James Potter Lily Evans
General Action
Multiple Eras
Published: 08/19/2003
Updated: 07/02/2004
Words: 178,864
Chapters: 35
Hits: 18,754

Comedy/Tragedy: The Story of a Doomed Existence


Story Summary:
Lily Evans never fit in quite right with her picture-perfect family. She always dreamed of something more, but by the time she was eleven had become too jaded to dream any more. But before she can figure out what has happened, the girl is thrown into a world ``of fickle friendships, slimy Slytherins, arrogant Quidditch players, and magic of more than one kind.

Comedy/Tragedy 13

Chapter Summary:
Life isn’t perfect. There are ups and downs and all sorts of inconceivable loops, twists and imperfections. There’s laughing and there’s crying. But would it be worth living if it were perfect? Without excitement, tears, disasters?
Author's Note:
Please read/review!

Chapter Twelve: Professor Hurley's Big Mistake

Lily did not see Lucy again until History of Magic, early Thursday morning. She and Alice had decided beforehand that neither one of them would mention what had happened the night before unless Lucy did.

When the blonde girl came into the classroom, she had a different air about her; she wasn't smiling, and though not crying anymore, there was a world-weary sort of quality about her presence. But when she spoke, it was the same buoyant girl they knew. The only things that betrayed her were her eyes. Their periwinkle color had darkened, so it was like looking into a purpled abyss. Her eyes stretched back into her soul, and let a very different Lucy show through. Seeing how invisibly miserable her friend was, Lily began to wonder about James - he had been rejected, too, despite the fact that, though Lily didn't want to admit it, he had done very well at the tryouts. She glanced across the room to Potter's usual corner.

"So, if you'll believe this, I darted sideways, and with a burst of speed never seen on the old school brooms, managed to throw a fast, perfectly aimed Quaffle right through the Keeper's arms!"

Yes, James was back to normal, Lily decided.

"...and that stupid Chaser wouldn't catch the ball! So, I darted down in a most Seeker-like dive and managed to catch the sneaky little thing perfectly!"

"Oooh...really Jamie? Wow...you must be so talented!"

Lily turned her attention back to her friends. Alice was talking to Lucy in a perfectly normal fashion, though Lily noticed that the round-faced girl was doing her best to avoid Lucy's empty eyes.

Lily felt very annoyed with the way Quidditch was organized at Hogwarts; it should have been completely fair! The boy who had been accepted as Keeper was good, maybe, but the Chaser had been awful! Nafeesah really should have gotten it, if Dasting were too stubborn to accept first-years. She decided that, if she ever got out of the endless hatred all the Gryffindors felt for her, she would find something to do about the sexism and discrimination against first-years.

"...and then, I swiveled to the right and nearly fell off my broom, my acceleration was so fast! And Chasers never aim for the middle hoop - insane, right? - but I'm so brave I thought I'd try anyway! It was the most amazing thing you've ever seen, a curveball that -"

"Oh, shut up, Potter." Sirius rolled his eyes at his friend. "You didn't make the team, what are you on about?"

"Well - I -"

Apparently, James cared a good deal more than he'd let on about not making the team.

Much as she hated the boy, James' disappointment only elevated Lily's resolution to change the way Quidditch was done at Hogwarts.

Weeks began to snake past, moving both quickly and slowly. They were slow in that Lily's torture from the rest of Gryffindor seemed ultimately endless. People would rest at nothing to make her suffer, despite the rather obvious fact that she wasn't doing anything bad. In trying to escape from their constant punishments, Lily had explained over and over that she was only a first year, and there was no way that she could be doing some of the things they accused her of, like magicking Professor McGonagall into giving her a 110 on the latest exam. It was completely impossible for them to comprehend the fact that Lily had received the extra points for writing five extra rolls of parchment on transfiguring liquid into solid.

The weeks were quick in that lessons whirled past; even History of Magic was becoming more fun, now that Percival Pennyweather had been abandoned. In Transfiguration and Charms, Professors McGonagall and Flitwick had moved them on to more difficult areas, now that they had mastered the beginning concepts. Herbology was also fascinating; though all of the rain had killed off the dittany, Professor Sprout had introduced ginger, a non-magical plant that had curious properties nonetheless. Astronomy was also a wonderful way to spend a Tuesday night, though Lily didn't bother with Orion Moonstone again. In Potions, Professor Dulcissa had begun to allow those who finished early to combine two ingredients together, which Lily considered a big step, considering whom they were dealing with. Defense Against the Dark Arts was somewhat of a mystery to Lily; she would have thought that Hurley would have made some action toward the H.U.R.L. shirts by now. But no: classes remained as always. The professor still loved to talk, and nearly everyone else loved to listen to him. Thursday, September thirtieth found Lily sitting through one of his classes, bored as usual.

"Banshees are greatly feared by many of the Wizarding world, but their fear is not necessary in the slightest. Many fear banshees unnecessarily, but they should not, for their fear is unfounded. Banshees are omens of death. They wail when death is coming, and they are omens of death. People only see them when death is coming, for banshees are rather an omen of this coming death," Hurley spoke, his clown-voice going up and down at the most annoying places.

Lily wondered why she was the only person that realized how repetitive their teacher was. Well, not the only one, but Alice was too scared to do much in his class, Lucy had been vacant and emotionless since her Quidditch failure, and Sirius and Remus had to avoid Lily's eyes so as not to arouse suspicion.

"...are only seen in groups when someone very important is going to die. When someone important will meet their demise, banshees form groups and wail in harmony. Their harmony only happens when someone important will die, otherwise banshees travel alone."

Lily stopped listening; she'd already read the chapter on banshees multiple times and didn't need to hear it read out eight more by Hurley. She let her eyes wander around the classroom, taking in the students and their opinions of Hurley.

The boy who continued to say that Lily would be capable of dark magic was staring, openmouthed, at Hurley. Lily rolled her eyes; his name was Brendan McCarter and he was overly enthusiastic about every one of his classes, though he always did fairly poorly. Leanna Thompson had her head cocked to one side, brown ringlets framing her bronze skin as she tried to catch the professor's eye. Hana, who as always was seated between James and Leanna, had her pale fingers clasped on the desk, dark eyes staring at Professor Hurley. James, however, was not as attentive as he seemed. He was staring straight ahead, but he and Sirius were having a furious footsie competition below their desks. Peter was laughing as he watched what James did, and Remus was studying for a Transfiguration exam underneath his desk.

Lily sighed; this was no different from every other Defense class she had sat through so far. She was just so bored...she glanced up at Hurley, who was now holding his wand out.

"Okay, kiddos, now I'm going to show you...a magic trick!" he explained, as though this were the most marvelous thing in the world.

Lily stared at him. Was this man insane? They were at a school for the magical arts. Magic tricks would have no point here!

She only partially paid attention as the man pulled a brightly colored box out from behind his desk.

"Now, watch carefully!" He held the box out in front of himself.

Hana leaned forward, Brendan's arm fell off of his desk, and Leanna moistened her lips. Peter stopped watching James and Sirius to stare at the Professor. Remus wrinkled his forehead in disgust.

"And...avada kedavra!" the teacher yelled. A blinding green light illuminated the box he was holding.

Lily's mouth dropped; had she misheard, or did Hurley just say Avada Kedavra? That was the killing curse! What did Hurley think he was doing? All around the classroom, the other students' reactions were similarly astounded. Peter Pettigrew fell off of his chair, Remus Lupin slammed shut his book on his fingers, Brendan yelped loudly, and Leanna shoved her chair back, screaming hysterically.

"I - I meant abra cadabra!" the flustered teacher told them, stuffing the box behind his desk. "I - it was - just a mistake -"

But pandemonium ensued nonetheless. Leanna had leapt up and was trying to run around the room screaming, but she had slammed into the desk of a pimply, weak-chinned girl and both had toppled through the air, crashing into a few bespectacled boys in the back row. James had stood up and started shouting at the teacher; Sirius had decided to skive off. Peter ran to hide in the corner, and even Lucy looked surprised.

"Honestly, what are we, boneless Hufflepuffs?" Hana's cool voice pervaded the chamber. Leanna stopped screaming. "Professor Hurley made a mistake, and we all leap up and act like it's the end of the world. Why don't we all just sit down and stop being so sensitive. This is Defense Against the Dark Arts, there's bound to be some dark things that happen in here."

Lily looked at her angrily. Were people actually going to buy that, after all the misery Lily had gone through for not even doing anything?

"Hana - he just used the killing curse on whatever's in that box! That's illegal, and it's dark magic at it's worst!" James turned toward the raven-haired girl. "And he said it like it was no big deal! Like it was a mistake! How could you accidentally use a killing curse?"

"Jamie, maybe he was just keeping us on our toes. Showing us how to react in such situations," Hana told him sweetly.

"My name," James hissed, still furious, "is James. Not Jamie, not Jamie-poo, James. Get it? And there is no excuse for using the killing curse!"

"Mr. Potter, everyone, please sit down." Hurley had regained whatever temperament he had. James went to his seat, still glaring daggers at both Hana and Hurley.

"Miss Hawthorne, if you are still bleeding, you may be excused to the hospital wing. Please tell Mr. Black to return to class," Hurley called after the pimply girl Leanna had smashed into. "It was a simple mistake, that is all. I was going to say abra cadabra, but I was thinking about the seventh years I taught this morning - we're studying Unforgiveable curses, and the lesson was still in my mind! I'm sure everyone understands."

"The only thing to understand here is that you are an evil wizard!" James yelled. "I've had enough of this bogus class!"

He grabbed his book-bag and stomped out of the classroom.

"Tempers, tempers," Hurley said, annoyed. "I will not tolerate them in my class. If anyone else is feeling a little warm or agrees with Mr. Potter, please leave right now. Tempers need to cool off if our lessons are to proceed." He smiled out at the students, as though he knew that no one would actually leave.

But he was wrong; there wasn't any way that Lily was going to stay, even if it did mean going into the corridor where James was. She snatched up her bag and things and followed Potter into the hallway. The door slammed behind her and the tousle-headed boy, who was half-heartedly kicking his book-bag down the long corridor, turned to see what created the noise.

"What do you want, Evans?" he asked her coldly. "Come to fetch me for Hurley?"

"No," Lily spat, disgusted he would think such a thing, "I hate Hurley!"

"What?" James looked up, surprised. "You get such great grades in his class...you love all your classes!"

"Glad to see that you know so much about me when we've never actually had a conversation," Lily told him.

"It looks to me as though we both have a lot of time right now," James said. "Step into my office." He indicated a large podium, on which an engraved silver plate was balanced.

Lily stepped forward, amazed that he was willing to engage in civil conversation with her.

"Um...Potter, if you don't mind my asking, why on earth are you talking to me?" Lily asked once she had settled herself. "I thought I was supposed to be The Most Evil First Year of All Time?"

"I don't have anything better to do," James said offhandedly. "So. You claim to hate Hurley."

"I do hate Hurley! And Dulcissa," Lily added as an afterthought.

James looked at her as though she were mad.

"You've got over a hundred as average in each class! How can you hate them?"

"What do you mean, how can I hate them? You've been in class, you've seen how they act!"

"Well, yeah, but Hurley is evil, like yourself -"

"Oh, not that bloody evil stuff!" Lily rolled her eyes. "Are you really that thick, to think that I'm evil just because of what the Anna Bananas said?"

"Hey, Hana isn't that bad!"

Lily rolled her eyes.

"And anyway - they aren't the only ones who've convinced me you're evil. What was with that 'date' you and Sirius went on?"

"Oh - that - it wasn't a date," Lily told him. She didn't know why she was being so open.

"Then what was it?"

His hazel eyes were awfully hard to avoid. Lily stopped trying and gazed up into their green-brown depths. Once she'd done that, they held her so perfectly that there was no way she could hide the truth.

"Well...these past weeks, I've been - I started a club for, er, for hating Hurley," Lily stammered, cheeks brightening.

"No!" James grinned. "Well, that does make you seem pretty evil...he is the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. How did you convince people to join?"

"I'm not the person who handed out the shirts," Lily told him. She nearly broke her gaze away, but his eyes were so layered this proved impossible; it was like following an endless maze.


Lily partially unlaced her robes to reveal the shirt she always wore to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"So who handed out the - I'll kill him!" James realized who the distributor was halfway through his sentence. He sounded serious, but he was laughing.

Lily couldn't help it; she laughed too. She still hated Potter - passionately - but she couldn't help but enjoy their conversation. He was just so easy to talk to.

"I'll bet that's what was going on in the empty room next to Transfiguration, too!" James exclaimed, a look of wonder passing over his face as he realized what had been going on.

"Yes, it was." Lily was glad he was such a quick thinker.

"Wait, how do you know about that? Did that Bones girl tell you?"

"No, I was there -"

'He nicked my cloak again?" James yelped, calling Sirius something that raised Lily's eyebrows.

"No, I was in the closet. As were Remus, and Alice." Lily tried to stop her mouth, but his eyes were impossible to deceive.

"Why're you telling me all this?" James asked her after a few more minutes.

Not wanting to say that she found his eyes hypnotizing, for she was sure he would take it the wrong way, Lily racked her brain for a truthful excuse.

"I - you - I wanted to take advantage of the fact that you aren't scowling at me," Lily told him finally.

James decided to take that moment to scowl ferociously at her, and Lily couldn't help but laugh.

"Having fun?" Hana's cold voice stopped Lily's hysterical giggling.

"Er....Hana, hello," James said in a jaunty, winning tone.

"James, what are you doing, associating with her?" Hana hissed. "Seducing the enemy, hmm?"

"No, just getting inside information," James answered deviously.

"What?" Lily yelped.

"Oh come on, Evans, you don't actually think I'd want to talk to you?" James glared at her coolly. "But thanks for all the information, it will most definitely help! Enjoy Azkaban..."

Laughing with Hana, he walked off.

Lily glared after him. What was wrong with that boy? He seemed so nice, for a few minutes there. Was there any likelihood at all that their conversation had been the real Potter, and the James who Hana knew was just a mirage?

She sighed. Probably not. Her good mood of moments before now completely gone, Lily headed off to lunch.

For the rest of the weekend, Lily kept a close eye on James. She was very confused as to who he was - arrogant, kind, or mean - and, more importantly, she was worried that he had told Hana about the H.U.R.L. shirts, and Lily's own involvement with them. But if the short boy spoke anything to her, nothing was done about it. Just to be sure, however, Lily kept watching him. And so Monday afternoon found her, relaxing in Lucy's usual chair, for the blonde girl had been going to bed exceedingly early as of late. Alice was staring out the window from Lily's usual seat; Lucy's lack of energy made her best friend feel down, too. Lily turned her attention toward the middle of the room when a large amount of noise emanated from the chairs by the fireplace.

"Remus, not again!" Sirius was yelling.

"Look - buddy, I'm sorry, but my aunt's getting married," Remus replied in a much quieter tone.

"Not visiting your grandmother?"

"No, she'll be there too," Remus told him, missing the sarcasm.

"I thought you said she was too ill to get out of bed!" James had joined the conversation.

"Well - she's getting better - and she - still wanted to be at the wedding -" Remus said quietly, not looking at his friends.

Then the pale, particularly peaky-looking boy turned and hurried out of the common room.

"What I wouldn't give to know where he goes," Sirius mumbled, his voice carrying across the room nonetheless.

"Yeah," James replied distractedly.

"Hey, what's going on?" Peter had joined them, accompanied by his usual array of sweets.

"Remus's disappearing again..."

Lily surveyed the trio from behind her completed astronomy homework, wondering. She looked down at the chart. A full moon, tonight...

Filled with sudden inspiration, Lily hurried upstairs. She said a quick hello to the miserable-looking Lucy and thumbed through all the parchment and charts from one month of Astronomy. There it was, the moon chart for September. And sure enough, the day that she'd been accused of being evil, Sunday, the 5th, was a full moon. Could it be a coincidence?

She thought back on all that had occurred around the first full moon, and now this one. Remus did look awfully peaky tonight, and he hadn't looked too happy when she had proposed the H.U.R.L. project to him and to Sirius, only four nights after the moon was full. And he was looking thinner...

Curious, the redhead girl pulled out Fifteen Hundred Magical Creatures and thumbed through the pages. There, on page 291, was the chapter on werewolves. Lily looked long and hard at the rough sketch of the monstrous animal. Could the pale boy actually be such a monster? His eyes were kind of wolfish...but the article said appearances had nothing to do with it! And she really couldn't imagine the book-loving, quiet boy was anything like a werewolf. Even if he were, where would Remus go, anyway? How could he come to Hogwarts, if he turned into a rabid monster once a month?

She didn't know, but the thought did not leave her mind all through the evening. She attempted some conversation with Lucy, who was particularly subdued, but her endeavors died easily. A number of hours later, she climbed into bed, suddenly realizing that it had now been a full month since Hana and Leanna had turned most of Gryffindor house against her. Lily looked over at the sleeping girls, watching Hana shudder slightly in the midst of a dream - Lily hoped it was a nightmare - and Leanna's frighteningly amplified head move up and down in her slumber, curlers, ribbons, and pins wagging back and worth. Lily decided that life as an outcast wasn't all that bad - she had survived a month, it would be easy to survive a year. Strangely enough, she found herself thinking that it didn't really matter what Leanna and Hana thought of her. She didn't just tell people she didn't care what they thought, she really didn't care. There was no one in Gryffindor house - other than Lucy and Alice - whose opinion she cared for. She rolled over, suddenly feeling happy. Despite how horrible the month had been, it was still the best of her life. She didn't care about anyone else's opinion, didn't care what they thought of her.

Grinning up at the hangings on her bed, Lily closed her eyes. Before dropping into slumber, she saw one face swim before her eyes, one face whose opinion she cared for, at least a little. A mournful howl punctuated her musings, and the next thing Lily knew, she was fast asleep.

Author notes: Thanks so much for taking your time to read my fanfiction.