Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 03/22/2005
Updated: 07/01/2005
Words: 4,604
Chapters: 8
Hits: 11,295

The Truth Hurts


Story Summary:
Ayden L'clair, a young man from the States, moved to London and opened a book shop. To the ones who befriended him, he was known as Ayden... but Ayden has a secret. He had no problem hiding the secret, until a figure from his past showed up: Hermione Granger.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
hermione realizes something and decides to test her theory. she never though that she'd be right.
Author's Note:
i'm back! sorry for the wait. some emotional stuff has been going on. well...hope you like it!

RECAP: Ayden sat up. "I'm going to tell her," he said and stood up. He grabbed his keys and left. Unbeknownst to him, a few pale-blonde hairs were starting to appear.



Hermione was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Tears were glistening in her eyes. "I don't understand," she said to herself. "He's dead...I shouldn't be seeing him on my clock." She sat up. "Wait...I don't remember hearing how he died, other than suicide."

She got up and ran over to her computer. (Yes, wizards now have computers. They're not as complex as ours...but Hermione is muggle-born, so she'd know how to use one anyways.) She sat down and tapped the keyboard. Her computer came to life Hermione typed in "dailyprophet.com" (Yes, the Prophet has a website) and waited for the page to load. When it did, she clicked on the tab marked "Obituaries". After typing in the date of the article, she was shown the listings for that day. She scanned down and was victorious. She had found Draco's obituary.

She read bits to herself. "'Draco Malfoy found dead...only heir...suicide...' Come on! Tell me something I don't know!" she said. Then something caught her eye. "'Potion overdose was the cause of death.'" Hermione's eyes widened. Bitting her lip, she thought of a way to find the name of the potion. Then a lightbulb went off. "Of course!" she exclaimed and started typing really fast.

A screen popped up and she was rewarded. She had tapped into the Ministry' investigative reports. Once again, she searched Draco's name. When she found it, she looked for the list of items found at the scene. "'A note...a picture with a woman identified as Hermione Granger.' What?! Why wasn't I contacted I mean...I know that it was me, but normally they contact any possible connections. Okay...forget it, Hermione," she said to herself and returned to the report.

"I found it!" she exclaimed, when she had found a report about a bottle found nearby. Twirling a strand of hair around her finger, she looked at the list of ingredients recovered. After a few moments, her mouth dropped open. "Oh...my...God. It's the Draught of Living Death," she said, breathlessly. "But...there's a little something extra," she said, her mind racing. Suddenly, "Of course! It counteracts the potion, so you're only asleep for a day! And supposedly, Draco was cremated." Hermione stopped talking, when she realized something. "He's still alive!"

At that moment, there was a knock on the door.


Ayden drove as fast as he could to her house. Suddenly, he looked in the rear-view mirror and noticed that his hair was turning blonde. "Dammit." He reached into his pocket, but couldn't find the vial. Next thing he knew, he was in front of her house. He got out of the car, not bothering to shut the door, and ran to her front door. He pounded his fist on the door. "Hermione! Open up!" There was no answer. Ayden went to knock again, but felt something in his throat. "Bloody hell," he mumbled, looking down at a puddle. Not only was his voice back to its original drawl, but he was changed back. Instead of brown hair, he saw pale-blonde. Instead of blue eyes, he saw silver with a hint of blue. Draco (Ayden is back to being Draco, if you were a little confused) pounded on the door again. "Bloody fucking hell, Granger! Open up!" he demanded, in his Malfoy tone. He heard a glass break. "I don't have time for this," he said to himself and pulled out his wand. He tapped to doorknob and mumbled something. The door swung open and there was Hermione, staring at him.

She was stunned. "Dr-Draco?"

He nodded and started to step forward. "I'm sor-" But he was cut off.

Hermione stepped forward. "You asshole," she said, calmly, and punched him.

Author notes: Hmm..he seems to be getting hit by her alot. Anyways...umm..for those of you who read "Behind These Hazel Eyes" and commented about my author's notes, i'm going to talk to him and try to sort everything out. As always, R/R!