Dark Veela


Story Summary:
Severus Snape lies dying in the Shrieking Shack when he sees a vision of his mother.

Chapter 36 - Chapter Thirty-Six: Theodore Nott


Chapter Thirty-Six: Theodore Nott

Theo Nott thinks about what this new alliance with the Gryffindors and the Order means for his own future.

(i) The characters and world of Harry Potter are the property of the brilliant J.K. Rowling. I make no money from this.

(ii) Thank you to all the readers who have stayed with me through the writing of this tale. I apologise for the long delay in posting this chapter. However, my PhD thesis must come first, and these last few months have been taken up with completing the rewrites for one of my chapters. Please do not think though that I will abandon this story. I shall see it through. In that respect, your kind reviews have been enormously helpful. Not only do they provide motivation and inspiration to keep going, but your intelligent comments help me formulate my plot and character development. So please do continue to review and tell me what you think of the story. You have no idea how wonderful it is to hear from you.

(iii) And finally, much gratitude to my brilliant beta, Queen_of_Stars. You have been the most gracious of friends throughout these long months. I am so thankful that you agreed to help me work on, polish and present this story. All errors that ultimately remain are my own.


Theodore Nott was a complicated and intelligent young man. He had learned very early in life that he could not turn to his father or his spiteful and vacuous step-mother in times of trouble. Indeed, Theo had spent many hours contemplating his father, and he had come to understand the reasons why Odin Nott had never been able to love or forgive his son, who he had always blamed for the death of his beloved first wife, Teresa. That it was in no way Theo's fault was something the old man had not wanted to accept. How could a young witch of such potential die of birthing complications and pneumonia? It had made no sense. Thus, the old man had surmised that it must have been the brat's fault in some way. Clarissa, his father's second wife, had been a good distraction. She had warmed the old man's bed and softened his dislike of Theo, but she had never been able to replace his mother in his father's heart. Perhaps that had been best. It had allowed Odin to focus on what he had thought was most important: making money and serving the Dark Lord.

Now, walking out into the crisp November air of London's Diagon Alley, Theo thought about how much his life had changed since the fall of the Dark Lord and his own father's demise. No longer was he afraid that his life would be spent in the service of a crazed psychopath. Now he could do what he wanted; he was free as he had never been before. He had no father to control him, no Dark Lord to terrorise him. He did not like to admit it, but he, like Draco, owed a great debt of gratitude to the Boy-Who-Lived and his surprisingly not so annoying Gryffindor friends.

Walking down the street in the autumn sunshine, Theo thought about the interesting meeting that he had just come from. He had met with George Weasley to discuss his portfolio management and investments. He had been shocked to see the tentative but sensible investments already undertaken by the red-head. This was a portfolio that Theo could handle and handle well. There were sufficient funds to invest with, enough for him to play and make more with. He had never expected to work for Gryffindors. The Notts and his own maternal grandfather handled most of the Slytherin and Ravenclaw funds, even some Hufflepuff ones, but the Gryffindors didn't invest, and if they did, they didn't come to any of the well-known Slytherin families, even if they were the best in wizarding fund management.

The war had changed a lot of old practices and beliefs, but Theo understood why the Malfoys had insisted that working with the new order was better than sticking to the old and no longer valid way of thinking. He realised that if he had refused Draco's offer of being introduced to the Weasleys that night at the feast that he would have made a serious error in judgment. The opportunity to invest for the Weasleys was sure to help him establish himself as someone with unbiased, objective leanings. Moreover, being seen to be dating the youngest Weasley was already opening doors for him and his grandfather. Old man Selwyn had been delighted to be on the board entrusted with running and investing the money being paid to the Ministry for the rebuilding of the wizarding world. It was a coup for the old man, and to work with Julius Malfoy had been the icing on the cake. The Selwyns had contacts throughout Britain and Ireland, but they had not managed to break into the continental European arena. That had remained entirely in the hands of the Malfoys. Now, Augustus Selwyn's name was linked to that of the Malfoys, and it would allow more opportunities to come their way.

Theo knew he had much to thank Draco and Lucius for. They had not forgotten their old friends and their position as the leaders of pureblood society, even as they scrambled to ensure their own safety. It was, he thought, what true leaders should do; think of their collective futures, not just their own private ones. It was one of the many things that the Dark Lord had never understood; he had been all about personal power and not the collective good of those that followed him. It was no wonder then that the bungler that was Dumbledore had managed to run rings around the Death Eaters and ultimately defeat them. It was also not surprising that someone like Snape, whose brilliance was unquestionable, would turn against the Dark Lord.

As Theo finally came to the end of Diagon Alley and Apparated back to the Nott premises of business in Edinburgh, the young man thought about how Snape must have realised how completely unhinged the Dark Lord was and how the most astute of men would have done all he could to save himself, and by default his Slytherins. None of Snape's students from Slytherin doubted that they mattered to their Head of House and later, Headmaster. Snape had always done the utmost for them. He had cared for them, been a father to them, more so than many of their own fathers had been. Theo understood that Snape could not have prevented them from following their familial obligations into the Death Eaters, but he knew that Snape had fought as much as he could to prevent students taking the Dark Mark while at Hogwarts. It had been the best the Potions master could do.

Theo and his friends had been proud when Snape had been made Headmaster, and they had been even more proud to learn that not only had he lived, but that he had been celebrated as a genuine war hero. A true Slytherin war hero, lauded for his spying, his double dealing. It was something only a true Slytherin could do and do so well.

Now, Snape was betrothed to Granger, and he himself was supposedly romancing the Weaselette. How strange life was. He knew that he had lucked out in catching Ginny when she was on the rebound. Draco was right; just being with the young woman had already caused him to gain more business, as could be seen by the Weasley portfolio. However, he wondered how he was going to manage the young woman's obvious Darkness. She was no Slytherin, she had no guile, and had no talent in hiding her scheming ways. She was so easy to read for a man who had spent his entire life reading other people in order to survive. He had seen her calculation as she had taken his arm for their first dance, and he had correctly noted how her eyes had widened as she realised that he was both a Baron and the owner of a castle. But being desired for his wealth and standing was nothing new to Theo. It was what Slytherins did, after all.

He had also not missed the way Ginny's eyes had become even more predatory when she had realised how much wealth the Malfoys had given Granger and Snape on their engagement. Add to the fact that most Slytherins knew that Snape was the new owner of the Lestrange Manor in Ryde, and he could see how desperate his newest conquest was in becoming the mistress of his castle. It was odd to see that type of look on Ginny's face. It felt wrong. He wondered how it would feel to be loved for himself, to be wanted for himself. He was almost sure that Granger had not given a fig to what Snape owned. It was obvious that she wanted him, the man, not Snape the Headmaster or Order of Merlin, first class winner.

Once at his place of business, Theo quickly attended to the decisions he had reached with George Weasley. Papers were filed, and shares and investments were made via Floo and phone before Theo sent a message via his house-elf Blinky to Malfoy Manor. Theo had been thinking, and now he wanted to talk to his friend and confidant. It was time to take on the Darkness of Ginny Weasley.


Draco had just finished afternoon tea with his mother when the Nott family house-elf arrived with a note.

'I wonder what Theo wants?' mused Draco as he unrolled the scroll. Reading the contents quickly, he looked up to meet the enquiring gaze of his mother.

'Theo wants a meeting. Personal business, apparently,' explained Draco in response.

Narcissa inclined her head. 'Well, if it is urgent, we can postpone the rest of our conversation. I only wanted to go over the details for the family supper I am organising for the Greengrasses. I have been thinking that I have been remiss in entertaining them, especially now that Daphne has finally been allowed to accept the Davies boy.'

Draco smiled. 'You know you have my complete approval for anything you decide, mother. I doubt Astoria would mind either. Just do what you want. You always manage these things perfectly.'

Narcissa smiled at her son's praise. 'It doesn't mean that I am not open to suggestions, Draco. You young people have such wonderful ideas; I can't just ignore your tastes.'

Draco chuckled. 'True, but you know the Greengrasses. 'Tory's mother thinks the sun and moon revolve around you. She's so happy that I've formalised my association with 'Tory that she doesn't really care about what Daphne does now. Daphne said it was the best thing I could have done for her. Now that one of the sisters has caught the only Malfoy, the heat is off Daphne. Hence Roger's suit being allowed.'

Narcissa smirked. 'Well, my darling, you are the catch of the year. Only your father in his bachelorhood could possibly generate as much envy, and I of course caught him before he even had time to blink.'

Draco laughed. 'Yes, mother, I know what a clever minx you were.'

'Cheeky,' retorted Narcissa, laughing. 'Off you go then, and give Theo my best. Tell him Lucius and I really appreciated his sentiments on Sunday.'

'I shall,' said Draco, leaning down to kiss his mother's soft cheek before walking out of his mother's sitting room.

Draco Flooed directly to Theo's offices. Once there, Theo's secretary quickly ushered the younger Malfoy into Theo's chamber.

Standing up and moving around the large teak desk, Theo greeted Draco with a smile. 'Thanks, Draco, for coming so promptly.'

Draco shrugged. 'Your missive sounded urgent.'

Theo nodded. 'Well, not really urgent, but more like important. Come, sit, I need to talk to you about Ginny Weasley.'

Draco's eyebrows rose at the topic under discussion, but he silently took the seat offered around the low coffee table. Then, he watched Theo walk towards the drinks cabinet and pour himself a brandy. 'Drink?' asked Theo once he had got his own drink sorted out.

Draco shook his head. 'No, I just had tea with mother.'

Theo nodded. Slowly making his way back to Draco, Theo sat down and stretched his legs in front of him.

Draco watched his old friend. He realised the man was taking his time, collecting his thoughts. Draco did not rush him. He could see that whatever was on Theo's mind was obviously important.

The silence stretched, and about five long minutes passed. Finally, Theo sighed. 'I'm not really sure how to begin, but I'm sure you're aware of the Dark magical residue that is consuming Ginny.'

Draco nodded. He'd spoken to Hermione enough about her own issues that he knew that the Weasleys and Potter had been tainted.

Theo sighed again. 'I know you wanted me to make a play for her due to the far reaching political implications that it would have. You are right, of course, and I do appreciate the heads up. But despite her Darkness, I've come to like the girl. She's not all bad, and given the kind of women we've been exposed to, I can see that she has a lot of good qualities hidden underneath this current exterior.'

Draco remained silent. He had never liked the Weaselette, but he could see the attraction in her fiery personality.

Theo smirked at Draco's continuing silence. It surprised Theo how much Draco himself had changed since the war. Before, it would have been impossible to have the blond listen so quietly and attentively. Now, Theo could really trust the younger Malfoy; he knew Draco was listening, evaluating, and that he could be sure that the response he eventually got was one that had been well thought out.

'We purebloods are dying out. There aren't enough babies being born. The Weasleys, however, are one of the few families that have managed to reproduce successfully. If for nothing else, I want Ginny's fertility to benefit my family. I am the only surviving Nott; I have no siblings or cousins. If something happens to me before I produce an heir, the Nott family name will die out. Draco, do you realise how serious this is? You are the youngest Malfoy, but your father is not the only Malfoy; you've got your uncle Julius and your distant cousins Marcus, Christina and Elladora in Portugal.'

Draco nodded. He knew that almost all the pureblood families were concerned about the poor birth rates of the last thirty to forty years.

Theo sighed. 'The Selwyn name is no better. My mother was an only child, and my grandfather's cousin, who was my grandfather's official heir, was one of those killed when the Dark Lord fell. It is imperative that I marry and produce not only an heir but a few children. I promised my grandfather that if I had two children, the second one would carry on the Selwyn name.'

'Ah,' said Draco, finally. He could see now how attractive the Weasleys' fertility was to Theo. Thoughtfully, Draco asked, 'So why the problem with her Darkness? Can't you use it to bind her to you, get her to give you the children you desire as soon as possible?'

'It's not that simple,' said Theo softly.

Draco had to strain to hear his friend.

'I've been doing research, and it seems as though Dark magical residue does not allow for witches to breed. It seems to do something to them. Possibly nature's way of avoiding completely Dark children to be born for it usually is the case that women with Dark magical residue mate with men with Dark magic themselves.'

Draco listened attentively. He had not really thought about this, but it made sense. Most Death Eaters had had one or two children only, and those children had been born before their wives had been forced into the presence and service of the Dark Lord, and even his aunt Bella, despite being desperate for children, according to his mother, had not managed to produce offspring since she'd taken the Dark Mark almost immediately after she married.

'I can't deny that I have my own Darkness,' said Theo quietly. 'We all do. I know your father and aunt taught you the Unforgiveables, just as my father taught me. After all, it is what Slytherin men are taught. Control and power is essential to us. But if Ginny's taint remains and she doesn't learn to control her all too obvious Darkness, I suspect that she will not be able to have any children. I can't bear to see such waste of such beauty, fire and passion. She would make a good mother. Molly Weasley, for all her annoying, petty and uncouth thinking, is a good mother. George, for example, is a decent bloke, and William seemed quite sensible too.'

Draco nodded again. 'Percival isn't too bad either,' admitted the Slytherin. 'So, you want to do something to remove or control Ginny's Dark magic? Is it even possible if she's not willing to admit that there is a problem? You know as well as I do that Dark Magic, while giving enormous power and control to the wielder, requires an equal amount of power and control. Voldemort lost control, and so did my aunt Bella. Father nearly did, but I think having mother and me saved him from the worst of it. Even Severus has his moments, but he uses that vicious tongue of his on the 'dunderheads' and manages to keep a lid on the worst of it.'

Theo laughed. 'I remember watching him in class when Potter was in attendance. I was always amazed that none of them realised that he was the most vicious after he had been to a Dark Revel or meeting. You could almost see his control about to shatter. I always wondered how none of them ever actually got hexed in class. He does have superb control, doesn't he?'

'He does,' agreed Draco. 'But none of this is helping your Ginny.'

'No,' sighed Theo. 'I was hoping you could think of ways in which we could involve Ginny.'

Draco stood up and began pacing. 'I'm not really sure, Theo, but Hermione was talking to Mother about some reading she was doing. I think she's already spoken of it to McGonagall and Severus too. She was saying that of all those who had contact with Voldemort's Horcrux, that the least affected and the one with the most control over the Dark Magical residue was Longbottom. She theorised that it had something to do with the time he spent working with the earth. I think she's now researching elemental magic and how working with the elements allows for Dark Magical residue to dissipate. I'm not sure how far her research has gone yet, but if you could get Ginny involved in Herbology more, perhaps that would help somewhat at least.'

Theo looked pleased and thoughtful at the same time. 'Elemental and earth magic. That might work, Draco. I'm planning to meet Ginny again this coming Saturday at the Hogsmeade weekend. Perhaps I could tell her about the disused gardens in the castle and how I want to rebuild them to their former glory. Perhaps this could get her interested in learning more about gardening at Hogwarts while preparing for her NEWTs.'

Draco shrugged. It was worth a try. It couldn't really hurt. Not at this stage.


A/N: To all my wonderful reviewers and readers - since you've been so kind to stay with the story so far, here is a quick, short chapter. More to follow soon, promise.