The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Drama Romance
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 01/03/2007
Updated: 07/16/2007
Words: 83,595
Chapters: 12
Hits: 21,150

The Secrets of War


Story Summary:
The war is over and Voldemort won. Ginny Weasley, the last Order of the Phoenix survivor, is given to Draco Malfoy as a prize for his help in the death of Harry Potter. When she thought she would only find misery, Ginny discovers a secret in Malfoy Manor that will change her life and Draco's part in the war.

Chapter 04 - Chapter Four

Author's Note:
Happy Valentine's Day! This is my gift to all my lovely reviwers! Thanks for everything!


It was raining when Ginny awoke the next morning. She lay in bed, listening to the patter of the rain against the windows, and tried to remember her dreams. She strained for a moment before she realized she hadn't had any--Flipsy had left her a dreamless potion at Draco's request the night before. That would explain why her heart wasn't racing, or why her forehead wasn't sweating. For the first time in a long time, she had a peaceful, full night of sleep, and it almost made her sigh with relief, when she stopped herself. Dreamless sleep meant she wouldn't have her reoccurring thoughts of finding her dead family, of all those she loved who were gone or missing. And while she was saved from the panic attacks and the terror, she missed out on her one shot to see their faces again. She frowned. She had no photographs of her family; none of Harry. The only way she could remember them was in her memories, and those came out best in her sleep.

Thunder boomed in the sky, but she didn't flinch. Normally, storms would have terrified her. She was always afraid of them, even as a little girl, and would run to her brothers for comfort. But who was she supposed to go to now?

She felt herself slipping back into an area she could only think of as dark. It was where she lived in the month of her imprisonment; it was where she went when someone died. She would escape inside herself, curl in a ball, and wait for everything to disappear. No light would shine; no sound would stir. Nothing could touch her, and she would feel nothing in return. There nothing could hurt her--how could she feel pain if she couldn't feel at all? It was what she resorted to when she couldn't fight anymore, when she couldn't take the screaming and the dying. It had made her weak, though, body and spirit.

She closed her eyes to fall back asleep, so she could just sleep the day away, when Draco's last words to her echoed in her head.

"You've been given a second chance at life. If you can't live it, live it for those who can't."

She opened her eyes. Live. What was living, after all? Was it as simple as getting out of bed and making it through the day? Hadn't she been doing that already? A dull anger rose in her at Draco for him to tell her, of all people, how to live. How could he say that to the only survivor of the Order? To the last living Weasley? If there was one thing she had accomplished this war, it was living through it. All he had managed to do was take that from others.

But...her anger had left as soon as she felt it. Her words, her thoughts, didn't make her feel as if she finalized the matter of living. She raised her hands above her head and stared at the pale skin. She never could tan properly, but the white she saw in front of her looked like death. The freckles stood out so sharply that it looked as if someone had taken a permanent marker and made several marks. And she knew if she stood before a mirror, she would see her gaunt cheekbones and her emotionless eyes. She would see a Ginny that had transformed from the effects of war, not the person she wanted to be, wanted to remain.

But it wasn't her health that concerned her the most. She knew that another month of eating meals in Malfoy Manor would bring her back to her normal, healthy weight. And maybe if she spent enough time in the garden, her skin would glow from the artificial sunlight. Her physical health she could repair, but what of her mental health? Was that even possible to fix after everything that had happened?

She squeezed her hands into fists. She knew what she would have to do. She did it after her first year after the diary incident. Ginny sat up and swung her legs over the bed. It was so easy to just give up on everything, to not fight, but Harry had once told her that what was easy wasn't always right. That if she wanted something badly enough, she had to put all of her energy into getting it. If she wanted to live and get past everything that has happened, she would have to do a lot of accepting. Accepting what has happened, and even though she wishes it hadn't, she would have to let it go. She had to stop agonizing over her family's death, over her dead friends, and see how holding onto it was pulling her down. After the diary of Tom Riddle was destroyed, she had spent the first half of the summer in despair. All she could think of was how she could do such a thing. How could she be stupid enough to write in that diary? She had almost killed people; she could have been expelled. She had become obsessed of the what-ifs, and the almosts, and had nearly lost it if it wasn't for Charlie who told her that until she let go of the past, she wouldn't be able to live in the present, and would never have a future.

She walked into the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror, gripping the sink. She wanted her old life back, but she would never have it. But maybe, if she tried hard enough, she could get her own self back, and that may just be enough. Maybe, she thought as she ran the bath, maybe one day she would be laughing again and mean it. She would smile and think warmly of those she loved, of the times they shared. She would live her life for them, because through it all that's all she had left to give to them.

Draco had been right after all, she realized. The thought of that made her laugh, the noise echoing off the walls and into her heart.


Ginny felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. The bath had relaxed her greatly, and by the time she was done and changed, her heart felt light. Even the weather couldn't ruin her mood--she had taken a step in recognizing what she needed to do about herself, and she knew her family would be proud.

She bounced down the stairs and headed for the dining room; she was determined to eat until she looked healthy again. She remembered all the times that Harry would visit them after a stay at the Dursleys, and how her mother would feed him until he couldn't take another bite. She felt a sudden pain at the memory, but quickly pushed it away and focused her attention on other matters--like Draco Malfoy.

She almost gave him a smile when she entered the room, but stopped herself halfway through it. Now that was going too far, she told herself. However happy she may feel at the moment, even after what he said to her, she didn't have to go as far as actually being nice to him.

Draco raised his eyebrows at her and watched her as she sat down. He continued to stare as she filled her plate full of a variety of breakfast food. She didn't look up until she was cutting up her pancakes. "Yes?" she asked him, finding humor in his dazed look.

Draco blinked and lowered his eyebrows. "Nothing," he said, going back to his breakfast. "You just seem...different. I trust that sleepless potion helped? Would you like it again for tonight?"

Ginny munched on her food in thought. To never have those dreams again were incredibly tempting. Every morning she could wake up with a smile, and not be forced to remember the past. But...a part of her knew she shouldn't forget what happened. Just accept it and move on. That maybe, in time, the dreams will cease and she can move on with her life. "No," she said. "I think I can handle it for now on."

Draco nodded, and then they were silent as they finished their meal. While she ate, Ginny stole glimpses of him, studying his profile. He had changed much since his days in Hogwarts, and not just physically. He seemed to have matured, and was no longer interested in being a little bully. She tried to recall the memories of him at school, and how cruel he was then, and then compared him to how he treated her now. The war must have changed him, she decided, that or something big. The war had changed them all, some for the worse, and in Draco's case, almost for the better.

Draco looked up and caught her staring. A blush crept over her face and she quickly looked down at her plate. Great, she thought. Now only Merlin knows what was going on through his mind at her staring at him. She continued to stare down, and when she felt she could no longer avoid his continuous stare, a pop sounded in the dining room.

Ginny looked up to see Flipsy hand Draco a white envelope. "This was just delivered, Sir," the house-elf said before disappearing again.

Draco looked at the envelope and let out a groan of agitation. "It's Pansy's hand writing," he said. "That bloody cow won't leave me alone."

Ginny couldn't help but glare at the thought of Pansy. "What does she want?"

Draco glanced at her before he busied himself with opening up the envelope. He pulled out a green card with silver writing on it. He let out another groan, this one louder. Ginny almost giggled at his performance. "I hate her, I truly do," he said. He waved the card at Ginny. "It's another one of her damn balls. Merlin knows I hate them."

But Ginny couldn't help but raise her eyes in interest. A real ball? She had wondered if they still went on. She had never been one to herself, only the dances at school. Balls were associated with the wealthy, but that didn't stop her from imagining what they were like. As a girl, she pictured going to one in a huge dress, and there would be champagne and dancing. And then some mysterious man would swift her off her feet, and they would dance until the night was over.

Draco tossed the card onto the table. "At least it's a masquerade ball," he said. "I can't imagine what would happen if you didn't have a mask to hide behind."

Ginny nodded but then stopped. "Wait--what?"

"Well, you're coming of course," he said, as if that settled the matter. "It says to bring a date, and where I don't think you as much of one, you remember what I said before I fell ill? You are to be with me at all times."

Ginny's face fell in horror. She had forgotten that stupid rule. "Malfoy, you can't honestly expect me to go to that ball!" she said. "It will be full of Death Eaters! I thought you wanted me to keep a low profile in public!"

"We'll just charm your hair a different color," he said as he got up from his seat, "and no one will know who you are."

Ginny watched him walk out of the room before she scrambled after him. "And what if I refuse to go?" she said, catching up to him. "Wouldn't you rather go with some tramp instead who you'll actually have a pleasant time with?"

Draco stopped and turned to face her. "Those kind of women bore me. Sure, they look amazing, but their heads are full of air. And plus they have this annoying habit of calling me Drakie."

Ginny glared at him, finding no humor in what he said. "I won't go."

"You don't have a choice," he said. "And please, convince me that you never once wanted to go to a ball. I'm sure it was every poor girl's dreams for such an opportunity. Once we find you the proper dress you'll be beside yourself in giggles."

"I-" she stopped. He was right on the fantasizing about going to a ball, but damn if she would be giggling. "I won't have any fun though."

"And neither will I," he said. "It isn't about having fun, Weasley. It's about keeping up appearances and pretending you like everyone when you're really wishing you could just curse them to hell." He stopped and then gave her a twisted smile. "And if I have to be miserable, then I'm bringing you down with me."

Ginny glared at him. Ron told her of when Draco was being sorted at Hogwarts, that the Sorting Hat barely touched his head before it declared him a Slytherin. She could see why. "When is it?"

"Not for another week. That leaves plenty of time for you to mope."

Ginny's cheeks reddened. He was ruining her perfectly good mood. He seemed to have notice it, too, because his smile widened. "Problem, Weasley?"

She wanted to say yes, it was him; it was always him. When earlier she thought he matured, he was beginning to prove her wrong by his silly antics to make her miserable. She opened her mouth to fight back, when she stopped. Draco was looking at her expectantly--he wanted her to yell and argue. As far as she knew, he probably got off on her temper. Ginny closed her mouth and gave him a fake smile. That was one thing she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of.

"No, Malfoy," she said, startling him enough where he dropped his smile. "Can I go to the drawing room?" How she hated she had to ask his permission of all things.

Draco was silent for a moment, judging her response. "No," he said. "Not right now, at least. We need to go to Knockturn Alley. I have my package to pick up."

Narcissa's package. Ginny had completely forgotten about that. That, and her promise to her to have Draco visit her portrait, but how she would go about that, she had no idea. The one time she brought up his dead mother, he was closed off on the subject, and the last thing she wanted to do was play with his temper. So, she simply nodded, and told him she would go get ready. When she walked up the stairs, conscious of Draco watching her go, she thought to take a leaf out of his book, and use his cunning ways to get him to go visit that portrait.


Ginny tried to avoid the puddles in Knockturn Alley, but it was no use. The rain had grown heavier and the alley was now covered in rainwater. Her robe was quite soaked, along with her shoes, but under her hood she managed to keep dry. One advantage to the rain was that it cleared out the alley--no one was crazy enough to go shopping, besides Draco at least. And because of them being the only ones there, he didn't have to hold her hand like last time. She suddenly loved the rain for that very reason.

"Will you stop stomping in the puddles?" Draco snapped. "You're getting me all wet."

Ginny glanced at him, but his hood covered his face. She decided it was pointless to point out that he was already wet, and that she wasn't stomping. Instead, she stuck her tongue out at him, and made sure the next big puddle they came across she would stomp in.

When they entered the store, she knew to keep her hood up and to be quiet. She was quite willing to agree--maybe if she behaved, she could have a glimpse at what Draco was picking up. She imagined Narcissa had owned lots of items--why was Draco interested enough in this one item to have it checked for curses?

"Good afternoon, Mr. Malfoy," said the old woman. She glanced at Ginny again. Apparently she was just as curious as who she was. "Here is your package. I checked for curses, but I found none."

Draco frowned. "That's a surprise," he said, grasping the box in his hand. "You sure there's nothing hidden in it?"

The woman nodded. She glanced at Ginny. "It would be quite safe for someone to wear it, if that's what you're asking."

Draco glared. "I didn't say anything of the sort." He tossed a coin purse onto the counter and put his hood back on. "Good day, Mrs. Addison."

He walked past Ginny to leave, but she stayed put, her eyes in contact with Mrs. Addison. A shiver passed through her as the old woman stared at her with a knowing look. "Come on, Weasley," Draco barked.

Ginny jumped and hastily followed after him. Once they were outside the shop, did Ginny have the courage to ask him what she wanted to all along. "Malfoy, can I-"

"No," he barked. Ginny glared. Judging his mood since they left Malfoy Manor, it was apparent that he didn't enjoy getting wet. Something to do with messing up his hair, perhaps.

"Fine," she said. "Then I won't shut up until I can see what's in that box."

Draco hesitated slightly, but then continued with his pace. "If you think you can use that little trick on me-"

"And I'll only talk about Harry," Ginny added. "We all know how much you fancied him."

Draco stopped and turned on her, his face in a glare. "Then I'll make you drink every time you mention his blasted name."

"Oh, getting me drunk will only loosen my tongue," Ginny said. "That's when all the gushy details come out, like of what kind of kisser he was, and how far we really went-"

She stopped when she noticed Draco's face growing red with anger. She knew she had him now, but watching his anger rise, she wasn't certain she wanted him in this place at all. Ginny took a step back from him, and felt a brick wall dig into her back. She had unleashed something, and now she was trapped. "Malfoy, I was just kidding-"

Draco shoved the box in front of her face, silencing her. "Why do you want to see this so bad?" he asked. "Is it just your stupid curiosity, or do you think it will be some little clue to help you with your great Gryffindor escapade of helping my dead mother out. [?]"

Ginny stared at the box, her eyes wide. She felt it was a bit of both, really, but more the curiosity. Since she was young, she had been cursed with a cat's curiosity and always managed to get herself into some sort of situation. At five she had been curious on how traveling by Floo Powder would feel, being too young to have gone through it yet. An hour later a friend of the family had found her wandering Diagon Alley, crying for her mother. The worst was when she had been so curious over a talking diary, and went against her better judgment and decided to continue to write in it, to see what would happen next.

"I-I was just curious, Malfoy," Ginny said. She found it hard to look into his eyes. "That's all." The rain beat down harder around them. Despite it being late summer, she felt cold to the bone.

Draco shook the box in her face. "Well, take a look then," he snapped. "If you're so damn curious, go take a peek. I hope to Merlin Mrs. Addison missed a curse."

Ginny ignored his insult and eyed the box. Before she had decided what to do, her hand grasped it. Damn--she blamed her curiosity on being around Fred and George so much. Draco had taken a step back--she hadn't even noticed him being so close--and stared down at her expectantly. "Any day now, Weasley. I'm soaked and want to go home."

She had almost asked why they couldn't just go home and then she could look inside the box, but knew this was her only opportunity to do so. So, without waiting to see if Draco would take the box back or if she would back out, she opened the lid and looked inside.

She looked down at a silver necklace with green gems. She was about to give it back to Draco before a bright, white light passed through her eyelids and she left out a painful scream.

She felt herself drop to her knees into a puddle, but was too focused on her pounding head. She cupped her head in between her hands. She felt as if a hot knife was being repeatedly stabbed into her brain. She let out another scream as the white light grew heavier in her eyes and then vanished, leaving a picture instilled in her mind.

It was of Narcissa's necklace.

The picture vanished just as quickly as it was shown, but the pain remained. She felt hands on her shoulders, shaking her. "Ginny?"

It was Draco. Ginny let out a weak whimper and tried to curl into a ball. Her hood had fallen back and she felt rain dampen her hair and run down her face like tears. Or, maybe she was crying from the pain.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around her weak body and lifted her up. Ginny managed to open her eyes and look up into Draco's face. His hood had fallen back as well, and his hair was matted down to his head, but he didn't seem to notice. He looked down at her with wide eyes, his face filled with what she thought was worry. He held her protectively to his body. "Are you okay?"

Ginny tried to tell him that now she was, but before she could open up her mouth everything went black.


Ginny knew before she had opened up her eyes that she was back in her bed at Malfoy Manor. She could smell the familiar scent of jasmine on her pillow from the shampoo she used. A fire was crackling on the other side of her room, and added to the warmth of her blankets, she felt cozy. It would have been quite comfortable if it wasn't for the pounding headache she had.

She opened her eyes to colors of red and gold from her bed and tried to sit up, but found with every movement her body cried in protest. Before she could struggle, she felt a pair of warm hands on her arm and back. She jumped and found Draco next to her, trying to help her sit up. She hadn't even seen him, not that she looked, but she was surprised to see him there.

"Easy now, Weasley," Draco said. Once she was sitting against her pillows, he handed her a goblet. "This will help with the pain."

Ginny didn't even think of the likeliness of him poisoning her. She gulped down the potion, not caring for the disgusting taste. Once she had swallowed the last drop, warmth spread through her body from head to toe, and the pain was gone.

She let out a sigh of relief and handed him the goblet. "Thank you," she said. She pulled the blankets to her chest when she noticed she was in her pajamas. Her face grew red as she looked up at Draco with expectant eyes.

Draco's face tinged pink. "Flipsy changed you," he said, busying himself with setting down the goblet. "You were soaking wet."

She nodded, but her heart still pounded. She looked at him, and noticed that he was still in his wet clothes; his hair was wet and a bit of a mess. She wanted to ask why he hadn't changed yet--why he was there, waiting for her to wake up, but she couldn't form the words. She glanced around him and saw that he had pulled a chair over to the side of her bed. He had taken care of her just as she did to him.

"I guess you can go now," she said. "I'm feeling better."

Draco finally looked up at her and met her eyes. He shook his head. "Not until we know what happened to you," he said. "I sent an owl a bit ago to someone who knows quite a bit about curses, and I trust him with-" He paused. "I trust he will treat you properly. He should be here in a matter of time."

Ginny nodded. "So the necklace was cursed after all?"

Draco ran a hand through his hair, making it stick up at the ends. "I don't know. I sent Mrs. Addison an owl as well, cursing her to hell, but she responded immediately, saying she had checked for every curse in the book, and found none." Draco sank into the chair. "All I know is when you opened that box, something terrible happened."

"But I feel fine now," Ginny said. Now with the pain gone, she felt back to normal health. "Wouldn't the curse have some sort of side effect?"

"Curses can come out in other ways. You can seem fine now, but in a week you could collapse in terrible pain. Or, the effects can be slow, and you may not know what's wrong until it's too late."

Ginny stared at her bitten fingernails. He was right, after all. She should have known just the same from what she was taught at Hogwarts, but found it harder to believe that it could be happening to her. "What did you do with the necklace?"

"I kept it," Draco said. "It needs to be examined just as you do."

An idea popped into her mind, and Ginny turned so quickly to Draco that he jumped. "We could ask your mother what's wrong with it! I'm sure she would tell us-"

"Absolutely not, Weasley," Draco said. "If this is another one of your schemes to get me to talk to her-"

"It's not," Ginny said quickly. "But if it's one step closer to the truth-"

"She wouldn't tell us anyways. It was her necklace. If there's a curse on it, she put it there herself."

Ginny hadn't thought of that. It hadn't even crossed her mind. A while ago, she would have thought of Narcissa to be the kind of person to curse objects, but after finding she died to save her own son's life, her image of her softened. "And if we can't find out what's wrong?"

Draco's face looked blank, but his lips were in a tight form and his hands were gripping his knees. "We will," he said with determination. He rose from his seat and walked to the door. "Get some sleep. I'll wake you when it's time to find the curse."

Ginny watched him open the door and he was halfway out when she stopped him. "Wait, Malfoy."

Draco turned and looked at her. He seemed tired, and paler than normal. Ginny took in his wet clothes--she had suddenly hoped he hadn't caught a cold.

"Thank you," she said. She felt embarrassed at her words. "For taking care of me."

Draco was silent as he stared at her. Just before she felt she should take it back, he nodded and shut the door behind him.


This time she awoke to two male voices outside her door. Ginny grimaced as she sat up--the pain potion was starting to wear off. She glanced at her window and saw it was night out and that it had stopped raining. Her eyes fell on a tray of sandwiches on her bed stand, and she quickly took one, having not eaten since breakfast.

She munched on her turkey club as her ears strained towards the door. One of the males was Draco; the other one, she could not identify, though it sounded familiar. It was a deeper voice, and the whole tone of it seemed very strict and serious. She was halfway through her sandwich when the voices grew louder and she was able to pick up what they were saying.

"--and my mother said nothing?"

Ginny stopped chewing. That was Draco's voice, and by the sound of it, he had taken her idea of questioning Narcissa.

"She would tell me nothing," said the other voice. "She insisted on only seeing you." There was silence. "If you only go and-"

"You know I won't," snapped Draco. "Did you forget how she died?"

Ginny's eyes widened. She almost jumped out of bed to put her ear against the door to listen better.

"You know I haven't. But if this is a matter of someone's life-"

"Ginny will be fine," Draco growled. "I just need you to make sure."

Ginny dropped her sandwich at Draco's use of her name. It was odd, coming from his mouth. It was so...formal. He used it as if there was something behind it.

"Be careful, Mr.Malfoy," the voice warned. "If you're starting to grow attached, the Dark Lord won't be pleased."

Something hit the door, making Ginny jump. Whether it was a fist or a body, she didn't know. "She's mine to do with what I wish. And you should know me better than to get attached to a Weasley."

Ginny stuck her tongue at the door. It's not like she wanted him attached to him in the first place, but he didn't have to insult her. "Very well," the voice said. "Shall we proceed?"

The doorknob turned. Ginny threw the remainder of her sandwich onto the plate and brushed the crumbs off her lap as the door opened. She looked up to see Draco walk in, and then let out a gasp at who followed him.

It was Snape.

"You!" she yelled at him, causing both him and Draco to stop. There had been rumors of his death since he had killed Dumbledore. The Order had immediately cut off their ties with Snape, seeing him as a traitor, and what other spies they had said there was no word or sight of him. Everyone had hoped that in the end, Severus Snape got what he deserved--death.

Snape's eyes narrowed. "This is what I was talking about, Mr. Malfoy," he said to his former student. "There's no point in having a Weasley if you can't tame it."

"How dare you!" Ginny spat. She crawled out of her sitting position and got as far as kneeling on her bed before Draco came over and tried to push her back down. "Don't you dare touch me!" she yelled at Draco. He looked startled for a moment--it was the first time she had yelled at him in awhile. She turned her anger on Snape. "We trusted you! We all did! Do you know how many times everyone could have turned you in? Don't you think I could have gone to Malfoy in school and told him that you were a spy for the Order?"

"But he was a spy for the Dark Lord," Draco interrupted. He seemed to have gotten over his shock of Ginny's temper, and was now glaring at her as well. "It was you he was fooling, not us."

Ginny fisted her hands in anger. That wasn't how it was at all. "He was a double agent. He made it look like he was spying on Dumbledore, but really-"

"But really it was an easier way to get into your foolish little Order," Snape said with a drawling voice. "It's nauseating how trusting you lot are." An evil smile filled his face. "Or should I say, were?"

"You're horrible," she said. Her whole body was shaking, and it was a challenge to try to keep her voice level. "I want you out of my room. Both of you."

Draco opened his mouth to argue, but Snape stepped in. "As much as I would appreciate that, Ms. Weasley, Mr. Malfoy asked me to come for a reason." He turned to eye Draco. "Though if I were him, I would just leave you to suffer with what the curse has left you."

"Yes, well you're not, so can we just get this over with before Weasley throws something at us?" Draco snapped.

Ginny let go of the pillow she had just grabbed, feeling foolish. She had wanted to throw it, at Snape or Draco she didn't know [which?], because there was nothing else in arm's reach and she felt that if she couldn't do something, she would scream.

"I'll start," Snape said, stressing the I, "but you'll have to leave, Mr. Malfoy."

Draco's mouth dropped open, and at that moment he looked like the whiny boy he had been at Hogwarts. "You don't really expect me to do such a thing! Weasley is mine and-"

"And the check I have to do on her is quite personal and would be better if you weren't around for it," Snape finished. He eyed Ginny. "That is of course, Ms. Weasley, if you don't mind."

Draco whipped his head to Ginny, waiting for her to answer. "I-" Ginny started. What did Snape mean by personal? Oh, Merlin, would she have to take off her clothes in front of him? She eyed Draco. The last thing she wanted was to be left alone with Snape, but if it was personal, she didn't want Draco to see anything, no matter what his presence may do to her. "I do mind."

Draco's face turned red and he glared daggers at her. He stalked out of the room and slammed the door shut. Snape stared after him. "Just when I think he had grown up..." He whipped out his wand and turned to Ginny. "Let's get started."

Ginny cowered at the wand and at Snape approaching. She suddenly wished Draco was there, and that she hadn't made him leave. "Now, wait just a minute," she said, crawling backwards to the head board. She met the board and stared at Snape with big eyes. She was cornered with no where to go. She clutched at her shirt. "I'm keeping my clothes on!"

Snape stared at her, and then to her surprise rolled his eyes. "I do hope so," he said before pointing his wand to her. He must have said the spell in his mind, because when Ginny heard nothing spoken, she felt warmness run through her body. She let out a yelp as she watched a pink light run from her fingertips and up her arms. "What's happening?"

"I'm scanning your body for curses," he said. He put his wand back in his pocket. "If there's any in any part of your body, the light will stop and grow blue."

Ginny felt the warmness go down her back. "But you said it was personal-"

"That," Snape said, his face turning grave, "was to get Mr. Malfoy out of the room."

"I don't understand-"

"You must be careful around him," Snape said in a low whisper. "I don't know what he has planned for you."

Ginny's mouth opened and then shut. "I-" She couldn't continue. One minute, Snape was insulting her, and now he was telling her to be careful? "What are you playing at?"

"You and the Order may have made your assumptions about me, but you only knew half of the truth," Snape said in a fast whisper. "I know where my loyalties lie, and though the Order is destroyed, I am still at duty to do what I can to help the last member."

Ginny gaped at him in shock. "You can't honestly expect me to believe that-"

"Shh!" Snape spit out, motioning towards the door. Ginny shut her mouth, out of years of having to listen to Snape in class or out of knowing what he was saying was important, she didn't know. But watching his behavior--his tense shoulders, and his eyes that kept on jumping to the door--to see him so restless went against everything she had ever believed about him. Never once did she see him behave this way. He was normally so in control, so collected. She knew he had to be in order to be a spy, that if he let any of his real emotions out, he would be caught. So for him to be acting in this way-

"You can't be telling the truth," she said in a faint voice. "You just can't--you killed Dumbledore!"

"I did what I was ordered to do. I believe you would have done the same, Ms. Weasley, if it was possible to help win the war."

Ginny shook her head. "But we didn't win," she said. "You didn't help at all."

Snape's face grew dark. His eyes stopped looking at the door. "I did what I could from my position," he said. "And no, we didn't win. And that's because of Mr. Malfoy."

"Malfoy? What did he-"

"I assume he told you why he won you as a prize?"

Ginny stopped. "Well, yes. He said for finding Harry. But he couldn't have--only my family and Hermione knew where Harry was hidden."

"I don't know how Mr. Malfoy knew where he was, but he did. I wasn't there when the Dark Lord found Potter, but I know the Dark Lord was directed on where to go by Draco. We had known that Potter had gone into hiding. The Dark Lord was furious--he knew he was winning the war and he wanted to finish it with Potter's death. He went as far as killing your family in hopes of bringing Potter out of his hiding."

Ginny's breath caught in her throat. "That monster," she whispered. "Well it didn't work. Harry would have wanted to come out to avenge my family, I know he would have, but he wasn't ready yet. He was weak--far too weak to fight yet. He wouldn't have risked his life when he had to save everyone."

"And after that was clear, the Dark Lord went to drastic measures. He began saying whoever could find Potter would be greatly awarded, that they could have anything they dreamed of. And that's when Draco told him of where Potter was."

Ginny felt her body go weak--she felt dizzy. "And he asked for me," she said faintly. "He only told Voldemort where Harry was because he wanted me." She tried to shake her head, but she couldn't move. "But that still doesn't explain how he knew-"

"There was one person still alive after your family's death," Snape said. "It's possible Draco got the answer out of her."

This time Ginny did shake her head. "Hermione," she said, finalizing the name. "Hermione would have died before betraying Harry."

Snape grew quiet. "And before her death," he said, his voice low, "she was questioned repeatedly by who killed her."

Ginny wanted to ask who that was before the door opened, and in walked Draco. "Are you bloody done yet?" he snapped. "I've been waiting long enough. Is she cursed or what?"

And then, as she stared at Draco, she suddenly knew her answer. "You," she said, "you killed Hermione."

Draco stiffened. "What have you told her?" he hissed at Snape.

Snape raised an eyebrow at Draco. "I only told her what was necessary to make her suffer," he drawled. "I didn't know it was so important to you to have a clean reputation towards her."

Ginny watched as Draco's chest heaved, and his face grew pink. "Is she cursed or not?"

"She's fine," Snape said. He straightened his robes. "My job here is done." Nodding at Draco, he walked by him as if the younger man didn't look like he was ready to explode. Ginny almost let out a cry when she saw Snape close the door behind him, enclosing Draco in the room with her.

Draco turned on Ginny. "What has he told you?"

Ginny jumped at his anger. "Just that," she said. "Just...just that you killed Hermione." Ginny felt her lower lip tremble. Too much has happened that day--it was too heavy on her, and now she felt herself breaking down. She felt ready to burst into tears, but she refused to cry in front of Draco.

Draco ran a hand through his hair. "Don't look at me like that," he said. "I did what I had to do."

"And what was so important that you had to kill the only person I had left?" Ginny cried, her tears now falling freely. She hastily wiped them away, hating them. Why was she crying? Shouldn't she have expected such a thing from him, from a Death Eater? Shouldn't she have known that there was more to the man that stood before her then of him just taking care of her?

Draco reached out to her, but paused when Ginny stiffened. "You won't believe me," he said, "but I didn't want to kill her."

Ginny let out a loud laugh. "Right--I forgot, you always fancied Hermione back at school! Of course you wanted to keep her alive!"

"I saw no point in her death!" he snapped. "Yes, I hated her. Yes, at one point I wanted nothing more than to be the one to get rid of her. But when that time came, things had changed. The circumstances were different and I knew she would be of more use alive than dead."

"And to what use would that be?" Ginny asked. In anger, she managed to crawl off her bed and now approached Draco, standing tall despite being several inches shorter then him. She poked him in the chest, and he let her. "To be raped? To be tortured? What use would Hermione have to you? She knew she was as good as dead! She told me herself--she told me that she would die, because she wasn't pureblood like me; that she would die because she knew too much."

"It wasn't about her blood!" Draco snapped. "And tell me this--did anyone once come into your cell and rape her? Did they?"

Ginny paused, but her temper was still going. "Don't tell me you stopped them," she said. "Don't you dare expect me to believe that."

"It was because of me she survived that long!" Draco snapped. "I put you two together--I put Crabbe and Goyle at the door to protect both of you. I hated that Mudblood bitch more than anything, and even after her death I still do!"

"Then why did you do it?" Ginny cried. "Why would you go through so much trouble if you hated her?"

"That's none of your business!" he snapped. "I'm done with your questions." He turned to leave, but Ginny grabbed his arm and pulled him roughly towards her.

"No!" she yelled. "I'm sick of not knowing what's going on--you're hiding too much! You claimed you helped out Hermione--why? Why did you have Crabbe and Goyle protect my cell? Why didn't you just leave your filthy friends to rape both of us, to torture us, to do what they did to all the other prisoners?"

Draco glared down at her, but she ignored his stare. "I want answers, Malfoy! Why me? Why am I your prize? You said it was to make me suffer, but I have seen nothing of the sort since I've been here!"

Draco grabbed onto her arm, squeezing it tightly. Ginny yelped in pain. "Is that what you want?" he growled. "Do you want me to hurt you? Is that what you expect of me?"

Ginny raised her free hand to slap him, but he grabbed that arm as well. Ginny struggled under his grasp, but he held her tight. "You don't scare me anymore, Malfoy," Ginny spat. "Do what you want to me, but I'll continue to pester you until I know the truth. Why did you help Hermione? How did you know where to find Harry? And why all the extra treatment at the prison? Why Crabbe and Goyle? Why-"

"I did it for you!" Draco yelled. "I did it all for you!" And before Ginny could register what he said, Draco pulled her towards him, and kissed her.


My first cliff-hanger!! Don’t get mad though—at least I don’t do this to you every chapter, like I did in my story “Can’t Decide to Love or Hate You.” I believe I also introduced the first kiss in that story at chapter four. Interesting. I decided to update every two weeks. I think that’s a fair time to give myself to write, and it’s not too long of a wait. So in two weeks, stay tuned to see how Ginny reacts to the kiss! Thanks for reading and please review! Liz21