Dark Veela


Story Summary:
Severus Snape lies dying in the Shrieking Shack when he sees a vision of his mother.

Chapter 35 - Chapter Thirty-Five: A meeting at Grimmauld Place


Chapter Thirty-Five: A meeting at Grimmauld Place

There is a celebration of Hermione's betrothal in the Headmaster's Office. Minerva suggests having a more formal celebration the following day at Grimmauld Place. This she feels will help diffuse tensions before the big meeting that is being planned to discuss Death Eater settlements. Lucius and Cissy agree although they are not too thrilled at the idea of having their affairs bandied about.

(i) The characters and world of Harry Potter are the property of the brilliant J.K. Rowling. I make no money from this.

(ii) Thank you to all the readers who have stayed with me through the writing of this tale. I apologise for the long delay in posting this chapter. However, my PhD thesis must come first, and these last few months have been taken up with completing the rewrites for one of my chapters. Please do not think, though, that I will abandon this story. I shall see it through. In that respect, your kind reviews have been enormously helpful. Not only do they provide motivation and inspiration to keep going but your intelligent comments help me formulate my plot and character development. So, please do continue to review and tell me what you think of the story. You have no idea how wonderful it is to hear from you.

(iii) And finally, much gratitude to my brilliant beta, Queen_of_Stars. You have been the most gracious of friends throughout these long months. I am so thankful that you agreed to help me work on, polish and present this story. All errors that ultimately remain are my own.


As Hermione entered the Headmaster's Office flanked by Luna and Astoria, Severus stopped in mid-conversation with Lucius and Minerva to gaze at her for a long moment before dragging his attention back to his amused listeners. She looked extremely fetching in a simple ivory wool dress. He always liked how she managed to find clothes that were elegant yet simple. The cowl neckline showed a hint of her bosom while managing to remain entirely discreet. The colour complimented her glorious hair and creamy skin to perfection.

Luna and Astoria watched with delight as the two lovers gazed at each other in adoration before doing their best to pretend to a sangfroid they obviously did not feel. Luna especially found it touching because she could see how the Headmaster's aura had changed since he had been able to get back together with Hermione. When they were apart his aura had been extremely dark and desolate. Now, although his colours were still an obvious pewter, there was brightness in it, as though it had been infused with silver shards and golden moonbeams.

Lunch in the Headmaster's Office turned out to be a much larger affair than the three girls had been led to imagine from Narcissa's missive. Indeed, the office seemed to be over-flowing with people and good cheer. The reason for this much larger party lay in Minerva's hands, for when Severus had informed Minerva, she had, in turn, told Poppy, Pomona and Flitwick. Then, feeling guilty, she had also informed Slughorn and Hagrid. Minerva knew how close the half-giant had always been to both Hermione and Severus and Slughorn, of course, would feel terribly left out if he ever found out the other Heads of House had been present. Meanwhile, Lucius and Narcissa arrived with Draco, as well as Andromeda and Kingsley.

Thus, the party was forced to move from the Headmaster's Office into his private quarters. The gathering was filled with much mirth and goodwill despite Severus' grumbling about being invaded without warning or notice. Hagrid, as expected, cried tears of joy and wiped his face with an enormous acid-green handkerchief that looked like it had started life out as a particularly nasty fashionista interpretation of a pashmina shawl. There was much congratulating and back clapping, hugging and the shaking of hands, all of which Severus endured good naturedly. Lucius, meanwhile, basked in the spotlight and gave all and sundry his patented shark's smile. Cissy, however, was well and truly delighted, and it showed. For many who had not witnessed the real warmth behind the icy exterior of the Slytherin matriarch, this came as an unexpected surprise.

Hermione, of course, seemed to have re-found her lost confidence. She smiled and responded with twinkling eyes to all of the comments and felicitations being offered. Indeed, Hermione felt as though she had undergone a total transformation since she'd made up with Severus at the Halloween Feast. The Darkness that had made her an insecure, frightened little girl who was willing to let others take the lead seemed to have finally disappeared. She still had moments of fear and irrational doubt, but now she felt as though she was more in control of her emotions. She really found it interesting how the Darkness picked up on people's most obvious weaknesses. She had always been desperate to belong, to please, and the Darkness had latched on to that with gusto. That she had latched on to the Malfoys and Severus had been sheer luck, although it also struck her that it could have been because the Darkness found in them kindred spirits. Indeed, Hermione mused, there was much she really needed to discuss with both Severus and Minerva. If her thinking was correct, it would explain Harry's desire to vanish into the woodwork and his desire to give up on being an Auror and retire to some tiny village and make soup. Not that it was a bad thing to do, but she didn't want her dear friend to do anything based on fear and desire for anonymity. Harry, Hermione knew, had political influence; it was only right that he not waste the fruits of his labour. She agreed that he didn't need to be a slave to fame as per Ginny's desires, but he should not let his voice fade into the background. For the moment, people listened to him, and he should use his fame to better the way things were done.

After the felicitations, Severus led everyone to the feast that had been laid out. The house-elves, of course, had outdone themselves once more with a veritable banquet. They had laid out smoked salmon, ham and pheasant, as well as a lovely selection of cheese and fruit for a light repast for those who didn't want a large meal at this time of day. For others, like Slughorn, who enjoyed their food, there were large platters with warm shredded duck, orange and little gem salad with hazelnut oil dressing, baked Cornish brie wrapped in filo pastry with beetroot and apple salad, honey roast Devon pork sausages with mashed potato, gravy and vegetables and, to end it all, individual servings of white chocolate mousse topped with blueberries.

Once the meal was consumed and everyone's hunger sated, Lucius stood up and toasted the happy couple. He had brought over bottles of his cellar's finest French champagne to toast the occasion. 'Today, my only daughter and old friend are finally betrothed. This is a very happy day for me and mine. Long have we wanted to officially welcome Severus into our family. Now that dream is finally realised. Hermione, I commend you in your fine selection of your future spouse. Severus, you old dog, I wish you all the happiness in the world with my beautiful, talented and powerful daughter.'

There was much cheering and applause following Lucius' words. Everyone seemed delighted to be in attendance and enjoyed the delicious champagne. Indeed, Minerva's eagle eyes noted Slughorn's special enjoyment of the wine, for he did prefer the finer things in life. Minerva could also not miss the obvious pride that Lucius seemed to take in Hermione's magical strength. She was surprised to note that there were tears in her eyes that she had to blink away rapidly. She despised women who cried at the drop of a hat, but to see the obvious love and affection shared by her star-pupil and Severus, who had proved himself to be the truest of friends, meant much to her. As her glance met that of Narcissa Malfoy, the two women shared a moment of perfect understanding. They would both do whatever was needed to ensure that these two could live a life of happiness and peace.

Severus accepted the teasing in good grace. He was, in truth, pleased and overwhelmed with the generosity that Lucius had shown with the dowry he had settled on Hermione. Indeed, he had tried long and hard to refuse, but the Malfoy patriarch had been insistent. He did not want anyone to ever suggest that he had not done more than was required for his Muggle-born child.

Once the toasts were drunk, Severus stood up and said a few words to the gathering. 'On behalf of Hermione and myself, let me thank everyone of you for your congratulations. We are both fortunate to have such dear friends here with us today. However, as you all know, Hermione is still a student at Hogwarts preparing for her NEWTs. I, therefore, urge you to ensure that the news of this engagement does not do the rounds outside those of us gathered here. It is imperative that she is allowed to focus on her education. I want no suggestion of scandal to disrupt her final year at Hogwarts.'

Minerva nodded her head in agreement with Severus' pronouncement. Taking the cue from her, the others, too, nodded their heads in agreement. They could understand how difficult it would be for Hermione if news of her engagement to the Headmaster were to become public knowledge. Indeed, Minerva turned to Hagrid and said gently, 'You must take great care, Hagrid. We can't have anyone of the press finding out this information. Do be careful that you don't speak of this down at the pub.'

Hagrid blushed at Minerva's words. 'I ain't as foolish as I was, Professor,' he said gruffly.

Minerva smiled. 'I know, Hagrid, but there's nothing lost in reminding you. Indeed, I think it is prudent that we all mind our words. We must take care not to speak of this in the staff room or, indeed, when it is likely that students can overhear us.'

Everyone readily agreed.

'But what about letting the members of the Order know?' asked Kingsley. 'Surely, Arthur is trustworthy as are Augusta and Harry?'

Hermione, who had been paying close attention to the conversation, responded to Kingsley's questions. 'Well, I've not told Harry or Ron yet, but I did mention it to Neville, Susan and Hannah. I don't think they'll spread it around, though. I did mention to them that I'd not told Harry yet and told them not tell anyone what I'd said.'

Severus sighed when he heard Hermione's words. 'Well, if you've already told some of your friends from the DA, I suppose there's no point keeping it from Potter and Weasley. But we can't have this spread to Miss Weasley or, indeed, any of the students other than Astoria and Luna. It really needs to be kept under wraps.'

'How about if we do tell the members of the DA and the Order who are at the meeting and take a wand oath requiring that they don't talk about it until we are ready to speak of our engagement in public?' Hermione questioned. 'That way, they can be told, but Ginny and Molly, for example, can't do anything with that knowledge.'

Lucius chuckled. 'That's spoken like a true Malfoy, my dear. Give them the information but ensure they can't do anything with it.'

Severus mock-frowned in Lucius' direction. 'Stop it. You're turning Hermione into too much of a Slytherin. I was planning on enjoying her Gryffindor openness. If you turn her into a cunning Slytherin, you'll take away any chance I have of keeping up with her.'

There was much laughter at this comment. Indeed, it was more than apparent to all present that the Malfoys, Hermione and Severus were in perfect accord and understanding.

Minerva, especially, was delighted at this. She had worried when she had heard about Hermione going to stay with the Malfoys on her return from Australia. She had not wanted to interfere, for she knew that Kingsley and Severus were both regular visitors since the end of the war to Malfoy Manor. But in her heart, she had not trusted that the affection that was professed was genuine. Now, watching the interaction between Lucius, Narcissa and Hermione, as well as the camaraderie between Draco, Astoria and Hermione, it was obvious that the affections and emotions were real on all sides. This was not just a politically and socially motivated stunt.

Minerva felt much more assured after watching the interactions closely. She had allowed her mind to drift, to consider the implications of all of these emotions, but she was brought back to the conversation with Hermione's words. Turning to address Severus and Lucius, she said, 'Perhaps the meeting tomorrow could commence with a formal announcement of the engagement.'

Kingsley frowned thoughtfully at this pronouncement. 'I don't want any suggestion that we are avoiding the issue, Minerva.'

Minerva nodded her head. 'I do see your point. Miss Weasley and Molly will most likely see it as an attempt to distract their attention away from the topic.'

Lucius inclined his head. Gesturing to Kingsley and Severus with his head, he said, 'I have already stated that Cissy and I are uncomfortable with having our affairs made so public. However, it will go a long way in helping the other members of the Order see how committed we are to the new order of things. In that light, perhaps we could have the Death Eater settlements discussed first, then a demonstration of my sincerity in wishing Hermione and Severus well via the exposition of the dowry I have placed in Hermione's name. This will, therefore, automatically ensure that the others cannot speak of Severus and Hermione's betrothal until they are allowed to do so, and it will also allow for a tidy summing up of our current positions.'

Narcissa nodded her head as Lucius finished speaking. 'I agree with Minerva's assertion,' she said, meeting the older witch's gaze. 'Molly is unlikely to let Hermione and Severus' engagement overshadow her accusations.'

Thus it was agreed.


The next morning at about half past eleven, Luna, Astoria and Hermione made their way to the Headmaster's Office to Floo to Grimmauld Place for the Order meeting. They were joined in the office by a vindictively gloating Ginny, who seemed to feel that the meeting was being held entirely for her benefit. That she was, indeed, responsible only made her gloat all the more. The four girls maintained a strained silence until Minerva ushered Ginny into the Floo first. Severus, knowing the tense situation, had decided to go to Grimmauld Place in advance of the Hogwarts' contingent so that he could prepare Harry for the coming meeting.

Once Ginny was safely through to Grimmauld Place, Minerva turned around and hugged Hermione warmly. 'Don't worry, lass. I'm sure it will all go off smoothly. You know Kingsley and Severus have everything well in hand. And with Bill, Lucius and Arthur having already made up, there should not be any difficulties.'

Hermione smiled at the reassurance. 'I'm not worried, Minerva,' she said quietly. 'Ron has started to realise his inner Darkness and pay more attention to what he is actually doing emotionally. Harry, too, is so much more aware now. I'm sure it will all be okay. Neville being there seems to act as a buffer to Ron's more impulsive traits as well.'

'Good girl,' said Minerva bracingly. Then, turning to Luna and Astoria, she looked them both in the eye. 'I know I don't have to tell the two of you this, but do keep an eye open for Miss Weasley's behaviour. She might do something rash when the betrothal arrangements are revealed. We've invited young Nott, but one never knows how the Darkness might manifest itself.'

It was Luna who replied. 'Don't worry, Professor. 'Tory and I will be watchful. Besides which, Draco will be there. He won't let anything happen to Hermione. He knows 'Tory and I would step in to help, and he wouldn't want anything to happen to 'Tory.'

Astoria grinned. 'Too right, Luna,' she said, winking at Hermione.

The three friends shared a fond smile before letting Luna make her way into the Floo. She was to go first to ensure that Astoria and Hermione could go through safely without meeting any interference on the other side.

Luna came out of the fireplace at Grimmauld Place to see Harry standing there in readiness. Ginny didn't seem to be anywhere around because Harry's first words to Luna were, 'Hello, Luna. We missed you at the feast. Don't worry. Ginny is with her family in the kitchen.'

'Hello, Harry,' said Luna seriously. 'I'm glad you managed to get the Wart-fuzz infestation out of you head. They do tend to make thinking clearly difficult.'

Harry grinned at this pronouncement. It really was good to see Luna again. She was just so refreshing.

Astoria emerged through the Floo soon afterwards. She smiled in greeting at Harry.

Hermione was next. 'Harry,' she greeted, catching sight of her friend waiting with the girls in the study. The two friends beamed at each before moving further into the room so that Minerva could follow Hermione through.


Severus Snape had arrived early. He had wanted to have a quick meeting with Kingsley and Lucius, and he also wanted to ensure that the security measures would allow Theodore Nott to be able to get to Grimmauld Place without upsetting any of the protective enchantments. Just because the war was over did not mean the master spy was willing to take any unnecessary risks, especially when he was very aware that the pesky reporters were still eagerly watching their every move.

Kingsley, too, had arrived early as discussed previously. The two men, avidly watched by Harry, went through a barrage of spells and enchantments to make sure the location was safe. Once that was done, they sat down with Harry to go over the arrangements for the arrival of the Slytherins. Nott was to Floo to Malfoy Manor, from where they would be brought to Grimmauld Place by Andromeda Black. Not only was she a member of the Order but her family connections with the house would ensure that the Malfoys, although still carrying the now faded Dark Mark, would not be targeted by some undetected stray spell.

Harry was amazed at the care taken by Severus and Kingsley. He acknowledged ruefully to himself that he could now well understand why his former professor had almost always been in a raging temper at his and his friends' harebrained schemes. It was obvious that Severus never did anything without careful deliberation, thinking everything through as much as he could.

Not long after, the first of the members of the DA arrived. Severus was surprised to see that it was Neville Longbottom.

Neville smiled in greeting at seeing the three men sitting around the table. 'Grandmum will come in a little while with Hannah and Susan,' he said by way of introduction as he made his way into the kitchen. 'But I thought it would be good if I turned up early in case there was something that needed doing. This is a big meeting, after all.'

Severus' eyebrow rose in contemplation. Longbottom was indeed showing maturity in thinking about what might need to be done in preparation. He understood now why his Hermione had been confident that Neville would not discuss their betrothal or reveal anything without thought.

Neville continued. 'I brought some of my soothing camomile tea as well. I knew Headmaster Snape would have any potions that were needed, but I thought it would make a subtle addition in case tempers got out of control.'

Kingsley and Severus shared a glance. They both suddenly felt very proud of the way the younger generation was shaping up. They both had worried and discussed the dangers of Dark Magic and how it would affect the future. But if Neville and Harry were any example, it seemed the young people were finding their way through the mire.

Harry smiled broadly at Neville. 'Thanks, Neville. I'll go speak to Kreacher and tell him when to make some of this if he thinks it's needed. Won't be a moment.'

Neville nodded. Once Harry had left, Neville stood awkwardly with the two men. Then, taking a deep breath of reassurance, he walked over to the table and sat down. Then, extending his hand, he said quietly, 'Headmaster. Hermione told me the good news. Congratulations.'

Severus was flabbergasted. He had not expected such consideration or maturity from Longbottom. He realised that the young man had waited until Harry had left the room before making his congratulations. 'Thank you,' he said quietly. Reaching out, he shook the hand offered to him. Then, rubbing his temples, Severus sighed. With a look of slight distaste at what he had to do next, he said briskly, 'I'm no longer your Headmaster, Longbottom. You might as well call me Severus. Potter has already made the transition.'

Neville smiled. He realised this was a rite of passage. Boldly, he replied, 'Only if you call me Neville, sir.'

Kingsley threw back his head and chuckled in delight. The young man did indeed have gumption.

Severus turned to his friend and frowned before inclining his head and saying, 'If I must.'

Harry had just re-entered the kitchen when he had heard Severus offering Neville the use of his given name. He couldn't help but laugh at the concession Neville got out of him in return. The three men turned to look at Harry when he began to laugh. Still smiling, Harry said, 'Well, Severus, if you're going to call Neville by his first name, you might as well call me Harry, too. I'm not my father. Perhaps not calling me by his name will make it easier for us to be friends.'

Severus sighed again but nodded. Then, looking at Neville, he said with a smirk, 'I think I shall enjoy watching your friend Ronald and his family's reaction to you and Neville both calling me Severus.'

Harry laughed. He knew the dour man well enough to know that this was his way of teasing. 'Oh, Ron already knows. He's heard me speaking of you by your first name before. I think it shocked him, but he's grown to accept it. I don't think it will be too much for him to handle.'

Severus harrumphed in dissatisfaction. However, he was surprised to note that he was secretly glad that they were all finally showing so much more maturity.

Not long afterward, Andromeda arrived with the Slytherin contingent. Once they had all settled down, and the first round of tea had been served, the mood slowly relaxed. Everyone had been very tense. The meeting to follow was going to be a difficult one, especially if awkward questions were going to be asked, which they all felt was very likely given their interlocutors.

Soon enough, everyone from the Order was gathered around the extended kitchen table. As usual, Hagrid had been stationed outside the kitchen door in the passage leading into it, as there just wasn't enough room for him to fit into the kitchen with all of the assembled invitees. Indeed, other than for 'Dung and Dedalus Diggle, everyone from the Order seemed to have arrived for the meeting. Even old Aberforth had turned up despite being known to not generally make it to Order meetings.

As Kreacher served more tea and coffee, Kingsley called the meeting to attention. 'Welcome, everyone, to another meeting of the Order of the Phoenix.' He smiled pleasantly around the table. He then inclined his head to greet the Slytherin contingent of Lucius, Narcissa, Draco and Astoria. 'Welcome, too, to the members of the DA and our latest political collaborators. I do appreciate them coming along to this meeting so that the matter to be discussed can be addressed.' Kingsley then smiled at Hermione, Astoria and Luna, who were all sitting together, Hermione safely ensconced between her two protective friends. 'It does my heart good to see all of us here today. For too long we have been divided. Now, it gives me great pleasure to know that we are all committed towards a common goal.'

Theo Nott sat alongside Lucius, and Ginny, despite her so-called aversion to dirty Slytherins, snuggled cosily beside him. Indeed, if one paid careful attention to the couple, it could be seen that they were holding hands while Theo had his other arm flung casually around her shoulders.

Kingsley made it a point to smile brightly and wink at Theo Nott. He had been told of the plan to have Theo Nott court Ginny. 'This meeting is being called because of concerns raised by Molly and Ginny Weasley at the recently held Halloween Feast. Molly put forward the suggestion that the Malfoys had placed a dark geis on myself, Hermione and others that was causing them to behave in a manner favourable to the Malfoys. This meeting is to address those allegations and to demonstrate clearly to all present that the Malfoys have no possible way of acting in such a manner. Molly also suggested that former Death Eaters were allowed to escape their actions freely, that people known to consort with Voldemort were not called into account, that they were not held accountable for their actions. This matter has, in fact, been dealt with both by me and by Severus. As acting joint heads of the Order, Severus, Minerva and I had not realised that anyone would think us lax or lenient when it came to making sure there was some kind of compensation and restitution enforced from Voldemort's supporters and collaborators.'

Here, Kingsley stopped and looked around at everyone present. He met the very alert and interested gaze of Susan Bones, who in that instance was clearly her aunt's niece. She had lost many members of her family to the Death Eaters. For her, as it was for many others, this was personal.

Kingsley went on, 'But before more information is presented, however, I must insist both as acting Minister and as the one in charge of this meeting that you all take a wand oath. The matters that are to be discussed are sensitive in nature. They cannot be, even accidently, revealed to people not present here today. If you are unwilling to take the wand oath, then I must request that you please remove yourself. Severus will perform the necessary memory charm to ensure you have no recollection of what we are about to discuss.'

There was a moment of silence. Then, Theo Nott spoke up. 'Minister, I'm well aware of the sensitivity of the topic under discussion. I'm more than happy to take an oath.'

Seeing Theo's agreement, George and Bill immediately followed suit. Once they had got the ball rolling, everyone around the table touched wands with Kingsley and swore the oath to not discuss anything they would hear during the meeting with anyone not present there. Even Hagrid, who had been told to bring his pink umbrella, blushingly touched its tip to Kingsley's wand.

When the procedure was complete, Kingsley whispered to Hagrid. 'Talk to Minerva, and she'll see about getting you a proper wand. You've more than proved your worth, Hagrid, there's no need for you to hide your right to wield magic.'

The half-giant looked down in embarrassment. This was the Minister of Magic speaking. He had really been given permission to consider himself a full wizard. Remembering Dumbledore's belief in him, Hagrid stood up straight and pushed back his shoulders. 'Right you are, Kingsley,' said Hagrid gruffly. 'I'll speak to the Professor about it.'

'Good man,' said Kingsley before turning his attention once more to the gathering.

Then, Kingsley got down to the business of informing the gathering about what Lucius had promised. 'Thank you all for taking the wand oath. As you hear more of what is to come, you will realise how vital it is that this sensitive information does not leak out. The Order has worked long and hard to ensure that it has political clout and minimum Ministry interference: hence me not being both head of the Order and acting Minister. It is critical that the Order, which began as a vigilante organisation that has the power to act outside the constraints of the Ministry, does not end up becoming just another tool used by the Ministry to control and exert power over our people. We must ensure that our interests act for the betterment of wizarding society, not the glory and prestige of the Ministry.'

There were murmurs of agreement. Most had already discussed why Kingsley had refused to be the sole head of the Order. There had, of course, been raised eyebrows when Snape was made one of the ruling triad, but following his heroic actions, it was impossible for people to not take his dedication, knowledge and commitment to the cause seriously.

Once the crowd around the table quietened down again, Kingsley said, 'Once it was ascertained that Severus was safe at Malfoy Manor, I personally went to visit him. Over the course of the visit, I spoke with him and was assured that Lucius, Severus' long-time friend, would be willing to cooperate fully in the new epoch that we are trying to bring about. Indeed, following the sending out of invitations to the victory celebrations, Severus and I met formally with Lucius to take not only a wand oath but also a blood oath to never bring war or violence to the people of Britain unless called upon to do so by the express request of the head or heads of the Order of Phoenix. Moreover, he has promised to never aid or knowingly allow any of his family and bloodline to do the same. The oath, being bound by both wand and blood, ensures that his life would be forfeit if he ever knowingly worked to harm or cause damage to people or property without the consent of the head of the Order.'

There were a few shocked exclamations at this piece of information. Molly Weasley, in spite of her inner darkness, could not deny the truth of the words she was hearing. Severus and Kingsley had truly had made Lucius Malfoy a pawn of the Order.

Kingsley continued. 'I promise you that Minerva, Severus and I worked together beforehand to get the wording of the oaths right. There is no room for error here. Lucius has agreed, and by their presence at the oath taking, so have Narcissa and Draco. I guarantee that you have nothing to fear from the Malfoys. They are committed to maintaining the peace. They will not revolt; they will not join any revivalist Death Eater movement if it should ever come about. Indeed, they will work with us, much like Severus did if it should come to their knowledge.'

Once this was said, there was a moment's stunned silence. Severus and Lucius could see from the expression on Potter's face that the young man was appalled at the nature of the oath. Wand and blood was serious; it was even more binding than an Unbreakable Vow, for this tied down not only the individual but also his bloodline.

Harry had been told that he would most likely have to speak to the Order. Knowing that at the last big meeting he had not been able to discharge his duty, he stood up and bowed stiffly to Kingsley.

It was obvious to the watching Hermione that Harry had been practicing. It was so unlike him to bow that it brought a smile to her face. She could not help but be proud of her brother, who had clearly taken her rant of understanding pure-blood manners and etiquette into consideration. Hermione's thoughts, however, were sharply brought back to Harry as he began to speak.

'Thank you, Kingsley, for explaining this to all of us. I must admit that I am frankly appalled that you insisted on both a wand and blood oath. I thought Dumbledore asking Severus to make an Unbreakable Vow was bad enough, but this is very binding. However, I can't fail to see the pragmatism of this move, especially now that Hermione is part of the Malfoy family.'

Lucius chuckled darkly. He said, 'It's good to not hear fake protestations and talk about the greater good.'

Harry blushed. Then, meeting the smirking visage of Severus Snape, he laughed while re-taking his seat. 'Well, at least no one can ever bring up the charge that the Malfoys are using Dark Magic to control the Order. The oath would not allow it.'

There was a grumbled agreement from Molly, but it was obvious that the wind had been taken out of the witch's sails.

As Harry's words penetrated the gathering, Theo added his own comments. 'You all know that we Slytherins, for the most part, consider Lucius the undisputed head of the pure-blood faction. If Lucius is oath bound, then we, who follow his advice in most things, are so bound, too. It is an implicit bond for his bloodline runs through almost all of us pure-bloods. As long as Lucius continues to hold our allegiance, and as long as Draco continues in his father's footsteps as the rallying point for the next generation, then we, too, are committed to protect and work with the Order. The Malfoys lead and others follow. It has been this way for generations, and it will continue to be so.'

This had not been foreseen or understood by many in the crowd. Bill and Percy, who had been as appalled but as accepting of the need for Kingsley's actions, now came to fully realise the enormity of the oath. The heads of the Order had indeed ensured that peace was not only likely to continue but almost definite to continue. The path had been established. Only they, the bound, could now destroy this alliance. It was they, with their equally blind prejudice, who could negate the work of their elders. As Bill and Percy met the eyes of Draco and Theo across the table, a new alliance was formed.

Next, Severus spoke up. 'I assume you also have questions about how Lucius' oath ensures restitution. As you know, most of the known Death Eaters, and between Lucius and myself, we do know everyone, have been asked for significant amounts of money to rebuild the destruction caused during the war years. Since we do not, however, want to beggar people and force them to hate us even further, we have refrained from confiscating family property and assets. The payments will come in cold, hard galleons, no matter how long it takes for such amounts to be paid off. Indeed, it is better that the amounts come in monthly instalments, following the initial bulk payment, for it means that the money can be invested wisely by the committee set up for this purpose. I hesitate to even inform you of who makes up this committee; it is extremely classified information. You will not speak of this to anyone not here but also you will not use this information to your gain at all. Is that clear? If I hear even a whiff of rumour that suggests otherwise, I assure you the full wrath of the Order will be upon you all.'

There were more shocked gasps. The loudest came, unsurprisingly, from Molly. 'Who do you think you are? Of course we can be trusted; it's those damned Slytherins you can't count on.'

Arthur gentled his wife with a touch. 'Be reasonable, Molly. Lucius is oath bound, and Theo is with our Ginny. There's no one else here who was not in the DA or the Order originally. Severus is warning us all that this is important. We can't compromise the way the Order's assets are handled.'

Molly sniffed and quieted down.

Kingsley took over the re-telling of the information. 'Together, with the council of elders, the Order appointed four wizards to oversee the investment of money being brought in. This is paid into the Ministry, but its allocation is in the hands of the Order. We are working together in this, for we insisted that the war was won by the actions of the Order, not the Ministry.'

There were murmurs of, 'Here, here', following that statement.

Kingsley smiled. 'Given that the Malfoys are one of the largest contributors to the fund, the wizards in charge of its best allocation include Julius Malfoy, whose credentials in fund management and business investment are second to none; Hippocrates Smethwyck, who has great knowledge of where medical assistance is required as well as what kind of research needs to be funded in that area; Professor Phoebus Penrose, from the Department of Mysteries; and finally, Theo's maternal grandfather, Augustus Selwyn. None of us can doubt Selwyn's expertise in investment banking or the financial markets, nor, indeed, his insistence on staying neutral during the Voldemort wars, even though his cousin, Wilhelm Selwyn, was one of Tom Riddle's own.'

Again, although Molly wanted to protest that the funds were being overseen by people not of the Order, she could not. These were all individuals with impeccable credentials, people who were known for not being politically associated either with the Death Eaters, or the Ministry. Indeed, although Penrose worked for the Ministry, the nature of the Unspeakables ensured that the Ministry had no possibly of interfering with that specialised department. People were chosen by the department for the department, its funding was its own and its governance was its own.

Once there had been, in Kingsley's mind, enough time for the information given to settle, he looked at everyone gathered around the table. 'Now, are there any questions?'

There was thoughtful silence around the room. Susan Bones looked as though she was dying to ask a few questions, but she didn't speak up.

Kingsley looked once more around the table. 'If you do not want to speak up now, you can do so during the lunch that is to be served once this meeting is concluded. I want no more false rumours and accusations. Never think that Severus, Minerva and I are not here to listen to you. Nor must you imagine that we are willing to forget all the lives and destinies that have been lost and altered due to this long conflict. But you must realise how committed we all are to seeing in a new future. That future will never be possible if we don't have the fullest cooperation of people like the Malfoys. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, Lucius here is the head of the pure-blood faction of Britain. Voldemort knew this and used Lucius to his own ends. If Dumbledore had not been so anti-Slytherin, perhaps he would have paid more heed to the fears and concerns that drove the pure-bloods to see in Riddle a saviour of their shrinking and dying world. As Hermione, for example, has come to learn through her joining the Malfoys, the pure-bloods are not all evil. They just want to preserve their customs, their traditions, in the face of continuous change and innovation. This is not and should not have been a war of good and evil, it should have been a dialogue, a learning process between the traditionalists, the Muggle-borns and their modernist supporters. That lack of communication and understanding could allow someone like Riddle to speak for all pure-bloods is not only the fault of people like Lucius' father but also Dumbledore and the Ministry. It is demonising, and the cutting off of communication results in hatred and scaremongering. We must, as the victors of this confrontation, ensure that such a situation does not come to pass. We must listen, and only then can we find a compromise, a way of moving forward. We are nothing without our roots. We cannot claim to be worthy citizens of the world if we have forgotten and chosen to ignore the lessons that have been taught to us by the past.'

A hush engulfed the room as Kingsley finished speaking and sat down. He had spoken with passion and the belief and commitment he felt was evident.

Slowly, quietly, conversations broke the silence. Many had not liked to hear Dumbledore being blamed for the long years of war with Riddle, but they could not deny that Kingsley had spoken the truth. They had all learned from day one to hate and distrust the Slytherins. Perhaps if they had taken the trouble to get to know them better, the war could have been avoided. Molly especially looked over to her pride and joy, Ginny, and she could not doubt that her daughter seemed to be utterly in love with the young Slytherin by her side. How that had come about the witch did not know or understand; it had only been a few short days since Ginny had hoped for a marriage proposal from Harry, but now, Ginny seemed happier than she had in a long time. Indeed, Molly could not deny the charm and perfect manners of the young man who had been introduced to the family before the commencement of the meeting.

Once it seemed as though people were getting ready to leave the kitchen and mingle before lunch, Minerva stood up. 'Before you all disperse, there is something else that must be announced. My dear friend and colleague Severus has accepted the betrothal contract presented to him by Lucius Malfoy for his daughter Hermione. Lucius has long wanted to make Severus a part of the Malfoys, and now, he has finally been given the opportunity to do so through his acquisition of one of my all-time favourite students. It gives me great pride and pleasure to present to you Severus and Hermione.'

There was stunned silence once more, and then Harry rushed around the table to hug Hermione in glee. 'Bloody hell, 'Mione. Congratulations. I never thought you'd be the first of us to get hitched.'

Everyone around the table laughed at this obviously delighted show of support. Then, as Harry moved towards Severus to shake his hand, Ron made his way to Hermione. Again, many around the table watched the unfolding drama with rapt attention.

'You and Snape, hmmm...,' said Ron softly.

Hermione smiled. She hoped that Ron would not make a scene.

'Well,' said Ron, taking a deep breath, 'I can't say I'm surprised. I'm just stunned it's taken him so long and that Lucius needed to approach him. I'd have thought he'd have popped the question a good long time ago.'

Hermione laughed. 'Oh, you know Severus. He's never able to take the easy road. He has to complicate matters by thinking about Hogwarts, my scholastic reputation, my age. If it were up to me, I'd have hurried it too. But this way, all the possible traditions can be followed. It's more in keeping with Malfoy customs, and it is the way Severus prefers to do things.'

Molly had been listening to Ron's conversation with Hermione. She did not like to see how easily Ronald accepted Hermione's explanation. Turning to Lucius, she asked loudly and pointedly, 'Were all the proper traditions followed if a contract was signed?'

Lucius' eyes glittered dangerously. He wanted to lash out at the Weasley matriarch for her question. It was so rude, so uncouth. But he understood what Dark Magic could do to a person. Besides, Molly Prewitt had never been the most well-mannered of women. In the coldest possible tone, Lucius said shortly, 'Yes. Madame Pomfrey verified Hermione's chastity via the appropriate spellwork last week before the official signing of the contract.'

Arthur tried to stop his wife; he could see that she was going to push the issue further. Molly, however, was now once again spiraling out of control due to her darker impulses. Denied the ability to find fault with the settlement made by Kingsley and Minerva with the former Death Eaters, and hearing that Hermione's chastity had been verified, she felt as though her rational mind was slipping away. Loudly and even more rudely, she asked, 'And what was the bride price and dowry?'

Severus, who had been prepared for Hermione's chastity being discussed, was infuriated at this most unnecessary of questions. 'Woman, that is personal. You have no right to know what was agreed upon.'

Molly sniffed in disdain. 'He probably wouldn't offer anything worthy anyway. He might have fooled you all, but can you imagine him giving a Mudblood anything that was valuable to the Malfoys? I can't believe how easily he continues to fool you. So, he took an oath. Words don't mean his beliefs and attitudes have changed.'

Narcissa Malfoy now spoke. 'I would say, Molly, that it is your prejudice that is now showing. Lucius and I have stopped using that term. Hermione is our daughter. She is now a Malfoy, her parentage is immaterial. She has all the rights and privileges due to my own Draco.'

Molly looked like she wanted to argue further.

Kingsley looked pointedly at Arthur, who was struggling to control his irrational wife. Realising that there was no stopping her, and that her attitude was affecting the thinking of other, less regular members of the Order, Kingsley sighed. 'Perhaps, Severus, if you and Lucius would be so good as to share with us all the significant points of the contract, it would be best. After all, everyone here is still under oath to not discuss these details with anyone not here. If we also ensured that it could not be discussed outside this house before the oath is lifted, it would ensure the utmost of secrecy.'

Severus sighed. 'Do what you think is best.'

Lucius, too, inclined his head. They had known that it could come to this. It was not ideal, but they wanted to put all of this nonsense behind them. Standing up, Lucius Malfoy looked at everyone around him with his most arrogant sneer. 'I only share this information because I want no one to assume or feel that my affection for Hermione, my pride in my daughter's achievements, is in any way lacking. If you take time to study the old ways, you would know once a child, no matter his or her parentage, is adopted, they are for all intents and purposes part of the new family. As such, Hermione will, at our demise, inherit with Draco everything that belongs to Narcissa and me. The two of them will share equally in all of our joint assets, our funds and our investments.'

Molly gasped in shocked silence. She was not so lost in her darkness that she did not realise that it made Hermione a very wealthy young woman indeed.

Lucius continued, 'Moreover, as a dowry, I have given Severus, Hermione and their future offspring my personal share of the properties owned by the Malfoys in Italy and Spain. Draco will, on his marriage to Astoria, be similarly given the shares for the estates in England, France and Switzerland.'

It was a most generous of dowries. Listening to Lucius speak of the dowry, Hermione realised why the negotiations had taken so very long. No wonder Severus had felt that Lucius was going overboard. It was too much; even she thought so.

Lucius smirked. He could see the effect his words were having on his audience. There was a stunned silence. No one could doubt that the Malfoys had been more than generous. One property would have sufficed; this was all of the extensive properties in two countries. Indeed, given that much of the Malfoy wealth lay in mead and wine manufacture, it was obvious that the properties also contained the bulk of their wineries and vineyards. Once the patriarch felt that his bombshell had attracted enough attention, he carried on. 'Severus, meanwhile, as the undisputed Master of Potions in the British Isles, if not Western Europe, has given my family a magnificent collection of potions that are impossible to be found on either the open or black markets. They are healing and anti-aging potions that require years of brewing to complete and are worth their weight in unicorn and phoenix tears. These are, or so he says, what he has been making for the last twenty years. They had been his Voldemort-and-Dumbledore-back-up-plan potions. Now that the war is no more, they are mine to use as I see fit for the protection and continuity of my family.'

Molly was appalled that all Severus had offered the Malfoys were potions. She didn't seem to comprehend that these potions could, if not heal, literally put someone in a coma for years until a cure could be found or the problem healed. They were the stopper on death that Severus had spoken of in his first-year speech.

Hermione, however, did catch the reference. She raised her eyebrow in enquiry, and Severus responded with a smirk.

'Yes, you are correct,' his smirk seemed to say. 'You have read me correctly.'

Molly could not stop herself from asking, 'You offer him, them, wealth beyond their wildest dreams, and he offers you potions?'

Lucius threw back his head and laughed. 'Molly, you are amazing. These potions that I have been given are so difficult to make that they require years of preparations and brewing. These potions could not be bought if I sold everything I own. No one who had the skill and the patience to make this kind of thing would sell them. These are definitely made by Potions masters for their own use. Think of the Philosopher's Stone only in potion form.'

Molly nodded her head. The Darkness was lifting. She could see that her questions were all being addressed. Lucius was speaking to her directly. It was true; she was still shocked that Lucius Malfoy was giving away so much to Hermione and her husband-to-be. But she was starting to see that if he had had a real daughter, that the same thing would have happened, that it was a father's duty to make sure an adequate bride price was paid at the engagement of valued girl child.

Hermione looked at Narcissa and then Severus. It did look like Molly was going to be appeased for the moment, but the question remained, would it be enough. Taking a deep breath, praying that she was doing the right thing, Hermione spoke up in a soft but clear voice. 'It is not just with property that my father and mother honour me as their daughter and heir.'

Immediately, everyone around the table turned to look at Hermione.

She smiled tightly and met Lucius' eyes. When he nodded his head, she went on. 'When I was adopted, I was given the living legacy of the Malfoy matriarchal line, which includes all of their magic and spell-work.'

This pronouncement brought more gasps, especially from Minerva and Augusta Longbottom. These two witches, who were themselves matriarchs of their own families, truly knew what this all meant.

With that bombshell, the meeting was concluded. Kingsley once more, before removing the bond on the wands of all those gathered, ensured that they re-swore their oath to not discuss anything they had heard anywhere but at Grimmauld Place with anyone but those present here today. Having heard all the sensitive information, no one was willing to refuse.

Indeed, as everyone started drifting towards the sitting room as Kreacher started getting things ready for lunch, it did seem as though Molly was finally appeased. Ginny, too, had listened. With her total focus on Theo Nott and the fact that it seemed her mother was satisfied, the young witch did not have the desire to be vindictive. Now, she, more than anything else, wanted to have what the 'cow' had: wealth. For that, realised the redhead, she would have to ensure that Theo Nott did not escape.


A/N. Thank you all once again for your patience in staying with the story. I do apologise profusely for the time taken to update. Unfortunately, the rate of me posting updates is not likely to increase in the very near future. That said, I'm off to the Lake District on holiday at the end of the month. Hopefully, the long evenings and beautiful surroundings will give me the boost I need to write more for you.