Astronomy Tower
Romance Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/28/2004
Updated: 11/28/2004
Words: 10,970
Chapters: 10
Hits: 1,326

An Orchid By Any Other Name


Story Summary:
Here is a fic for Shakespeare fans and others who don't like Draco to get all the 'forbidden love' action. This is an attempt to be true to canon and to Shakespeare.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Here is a fic for Shakespeare fans and others who don't like Draco to get all the 'forbidden love' action. An attempt to be true to canon and to Shakespeare.
Author's Note:
This is my first try at fanfic. I think Harry deserves some love-at-first-sight, so here it is. Despite appearances, Orchid is not a Mary Sue.

Chapter 5- Amoro exclusiva fideli

Luckily, everyone was too busy discussing Ron and Draco's duel to bother Harry much about Orchid. He wasn't in a mood to talk with anybody. How could they understand? Who believed in love at first sight anymore? Harry knew it was crazy to propose marriage to a 16-year-old girl he'd only met the night before, and even crazier that she accepted, but then, he'd done and seen lots of crazy things before, and this felt absolutely different. It was right, and sane, and inevasible. He hardly ate at the start-of-term feast, nodding occasionally as his friends talked, not really listening.Orchid was sorted into Ravenclaw, and Harry caught her eye as she took her place at the table. She smiled, blushing, until she was distracted by her new housemates' congratulations and introductions.That night Harry got little sleep. He lay awake for a long time, fanaticizing in a romantic way about himself and Orchid, walking together in the snow, playing with their kids, visiting the Dursleys. He dwelt sometimes on their bedroom, and thought of all the sorts of things he knew might go on there. When he did get to sleep, he had a disturbing dream. He was running through the corridors when he fell of the second floor landing into the entrance hall. When he landed, he was not in Hogwarts anymore, but at 12 Grimmauld Place, and a dementor was looking in at him through the window. He woke up with a start, and saw that Ron was already dressing.

"Come on, Harry. You'll miss breakfast!"

Managing to keep to himself mostly, Harry went to all his classes, always thinking of Orchid and hoping to see her in the halls. At lunch, he passed her a note that said: "Going to see Dumbledore before dinner. I will send you word as soon as I know anything."

After Harry's last class, Transfiguration, he easily separated from his friends who were talking and arguing about the impending duel on their way to the common room. He made his way directly to Dumbledore's office and reached the entrance, jogging, just as the Headmaster was going up himself.

"Hello, Harry. What's going on? You seem in a rush, but it's 30 minutes to suppertime."

"Actually, Professor, I need to ask you about something."

"Of course. What is it?"

"Maybe I could come up to your office?"

Harry explained his and Orchid's situation, and their desire to marry. Dumbledore seemed to understand, and did not tell Harry that he was being foolish, like Harry had expected.

"I believe Miss Malfoy is 16 now, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"It is against ministry law to marry a minor without his or her parents' consent, which you are most unlikely to get."

Harry's heart fell.

"There is another way, however, though it has not been done for some time."

"What is that, Professor? "Amoro Exclusiva Fideli. The heart-binding charm. I have never seen the charm performed, myself, as it has not been popular in this country for about two hundred years, mostly because of the stringent requirements placed on the bride and groom."

"What are those requirements?"

"Both must be virgins, ready to give up all chance of future love, even if the spouse should die young, and they must be absolutely sincere and selfless in mutual love. Otherwise, the charm does not work, which could lead to some embarrassment at the wedding ceremony, as you could imagine. The thing is, Harry, true love almost never happens anymore. If you do have it, I will help you however I can."

"I need to marry Orchid, professor, however difficult it is."

"Go and get Professor Flitwick, Harry, and ask him to come here. I will call for Miss Malfoy,"

"Yes, sir."

When the four of them were assembled in Dumbledore's office together, Professor Dumbledore said, "Professor; Miss Malfoy; Harry and I have been discussing the Amoro Exclusiva Fideli charm. Orchid, have you heard of this?"

"No, Professor Dumbledore."

"Professor Flitwick, perhaps you could explain the charm to our young couple here."

Professor Flitwick looked questioningly at Dumbledore, and then began, "This is the marriage charm, used in old times to bind the hearts and lives of two lovers. It is considered risky, as the participants are literally bound to each other in life and death, forfeiting their right to love again, even should the spouse die or leave. It is a magically binding contract, superceding all legal or civil agreements. Nobody is interested in trying it much these days, and those who do almost never succeed, as both parties must be virgins, and besides that, they must both be truly surrendered to each other in true love. If its execution is successful, immense mystical protection is given to the lovers, and they receive great strength from the charm, which helps to carry them through the difficulties of married life."

"And how is the charm performed, professor?" asked Harry.

"Am I right to assume these young people intend to perform this charm, Professor Dumbledore?"


"And they have your blessings to do so?"


"Then I shall teach them. Harry, Miss Malfoy, you will need some type of fruit or sweet."

"How about lemon drops?" asked Dumbledore.

"That will be fine- give one to each of them. Now, face each other, hands in front of you, and press your palms to your partner's, with a lemon drop between each pair of your palms. Good. By executing this charm, you are vowing your unadulterated love to one another for the rest of your lives. You are the sole property of one another, and lose all freedoms to love again. You attest to your virgin purity and renounce all connection to those who disapprove of this marriage. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Harry and Orchid said together.

"We need six witnesses, Dumbledore."

Dumbledore spoke to the assembled past headmasters and headmistress who were watching intently from their portraits. "Will you be witnesses to this union?"

"Certainly! Yes!" they chimed.

"Then all you have to do is repeat the incantation three times together. Amoro exclusiva fideli."

Harry and Orchid looked into one another's eyes and chanted together: "Amoro exclusiva fideli. Amoro exclusiva fideli. Amoro exclusiva fideli." As they intoned the incantation the third time, white light began to spread around them, first coming from their hands, then splitting into many colors, encircling the bride and groom in an aura of light. They kissed while heat of the light warmed them as if they were in the sunshine.

The light faded, and everyone was smiling, astounded. Dumbledore had tears in his eyes. He said under his breath, "You two have the gift of true love- you are more fortunate than most people, and I know you will make each other very happy."

Professor Flitwick instructed them, "Take the lemon drops and keep them. After you consummate your vows, you must feed them each to the other. Only then is the charm completed. Don't forget."

Harry opened his mouth to ask, What does 'consummate our vows' mean?, but Orchid said, "Yes, Professor." so he closed it.

Dumbledore said, "Then Harry, I give you my permission to escort Mrs. Potter to the room of requirement this evening. I will send word to your heads of houses not to expect you in the dormitories." This suggestion informed Harry as to the meaning of 'consummating'. Professor Dumbledore hugged Harry, just like a father would. He kissed Orchid's hand and bade them to go.

"Orchid, can we meet back here in one hour? I have to see Ron and try to stop this crazy duel. I want to tell him and my friends the good news, too."

"Okay, Harry. I'll go and get some things from my dormitory. I hope you are able to do something. Draco's my cousin, but I know he is cruel. I don't want your friend to get hurt."

They parted with difficulty, hearts filled with hope.