Square One


Story Summary:
After destroying the Horcruxes and facing Voldemort, Harry awakes to find his world vastly changed. He must begin anew and forge a place for himself in a society that no longer needs him to be "The Chosen One."

Chapter 06 - Chapter 6


The next morning, Harry awoke alone in George's bed. He stumbled through his morning routine and painstakingly made his way down to breakfast. George was long gone to work, as usual, but Charlie still lingered at the table, sipping coffee and chatting with his Dad about the latest issue of the Prophet. Brian, he noted, was in his usual spot, making short work of his porridge and juice.

Harry was halfway through his own breakfast when there was a great clatter from the hallway. A moment later, Nicolae blew into the kitchen, his clothing and hair in wild disarray.

"I'm late!" he cried. "I should've been at St. Mungo's an hour ago. Arthur, could you Floo Hana and let her know I'm on my way?"

Charlie set his paper aside, then. "I've already talked with her, Nick. I told her you wouldn't be in today."


"I told her you needed the day off to deal with family business."

Nicolae sank into a chair. "Oh."

"Ginny was by this morning, before she went to open the shop," Arthur explained. "She said that you were moving out."

"She did, did she," Nicolae ground out. "Did she say anything more?"

"She said she'd done something to upset you, and that you refused to forgive and forget," Charlie said.

"Did she." He glanced over at his son and visibly reigned in his anger. "There's a little more to it than that. I can't say more than that; I promised Ginny I'd give her a few days to explain things to all of you herself."

"Whatever is going on between you," Molly cut in, "you need to work it out - for Brian's sake, if not for your own."

"Molly, please," Nicolae said, "You truly don't understand. But you will, I think. Please believe me when I say that it isn't as simple as just forgiving and forgetting." He levered himself up from his seat. "I don't wish to discuss this further in front of Brian. And I really must go; I need to find somewhere to live."

"You're always welcome here."

"Thank you, Arthur." Nicolae's voice was filled with emotion. "You've no idea how much that means to me right now. But it's best if I find my own means."

Charlie stood, too. "I've got a few leads for you. And I skived off work to come along. I thought you could use the moral support."

"Thank God for you, Charlie." Nicolae looked as if he wanted to cry, but instead he bent and kissed his son good-bye. "Be good for your Gran and Granddad, all right? I love you."

Harry spent the day much as he always did, minding and playing with Brian. His thoughts strayed often to Nicolae, though, and the situation the man now found himself in. Once, Harry wouldn't have cared much about what happened to Nicolae. Now, though, he had learned to respect the man. Even more, he cared about how all of this would affect Brian. The little boy deserved a whole family, and Harry knew that Nicolae felt the same way. He had to wonder, then, what could possibly drive the man to leave his wife and son. Whatever the reason, Harry felt that Brian deserved to have his life upset as little as possible by the grown-up's concerns. He'd do anything in his power to protect the little boy from the repercussions of his parent's actions, making sure that he was as sheltered as possibly from their hostilities and that he wasn't kept from either his mum or his dad. Let Nicolae and Ginny be concerned about their own sides in this mess; Harry would see to Brian's best interests, and the other two be damned.

~ ~ ~

Nicolae and Charlie arrived back in time for dinner. Ginny arrived shortly thereafter to collect Brian, and Harry could see that it broke Nicolae's heart to let the boy go. When Brian asked his dad when he was coming home, Nicolae lost it. He managed to choke out a tearful "I don't know" and then he folded his son into his arms and cried.

Arthur extracted the now frightened boy from his father's embrace and held him close, murmuring comforting words and trying to explain to the five-year-old that his Mummy and Daddy weren't getting on well right now and needed a bit of a time out from one another. Meantime, Charlie tried to quiet Nicolae, but the man was inconsolable. Finally, Charlie had to lead him from the room.

When Brian quieted at last, Ginny swept him away to their cottage in Hogsmeade, leaving the house silent and empty in her wake.

~ ~ ~

As it turned out, Charlie and Nicolae had not been able to find anyplace suitable for Nicolae to live. Apologising profusely for the scene earlier and repeating that he couldn't accept Arthur's offer to stay at the Burrow, Nicolae announced that he'd be staying at The Leaky Cauldron until further notice. He and Charlie had popped over to the cottage earlier to pack and move the things he'd need for now, and he intended to head over to the Cauldron at once. Charlie insisted on going with him for the first night, like an overprotective parent going along on a child's first sleepover. Nicolae accepted gratefully, and off they went.

Everyone was subdued that night. They could all feel the storm coming, and they all knew there was nothing they could do but batten down the hatches and hope for the best.

~ ~ ~

Next day, Ginny came to call. In light of the current situation, Ginny had skived off work to spend the day with her son. Brian had wanted to come to the Burrow, so that's what they did.

Harry accompanied Ginny and Brian into the back garden. The three of them walked the grounds a bit, and then Ginny and Harry lounged on a conjured blanket to watch over Brian as he played. They talked about everything except what was foremost on both of their minds: Ginny's impending divorce.

Once again, the situation was such that Harry could almost believe that the last six years hadn't really happened, and he and Ginny were still childhood sweethearts. Giving in to the burning ache in his heart, Harry leaned in and kissed her. And she kissed him back. After a moment, Ginny pulled away.

"Harry...I'm sorry. I can't."

"No, I'm sorry. I mean...you're married. I had no right...."

Ginny laughed, a short sad sound. "It isn't because I'm married, Harry. I'm about to be divorced." She shook her head slightly and looked away. "I had to make myself stop loving you, Harry. I didn't think you were ever coming back. When you did - when you first woke up, I thought maybe I still felt the same way about you. But now I know that I don't. I don't love you anymore, Harry. I'm sorry."

Harry felt like someone had kicked him in the chest. It hurt to hear those words, more even than it had hurt to hear that she had married someone else. Harry didn't know what to say, so he said nothing. Instead he rose shakily to his feet and walked back to the house, ignoring Ginny's pleading voice, unable to even hear anything except the words "I don't love you anymore" repeating over and over in his head.

For most of the day, he hid in his room, brooding. He honestly couldn't bring himself to give a damn about anything. Finally the need for food drove him downstairs to the kitchen. Molly was nearly done with dinner, as luck would have it, and Ginny was there setting the table. Harry could have done without seeing her again today, but he forced his hurt down and helped her finish up.

Soon after, the kitchen filled with Weasleys. George carried in a giggling Brian, and Arthur came in right behind. Last came Charlie, Nicolae at his side. Charlie looked as if he meant to hex anyone who said as much as a cross word to his friend, but of course no one did. Ginny greeted him cordially, rather like one would greet a stranger, and Molly welcomed him as warmly as she ever had.

Despite the coolness between Ginny and Nicolae, dinner proved to be quite enjoyable. George's humour, Charlie's wit, and Brian's bright smile all played a part in soothing Harry's bruised heart and jangled nerves. His spirits were buoyed by this wonderful family he was fortunate enough to have been dragged into.

After dinner, Arthur announced that he was going to take a turn in the evening air. Molly declined his offer to join him, saying she had clearing up to do, but Brian enthusiastically offered to take her place. As soon as the door shut behind them, Nicolae turned to Ginny.

"I'd like to keep Brian tonight, if that's all right. Papa is coming in tomorrow, and you know he will want to spend the day with him."

"Absolutely not," Ginny said at once. "The two of you can come to the house tomorrow, if you like, but Brian will not be visiting you as long as you're staying at that inn. It's not a fit place for a little boy."

"Rubbish," Molly chimed in. "We stayed there a time or two with you children, as I recall. There's nothing wrong with the Cauldron."

"It isn't what it used to be, Mum. And I don't want my son staying there."

"Do you really think I'd want Brian anywhere that isn't safe for him?"

"The matter is not up for discussion."

"Fine," Nicolae agreed. "Then Papa and I will come and fetch Brian first thing in the morning."

"And where exactly do you think you'll be taking him?"

"We have plans," Nicolae explained, "to spend the day in London. That's why I wanted to keep Brian with me tonight. It's a long trip from the inn to Hogsmeade, and Papa is hardly a young man anymore."


"Yes, London," Nicolae said impatiently. "Papa wants to see where I work, and we thought we'd take Brian to the Muggle zoo there. And Papa wants to show off his new boat, of course."

"No," Ginny said, shaking her head. "I don't think that's a good idea."

Harry had no idea what her objections could be. It sounded like a perfectly reasonable, fun, safe outing for the little boy. Molly obviously didn't see a problem with it either.

"Ginny, I really think..." she began.

At the same time, Nicolae raised his voice and said, "Are you telling me where I can and can't take my son?"

"Your son?" Ginny cried.

"Yes, my son, Ginny. He's my son in every way that counts. I was the one who brought him into the world; I was the one who walked the floor with him when he was colicky; I sat up worrying over him when he had dragon pox. I taught him to read and to tie his shoes and to write his name and to dance and to brush his teeth before bed. I'm the one who's raised him and loved him for the last five years. So yes, I am his father, regardless of the fact that it wasn't me that impregnated you."

Stunned silence fell upon the room. Harry glanced around at the others, his mind reeling. Charlie looked as if he wanted to murder someone, but he merely laid his hand on Nicolae's arm - whether to comfort or restrain, Harry wasn't sure. Molly was clearly in shock, the hand over her mouth trembling slightly. And then Harry felt an arm go round his shoulders, and he glanced to his side to see George looking down at him with a strange expression on his face.

"I'm truly sorry, Harry," Nicolae said, drawing Harry's attention away from George. "I didn't mean for you to find out like this." He sank down into a chair, his head in his hands.

The truth hit Harry like a hammer. Everything suddenly seemed far away, as if through a tunnel. He could vaguely hear Molly asking Ginny if it were true, and Ginny confessing that it was. He was dimly aware of Charlie standing protectively over his best mate. He knew George was saying something to him, but he couldn't even make out the words for the roaring in his ears. He honestly felt as if he might pass out, as he had the first day he'd arrived back at the Burrow. Sure enough, the world began to grow grey around him.

He awoke to find Nicolae leaning over him, shame-faced and sad. "I'm so sorry, Harry," he said again. "I should have told you last night."

Harry wanted to say that it was all right, but nothing was all right. He...he was a father. A father. Him.

And he'd missed out on the first five years of his son's life. And then he'd been lied to about it. He wondered if Ginny had intended to ever tell him. Somehow he didn't think so.

"No worries," he said, pushing himself up. Nicolae helped him into a sitting position, and when Harry pressed it, he helped him to stand.

Ginny looked terrified. Well, Harry decided, she should be.

"Nicolae," Harry said, never taking his eyes off Ginny. "Ask Brian if he would like to stay with you tonight and spend the day with you tomorrow. As long as he wants to, I see no reason why he shouldn't." Ginny looked as if she wanted to protest, but she stayed silent. "Before you go, I want both of you to understand: Brian comes first. Always. His best interests, what he wants - that's what's important. So neither of you will try to keep him from spending time with the other."

"Of course not," Nicolae said softly.

"How dare you?" Ginny said, jumping to her feet. "You think you can just step in and tell me how to raise my son like you know more about being a parent than I do?"

"Ginny, shut up," Harry said.

"No, I will not! Harry, just listen to me. Nicolae's grandfather shows up here for the first time in two years, and it not only happens to be right after we've split up, but he also wants to show off his boat. His boat, which if I know him happens to be a Muggle sailing ship. No magical signature, Harry. Nothing traceable."

"Ginny, that's just daft," George said.

"Even if Nicolae would do something like that to you, Ginny," Charlie snapped, "which he would not, he wouldn't hurt Brian that way. Or Mum and Dad, or Harry, or any of the rest of us. He's not going to run off with him."

"They're right, dear," Molly said. "Nicolae wouldn't do such a thing. And Harry's right as well - what's best for Brian is what is most important."

"I could pick Brian up in the morning before Papa arrives," Nicolae offered, ever the peacemaker. "Or he and I could both stay here tonight, if your parents are agreeable. And perhaps Charlie could come with us tomorrow. Would that make you more at ease?"

After a moment, Ginny nodded. "It would, actually."

"You're more than welcome to stay, dear," Molly said at once.

"I'm going to go and tell Brian goodnight, then," Ginny said. "He should have everything he needs here, but if not, let me know."

"Thank you," Nicolae said quietly. He hugged Ginny warmly, her surprise showing plainly on her face.

When the door had shut behind Ginny, Charlie spoke. "I...sort of have plans tomorrow."

"I'm sorry," Nicolae said. "I shouldn't have...."

"It's all right. I can cancel."

"What's her name?" George asked.


George gave him a brotherly thump on the shoulder. "You know, you could keep your date with Kristyn and Harry could go with Nick and Brian."

It didn't sound like a terrible idea at all.

"I could," Harry offered.

"I...I'm not sure."

"Ginny won't mind," George insisted. "I mean, one Weasley's as good as any other, right?"

Harry grinned. He couldn't help it. A casual mention like that of him being an honourary member of the Weasley clan always brought a smile to his face.

"George is right," Molly chimed in. "Besides, I'm sure Harry would like to spend some time with his son."

His son. Harry wondered how long it would be before those words no longer made his stomach do back-flips.

"If you'd like to join us, Harry, I'd be happy to have you along."

"It's settled, then," Harry said. "I just hope you don't mind a lot of rest stops; I still get tired easily."

The barest hint of smile touched Nicolae's lips. "You and Papa will be a matched set," he said.