Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Horror Humor
Multiple Eras
Published: 08/19/2003
Updated: 09/13/2003
Words: 2,363
Chapters: 2
Hits: 1,235

The Facialist

lady hawk

Story Summary:
Draco goes in for a facial, looking for relaxation, and comes out with something more.

Chapter 02

Author's Note:
This is mostly background info. Next chapter should be more Draco Harry goodness.

The Facialist-Chapter 2 Gossip at Michelle's

Michelle looked up from his preparations as the bells tinkled on the door. His next customer had arrived.

"Aah, my darling Mrs. Finnigan, how are you today?"

"Oh, it's Patil again. And Michelle, please call me Parvati. You know how much I hate formalities." Responded the woman airily.

"How many is that now, Parvati? Eight? You've married and divorced eight men? And what may I ask is the reason this time?"

"Another gay one," she sighed.

"Oh my dear, you always seem to pick the ones who know how to pretend." Parvati looked uncomfortable and awkwardly changed the subject.

"So, where is that dear sweet Harry?" she asked brightly.

"He has found another place of, employment." Michelle raised an eyebrow.

"I take it", said Parvati, "That you do not mean the traditional sense of employment?"

"I cannot answer that one way or another. But the way he ran out with that Draco Malfoy...well, it leaves one wondering." This particular piece of information made Parvati's eyes light in excitement.

"Draco Malfoy? So, the rumors from school are true", said Parvati slyly.

"I have no knowledge of these rumors. Please, enlighten me."

"Well," Parvati started her diatribe, "When Harry and Draco were lads at Hogwarts, they were the worst sort of enemies. You know the type, the ones who make snide comments about family and friends, and are continually beating up on each other. Well, Lavender and I had a bet running. We were sure that the two of them had more going on the just rivalry.

"Not that we actually had any physical proof, but, this one time in the sixth year, Harry and Draco were at each other's throats, about to rip each other too pieces, when Malfoy sudenly and growled, 'Potter, I need to see you alone in the classroom.' All of us Gryffindor girls were amazed! Alone, in a classroom? We were sure they were going to kill each other. And Harry went with him, the fool! We all knew Draco was the son of a Dark Wizard, and we all sure he could perform Avada Kedavra.

Well, after they went in the classroom, we heard absolutely nothing for some time; they must have put a Silencing Charm on the room or such like. Hours later, Harry wondered in the common room, looking rather worse-for-wear. Hermoine had a fit. She could not believe the state Harry was in! But Harry's only response was, 'Well, you should have seen Draco.'

"After that, the fights were a lot different. Often times, they would get really riled up, getting ready to punch each other or worse! and then suddenly one would pull the other into a classroom. That's when the rest of the school started seeing what Lavender and I had seen for years-and that's when the bets really began running wild. Even the younger grades started picking up on the sexual tension between the two. First years were actually betting on when they would break down and start to snog in the hallway! The older ones, of course, saw if either were to break down, they would go all the way.

"But what really supported the theories was that neither of them dated the entire time the affair was supposedly going on. That was, until Draco asked me out- not that I'm know why. I mean I know I was one of the prettier girls in the school but really! Well maybe he had a bet going on with Harry or some thing. Anyway. Of course I accepted-I mean, the boy is gorgeous! I only dated him for three days though, God that man had so many idiosyncrasies - I don't know how Harry could have put up with them so long. But after that, the fighting changed again. It went back to the way it was in their younger years-but crueler, and more physical. And then, the war hit Hogwarts.

"All signs of any relationships, both as rivals or as lovers, ended. After Harry and Draco graduated, they were never seen anywhere together, all rumors of their illicit relationship collapsed. I admit, Lavender and myself were a bit intrigued when we found out that Harry stood up for Draco during his trials as a Death Eater. But that was five years ago now, and there hasn't been any news since.

"But now this? Oh, it's wonderful! I simply cannot wait to tell Lavender!"

Michelle nodded some how managing to give the women her massage and facial even when she was waving her hands about wildly. Parvati was the type who could never really sit still, especially when they were interested in what they were talking about.

"Well, my dear, I must say, this has been a very informative session indeed. However, I have to insist you share this with no one, for it is not my business to tell you of Harry's possible relationship with anyone."

Parvati smiled, stood up, and went to the front desk to pay her bill. Michelle smiled as well, knowing full well, in telling her what he had, Parvati would spread it to every person she would come across. He felt a bit guilty about this, because he knew how Harry hated his sexuality being brought up. But, it would get publicity for Michelle's, and he could always use new clientele.