Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 02/04/2003
Updated: 02/04/2003
Words: 972
Chapters: 1
Hits: 2,043

I Dare You

Lilie Blaze

Story Summary:
"It’s over, all of it." A story of broken hearts and torn souls. A story of a young man who loses his innocents and a girl who was there through it all. And now here they are, reaching the end...but is it really all over? Can it ever be? D/Hr

Author's Note:
Hey guys...I'm trying something a little different this time...changing my style a bit. Hope you like the story! please let me know what you think by reviewing!

I Dare You!

By: Lilie Blaze


Well, what can I say? It´s over, all of it. But whom am I kidding? Did I actually think it would work? Did I honestly wish it all to be true? Did I really believe you were worth it? You want the truth? Yes, I truly did. I actually thought you cared. Go ahead and laugh. Do it, I dare you. But if you do, you ought to hear all the facts.

I´m not in love with you. You laugh. Finally, you show some sort of emotion, even if it happens to be cruel. You don´t believe me, do you? Then you are in for one hell of a surprise because I´m serious. Oh, don´t get me wrong; I was in love, just not with you. I was in love with an image; an image of perfection and gracefulness, one of kindness and honesty. Your image...

Then reality hit and I realized that was all you really were; an image. Nothing more; nothing less. I wasn´t in love with you. You are cruel and coldhearted. You hurt innocent people for fun! If I cried, you didn´t comfort me! Oh, wait, I´m lying. You did comfort me.... If you thought someone was watching. Why? Well it´s simple really... because it was all about the image.

For those who didn´t know you as well as I did, I guess you did seem to have it all; the great looks, the perfect family, the good grades, the popular friends and, of course, a pretty girlfriend. And there lies the problem...because I´m more than just a pretty little accessory for you to show off at parties. I´m smart and probably more talented than you will ever be.

Once again, you laugh, but it´s a different kind of laugh. It has a distinct bitterness to it. I got to you, didn´t I? I hit your soft spot. Does it hurt to hear the truth? Have it thrown right in your face when you least expect it? I hope so. I hope it hurts like hell. You look at me with those deep gray eyes and for a second I get a glimpse of who you once were.

What? Did you think I always thought of you so poorly? Oh, how wrong you are, my dear. Did you really think me so stupid as to willingly be with someone like the person you´ve become? This time it´s me who laughs.

Oh, darling, once upon a time you really were the picture of perfection. You were carefree and happy. When you smiled, it reached your eyes and warmed your heart. When you laughed, it was real and heartfelt. And when you held me close, you didn´t look around to make sure someone was watching. You were so sweet and innocent back then. What happened?

Now, when look into your amazing silver eyes, I see no trace of the boy I once knew. Those bright eyes were once filled with laughter and happiness, but now they are slightly duller, a little more melancholy, and full of what appears to be maturity. But it´s not maturity. It´s fear. Fear to be seen for who you really are. Because who you´ve turned into isn´t the real you; the real you would not do the things which this intruder has done.

So now, as I look into your eyes, gloomy gray eyes, I remember the real you. The `you´ I loved to see, loved to spend time with, and for a second I see the light flicker in your eyes. I see the traces of laughter and happiness. And for that split second you are that sweet innocent boy I met so long again. And for that split second, you are the real you, and my heart skips a beat, and I remember how it used to be.

And then you blink...

And the light has gone out. The laughter is hidden behind that cloak of maturity you keep around just in case. The happiness has been replaced with fear. The mask you have been wearing is back in place and the look on your face makes it clear that whatever was there in your eyes a second ago is gone...

And the boy I knew before is gone...so I look away feeling disappointed and I close my eyes feeling the tears burning just below the surface but deep down I know that the boy I once knew is not gone completely, he has simply lost his way. And I know that my love for him has done the same.

So I open my eyes and look at you once more before walking away. And as I glance into those eyes for what maybe the last time, I see a trace of tears. Could it be remorse? Maybe. But I may never know...because the Draco I once knew is lost somewhere within those eyes.

And as I reach the door, I hear your voice for the first time tonight.

"Hermione...I really did love you," you whisper. "And I still do."

You assume I didn´t hear you, right? Or did you just hope I wouldn´t? Well either way, if I´ve learned one thing from you it is to never assume anything. So I won´t. I´ll just walk away and forget it all. I´ve been a fool for too long, and apparently so have you.

Then why can´t I just open this door and move on with my life? Why? Because I know that as foolish as it is, I will love you forever. No matter what...

So I turn back to face you and say the only thing that comes to mind; the little phrase started it all so long ago...maybe; just maybe, it´ll rekindle what it began...

"Kiss me... I dare you."


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