The Dark Arts
James Potter Lily Evans
Action Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 10/04/2002
Updated: 12/22/2002
Words: 23,910
Chapters: 19
Hits: 5,906

You Were too Young to Die

Lily Potter Flower

Story Summary:
Lily and James are married. They begin their couple life. Mission for Dumbledore, friends' death, cries and other things...

Chapter 18

Chapter Summary:
Lily and James are dead. Sirius cries. Remus cries too. Peter laughs out loud and Snape kisses dead Lily.
Author's Note:
Thanks to all my reviewers. They're so kind... And I would like to have an American pen friend... So if anybody is interested in... I'm French and I am 16. So, write me !!

Chapter 18


( Off-season )

The only who had stayed was Peter.

He was looking at the ruins of James and Lily's house.

A terrible silence had fallen. The death had rushed into this life which nothing seemed to be able to weaken. Peter noticed the peace surrounded him. Somebody who would cross the street at this moment, would have seen nothing strange in this collapsed section of wall. Maybe a too fragile building...

He threw a glance to the mailbox. The label had flown away. There was no trace of James and Lily here... They had left. Quite slowly. Simply. Silently. As you blow a candle.

C´est le silence

Qui se remarque le plus

Les volets roulants tous descendus

De l´herbe ancienne

Dans les bacs à fleurs

Sur les balcons

On doit être hors-saison

He smiled. He had won. For the first time of his life. He had brought down the Marauders : James and Lily had died, Sirius was going to be suspected for their murder, then condemned.

He burst out laughing.

Nobody knew that he, the poor and frail Peter, had been the Potters´ Scret Keeper... James hadn´t want to let anyone in on the secret. And nobody would ever suspect him. Peter the clumsy. Peter the fearful man... And Sirius would go to Azkaban instead of him.

" I am sorry Padfoot ! You will be faced with serious difficulties. "

He stepped over the rubble and stopped in front of James's body.

" You were my best friend... But when somebody shows off too much, Prongs, this what happened. Sirius and you were always the strongest, but today, I overcame you! Even if You-Know-Who had been destroyed by your charming toddler. "

Peter climbed the rickety stairs in search of Lily. He wanted to see her a last time before leaving far, very far. Suddenly, he saw her. She was on the floor, her eyes wide open with horror, her hair scattered, a hand clung to the cradle.

" You are always so beautiful Lily, even in the death... "

He ran his finger on the young lady´s still wet of tears cheek.

" You don´t shiver in the contact of my hand, which would have usually disgusted you. You don´t shiver any more, Lily. You are dead. I killed you. I had my revenge. "

He burst out laughing.

Suddenly, he heard a babbling.

The baby, certainly.

Peter put his eyes on Harry, who stared at him, a long scar on the forehead :

" Damned kid " the traitor grumbled " I wanted you to die, too ... "

He was interrupted by a crackle. That came from the first floor. Nobody should find him here.

He disapparrated.


Sirius had visited Peter in the evening. But nobody was here.

He had been afraid.

And if Peter had betrayed them ?

James and Lily was maybe in danger...

He had rushed to Godric´s Hollow...


When he reached to the village, he was surprised by the heavy silence which reigned there. The wind rose and a small breeze came to caress his face. He looked for James and Lily's house.


He understood.

James, Lily, Harry... He had no right to do that to you...

He had put a hand on the mailbox to stop himself from falling. Without thinking, he threw a glance to the address... But there was nothing, the label had disappeared. Nobody lived here any more...

Le vent transperce

Ces trop longues avenues

Quelqu´un cherche une adresse inconnue

Et le courrier déborde

Au seuil des pavillons

On doit être hors-saison

He had a chocked sob.

The wind became stronger, infiltrating into the branches of trees, between the stones of the walls of the house. Sirius entered into what had been, in days gone, the lounge.

Why had anybody destroyed all their happiness ?

Why did your friends have go so early ?

You were twenty one and Harry was just one... You were too young to die...

Sirius made him out.

James, my best friend...

He sobbed. He stayed there for a long time, speaking alone, evoking memories...

Memories ...

These were all that stayed in him henceforth. Memories.


He heard a sob.

And what if... And what if Harry lived ?

He rushed to the stairs that he climbed at top speed and opened the door of the nursery.

The little boy was staring at him with his big green eyes and Sirius noticed the wound he had in the forehead.

He took the baby in his arms...

Harry held out his hands towards somebody who laid on the floor and moaned :

" Mom... "

Sirius looked at the floor and his eyes fell on Lily.


He caressed delicately the young lady´s hair then closed her eyelids.

Lily... You who said that the death was far, that today you must live... You whose the most beloved dream was to grow old happy with your children and your husband... You will not grow old my Lily.

He was called back the reality by a sob :

" Mom... "

He rocked Harry and whispered to him :

" Mom´ve gone Harry. Gone very far... She will return one day, maybe. "

On pourrait tout prendre

Les murs, les jardins, les rues

On pourrait mettre

Aux boîtes aux lettres, nos prénoms dessus

Ou bien peut être un jour

Les gens reviendront

On doit être hors-saison

" Yes, maybe she will smile again one day. "

A tear poured on Sirius's cheek and Harry began to whimpered.

But suddenly, a clear and melodious voice, full of tenderness, was heard and broke the silence :

" Hush now my baby. Be still love, don´t cry. Sleep as you' re rocked by the stream. Sleep and remember my last lullaby. So I'll be with you when you dream... "

Sirius jumped. He had believed that Lily was singing ! But an only glance to the poor body laid down at his feet was enough for him to conclude that he had dreamed.

But Harry had heard too... He seemed to listen to somebody...

Sirius murmured to him :

" It was her last lullaby Harry... Remember it... You see, she hadn´t forgotten you... Sleep, baby, please, sleep. Listen to her. Don´t cry. "


Sirius squeezed his fists with anger.

I will kill you Peter. You are the responsible. I will kill you for these murders. You will pay...

" S´rius, give me H´ry. "

Sirius jumped up.

Who was speaking ?

He turned around.

It was Hagrid.

" But Hagrid, I am his godfather, I will take care of him ! "

" Dumbledore's orders... "

Sirius held Harry out to Hagrid.

Nobody discussed Dumbledore's orders.

" Take my flying motorbike Hagrid, I don´t need it. "

He went away.

I am going to kill you Peter...


Remus saw Hagrid leaving with the baby...

Harry had no more parents.

James and Lily are dead. Dead. But why ? Why all this had to happen ? Why ?

I won´t see them any more. They´re gone for ever.

He won´t me laugh any more with his grimaces.

She won´t be there any more to help me or give me advices.

He squeezed Cecilia ( A/N : Do you remember she is Lily´s best friend ? ) against his chest. She was sobbing.

" Lily... Lily is gone... Lily is dead... "

Yes Lily is dead. And it´s you, Sirius, who killed her ! Sirius, you who were her Secret Keeper ! Why did you do that ? Padfoot... Why ? They loved you so much ! They considered you as a brother... Why ?

You betrayed them.

You betrayed me.

I hate you Sirius.

It´s finished. The Marauders don´t exist any more.

Une ville se fane

Dans les brouillards salés

La colère océane est trop près

Les tourments la condamnent

Aux écrans de fumée

Personne ne s´éloigne du quai


Remus sat in Dumbledore's office :

" Please Headmaster. I beg you. They were too young to die... In case magic makes progress ! Keep them, I beg you ! "

Dumbledore had a sceptical expression :

" I accept. "

Remus thanked him. Dumbledore had agreed to keep James and Lily's bodies thanks to the Preservation Curse to allow to make them return, in case magic finds the means.

Dumbledore never accepted this kind of things nevertheless...


Snape ran on the scene, to Godric´s Hollow.

He came into the ruins of the Potters´ small house and looked for Lily's body, desperately.

He found her easily. He didn´t hold his tears. He, who usually showed no emotion, cried for the death of this girl. He took her hand.

A cold hand.

A dead hand.

His eyes put on the wedding ring she wore on her finger.

He sighed.

Lily, I love you. I love you. I love you.

You had no right to go so early... He had no right to touch you...

It´s your stupid husband´s fault, Lily... I hate him. If you hadn´t got married to him, you would not be dead today.

You were too young to die. Too young.

His tears fell on the dead woman´s beautiful face, wetting her mouth.

Severus didn´t resist.

He touched this broken doll´s wet lips of his...

This kiss had a taste of salt...

La mer quand même

Dans ses rouleaux continue

Son même thème

Sa chanson vide et têtue

Pour quelques ombres perdues

Sous des capuchons

On doit être hors-saison

You are beautiful Lily...

You are as a lily somebody would have cut too early, a lily which would not be opened yet, not still in full bloom.

" Do you know somewhere he can live free ? Deliver him there... "

Rogue jumped and answered the echo :

" I promise you that I will watch over your little boy Lily... But now I should return you to Dumbledore. "


Under Snape, Cecilia and Remus´s eyes, Dumbledore put down James and Lily's bodies on the bed of the room they occupied when they came to Hogwarts.

He tidied the young lady´s auburn hair and put down a bunch of white lilies in her hands.

" You two are gathered again " he murmured.

Everybody let out a sigh. Dumbledore let pour a tear at the sight of the two lifeless bodies, which yesterday were alive and glowing with health, overflowing with happiness.

He locked the door.

He´ve kept the key in his right hand for a long time then threw it through the window :

" I don´t want you to try to open this door. It´s not good living in the past. "

He stared at Snape.

Remus eventually whispered :

" And what about Harry ? "

Dumbledore answered mechanically without looking at his interlocutor :

" Harry went to live to Lily´s sister´s because his godfather will soon join Azkaban for James and Lily Potter's murder. He was their Secret Keeper. "

In the room the silence was complete.