Astronomy Tower
Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Harry Potter
Crossover Adventure
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/18/2006
Updated: 03/11/2008
Words: 19,924
Chapters: 8
Hits: 2,580

Harry Potter and the First Ones


Story Summary:
The long-awaited sequel to Harry Potter and the Shadow War. You must read that first, or this one will make no sense. Harry and his friends are summoned once again to the universe of Babylon 5, where they find that the war between the Vorlons and the Shadows is coming to a head. They will need to deal with both of these sides before they can go home, as well as one who is older than all.

Chapter 01

The long-awaited sequel to Harry Potter and the Shadow War. You must read that first, or this one will make no sense. Harry and his friends are summoned once again to the universe of Babylon 5, where they find that the war between the Vorlons and the Shadows is coming to a head. They will need to deal with both of these sides before they can go home, as well as one who is older than all.

Words: 1,891
Hits: 591

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny reach Z'Ha'Dum and take just the first step to discovering their destiny.

Words: 2,752
Hits: 428

Hermione tells the story of her and the other kids, while Lorien tells part of his. Surprising secrets are revealed, and new questions are asked!

Words: 2,755
Hits: 302

Sheridan recovers, and he and the gang set off with Lorien for Babylon 5 to begin the next stage of the war.

Words: 2,454
Hits: 697

Sheridan causes quite a stir when he arrives back at the station with Harry and company in tow, along with the mysterious Lorien.

Words: 2,645
Hits: 147

Harry and company meet their first Vorlon.

Words: 2,352
Hits: 142

The events on Centauri Prime are brought into the story.

Words: 2,402
Hits: 115

Sheridan proposes to Delenn, Harry feels uncomfortable, and Ginny tries to figure out Garibaldi's problem.

Words: 2,673
Hits: 158