care for a lemon drop?"

"Thank you," he said quietly, grabbing a candy from the bowl sitting on the desk and popping it into his mouth.

"How are you?"

Harry's brow furrowed and he chanced a glance up at Dumbledore who was still staring at him with those piercing blue eyes. He couldn't lie, yet if he told the truth he was afraid he might end up breaking more of the possessions that decorated the room.

"All right, I suppose."

"Good, good. Harry, first I would like to ask you to forgive me for putting you in the care of your aunt and uncle. They did not turn out to be the guardians I thought they would be."

Harry swore he saw the old professor's eyes flash red for a brief second.

"It's fine, Professor."

"No, it's not," he said sternly. "Your mother and father entrusted me with your safekeeping, and I did not keep you safe."

"Really, Professor, it's okay. I have a family now."

Dumbledore smiled sadly. "Yes, speaking of your family. Rosemary told me that she presented you with your amulet."

"Yes, sir."

"Good. I am sure she informed you of this, but I must stress the subject. Never put it on, Harry, unless you are going out into a place where you could be easily attacked, such as Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade, and if you ever know you are going to be in critical danger."

"Yes, sir."

"And if I am correct Miss Daisy Evans arrived this morning. She will be extremely happy to meet you, I daresay."

"Yes, sir."

Harry could feel the worried gaze that was set upon him as he repeated the monotonous phrase again.

"How is your arm?" Dumbledore inquired. "The Phoenix hasn't burned has it?"

"No, sir," he replied, absently drifting his fingers over the area where the symbol of the Order had been engraved into his skin. "Sir, why did the Order choose something so closely related to the Dark Mark?"

"Ah, yes it does posses many of the qualities the Dark Mark does. When a meeting is being held it will not burn, but it will tingle enough for you to know. When one of the Order members is in trouble it will create a dull glow. Those are just two among many others, though."

There was a minute or two of silence as Dumbledore took another lemon drop from the bowl. Finally, he looked up at Harry.

"Harry, have you told anyone about the prophecy?"

A shudder went through him at the mention of it. "No, sir."

"Ah, well, it is your choice. However, I always feel as though talking about a problem, helps take away some of the stress and worry of the problem. If that helps you at all." His eyes twinkled. "I do give you one fair warning: be careful to whom you tell this to. I would suggest only your family and closest friends."

"Yes, sir."

"One more thing, Harry. Sirius and I have decided it would be in your very best interest to continue to study occlumency. I will leave you the choice of who you would like to teach you in the subject. I still would highly recommend Professor Snape, Harry, but it is up to you."

"Yes, sir."

Harry stood up to leave. Just as he turned towards the door, Dumbledore stopped him.

"Before you go back to classes, I would like to tell you something." Harry stood listening with his back to Dumbledore and his hand on the door. "Everyday you grow more and more to be like your mother and father, not only with their appearances but with the same courage and kindness they had. You are making them very proud Harry, and there's no greater comment I can give you than that."

Harry closed his eyes, feeling them burn with hot tears. He took a gulp.

"Thank you, sir."


"What did Professor Dumbledore say?"

Harry turned as Hermione slid on the bench next to him, Melany with her.

"He just wanted to apologize for what happened this summer," Harry said, dishing himself some shepherd's pie.

"You were in there for an awfully long time," she said skeptically, taking the serving spoon from him.

He shrugged and began to eat.

They were disrupted halfway by the sound of wings. Owls swooped in, carrying the evening owl post. Hermione caught an edition of the Daily Prophet as the tawny owl dropped it before landing next to her. She put in a few gold coins; it flew off contentedly.

Harry watched as an odd expression came over Hermione's face. She lowered the paper and looked at him. Curious, he snatched the paper from her and glanced over it.

According to the new minister, Kamerin Waller, who has just recently been inaugurated into office, three prisoners from Azkaban, which was officially closed down this morning (for more details see page 4), have been reported missing. This event took place a month ago yet shielded from the public by previous Minister Fudge. The three prisoners are the notorious Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, and Lucius Malfoy. No comments were received from any family members.

His eyes widened. "They've been out for a month?" he hissed incredulously.

"That's not all," she said. "Look at the cover."

He flipped the newspaper over and his eyes were immediately hooked on the headline.

Bellatrix Lestrange


This morning the deceased body of the allegedly missing Bellatrix Lestrange was found in the atrium of the Ministry of Magic. The only traces of magic found on her were the Dark Mark and the Killing curse, produced by her own wand, which was located five feet away from her body. St. Mungo's officials have confirmed it was a suicide...

Harry slowly lowered the paper and glanced at Sirius who was talking animatedly with Remus, Rosy, Daisy, and Fleur. Sirius caught his eye and smiled brightly. Harry returned it with a weak grin and went back to his supper. The only thing he could think about was how Sirius had killed his own cousin.


Sirius was still sitting at the head table, beckoning him up.

"Go ahead," Hermione said, getting up to leave with the rest of the students and teachers. "I'll tell Ginny where you went."

He nodded and walked up to the front of the hall.

"Harry," Sirius said grinning, "I'd like you to meet your aunt, Daisy."

Daisy stood, giving him a warm smile. For a few moments she just looked at him, as though analyzing his features. Finally, she said, "I can't decide who you look more like- your mother or your father." She took his face in her soft hands. "You have your mother's eyes, of course. Lily's smile, her high cheeks, and her nose. However, you have James' complexion, his strong, proud chin, and of course the hair."

Everyone laughed. Harry blushed, running a hand through his messy locks.

"I remember," Remus said, still laughing, "when Lily saw you had James' hair she literally took him him, threw him on the bed, and beat him up. The whole time she was shouting at him 'you gave my precious baby your horrible hair!' And that was when she was bedridden. She almost killed him when she was able to walk again."

Harry joined in the laughter this time.

Daisy sat back down, still surveying Harry. "Harry, I believe you know my friend, Fleur."

"Yea," he said, smiling at the half-veela.

Fleur stood up and embraced him.

"'Ow are you Harry?''

"I'm good," he said as she took her seat again. "Are you staying long?"

"I wish. I am going back to my job at Gringotts tomorrow."

"Well, it was nice to see you again."

"The pleasure was mine, Harry," she said, still smiling at him warmly.

"Hey, kid, go get some sleep," Sirius said. "You have your favorite professor, bright and early tomorrow."

Harry's face changed to confusion for a moment, laughter dancing in his eyes. "I didn't know we have Remus tomorrow again."

Sirius reached across the table and playfully jabbed Harry in the ribs.

"No, you horrible little cretin," Sirius laughed. "You have me tomorrow. Now go and get some sleep."

"'Night everyone."

Five "Good night Harry" rang throughout the hall.

He exited, leaving laughter in his wake.


"Hi, Harry."

Harry grinned as he entered the virtually empty common room. Everyone was one place or another except for Ginny who was curled up in a chair next to the fire and Hermione who was busy lounging on the couch.

"Hey, Gin," he said, walking over and placing a kiss on her forehead. "So is this what you've been doing all day?" he asked, knowing she hadn't gone to classes.

Ginny stuck out her tongue at Harry who sat down on the floor, his back against Hermione's couch.

"Has everyone gone for the evening?" he finally said into the silence.

"I believe so," Hermione said, sliding down next to Harry. "Why?"

"Well," he said, making room for Ginny, "there's something I need to tell you both."

He looked uneasily around as if someone was hiding in the shadows to eavesdrop.

"Would it make you feel better if I put silencing spells up?" Ginny asked, jokingly, sensing his discomfort and trying to lighten the mood.

"Would you?"

"No. What's the matter?"

Harry took in a deep breath. If you don't tell them, they'll find out anyway, he told himself.

"Alright, do you remember the night when we went to the Department of Mysteries? You all went back separately from me. Dumbledore made me a portkey and it took me to his office."

Both girls nodded.

"Well, I stayed there for a while and then Dumbledore came. We, er, talked about what had happened that year- he told me all about Voldemort possessing me, we talked about Sirius' death. And then he started to tell me about the prophecies. Remember, all the ones in the Ministry.

"So he started to tell me about a prophecy that had been made about Voldemort and his destruction. It went on to say that a child born to parents who had escaped Voldemort three times, born as the seventh month dies, and marked as the Dark Lord's equal was to either kill Voldemort or be killed. They would be the only person who would be able to defeat him."

There was a long pause as Harry waited for them to register this information. Hermione was the first to figure it out.

She turned to him, tears forming in her eyes. "That's why...July... your scar...you have to...oh, Harry! " She threw her arms around him and started sobbing.

He relished her warm embrace, feeling hot tears stinging at his own eyes.

When Hermione let go, he turned to see Ginny sitting there staring into the fire with her eyes slightly out of focus. A single tear was rolling down her pale cheek.

"Gin? Ginny?"

She turned to him. Her eyes looked so sad and dull and her breathing was labored.

"Why you?" Her voice was tearful.

He took her into his arms.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I just needed time to think about it myself, you know?"

He looked between Hermione and Ginny. Both seemed to be composing themselves and thinking of how to react.

"Well," Hermione said finally. "I suppose we still have time. It's going to take us a while to train and we're going to have to pay good attention in Defense classes this year. We're going to need to learn a lot on our own I'm guessing. I'm sure Dumbledore won't mind if we use the restricted section to look up countercurses for the really dark spells."

"We? Us?" Harry asked, grinning.

"Of course you great git. You didn't think we would let you do it alone, did you?" Ginny said.

"But, you'll be in danger. I don't know what I would do if something happened to either one of you."

"Harry," Hermione said logically, "I'm a muggleborn. I'm in danger. Ginny's family is part of the Order. She's in danger. We're not letting you do this alone."

"We'd go to the ends of the Earth with you, Harry. We'll let you learn that either the easy way or the hard way. Capiche?"

"Capiche," he said, laughing.

They sat there together. Having Ginny there gave him a strange feeling. It had always just been him, Ron, and Hermione. He enjoyed having her there, though. If only Ron was there too.

"Have either of you talked to Ron yet?" he asked.

The mood changed at once. Ginny and Hermione's expressions grew cold. It looked as though their sadness had skipped right along to being furious.

"He went straight up to the dormitory. Seamus said he hasn't spoken to anyone all night. He's just sitting there staring at the wall."

"It doesn't make any sense. Why would he go from being perfectly friendly to being a snarky little bastard overnight?'' Ginny said as she began pacing.

"Well one night with the Death Eaters could change your mind on several things if they tried hard enough," Harry grumbled.

"Yes, but still. Why would he start acting like Malfoy just because he was tossed around a bit?"

Harry laughed hollowly. "I don't think you understand the whole picture, Gin. Just ten minutes with the Death Eaters is enough to make you go insane for the rest of your life. But I guess your right. If they didn't harm him that much why is he acting like this?"

"Maybe your dreams are true," Hermione said softly.

"I don't want to believe that, but you may be right."

"Dreams?" Ginny asked, stopping her pacing and looking at Harry. "What dreams?"

"I've been dreaming about being at Voldemort's headquarters. All his Death Eaters are there. One of them throws back their hood and it's always Ron."

"You don't think- no, he couldn't. He wouldn't," Ginny gasped.

"I don't want to, but right now I'm not sure what to believe anymore. We have to keep our eyes and ears open to see if we can gather anything about it. I would bet my firebolt and all my money that at least ten people in this school are either Death Eaters or are going to be."

"Well," Hermione said, "I would agree with that too. But Ron?"

"I suggest that we keep a look for anything suspicious," said Ginny. "See if he disappears frequently, if he's trying to hide his arm, anything like that. But still, I've known him all my life. And he would be the last person I would ever say would do something like become a Death Eater."

"If it is true," Harry said, "then there has to be something more than the fact that he just wanted to become all of the sudden." He sat down and to himself he sighed, "There just hast to be."


Harry slowly made his way up to the dormitory, sleepiness overpowering him. Neville's snores echoed while Dean and Seamus were sitting on Dean's bed, talking quietly. Ron sat on his own bed, his back facing everyone.

Harry walked silently over to his bed. The whole way over he could feel Ron's glare burning into him. Looking over, Harry saw Ron had turned and was just staring at him with hate. Hurt and frustrated, Harry jerked his hangings shut and collapsed onto his bed, too exhausted to even take off his shoes.

*Harry slowly walked across the small courtyard, aware of the strange fact that he was a good foot taller than usual. His feet touched the ground making a low noise as he made his way across the stone. Behind him were somewhere around fifty echoes of the same sound. He could not will himself to look back.

Finally he stopped, those behind him following in suit. "Destroy them." His voice had turned to a cold, high pitch.

Black figures emerged all around him and walked up to the doors of the little village surrounding the serene courtyard. Glee spread through out his veins as his lips curved into a thin, cruel smile.

"Goodbye Paixe," Harry heard himself mutter.

Screams immediately rang through the night air. Unwillingly, Harry felt his smile widen, his eyes glowing brightly. Men, women, children- all were running out into the courtyard to escape the horrors taking place inside their homes.

Harry felt his stomach churn and his legs force him over to where a man was securely holding onto his young daughter, both at wandpoint from three black figures. They were pleading in French.

Harry raised his wand to the girl who looked scarcely ten. She was sobbing. A cackle resonated in his throat.


The girl screamed in pain.

When the curse was over one of the Death Eaters kicked her aside and said to the man, "Say goodbye to your darling child. Avada Kedavra."

The girl screamed again, this time in anguish. She threw herself over her father's lifeless body. One of the Death Eaters picked her up, clearly not fazed by her kicking and her voice screaming, "Papa! Papa!"

Harry turned and looked where countless others were being dragged into the streets and tortured in front of their families. He grinned.

His feet led him over to where a Death Eater had just finished killing off a family, leaving only one of the members alive and babbling madly at the sight of her mangled family.

"Well done. A fine Death Eater you will make."

The figure knelt, kissed the hems of Harry's robes, and stood back up, his hood coming down.

Harry tried to turn- tried to look away. But his head would not move.

"We are gathering enough Spirits my Lord. Soon we will be able to overthrow Hogwarts and Dumbledore and the all-great Harry Potter."

"Good. Take these bodies away. Those ministry fools will be here soon."

Harry's feet finally allowed him to walk away from Ron.*

"Ginny, go get Sirius!" Hermione yelled.

"Where is he?"

"In his quarters, I guess. I don't know. Find him. Find somebody!"