What Is This Thing Called Love?


Story Summary:
Severus is reinstated as Headmaster and calls his first staff meeting. A prophecy is made and Slytherin plotting is applied to ensure the future of Hogwarts.

Chapter 02 - Chapter Two: Staffing requirements


Chapter Two: Staffing requirements

The staff meeting continues, and plans are made for the new curriculum.

(i)This chapter is yet again in response to the September 2009's OWL theme on 'Teachers'.

(ii) Please to let me know what you think of the story. Reviews really help me keep writing.

(iii) The characters and world of Harry Potter belong to J.K. Rowling. I make no money from this.

(iv) And last but by no means least, a big thank you to my lovely, amazing beta, Chelsea.


Severus knew from long-term experience that Horace Slughorn had never enjoyed hard work. However, Severus also knew that there was no other Potions instructor available at short notice to fill the portly man's shoes. Thus, Severus' question of Horace's capability of carrying on for another year was more to appease and flatter than to encourage the Potions professor's retirement. Minerva, having long served as Deputy Headmistress, seemed quick to realise this move. It was something Severus himself had learnt to do from the old meddler, Dumbledore.

Horace seemed particularly pleased at being asked about his ability to continue. He felt that the question of his return was second only to the DADA situation. With a broadly sweeping gesture to himself, Horace said, 'Oh, I think I should be able to manage one last year, dear boy. But if you could find me some help with the more difficult and time consuming brewing, and of course the marking, it would really help these old bones.'

Severus looked thoughtful. As he contemplated who to use to fill in for Horace, Minerva spoke up. 'Severus, I hate to say this, but based on OWL, and indeed sixth year results, Miss Granger has been one of the best students in Potions for the last fifty years. The only person to have done better has, of course, been yourself. Perhaps we could have Miss Granger help with brewing the more standard Potions for the infirmary and, of course, assist with the grading. She would make an excellent teaching assistant.'

'Do you want your bloody Gryffindor Princess to take over all of Hogwarts, woman?' demanded Severus. Unfortunately, even as Severus spoke up to challenge Minerva's suggestion, he could not help but agree. Miss Granger was the ideal choice. She was an excellent swot and would work diligently and be glad to be of help. As Severus finished speaking, he could see Minerva bristling and gearing up for a fight.

'Nonsense, Severus. You know Miss Granger is the most qualified of the returning seventh years. She's got plenty of experience having taught most of her house-mates, both in her year as well as in the years below. And she's the type that won't favour her friends or peers and will be a good teaching assistant.'

Severus conceded the point. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Severus finally said, 'I am forced to concur. Miss Granger is a good option. But do you not want the girl to study for her NEWTs? Though, in all probability she could have taken her NEWTs in her sixth year if she wanted to.'

Minerva laughed. Filius too seemed amused, and added, 'Even though the children were on the run from You-Know-Who, I would wager a handful of galleons that it is most likely our remarkable Miss Granger has kept up and completed working through the seventh year syllabus already.'

Filius's comment was met with much chuckling. The only one who looked concerned was Horace. 'I don't agree, Severus. Harry out performed Miss Granger in all the Potions lessons I held. Why some of his brewing techniques were outstanding.'

'Indeed, Horace,' said Severus. 'But the boy was cheating. I know for a fact that he used my old Potions text-book, with my notations and alterations. If they used the same text, Miss Granger would outperform Potter every time. I will stake my life on it. Besides, Potter hates Potions, and he would have no ability whatsoever to mark a piece of writing.'

'Oh, undoubtedly,' said Minerva. 'Severus is right. Harry is a good boy, and good at practical defence skills, but he's never been able to write a decent essay without Miss Granger's help.' Minerva's remarks were met with much chuckling.

'Right then,' said Severus. 'We shall approach Potter and Miss Granger about their willingness to take on more tasks along with their NEWTs. Hopefully they will be willing to work with us. But I shall of course oversee all their work. I can't have standards at Hogwarts falling, Minerva, even if it means using a time-turner and teaching all the classes myself.'

'I hope it won't come to that, Severus. We will all do our best. Please don't worry,' said Minerva. She had seen first-hand Severus' attempts to keep the school together under the regime of the Dark Lord, and she realised how keen Severus was to put the school's reputation back where it had always been.

Once it seemed that Horace had no more concerns about Miss Granger acting as his teaching assistant, Severus went on with the next point in his agenda. 'Well, the next order of business is that I want to introduce two new electives. One on Healing and Medicinal Potions, and the second on Recent History to augment Binns sessions on the Goblin and Giant wars. Though these subjects won't be offered at NEWTs which are Ministry held exams, given the recent events, I feel it is imperative that students are equipped for the future.'

At every one's nods of agreement and looks of interest, Severus went on. 'It is important for the curriculum to cover these topics. We could teach these at sixth and seventh year level. These students are in the most vulnerable of positions and getting a better perspective on the war will undoubtedly be useful.'

Surprisingly, it was Pomona who spoke up. 'Yes, brilliant plan, Severus. I did bring up the subject of Healing and Medicinal Potions with Dumbledore from time to time, because many of my Hufflepuffs are predisposed to Healing, but of course, the timing was never right, and we didn't have the resources. I think I can have some of my former students who are at St. Mungo's volunteer to handle some of the components of the elective.'

'Thank you Pomona,' said Severus. 'And perhaps if we ask Poppy, she would be willing to do some teaching too. I don't expect that it will be a large group, but it would be good to have the option available for those who want it.'

'Indeed,' said Minerva. 'But who would do the Recent History lessons?'

It was Filius who spoke up this time. 'Perhaps it would be good to get two or more lecturers for this, or even have a month symposium, where different speakers address different topics? We could ensure the students understand the events from different perspectives then. And it would not be a burden for anyone to address the senior students once a month during a lunch-hour, or evening session.'

Severus found the idea intriguing. 'Hmm... that plan does have merit, Filius. I think I could even get Lucius to speak about the Death Eaters and the reasons why he thought the Dark Lord the only option for the pure-bloods.'

Minerva seemed to blanch at the mention of getting Lucius to speak. But finally seemed resigned, and nodded. 'Yes, it makes sense for the students to understand what drove the pureblood ideology, if only so that it can be analysed and refuted.'

Severus was surprised and pleased that the others seemed to supportive of his changes. His countenance lightened significantly and his shoulders noticeably relaxed. 'More tea?' he asked everyone.

Soon more tea was served. Into this mood of relaxation, Filius spoke. 'Given Severus' plans for change, I feel it is important to have a redefining of Muggle Studies. We need to find ourselves a good teacher who can remove the damage done by the Carrows. Perhaps our Miss Granger could help with some sessions on the topic as well.'

Severus couldn't help but laugh. 'Does everyone feel that it is completely pointless for the Princess to come back to finish her education?'

'Oh no,' said Filius, quick to clarify. 'I think it is vital Miss Granger come back, especially given the new electives and the DADA's change in focus. But we as teachers all know that Miss Granger finished working her way through the year's textbooks and curriculum long before she ever entered the classroom every September. She could have sat for her NEWTs and passed at the end of her fifth year if she really had wanted to.'

Severus sighed. Then said tiredly, 'Minerva, will you draft the appropriate letters please, and invite the prospective staff members in for a discussion with me, and then us five sometime in the next fortnight? I shall begin working on the syllabi in the meantime.'