Astronomy Tower
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 10/07/2004
Updated: 10/07/2004
Words: 954
Chapters: 1
Hits: 425

The Waltz Continued


Story Summary:
Ginny reflects on past events as the wizarding world celebrates the defeat of the Dark Lord. H/G, R/Hr. Companion piece to The Waltz.

Author's Note:
This story (and several others that I'm still working on) kind of popped into my head while listening to the movie soundtracks for SS, COS, and POA. Hope you like it!

Ginny Weasley stood near the edge of the dance floor as the sounds of joyous music rang merrily through the Great Hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Its students danced happily as they and the rest of the wizarding world celebrated the final defeat of the Dark Lord Voldemort. Final exams were done and forgotten, and Gryffindor House celebrated a win of yet another House Cup and Quidditch Cup title. There was much reason for celebration.

And yet as happy as Ginny was, she was unable to fully enjoy the festivities. Sure she enjoyed watching Ron and Hermione dance, holding each other tight. They had almost lost Hermione after all, during the last battle. Ginny wouldn't be surprised if Ron never let Hermione out of his arms again. She smiled as she watched them, despite the small twinge of jealousy that appeared deep down inside her.

She waved as Neville and Luna swept past her, laughing contentedly. She watched as Dean danced past with Parvati, and Seamus twirling with Lavender in his arms. She shook her head in amusement when Dennis Creevey danced past with a girl even smaller than he was. His older brother Colin carefully worked his way through the crowd, snapping pictures left and right.

Even the professors seemed to finally be able to relax now that their students weren't in constant danger. McGonagall and Dumbledore danced merrily near the High table, laughing and joking as the students danced around them. Even Snape seemed to be in a rare mood. Ginny could have been mistaken but she thought she actually detected a bit of amusement in Snape as he watched the festivities.

Everyone was happy, just as it should be. Except, she thought, the one person who deserved this happiness the most. Harry. The final battle with Voldemort had nearly killed him and he hadn't left the hospital wing for a week, so exhausted that he was. She'd asked him if he wanted her to stay with him during the ball, but being Harry of course, he told her that he wanted her to go and enjoy herself. "I just need to rest up a bit. Just a bit more," he had said. He certainly deserved it after all, she thought. Plus, this was the first time in years that he had actually gotten a perfectly peaceful night of sleep. And who was she to say no to that? Still, the Ball just wasn't the same without him.

She was brought out of her reverie as a popular wizarding waltz began to play. She smiled sadly. This was she and Harry's favorite song. The broad sweeping melody resonated inside them whenever they heard it.

She made up her mind right then. To heck with the Ball! Harry wanted her to be happy? Well, there's only one place she was ever truly happy, by Harry's side. She began to walk towards the door.

She stopped near the entrance as something tickled at the back of her neck. She turned and her breath caught as Harry strode through the crowd towards her. A sly smile spread across his face as he approached her. "I think this is our song," he said, taking her hand and leading her out onto the dance floor. They danced happily around the floor, turning and twirling in time to the music.

The moment did not last however, as something sharp, like an elbow, suddenly jabbed into Ginny's back. She found herself being pulled backwards by Draco Malfoy as Crabbe, Goyle, and Nott dragged Harry the other way. "Harry!" Ginny cried.

"Ginny!" Harry called after her as the Slytherins pulled him towards a corner of the room.

Malfoy dug his fingers into Ginny's wrists as he pulled her around the dance floor. She tried to pull free but was unable. Malfoy sneered, "I told you I'd get even, blood traitor!"

Ginny looked frantically past Malfoy as she tried to spot Harry. She saw Crabbe and Goyle kicking and punching at something out of her line of sight. "Let me go!" she cried.

She looked to Dumbledore and McGonagall, who were the only ones who seemed to notice. Dumbledore raised his hand in a calming gesture as if to say, "Relax. It will be okay." McGonagall didn't look as certain.

Several people cried out as Crabbe, Goyle, and Nott suddenly flew backwards amid a great flash of light. They landed in the middle of the dance floor. Harry stood over them with both fists clenched at his sides. He backed up slightly as the three Slytherins stood and surrounded him, smacking their fists into their palms and grinning stupidly. They took one step towards Harry before suddenly going completely rigid, becoming victims of the full-body-bind.

Crabbe fell over like a ten-pin as Ron shoved him forward. He and Hermione put their wands away and winked. Harry grinned his thanks before rushing toward Ginny.

Malfoy snarled as Ginny grinned up at him defiantly. "Don't you...!" he began. He never finished the sentence as Ginny brought her knee up sharply into his groin. He cried out in pain and spun away from her, only to walk right into Harry's fist, and was spun the other way. He fell to his knees before collapsing into unconsciousness at their feet.

Harry reached out his hand and Ginny took it, smiling happily. They stepped over Malfoy's unmoving form and resumed their dance.

Malfoy and his gang would be ignored and remain on the floor for the remainder of the evening.

And as their song reached its crescendo, Ginny pulled Harry close. "It's good to see you happy again," she said. Harry smiled and returned the embrace. Everything was finally as it should be.

Author notes: Please review and tell me what you thought of it. Be nice but be honest. Thanks.