Shadow on My Heart

Lady Whitehart

Story Summary:
This story was started prior to HBP. It's not HBP compliant, but still a yummy read. Fifteen years ago Severus was a young professor at Hogwarts and he did the unthinkable. The return of Callista Hawkins forces Severus to confront the choices of his past and his fears of the future. Past and present are beautifully interwoven in this SS/OFC romance. Contains a superb balance of romance, action, humor and angst. Round Four Multi-faceted Award Nominee for Identity--Best OC.

Chapter 20 - Caught Unaware

Chapter Summary:
Severus helps chaperone a Hogsmeade visit and receives a very unpleasant surprise.

Chapter 20: Caught Unaware


Saturday morning Severus awoke alone. Callista had tried to spend the night with him, but unfortunately there had been a problem in the Slytherin common room, forcing them to cancel their plans. A few of the seventh year students had brewed a potion of a recreational nature. They had made it incorrectly, and the resulting error had had some very unpleasant consequences for a fifth year girl. Instead of spending the night warming up his private quarters, Severus had spent most of it sitting in the headmaster's office with three of his seventh year students, who were now facing the possibility of expulsion. Due to the fact that many of the ingredients had been illegal, there wasn't much he could do to prevent them from being expelled. They were three of his biggest troublemakers, so it was no great loss.

The lack of sleep made him more irritable than usual. The bright sunlight of the bewitched ceiling only added to his irritation. He strode into the Great Hall, his billowing black robes making him look like a storm cloud threatening to mar the perfect day. On the weekends, he usually made an effort to sleep an extra hour, taking a later breakfast in his quarters. Today, he elected to join the staff in hopes that word would get around that he would be chaperoning the trip. With any luck, perhaps the students would decide that it was best to remain at the school. He had a reputation of deducting points even on Hogsmeade visits.

He hung his traveling cloak over the back his chair, trying to make it painfully obvious that he was one of the teachers that would be accompanying them into the village. Just as he had hoped, his appearance caused more than a few muted moans and groans from the student population. He let his eyes scan the staff table. Callista was sitting next to McGonagall, perusing the Daily Prophet.

He noticed that today Callista was wearing her hair down, the chestnut waves spilling over her shoulders. What he wouldn't give to run his fingers through the silkiness of it! He tore his eyes from her, focusing on the options for the morning meal. An array of pasties were nearest to his seat. The bright colors of the fillings were annoyingly cheerful. He grumpily chose some eggs, bacon and tea; boring, but nothing else seemed to tempt him. He forced himself to chew and swallow as he quietly observed the students. A few of them cast hate-filled, resentful glances at the staff table, no doubt directed at him. Apparently, his presence on the Hogsmeade trip was putting a damper on what had had the potential to be an enjoyable outing. There would be no hand-holding or similar nonsense in public for any of them.


Half an hour later the staff and students were in the courtyard, getting ready to depart for the village. The day was clear and unseasonably warm, the air occasionally stirred by gentle winds. In short, it was a perfect day for a Hogsmeade visit. Severus thought of the many ways he would rather be spending the day, and none of them involved playing governess to a large group of teenagers who had more hormones than brains. At least he had several errands to pass the time. He needed quills, parchment and ink, there was the potion supply order to pick up, and he needed to replace a few utensils in his private workroom. Callista and McGonagall had invited him to join them at The Three Broomsticks for lunch. Severus would have preferred to spend that lunch hour in one of Rosmerta's guest rooms, but he and Callista both knew that it was an impossibility. Tonight, however, they would find a way to make up for it.

He trudged along the dirt road, making sure that the students were behaving properly. A pair of Ravenclaws lost five points for holding hands, a group of Hufflepuff third and fourth years were warned about pushing each other as they walked, and Longbottom lost five points for tripping over his own feet. Potter walked rapidly past him, and Severus looked for some reason to deduct points from the insidious little brat. Much to his consternation the whelp behaved himself for the duration on the walk.

As luck would have it, Callista was walking several paces in front of him, keeping her eyes on a group of third year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws. She was talking with Sinistra, the Astronomy mistress, and bits of their conversation drifted to his ears. They prattled on about trivial things and occasionally mentioned students or classes. He barely paid attention to them until his name was spoken.

"I wonder how Dumbledore managed to convince Severus to chaperone the visit this weekend. Usually he slithers out of this responsibility," Sinistra said, not bothering to conceal her surprise.

"I know I have a supply order for Potions to pick up; perhaps he does as well." Callista continued walking.

"We were in the same year, you know," Sinistra began in a conversational tone. "You were here while we were still in school, weren't you?"

"Yes," Callista said shortly.

"I remember when I first started teaching, about three years after the fall of You-Know-Who, there were rumors that he had had an affair with a student." Sinistra lowered her voice, and Severus stiffened as she continued. "Dumbledore gave me a speech about relationships between students and teachers being strictly forbidden. When I spoke with one of the other professors, I was told that the young Potions master was suspected of having had a romantic encounter with one of his students. No doubt it was some hussy looking for a better mark in his class."

"Stella, I can honestly say that I'm mortified that you would gossip about a colleague like that," Callista replied with a shocked look on her face.

"I thought it was utter nonsense," Sinistra mumbled hastily. "I came to the conclusion that the rumors must have been unsubstantiated if he was still here. Besides, he's so intimidating that I can't imagine who would have the nerve to even approach him."

Wise choice to abandon the conversation, Sinistra, otherwise I would have needed to poison you, Severus thought grimly.

Once they reached the village, he walked to the far end of the High Street, planning to start there and work his way back towards the school. The first stop was Schrivenshaft's to pick up some writing supplies. He entered the store and began searching the shelves for goose quills. A container of peacock quills stood out gaudily on the sale table. He curled his lip in revulsion at the sight of them, remembering that infernal moron Lockhart. How many times had that pompous, bumbling idiot waved one of those around, to the point that Severus had to restrain himself from shoving it up the fancy-lad's arse?

"Good morning, Professor Snape," the shopkeeper said, stifling the smile he normally used for his other customers. "How may I help you?"

"I will need red and black inks, a few new quills and some parchment," he said, extracting his coin purse from a hidden pocket of his cloak.

"Could I interest you in a peacock quill?" the man asked hopefully holding up one of the quills. Severus threw him an irritated look. For some bizarre, unexplained reason, the little man always tried to engage him in a conversation.

"No." Severus looked at the garish calamus in unveiled disgust. "I prefer gray goose quills."

The man opened his mouth as if to say something, but one look at his customer's exasperated expression caused him to change his mind. "Very good then, Professor Snape, I'll get that order right away."

Severus could hear the man half-muttering to himself as he filled the order "I ordered them when Professor Lockhart was teaching, whole case of them. He said they would sell once the students saw him using them. Cost me a fortune, they did, and I sold less than a dozen."

After a few minutes he returned and handed Severus the bag containing his purchases. Severus paid, leaving without another word.

Next stop was Dervish and Banges' to pick up the scales that he had sent last week with one of the house-elves to have re-calibrated. While he was waiting for it to be packaged for transport, he took the time to select several minor pieces of equipment that he needed to replace. He was looking at an assortment of metal tongs when the bell on the shop door announced the entrance of another patron. Callista entered the shop and nodded at him politely before searching the shelves that held various measuring tools.

"Enjoying your outing, Professor Snape?" she asked amicably.

He kept his tone dry and even. "It has been productive, Professor Hawkins."

"I was going to duck into Madam Puddifoot's for a warm drink. Would you care to join me?"

He glared at her. "The very idea of setting foot in that meretricious establishment nauseates me, Professor Hawkins, regardless of the company."

"I've heard that it's quite charming actually." She took a few steps closer to him, mischief sparkling in her eyes. "Besides, think how it would scare the pants off of some of those couples for you to walk in there."

He quirked an eyebrow at the thought of it. "I'm sure there are some whose pants are already off."

"All the more reason for you to be a good chaperone and go in there. That whole protecting virtue thing, you know." Her eyes had a smoldering look about them.

What is she playing at? His voice was reduced to barely more than a stern whisper. "You do realize we are in a public place, and soon several of my N.E.W.T. Potions students will be here to pick up supplies for class."

She laughed. "Isn't it the element of danger that makes it worthwhile?"

Severus saw that brazen Gryffindor gleam in her eyes and opened his mouth to reprimand her shameless behavior when Mr. Dervish returned with the scales. The older man nearly dropped the box in surprise when he saw Severus speaking to a woman. Truth be told, he would have been surprised to find Severus speaking to anybody. The short, stocky man placed the package carefully on the counter before greeting Callista warmly.

Suddenly there was a horrific explosion coming from the street. Without a second thought, Callista and Severus drew their wands and burst out of the shop. Outside people were running in all directions as various spells flashed around them. A black-robed figure in a white mask seemed to be the source of the hexes. There were Death Eaters in Hogsmeade.

The older students were doing their best to protect the younger ones from the flying hexes as they took cover. A quick glance up and down the street enabled them to ascertain the severity of the situation. Callista darted out into the street, dodging several hexes as she helped shield some younger students who were caught in the crossfire. Feeling certain that she was going to get herself killed, Severus followed her out into the street.

They were going to need help. He had to send word to the school. He couldn't go; he would have to send a student. Severus grabbed the first student he could find that he was positive was loyal to Dumbledore. Hannah Abbott let out a terrified scream when Severus yanked her around the side of the nearest building by the wrist, part of the outer wall of a shop exploded where their heads had been.

"Miss Abbott, do you know how to Apparate?" The prefect nodded, her eyes wide with fear. "I need you to get to the front gate of the school and alert the headmaster immediately. Can you do this without splinching yourself? Then go!"

With a crack like a gunshot, the girl vanished from sight. Severus held his wand at the ready as he sprinted down the back alley. His best bet was to get behind the Death Eaters. If they had seen him duck into the alley, he hoped they would think he was lying low. Most likely they were looking for Potter. He came out on to the High Street three or four doors up from The Three Broomsticks. As he looked around at the panicked crowd, he noticed that none of the students were from his House. In fact, of the fifteen or so students that had been on the roster for the trip, none of them seemed to be anywhere in sight.

Casting a Disillusionment Charm on himself, Severus made his way along the street. He realized as he was scanning the street that there were only three Death Eaters to be seen. If this was a real attack, like the ones he had so often been part of, there would be many, many more of them. Was it possible that it could be students, playing what they thought was a joke, or some young recruits taking matters into their own hands? Either way, Severus knew he had to be very careful about he handled the situation. If this was a genuine attack, he could not be seen aiding in any way.

There was a bloodcurdling scream above all of the other noise. Severus saw none other than Bellatrix Lestrange in the middle of the street shrieking orders to the three Death Eaters who were still firing hexes at the few still-stranded students in the middle of the street. She turned a murderous gaze to a small group near one of the smaller shops.

Callista was covering a group of students with a Shield Charm. She turned away from Bella long enough to tell the students to run for it. That was all the advantage the other woman needed. There was no mistaking the look on her face: she was going to use the Killing Curse. Severus needed to get Callista out of the way. Raising his wand, he thought, "Stupefy!"

Callista was struck from behind by the red jet of light and fell to the ground. A poisonous flash of green narrowly missed her. Bellatrix Lestrange screeched in frustration, fury-maddened eyes trying to find the source of the spell. By now, Aurors were popping up all around Hogsmeade. At the sight of them, the small clutch of Death Eaters Disapparated quickly, leaving mass confusion in their wake.

Neville Longbottom was the first to reach Callista. He was the last person Severus wanted to try to bring around the fallen professor. Dear God, she could end up with horns or a fluffy tail if that little twit used magic on her. To Severus's utter shock and surprise the young man managed to use the correct spell to revive her.

Callista was slowly sitting up, rubbing the sore spot on her shoulder where the spell had struck her. Mad-Eye Moody limped rapidly over to her, his magical eye started spinning rapidly around in its socket.

"What the hell happened to ya, Callista?" he asked, helping her stand.

She rubbed her shoulder some more. "Someone must have stunned me. I know it wasn't Bellatrix; I saw the intent to murder in her eyes. Whoever it was got me from behind."

"Stinkin' coward. I hate people who curse their opponent in the back!" Moody looked around while Callista removed the mud from her robes. Moody continued his rant. "Just wait until I get my hands on the bastard. Teach 'em a lesson, just watch me!"

"Are you going to be all right, Professor Hawkins?" Neville asked, looking quite a bit shaken. She nodded, trying to reassure both of them that she was uninjured. "All I saw was the green flash of the Avada Kadavra Curse. Whoever stunned you, saved your life. If they had told you to duck, you probably wouldn't have been able to react in time."

Severus strode over to her, curling his lip nastily. "I see Longbottom managed to not kill you."

Neville cringed as the billowing black figure advanced on them with his wand drawn. Severus could feel the barely contained sense of fear radiating off of the young wizard. He took a few steps toward Neville, only to be stopped by the tip of Moody's wand that was thrust roughly into his chest.

"And where've you been, Snape? Off savin' yer worthless, evil hide, I s'pose." Moody didn't lower his wand.

"For your information, Auror Moody, I was the one who sent Miss Abbott to the school," he sneered, backing up just enough to relieve the pressure from the wand point.

"Alastor, we need to check on the students and get them back to the school as quickly as possible. Find as many students as you can that know how to Apparate. A mass side-along Apparation will be the quickest and safest way to move them all," Callista said, taking charge of the situation. She turned to Neville. "Do you know how to Apparate?"

"Not without splinching myself, Professor," he admitted, lowering his head. "I'm not old enough to be licensed anyway."

Longbottom cannot Apparate; now there is something astonishing, he thought viciously. "Are you really surprised by that, Professor Hawkins?"

"Professor Snape, if you feel the need to bully the students, please confine it to the classroom. Now is neither the time nor the place for your childish behavior." She glared at him. Longbottom glanced uneasily from one to the other, embarrassment at his inability to Apparate all too evident on his round face. "Neville, I want you to find Harry, Hermione and Ron. Hermione has her license, and I know both Ron and Harry can Apparate. We need to get everyone back to the castle as quickly as possible."

Callista turned away from them and set off to round up the students and staff. Once she was out of earshot, Moody growled angrily at Severus. "I thought I told you to stay away from her. Were you followin' her around in the village?"

"You do realize that we both teach at the school? We both have responsibilities that often require us to be in the same place at the same time, and that includes chaperoning Hogsmeade visits." He scowled at the old Auror, seething at the accusation.

"Just keep yer filthy hands off of her, Snape."

"Perhaps you should let her make her own decisions. You seem to keep forgetting that you are not her father, or that her loving father was so quick to discard her just to save face at the Ministry," Severus hissed, his hand gripping his wand tightly. "Now if you will excuse me, I have students to tend to."

He set off toward a cluster of students, his cloak billowing in the breeze behind him. A soft pop signaled the arrival of Headmaster Dumbledore. He stopped a very agitated Severus Snape. "I sent for the Aurors as soon as Miss Abbott told us what had happened. Fortunately it seems as if a few residents of Hogsmeade had enough presence of mind to contact the Ministry as well. Were there any casualties, Severus?"

"Callista was stunned, but as far as I know there were no fatalities, Headmaster," Severus reported dutifully. "This did not seem like it was meant to be a full-scale attack. I think most likely they were trying to capture Potter and were spotted before they could succeed. There were only three Death Eaters, and Bellatrix Lestrange was with them."

"Is it possible that they may have had another target? Callista, perhaps?"

Severus frowned deeply. The fact that Callista could be a target was not entirely impossible. In some ways, she could be almost as valuable to the Dark Lord as Potter. He could use her to bait either Dumbledore or the boy. She could also be used to test Severus's loyalties, not a thought that he wanted to consider. "Anything is possible, sir. Something else I noticed was that members of Slytherin House were nowhere to be seen during the entire incident. I know that several students from my House came on the trip; however, I saw none of them in the street when the fighting started. They may have had prior knowledge of the impending attack."

Dumbledore's concerned blue eyes fixed on the younger man. "And you knew nothing of this beforehand?"

"No, sir, and that is cause for concern." The full implication sunk in. Did the Dark Lord suspect him? "Normally I'm informed about anything that may cause harm to any of my compatriots' children. Then again, Bellatrix Lestrange is highly suspicious of me. This could have been a plot to test my reaction."

"I find the fact that you were not informed of the attack disturbing to say the least, Severus. However, I find it even more distressing that some of our students may have had prior knowledge." Dumbledore looked at the assembled students with a troubled expression. "That may mean that some have given consideration to entering Voldemort's service, if they haven't already done so. What do you think I should do with the three gentlemen I was planning to expel?"

"It is very possible that if you do expel them they would seek 'employment' with the Dark Lord."

"I will delay processing their expulsion paperwork for now. See what you can find out. Now, shall we begin evacuating the students?" the headmaster said with an understanding nod.

They gathered the students, whose injuries ranged from minor scrapes and bruises to a broken wrist to side-effects of various hexes. Thankfully there were no fatalities. The missing Slytherin students finally reappeared, coming out of the side alleys. Severus swept his gaze over them trying to figure out what they had been up to. There was very little he could find out here without raising suspicions.

Once the students were all accounted for, they Apparated in groups of ten or so to the front gates of the school. Severus was in the last group. He watched as Callista vanish with Longbottom on one arm and a third year Gryffindor on the other; he couldn't help but feeling that she was about to vanish from his life. He caught sight of Malfoy, gripping Pansy Parkinson's arm, looking about with a smug grin on his pointed face. He knew! The little wanker knew what was going to happen! That, coupled with the knowledge that Severus was unaware of the plan, was deeply troubling to the Potions master. He made sure his two students had a firm grip before Disapperating.


Later that afternoon, the faculty crowded in the staff room, discussing what the next plan of action should be. They had discussed various possibilities of increasing security around the grounds. They decided to have the heads discuss the measures further with the prefects and the head boy and head girl. They would then go directly to their respective common room and make all announcements to the students. Severus was already planning how to make it sound as if the whole matter was being blamed on Slytherin House, and how they would all need to be extra cautious with their behavior over the next few weeks. With any luck, someone might come to him with information, but he highly doubted it.

"We should cancel the end of the Quidditch season," Professor Sprout said softly. "I don't like the idea of the students being that vulnerable."

"That is one way of saving face, Professor Sprout," Severus said snidely.

"Unlike some people, Professor Snape," she began furiously, "I value the safety of the students over something as trite as the Quidditch cup."

Sinistra glared at him. "Honestly, Severus, would it kill you to show a bit of concern for the well-being of the students?"

Callista was looking at her hands. She hadn't spoken to him since they returned from Hogsmeade. Finally she spoke up. "It may not be necessary to cancel Quidditch. Could the wards be extended to the pitch, or could they be reinforced? I think it's important to keep things as normal as possible for the students. Especially since the headmaster doesn't think that this attack was planned by Voldemort."

The assemblage winced at the sound of the name, and Callista rose to her feet in a towering temper that had broken free from her normally composed being. "This is part of the problem -- all of you wincing and cowering at the sound of his name! This is why he has such a hold over the wizarding world, because your fears allow it! How can you ever hope to stand up to him if you practically wet yourselves at the sound of his name!"

The group was stunned at her outburst. Vector was the first to recover. "See here, young lady, you are old enough to remember the evil He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named wielded against anyone who was foolish enough to stand in his way."

"And I have lost as much as anyone at his hand. I refuse to allow that megalomaniac to take one more thing from me without a fight," Callista said, a hard, fierce look on her usually gentle face. "Hasn't he taken enough from us? How much more are you willing to allow him to take? Six of our students stood up to him in June and lived to tell the tale. If they are willing to stand up to him, why can the rest of you?"

Severus realized immediately that it was in his best interest to keep his opinions and righteous indignation to himself. Part of him wanted to stand beside her and rage at everyone who had no idea what it was like to stand in the Dark Lord's presence and fear that each breath you were taking could be your last. The other part of him wanted to silence her before she infuriated a majority of the staff. He chose to simply remain silent and pick up the pieces later. He looked up at her, her bright eyes sought out his, daring him, no, begging him to say something. There was nothing he could say, not without announcing their involvement or his role as Dumbledore's spy. He imperceptibly shook his head, and she looked at him with resentful understanding.

"Callista has a point," Professor McGonagall said at last. "Part of why he rose to power the first time was because no one dared to try to put a stop to him."

Vector shot a venomous look at Severus. "There are some, I'm sure, who look forward to him being victorious."

"People can change, Barbara," Dumbledore admonished the Arithmancy mistress quietly. "Not all of them, but some."

The Arithmancy mistress shook her head in disgust. Severus sat in his chair, quivering with anger. The tension was broken by the entrance of Mr. Filch and Mrs. Norris. The cat immediately sought out Callista, leaping into the woman's lap.

"Beg pardon for the interruption, Headmaster, I checked all of the entrances to the castle. Everything seems to be secure. Hagrid is patrolling the grounds now."

"Thank you, Argus," the headmaster said before turning to the assembled staff. "You are all dismissed for now. Filius, Pomona, Minerva and Severus, please meet me in the antechamber of the Great Hall with the prefects and the head boy and girl in a quarter of an hour. Professor Hawkins, I would like to have a word with you briefly."

Callista abruptly stopped scratching Mrs. Norris behind the ears and looked up in surprise. "Of course, sir."

Severus met her eyes briefly. She looked puzzled and a bit unnerved. He nodded slightly before leaving the room.

Sometime later after sitting through the prefect debriefing and addressing his charges in the Slytherin common room, Severus entered the Potions classroom. He had convinced the Slytherins that they were being held partly responsible for the day's events. Several of the students seemed outraged at the insinuations. Tracey Davis, who was a half-blood and a bit of an outcast, had sent hateful glances at Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode. Perhaps he should have a little chat with Miss Davis in a few days. He decided to skip the evening meal in the Great Hall for a quiet one in his rooms. He was exhausted and didn't feel up to the noise of communal dining.

Without warning, but not totally unexpected, the pain in his forearm flared. Severus took a deep breath and retrieved his heavy cloak from his quarters. He was back in his office when Callista entered the Potions classroom looking for him. She noticed the hard look on his face and the odd glittering of his dark eyes.

"You've been summoned, haven't you?" she asked in a shaky whisper. He simply nodded in response. "Please be careful."

"You know I will."

Callista moved to draw him to her, but he stopped her. "I want nothing more than to feel you in my arms, but it would only be one more thing for me to hide."

She stepped back, her face stiff and pale. "I understand. I'll inform the headmaster."

Severus swept past her trying to focus on something other than how much he wanted her. Hopefully he would live long enough to see her again. His long strides rapidly took him to the Apparation point just outside the grounds. He closed his eyes and focused on his Dark Mark.

With a muffled pop he found himself once again in the torch-lined corridor. Wormtail, who was shuffling along, leapt at the sound. His pointed, twitchy nose made him look more rat-like than ever.

"I see you decided to show up after all. I didn't think that you would dare show your greasy head to the Dark Lord after the goings on in Hogsmeade."

Wormtail's grin would have given lesser men reason to panic. Severus, however, merely stared the smaller man down. "From what I saw today, it looked like Bellatrix has more to worry about than I do."

"Oh, I think that you have plenty to worry about, Snape. Oh yes, you have so many things to worry about." A malicious chuckle issued from the man's mouth as he continued down the corridor to the main chamber.

The corridor opened into a larger chamber. At the far end, the Dark Lord awaited his servant. Severus knelt with practiced grace before Voldemort, waiting to be addressed. Off to one side, Bellatrix Lestrange stood with three black-robed figures. Her expression seemed to be barely hovering on the fringes of sanity as she watched Severus with the same intensity as a cat watching a mouse.

"Severus, Bella told me earlier about today's events in the village of Hogsmeade. She seems to feel that you are to blame for the mission's failure. It was apparent to her that you were not doing anything to assist her with the training exercise." The hissing voice sounded both amused and accusatory.

Without daring to look up, Severus answered, "My Lord, it is very difficult to assist when you are uninformed of the objective."

"Are you saying that Bella did not inform you of our target?"

"She did not, my Lord. I was then forced to do what was necessary to maintain my cover," Severus said evenly.

"Someone took out Hawkins to protect her!" Bellatrix accused. "I'm sure it was you. No one else would have thought of it."

"I stunned her to cover you," Severus corrected tightly.

"You should have killed her," she hissed.

"And have an Unforgivable Curse traced to my wand?" Severus asked. "I cannot spy on the Order from an Azkaban cell."

"I'm sure your other master would protect you. You're so special to him."

"Not where his niece is concerned. Even if he kept me out of Azkaban, I would have the entire Order after my blood, Bella."

Bella drew her wand, and the look of murder was evident in her eyes. Severus instinctively disarmed and bound her. "Incarcerous! Don't threaten me, Bella! You botched the training with poor planning, but you will not place the blame on me."

The witch struggled against the restraints, cursing his name until the Dark Lord silenced her. She silently raged at Severus. Red eyes darted between the witch and the wizard. The snake-like face contorted with disgust.

"Bella, Severus, I shall not tolerate these childish antics." Voldemort raised his wand. Screams echoed loudly in the chamber, and it took Severus until it ended to realize it hadn't just been Bellatrix who had been screaming. His muscles shook with the involuntary spasms of the Cruciatus Curse. When the pain subsided enough for him to think, he slowly struggled to his feet.

The Dark Lord addressed him. "Severus, I cannot allow this senseless, infantile behavior to continue. Bella, your mistakes are your own. The blame should rest only on you, and those that are in your command. Is that clear?"

She mumbled an affirmative.

"Return to Dumbledore, Severus," the Dark Lord commanded.

Severus bowed clumsily and staggered out of the chamber. He returned to the Apparation point in the Forbidden Forest, dropping to his knees, shaking uncontrollably. After he regained enough strength, he stumbled up to the castle and slowly made his way to Dumbledore's office.

Callista was waiting anxiously for his return. She held him tightly before helping him to one of the armchairs. Severus leaned back, trying to forget about the aches and pains in his body. He informed Dumbledore of his encounter with the Dark Lord. Bellatrix had been trying to test his loyalties; she was sure that his allegiance was not to Voldemort.

"Bella has not trusted me since she learned I did not appear immediately at the Dark Lord's side when he first returned. Ever since she has been out of Azkaban, she has been jealous of my position as his advisor," Severus said as a muscle contracted, causing his hand to shake.

Callista reached for his hand, but he refused her comfort. Drawing a deep breath, she asked, "How are you going to regain his confidence? Bella is constantly at his side; who knows what lies she has been feeding him."

"There are only two things that Severus can readily hand over to Voldemort: Harry and you," Dumbledore told her quietly.

"Me?" Callista was shocked, but quickly understood what he was getting at. "If you need to --"

"Absolutely not, sir!" Severus protested as he tried to stand. "If I thought Potter could either best him or be easily retrieved, I would hand him over as proof of my loyalty. But to hand Callista over would be unthinkable."

"Severus you will be asked to do neither, unless there is no other viable option," the headmaster reassured in a soothing voice. "For now, I want you to return to your quarters and try to get some rest. I will think of a means to keep you in Voldemort's relatively good graces without using either Callista or Harry as an offering."

Severus rose to his feet trying to look more in control than he actually was. Callista supported him on one arm, refusing to be pushed away. "I'll Floo to your office with you, Severus, to make sure that you are settled in alright."

"I will be fine, Callista. I just need some sleep."

"I'm not giving you a choice in the matter, Severus," she said stubbornly.

"Severus, I think you should allow Callista to accompany you." Blue eyes twinkled knowingly. "Just to be sure that you are indeed alright. Now, of course, if you would prefer to go to the hospital wing and allow Poppy to tend to you..."

Severus glared bitterly at the old man before permitting Callista to usher him into the fireplace. They Flooed into his office and made their way into his rooms.

"Callista, I really am fine." She helped him out of his shirt. The skin on his chest had begun to bruise, the greenish purple color standing out on his pale skin. She bent to kiss him on the chest. "Please don't. I'm not up to that tonight."

She nodded and disappeared into his private workroom, returning with a bottle on Dreamless Sleep. She expertly measured out a dose in a glass while he pulled on his old gray nightshirt. The corners of her mouth twisted at the sight of it. She couldn't contain herself any more, and she giggled out loud. "I can't believe you still have that."

"It's not the same one, you know," he said crossly, settling back against the pillows on the bed. "I really don't need to take that you know."

"Severus, I know you have nightmares; you cry out in your sleep sometimes." She didn't look up, almost as if the knowledge of his nocturnal mumblings embarrassed her. "You need to sleep well tonight. I'll be here at least until you fall asleep, but I won't stay unless you want me to."

"You may stay." He took the offered glass and tossed back the potion before retreating further under the blankets. As sleep overtook him, he was vaguely aware that she was curling up at his side, her hand resting over his heart.