What Happens in the Changing Room...


Story Summary:
Characters in the HP-verse need to blow off a little steam... I had originally intended this to be a one-shot, but well, plans change. :)

Chapter 04 - Hymns Upon Your Lips


The Great Hall beckoned invitingly on the cold winter night. Thousands of candles floated above the four house tables, set for dinner. It was as it should be, save for one small detail.

It was all but deserted.

Arthur let his bag fall from his shoulder as he approached the Gryffindor table. Molly sat halfway down the table in his usual spot. Except she wasn't sitting on the bench. She perched on the table where his place setting should be. She wore her school uniform - the grey wool pinafore and crisp white cotton shirt minus the heavy black tights and Mary Jane shoes. The pleated skirt of the pinafore swirled merrily around her naked calves as she swung her feet. 'Ready for dinner?' she asked.

'Sure...' he croaked in reply, glancing around the table. He didn't see food anywhere, but slid into the bench all the same, noticing how much higher the table was. Molly's knees hovered at his chest. Arthur ran the fingertips of one hand lightly up the sole of one of her bare feet, eliciting a soft giggle from Molly. Arthur grinned and cupped his hands around her ankles, gliding them up over her rounded calves, then over to her knees, and back to her ankles. He lifted an ankle to his lips, pressing a kiss against the sun-kissed skin. Freckles were scattered over the ivory hued sweep of her shins, and he caressed each and every one with his lips and hands. Molly's knees opened slightly and Arthur continued his meandering path over her dimpled knees, reveling in the silken warmth of her body. Arthur gently folded the hem of her pinafore back, exposing more of her, wondering for what felt like the thousandth time just what color her knickers were. Plain white cotton? Blue? Pink? He wasn't prepared for the glimpse of blazing scarlet underneath the hem. Dizzily, he shoved the skirt higher, whistling in admiration at the scarlet silk edged with gold lace.

Arthur looked up at Molly, wondering if she would make a move to stop him, but she merely moved closer to the edge of the table, thighs parting invitingly. Arthur didn't need to be asked twice. One hand cupped over the juncture of her thighs and she inhaled deeply. Encouraged, he grazed his knuckles over the center of the silk, gratified to see a spreading dampness appear, accompanied by breathy moans. He leaned back slightly. Molly's face was flushed and she sank back on her elbows. 'You shouldn't wear wet clothing,' he informed her.

'Is that so?'

'Mmm-hmmm. Might even catch a cold,' he added impishly.

'Well, I wouldn't care for that to happen,' Molly said throatily, lifting her hips. Arthur hooked his fingers over the top of the knickers and drew them down over her hips then slipped them down her thighs, over her feet, and dropped them to the floor. He nuzzled her as he slipped one long finger inside her, teasing her before he pressed his mouth to the glistening flesh above his hand. Every thrust of his fingers and sinuous twist of his tongue was a lesson in an agonizingly languid pace that brought Molly to the brink of release, taunting her with its promise before cruelly snatching it away. She sprawled over the table, feet braced against his shoulders, back arching, arms stretched over her head as she grasped for the edge of the table, thighs quivering, pleading for Arthur to let her come. He pushed himself to his feet and watched her as she writhed under his ministrations, hair spilling in a glowing tangle over the stark white tablecloth, dying to relieve the throbbing demand in his groin.

'Arthur...' she whispered. He shook his head a little. It didn't sound as if it came from the throes of passion. 'Arthur?' The tone grew worried. 'Arthur!'


Molly stood in the empty common room, chewing her lower lip. She had hoped she would be able to find Arthur, maybe persuade him to have a go with her in one of the larger classrooms. She needed the practice for the Dueling Club. Ever since Gideon and Fabian had finished school, she lost her regular sparring partners and could feel her edge slipping away. And perhaps later, they could utilize the classroom for dueling of a less magical purpose. Dueling made them both somewhat randy. As for Arthur, he hadn't been at breakfast, and now it was getting close to lunchtime, and he never missed a meal if he could help it. 'Maybe he's sick...' she murmured, heading for the spiral stairs that would lead her to his dormitory. His was on the fourth floor, one floor below where Gideon and Fabian's had been.

Molly knocked politely on the door. Sometimes having older brothers was a good thing. She'd learned quickly boys didn't care for having anyone barge into the bedrooms. Especially first thing in the morning. 'Arthur?' she called. After waiting several moments with no answer, she carefully twisted the doorknob and peered into the semi-darkened room. Arthur's year-mates had all gone home for the Christmas holiday, and he snored softly in his four-poster bed. She stole into the room and tiptoed to his bed, shaking his shoulder. 'Arthur...' He grunted and flopped over on his back. 'Arthur?' Molly prodded him a little harder. 'Arthur!'

Arthur's eyes popped open and he gazed at her hazily. 'Molly?'

'Are you feeling all right?' She moved to lay a hand over his forehead. 'You're awfully warm...'

Arthur started at the sensation of her cool palm on his heated skin. He woke up fully and stiffened at the realization he had been dreaming, but the erection straining his pajamas was quite real. Mortified he flipped over, curling into himself. 'Go away,' he mumbled.

'But it's almost time for lunch,' Molly said hesitantly.

'I'm not hungry,' Arthur retorted, wishing she would leave so he could do something about his body's demands.

Molly turned and walked to the door. She stopped and ventured, 'Are you quite sure you're all right?'

'I'm fine,' he choked. 'Just a dream...' he tried to assure her.

'Was it bad?'

'No...' Arthur breathed. 'It was not.' Carefully, he rolled over, keeping his hands cupped protectively over himself. 'It was about you.' He coughed. 'Doing... Things...'

Molly firmly shut the door and waved her wand at it. The sound of the bolt shooting home echoed in the dormitory. 'Show me.'

Arthur felt his eyes bulge. 'What?' he spluttered.

Molly kicked off her shoes, then unhooked her robes, letting them fall to her feet. She stood in chemise for a long moment. Arthur's eyes widened. It wasn't the first time he'd seen Molly in dishabille. Long rambles in the countryside surrounding the Burrow lent themselves to hidden hollows where they could spend hour upon uninterrupted hour. Her family lived with her great-aunt Muriel in a great barn of a house. It had rooms that were no longer in use, but perfect for dreary, rainy afternoons, perfect to explore the hills and valleys of a more personal nature. But this was more than mere exploration. 'Show me,' she repeated, sliding onto the bed.

Arthur gathered the chemise in his hands and pulled it over her head. 'Yellow...' She wore sunny yellow knickers. It wasn't quite the sensuous scarlet of his dreams, but he didn't care. One finger slid into the top and he tugged at them. 'Are you sure?' She simply smiled and cupped a hand over the front of his pajama bottoms. 'Well, all right, then.' He pulled her knickers off and threw them across the room, and propped up on an elbow. He'd never seen her completely naked before and it was better than even his dreams. Molly was a series of curves and arcs. His head dipped to the valley between her full breasts while his hand rested on her stomach. She shifted and his hand slipped lower, brushing against the warm heat of her arousal. As he had so many times in his imagination, Arthur sank his fingers into Molly, and she growled softly. Arthur rotated his hand a bit, and used his thumb to stroke the sensitive nub of flesh that, according to that book his older brother left hidden under a loose floorboard, would bring Molly the most pleasure.

It worked spectacularly. Her fingers wound into the sheets. 'Ohhhhh,' she moaned. 'Yesssssss.' Her hips bucked against his hand and her body trembled until she pushed at his hand, making him stop. Arthur tugged at the drawstring of his pajamas, scrambling to shove them down. His feet tangled frustratingly in them making Molly giggle. She sat up. 'Wait...' Molly leaned over and worked the pajamas over his feet and let them fall to the floor. 'Now then...' She sat back on her heels and let her gaze roam boldly over Arthur. Slender and lanky, his chest was dusted sparsely with dark red hair that dribbled toward his navel then flared down his abdomen. She let her hand rest on one tensely bunched thigh. 'What do you want me to do...?'

'Touch me...' he rasped, taking her hand and wrapping it firmly around his aching cock. Molly's hand slid up and down according to Arthur's grunted responses. 'Moll... I...' Arthur seized her wrist and dragged her up the bed. He covered her body with his, using his knees to spread her thighs. 'Tell me to stop,' he said raggedly. 'Tell me to stop, and I will...'

'I don't want you to stop.'

Arthur swallowed heavily and patted blindly for his wand. The spell in Billy's book said it had to be cast at just the right moment. Too early and it might wear off and too late and it was a moot point. Arthur wanted a family, eventually. Just not right now. 'Arceovotare,' he ground out between clenched teeth and his wand fell to the floor with a clatter. The book also said to take his time, but Arthur wasn't certain he would be able to. He slid into Molly and encountered resistance. Molly stiffened, but didn't cry out. 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry...' Arthur chanted.

'Don't stop,' Molly gasped. 'Just don't go very fast...'

'Oh... Okay...' Even though the effort to not plunge wildly into Molly felt like being flayed, with every nerve on fire, Arthur willed himself to inch inside her, little by oh-so-little until he was fully sheathed within her body. He nearly came unglued when Molly wrapped first one leg, then the other around his hips, drawing him in deeper. Arthur began to move, awkwardly at first until he found a comfortable rhythm. All too soon, Arthur felt his body convulse as it sought its release of its own accord. Arthur lifted his head, suddenly heavier than usual. Molly's normally wide eyes were sleepy and soft. He managed to shift to the side, spooning against her. 'Are you hungry?' he sighed.


'Brilliant.' Arthur reached one long arm out and caught the edge of the bed curtains in his fingertips. They closed with a practiced flick of his wrist, cocooning them in scarlet dusk.