The Dark Arts
Harry Potter
Slash Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 01/11/2004
Updated: 09/19/2004
Words: 69,537
Chapters: 39
Hits: 13,950



Story Summary:
This is a crossover between Gundam Wing and Harry Potter which began as a simple pwp between Wufei and Harry. However, it has progressed and is fast turning into yet another epic.

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Harry's fallen for the new guy in Little Whinging. Unfortunately, Wufei left a few things out about himself. See what happens when five Muggle boys join the battle for the wizarding world.
Author's Note:
This one is a little short but the next chappie is slightly longer to make up for it.

Chapter Six:

"I would expect something like this from Maxwell, but I had thought that YOU would have more sense! What were you thinking? There are plenty of safe houses you could have chosen, but instead, you brought him here where my cover could have been blown and all three of us captured at once! You aren't even supposed to be in England!" Wufei's glare went straight through Heero as if aimed at a brick wall, and that simply angered him more.

Duo was currently passed out on the couch, and didn't even stir at his fellow operative's rant. He had lost a lot of blood, and if they didn't find a way to replace it soon, they would have to risk the public hospital.

"Five. Trowa and Quatre are already on their way," Heero answered calmly.

"What? Why?! What the hell are you playing at, Yuy! No better than a goddamned female! You're putting us ALL in danger!" The boy was now near hysterical.

"Your place was the closest to where Duo was injured. I could not risk his life in traveling farther." There was a hint of pain in Heero's eyes that belied the stoic monotone in which he spoke. "Quatre and Duo share the same blood type. We need him here, otherwise, Duo will die. As for Trowa, he would have come anyway the moment he found out." Wufei was about to cut in, but Heero held up a hand to silence him. "It is best that the five of us meet anyway. The last message Duo and I got from J was to leave Ireland immediately and head for London. The same goes for the others. What concerns me is that several months ago there were rumors that senator Khushrenada had allied himself with a powerful force. Whether this is true or not, I can not say, but I assume that that is why we have all been called here."

Wufei continued scowling for as long as he could hold it against Yuy's impassive face. "Very well, you may stay, but on one condition alone." Heero nodded briefly, his dark eyes narrowed. "Once Duo is healed and able to move, you will all leave. I have finally established some semblance of stability here over the previous months, and I refuse to let politics destroy that as well as it has the rest of my life."

Without waiting for an answer, Wufei retreated into the sanctity of his training room to work off the frustration born of G.U.N.D.A.M.'s invasion into his personal life once more.

G.U.N.D.A.M. was a small organization named after the historical legend of Gundanium Alloy. It was once said to be the toughest and most resilient material in the world. The five young boys had been trained separately by their own respective superior and finally sent out into the world on their mission against the Romefeller Foundation, led by Treize Khushrenada, once they turned fifteen.

Over the past year or so, all five teens had participated in a secret war, waged through sabotage and assassination. Only their direct enemy knew of their existence, though not their identities.

Occasionally, Wufei had come into contact with the other operatives of G.U.N.D.A.M., but he had always avoided partnering with them, expecting to live the life of a solitary warrior until he was taken out of the race. Then, Harry had come along.

Suddenly everything was different. He wanted Harry to be happy, and if that meant he had to disappear from his life of underground political warfare, then he would do it in an instant. He never wanted anything to hurt Harry, and an association to G.U.N.D.A.M. would definitely be on the list of potential threats.

No longer alone, Wufei needed to make some adjustments if he intended to keep it that way. Once Duo was healed, he would inform the others of his 'resignation' and sever his ties with the organization that had swallowed his childhood.

"Wu?" A weak voice called from the door.

"Maxwell? What are you doing up?! Get back on that couch this instant!" Wufei hastily replaced his katana on its rack and wrapped an arm around the injured boy's waist.

"Heero left to call Quatre and Tro from a payphone about an hour ago, and he isn't back yet," Duo answered. "I'm not worried. He can take damn good care of himself, but I got bored. Your house is so plain. I can only stare at one wall for so long, and with only four it gets old fast."

"You don't even shut up when your body is in mortal danger, do you? Look, stay here, and I'll bring you some food." Wufei made to get something from the kitchen, but paused on a hind thought. "Do NOT move."


Heero walked through the streets of Little Winging. So far, he'd walked at least two blocks and hadn't come across one public phone. He desperately needed to get in touch with Quatre. The blond and his partner were currently in London awaiting the specifics of Wufei's address, and if Duo didn't get a blood transfusion soon...

He hated to admit it, but Heero really did have a soft spot for the bloody baka, and if he died, well, things would certainly be a lot less interesting. Besides, it was HIS right to shoot Duo. Not some stupid underground informant who wouldn't die properly. Heero had been threatening to do so since they first met, and he was a man of his word. He felt tears begin to sting behind his eyes, but his pride was saved by whispers on the other side of the hedge.

"I'll show that foreign bastard not to mess with me. If I can't beat him in a fight, then I'll use my brains. It's his word against ours, and everyone knows that Gretchen's is our favorite store. Why would we burn it down? He's the one who's always rude to people, and my dad said he saw him smoking. They'll never even look past him."

There was a chorus of laughter, which sounded strangely similar to the grunting of a bunch of apes. Heero reasoned that the voices he'd heard were probably those of neighborhood thugs by the gruff, dumb-sounding tones, and that this alleged foreigner was Wufei. He made a mental note to relate the conversation, and was about to continue his search when the gruff voice spoke up again.

"Too bad Harry isn't here. We could send the two love birds to prison together."

Heero frowned. "Love birds? Are they referring to Wufei and this Harry person?" He added that to his note and resolved to find out who this boy was.

Author notes: I want to hear your opinions.