Astronomy Tower
Ginny Weasley Harry Potter
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/27/2002
Updated: 11/27/2002
Words: 1,044
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,044


L. K. Weasley

Story Summary:
Progression of Harry/Ginny over the years, with song interlaced.

Author's Note:
Again, I'd like to thank Daniel for writing such a great song. And I'd like to point out that I own absolutely nothing, except for my warm and fuzzy feelings toward H/G relationships!

Angel in my t-shirt and she's sleeping on a couch

she's underneath a blanket and she's curled into herself

yea, she's still not mine

so much sadness in her eyes

every night she seems to cry

Harry sat in the common room during the Christmas Holidays of his fifth year, reading Quidditch Through the Ages for the millionth time. Ginny was lying next to him, sleeping peacefully underneath a quilt that Mrs. Weasley had made for her. He stopped only long enough to gaze at her and smile. She was so beautiful, both asleep and awake. But he knew that there was no way she loved him. He was her brother's friend. A relationship with Ginny was off-limits, almost forbidden. He sighed, and went back to reading his book.

What he didn't notice, was the worn trails of tears visible on Ginny's face.

I wanna be the one with her heart in my hand

barefoot and crazy we run through the sand

as the sun falls down, she's asleep in me

she's asleep in me

It was Summer Holidays after his sixth year at Hogwarts, and Harry had been invited once again, to stay at the Burrow. He, of course, gladly accepted the offer. He would have gone and stayed with Aragog, so long as he was away from the Dursleys.

One early July day, they had decided to go to the beach. Mr. Weasley looked rather excited with his floppy hat and white sun block-covered nose. Mrs. Weasley had packed them all snacks and such, including their favorite wizarding candies. Bill and Charlie were not present, though Harry could just imagine what they would be doing. 'Every girl on the beach would swoon over Bill's long hair and his earring' Harry thought to himself.

The plans for he and Ron were to pull some good pranks on Percy when he fell asleep (and they were sure Fred and George would help as well), swim, and lie around doing nothing. Ginny, being alone since Hermione was not with them, settled with tagging along with Ron and Harry all day. "I don't know why you just can't be with Mum," Ron grumbled.

"Oh, leave her alone, Ron. It's not as if she has anyone else to hang around with. Besides, she could be some help later," Harry replied.

Reluctantly, Ron agreed to let her tag along.

* * * * *

As the day progressed, everyone began to get tired. Except for Harry and Ginny. They were walking casually down the beach where the tide stops, wet sand going between their toes. Harry was deep in thought, as was Ginny. Suddenly, a playful hit on the arm and a "Tag!" came from Ginny and she began to run down the beach. Harry chased after her, trying to catch up. 'Closer... closer...' he thought to himself as he gained on her. When he was close enough, he grabbed at her, and they both fell onto the sand. They began to laugh nonstop. As the laughter died down, Ginny looked over at Harry. It was as if everything about him had changed in her eyes. And they sat there, in silence, watching the sun slowly fade into the horizon.

acting silly with braids in her hair

she knows that I love her

that I'll always be near

yea, she's still not mine

so much sadness in her eyes

every night she seems to cry

Harry had finally reached his seventh year. The Weasleys had taken him to King's Cross, as they had since his second year at Hogwarts. Ginny's hair were in braided pigtails, the red hair weaving in and out of itself. It had been only a few days before that he had confessed to her that he loved her. And she had done the same. He sat next to her in the cart of the train, across from Ron and Hermione. At first, Ron had been a little sketchy of Harry liking his sister, but he knew that his feelings were genuine and he would never hurt his sister.

Ginny had her head resting on Harry's shoulder, feeling at peace in the world. For once, she had a reason to be filled with happiness. And it made her feel good.

I wanna be the one with her heart in my hand

barefoot and crazy we run through the sand

as the sun falls down, she's asleep in me

she's asleep in me

Ginny stared out of the window on the train, watching the sky go from blue to pink. A rainbow effect falling over the sky slowly but surely. Smiling to herself, she laid her head down on Harry's shoulder for a short nap.

it's the way she moves, she's asleep

it's the way she breathes, when she's asleep

it's the way she laughs, she's asleep

see then the way she sleeps, inside of me

every night she seems to cry

Harry put his arm around Ginny, drawing her closer to him, letting her rest her eyes. She cuddled up to him, getting comfortable. And he noticed something about her. She had a smile on her face. Every time he had seen her asleep in the past, she had a solemn look, but now it was only joyous. He loved her with every fiber of his being, and felt more protective of her - even more protective than any one of her six brothers.

I wanna be the one with her heart in my hand

barefoot and crazy we run through the sand

as the sun falls down, she's asleep in me

she's asleep in me

Many years later, Harry and Ginny flipped through a photo album from their school days. As they reached the pictures of Harry's 6th year, there was a picture of him and Ginny chasing each other around the beach. Ginny smiled, "Ron must've taken this picture." In the picture, they toppled over each other, and fell down onto the sand.

she's asleep in me

Still flipping, they came across a section of pictures of Ginny asleep. "You always liked this sort of thing, didn't you?" she asked.

she's asleep in me

"Yea, there's just something about you when you're asleep. It's really beautiful." Harry replied, kissing her on her forehead.

she's asleep in me