Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger/Remus Lupin
Hermione Granger Remus Lupin
Romance Mystery
Multiple Eras
Half-Blood Prince
Published: 01/07/2006
Updated: 05/26/2006
Words: 18,891
Chapters: 7
Hits: 7,474

Claire De Lune

Lei Everett

Story Summary:
It was full moon when the Dark Lord sealed a part of his soul within a magical amulet, and then broke it in half. One half was left to the faithful werewolves to guard. The other half was tossed into the impenetrable depths of time where no one but him could get it. When the first half has been found, the Order of the Phoenix selects Hermione Granger to go back into the past to search for the missing piece. What is waiting for her is a brutal task that will test her beyond her limits, and an undying love that extends beyond the boundaries of time. RL/HG, Post-HBP No werewolves were harmed in the making of this story.

Chapter 01

It was full moon when the Dark Lord sealed a part of his soul within a magical amulet, and then broke it in half. One half was left to the faithful werewolves to guard. The other half was tossed into the impenetrable depths of time where no one but him could get it. When the first half has been found, the Order of the Phoenix selects Hermione Granger to go back into the past to search for the missing piece. What is waiting for her is a brutal task that will test her beyond her limits, and an undying love that extends beyond the boundaries of time. RL/HG, Post-HBP No werewolves were harmed in the making of this story.

Words: 2,908
Hits: 1,552

Lupin and Moody discover an unexpected piece of information, and Hermione is selected to perform a dangerous task.

Words: 2,488
Hits: 1,151

Tense and stressful events lead up to Hermione's journey back into the past.

Words: 3,106
Hits: 1,077

Remus Lupin has a lot to deal with at the moment: hyperactive Death Eaters, the birth of his best friend's son, his own personal problems . . . surely he doesn't need more. But can he resist a damsel in distress?

Words: 2,326
Hits: 926

Hermione (or Jane), Remus, James, Sirius, and Lily sit down to dinner. But wait, someone's missing...where's Peter?

Words: 2,416
Hits: 832
Chapter 06 - Sunset

As Hermione settles in comfortably with the Potters, chaos erupts...in the form of Lord Voldemort.

Words: 3,282
Hits: 1,042

Back in the present, Ron makes a startling confession to Harry. In 1980, Hermione glimpses James as the loving, caring father.

Words: 2,365
Hits: 894