Astronomy Tower
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 01/27/2003
Updated: 04/29/2003
Words: 10,229
Chapters: 3
Hits: 6,060

An Unexpected Development


Story Summary:
When twenty-five year old Draco Malfoy offers Ginny Weasley the chance to make it in her chosen career, she's both thrilled and horrified. Draco is a cold, arrogant prat ... but lurking underneath the cruel exterior just might be a decent wizard. Will he ever give her the chance to find out? A Draco/Ginny angst-filled romance with Harry/Hermione on the side.

Chapter 01

When twenty-five year old Draco Malfoy offers Ginny Weasley the chance to make it in her chosen career, she's both thrilled and horrified. Draco is a cold, arrogant prat ... but lurking underneath the cruel exterior just might be a decent wizard. Will he ever give her the chance to find out? A Draco/Ginny angst-filled romance with Harry/Hermione on the side.

Words: 3,554
Hits: 3,775
Chapter 02

In this chapter, Draco does some investigating and makes a decision, while Ginny can't get a certain wizard out of her head.

Words: 2,497
Hits: 990
Chapter 03

In this chapter, Ginny agrees to look over the contract and ends up having dinner with Draco... which leads them to getting a lot closer than either anticipated.

Words: 4,178
Hits: 1,295