The Dark Arts
Harry Potter
Slash Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 01/11/2004
Updated: 09/19/2004
Words: 69,537
Chapters: 39
Hits: 13,950



Story Summary:
This is a crossover between Gundam Wing and Harry Potter which began as a simple pwp between Wufei and Harry. However, it has progressed and is fast turning into yet another epic.

Chapter 13

Chapter Summary:
Harry's fallen for the new guy in Little Whinging. Unfortunately, Wufei left a few things out about himself. See what happens when five Muggle boys join the battle for the wizarding world.
Author's Note:
Oh dear god. I have no idea where the hell the first part of this chapter came from but not I actually have more than just a vague idea to work with. I’ve managed to develop a point to this twisted excuse to pair Harry and ‘Fei…

Chapter Thirteen

Hermione was already out of sight by the time Ginny followed after her, but the prefect suspected that Moaning Myrtles bathroom would seem like the ideal location to hide out. "Hermione?" she called, peeking around the door.

"In there..." Myrtle supplied, pointing to a closed cubicle, and looking far too happy at the girl's misery. Then the ghost cackled loudly and dived into the plumbing of her toilet with a sick popping sound.

Ginny pushed the door in to find Hermione bawling into her hands, bushy hair falling around her. "Oh, Ginny, what have I done?" She pushed her hair back and looked up. "I said some awful things... what if I just made everything worse?" The sixth year threw herself into Ginny's arms, burying her face in the red head's shoulder. "It's just that everything is all so wrong! Sirius is gone, and Harry never came to stay over the summer, and now he won't tell anything to me or Ron! It's almost as though he doesn't like us anymore... And now, Lupin... everything is just going so wrong! What if he'd succeeded and... and... oh, Ginny! I can't take much more of this!"

Not saying anything, Ginny just held the girl until her sobs died down and faded away. Once Hermione pulled herself together, the red head gestured towards the sink bench and they sat down on it. "I understand how you're feeling. With Voldemort's return, life is just going to get harder, and we're going to lose more and more of the people we love. The only thing we can do is to cherish the time we have together and keep the dark outside. You're a strong girl, Hermione, and I've always looked up to you, so I'm going to fill you in on a little secret as long as you promise not to tell Harry you know." Hermione nodded, and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Ginny took a deep breath and began to speak as though she'd rehearsed this over and over in her mind. "Harry still cares about you and Ron very much, and that is part of the problem. He blames himself for Sirius' death, and also for putting you two in danger. Suddenly, the adventures into the forest or the shrieking shack have become much more serious to him. Even more serious than they were when they happened. Sirius' death has changed him, and he's beginning to see the darkness around and inside of himself."

Hermione frowned. This didn't sound like the Ginny she knew. The girl before her seemed to have aged a million years in a matter of minutes. "Ginny, what's happened to you? Where has all of this come from?"

"I... I've been studying since second year... I found some books on dark magic and, and how it affects people. I'm sure that Dumbledore knows all about it, too," she answered a little hesitantly. "You see, when Voldemort gave that scar to Harry, some of the wizard himself was infused into it. There's a darkness inside of Harry that's growing stronger and dragging him down, but he finally found-"

"Ginny... you can't even get books like that in the restricted section! Where did you find such information?"

"That's not the point," the prefect snapped. "What I'm trying to say is that Harry finally found something, someone, who helped him suppress it. I don't think even Harry knows about the struggle inside of him, but he was able to send it all away for a while."

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked, letting it go for now in favor of curiosity.

"Do you remember that boy that we met on the platform? He's Harry's boyfriend," Ginny answered, blushing a little.

"I'm sorry? Did you say-"


"I... see..." Hermione replied slowly, the wheels in her head obviously turning at a million miles an hour. Once she finally seemed satisfied with her thoughts, she looked back up at Ginny. "But... what has all this got to do with me and Ron? That is what we were talking about..."

"Isn't it obvious? Harry spent the whole summer with Wufei, and even so close to Sirius' death he felt happier than he has in a very long time. Now, he hasn't seen the guy for over a month, and the depression and darkness is returning harder than ever before. Harry's pushing himself away from you and Ron because you haven't been tainted by the dark." That statement hung in the air, and Ginny simply waited for Hermione to pick up on what she was implying.

"But you have... You and Professor Lupin..." Hermione's eyes narrowed as she mulled over this new piece of information. "He's a werewolf and you... it's something to do with Tom Riddle's Diary; what happened to you in the Chamber of Secrets." Ginny nodded. "I think I understand now, Ginny." Hermione smiled at her and drew her into a hug. "You're so precious, do you know that? No amount of darkness could ever change that. Thank you, Ginny." With that, the brunette hopped off of her perch and made her way towards the door, smiling brightly.

"Uh... Hermione?" she stopped and turned back around, waiting. "You seem to be taking this ... everything... rather well... Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, Ginny. In fact, I'm feeling much better than I have in a very long time. I think I can understand Harry's actions a lot better now." Then, she turned and walked out the door, leaving behind a slightly confused Ginny who couldn't help but wonder what exactly the girl had meant.


"Milliardo," the headmaster called, signalling for the man to follow him. "I know that you must be feeling very out of place at the moment, but am I correct in assuming that you wish to help?"

"Of course. Headmaster, If there is anything I can do..." Zechs trailed off.

"I believe there is something you can do, my boy," Dumbledore answered, placing a hand on Zechs' shoulder. "Professor Snape already takes on more duties than his Potions Classes for this school. Although he is able to substitute as a Defense against the Dark Arts professor, it would not be wise for him to accept the role permanently, and I fear that Remus will not be fit to teach again after this ordeal. This, of course, leaves me with a dilemma and extremely short notice to find a suitable replacement..."

"I'll do it." Zechs knew what he was being asked, and he accepted the position immediately. If he could play a part in the coming events by training the students to defend themselves, then perhaps he could redeem himself for running away all those years ago. It was the least he could do. "I understand how important the subject is, especially in these times, and I will do what I can."

Dumbledore smiled, "I had hoped you would say that. Welcome to the staff body of Hogwarts. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have many urgent matters to attend to."

"Of course, sir." Zechs replied politely, but before the old man could get away... "Headmaster ...? Thank you." He received a nod in reply, and then, the distinguished wizard retreated down the corridor.


Harry and Remus had talked for hours. Both of them had so many doubts that needed to be voiced, and as they listened to each other, sometimes reprimanding, sometimes agreeing, they felt a stronger bond grow between them than ever before.

Remus no longer talked to Harry as his 'young friend' or 'best friend's son', but as man to man. They talked about everything, from Harry's father, to Remus' relationship with Sirius, to Harry's sexual desire for Wufei, and once they could talk no more, Harry curled up on the bed beside Remus like he had always wished he could do with his father.

As Harry fell asleep in his arms, Remus finally understood his place in this world. He knew it wouldn't be so simple, and that it would be a long time before he was truly himself again, but he had Harry to help him through, and that was what really mattered.

Author notes: So, tell me. Did it work?