Dean Thomas
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 09/06/2001
Updated: 09/06/2001
Words: 47,138
Chapters: 5
Hits: 10,560

Unlikely Heroes


Story Summary:
Pain is the price of human imperfection.

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
Neville is seventh year. This is my first story dealing with the Neville/Percy dynamic. If you’d like to see fanart done for this story by various wonderful artists, I’ve archived pics on my webpage. This is also a highly edited version of Unlikely Heroes- the original tends more towards NC-17 and can also be found at my homepage.


Part One: Posession


"H-Hey, Mum. It's me. Neville. Your son. D'you remember, Mum? Remember me?


Your son?

I... I never seem to know what to say when I'm here. Not that I *ever* really know what to say. Especially to the other boys at school. Never. It's like I want to say something really smart and really... I dunno, really normal, like I'm just one of them or something. Like I belong with them. I sit there, sometimes, alone in my room, just practicing, just in case one of them ever starts to talk to me. Just in case, you know, they start to talk and I talk back and, well...

It's stupid, I know. They never talk to me. My fault, I guess. I know. I just... It's kinda hard to be with all of them sometimes. I suppose you'd say I should just be myself, Mum. I should just try to talk to them like I talk to *you*, and tell the truth. But it's different with you, Mum. You never expect me to be something that I'm not.

You never expect anything from me at all.

Do you remember me when I'm gone, Mum? Do you... do you think about me? Sometimes? It doesn't matter if you can love me or not-- not really. As long as you think about me every once and awhile. Just... just every once in a while.

I think about you a lot. At school. At the House. I wish you and Dad would get better. I wish you'd get all better and come to get me. I think about what it would be like, sometimes. If I lived with you and Dad. We'd have a small house somewhere with a bedroom for you and a bedroom for me and a bedroom for guests that we'd have. There'd be a small kitchen and a cozy den and a dining room that we'd never use because it was too formal but we kept regardless because it was the proper thing to do. We'd eat in the kitchen together, just you and me and dad, and we'd laugh together and I'd tell you about school...

Doesn't that sound nice, Mum? Doesn't it? Don't you want that, too?

You and Dad would scold me when I was bad, but you'd never yell at me for something I couldn't help. You wouldn't be mad that I was useless and practically a squib and you would never say that you were proud of me yet let me know that you were lying by the pity in your eyes. You'd never sigh "Oh, Neville" as if I were a child or weren't even there, and you'd always hug me tight and touch me with warm hands and I...


I-- I wish I was allowed in there with you. I wish. I wish they'd let me touch you. Just once. I imagine it sometimes-- that you're here, holding me. I wrap my arms around myself and imagine that it's you, squeezing me tight. I wonder what you smell like. Like lavender, I think. Soft. Warm.

God, Mum, I miss you. It's so cold up at the Big House-- so cold and so lonely. I'm afraid to go there and I'm afraid to go to school and I'm afraid to come here because each time I do, it's like we're starting from the beginning again. Like you don't remember me anymore from one visit to the next.

But you *do* remember me. I *know* that you do. You have to, Mum; you *have* to. And you're going to get better, you and Dad, and you're going to be let out and you're going to take me away from the Big House and we're going to all live together like a family and you'll hold me, you'll hug me, and it'll all be okay. Because it has to. I-- I don't know if I can take this. I'm not strong like you and Dad...


I can't, I...


You know what, Mum? Sometimes, I wish they'd gotten me, too. All those years ago. I wish they'd gotten me. Then I'd be in there with you and I wouldn't be so alone all the time.

Would you like that, Mum? Would you like for me to be in there with you? You me and Dad, together?





D'you remember who this is? D'you remember me?


Your son?




I love you, Mum. I... I'll see you next holiday...



~There has to have been some sort of mistake~ Percy Weasley sighed as he Apparated. The sun shone down through the trees and onto the perfectly manicured lane as he straightened his already impeccable robes and strode towards the immense stone building. It stood at the end of the lawn, huge and crouching, bold gilded letters shining over the impressive white doors:

St. Mungo's Asylum for the Insane

~I'm not a courier~ he reminded himself firmly as he paused on the steps to look up towards the sky. It was a perfect blue, the kind of blue that you never got to see twice, lazy white clouds shifting with the gentle breeze. Percy smiled slightly as he watched the clouds drift through the air. It was so calm and lazy, so peaceful...

Shaking his head furiously, Percy snapped his attention back to his work and gripped the parchment tighter as he hurried up the rest of the steps. ~I'm a very important official... I have loads of pressing matters to attend to... I... I...~ He stepped through the entranceway and blinked at the sudden lack of light. The cream-colored walls gleamed impressively in the shadows. ~Oh, bother.~

"May I help you?"

He turned to the appointment window with a carefully controlled frown, glasses catching the faint gleam from a green shaded lamp. "Yes, thank you." Percy nodded brusquely as he lifted the parchment for the receptionist to see. "I have a very important delivery for Dr. Sezzler."

She barely glanced at him as she held her hand out, bangles jingling at her wrist. "I'll make sure it gets to him."

"I'd really prefer to give it to him personally," Percy protested.

"He's a very busy man." She snapped her gum and looked at him expectantly, hand still held out. "It would be much easier if you'd just give it to me to give to him."

"No," Percy said. "No, I'd appreciate it if you'd just go get him for me."

"Sir, I really think..."

"I'll wait."

The girl looked at him for a long moment, dark brows raised in surprise. Percy stared back her, brown eyes glittering from behind the thick black frames of his glasses. He primly crossed his hands at his waist, parchment clutched in his fingers as he turned his red head away, waiting.

The receptionist sighed and stood, chair swiveling as she slid through the tight space between the chair back and the wall, grumbling darkly as she grasped the brass door handle. "I'll go get him..."

Percy nodded once and moved a step away, brows raising slightly as he looked around the dim waiting room. There was a long, carpeted hall with scores of open doorways leading off to other small, nicely furnished rooms, all decorated in cream and flaking gilt. The entire place was a strange mixture of age and elegance, shadow-tinged by the lack of windows along the faded walls.

Percy glanced down at his watch, then back up to a merrily crackling fire. It didn't give off any heat, which was a good thing considering it was the middle of summer holidays. He shifted, then again, moving the document from one hand to the other as he waited, sighing as he reached up to brush back his red hair.

"Well, that's impossible!"

Percy turned in surprise at the sudden outburst. A woman stood in one of the plushly decorated rooms just off of the main hall, wrinkled face contorted in worry and fury as she stared down a cringing orderly. Glancing once over his shoulder towards the receptionist window, Percy walked towards the open door, brows drawing together in concern.

"He simply cannot have just *disappeared*. He's here somewhere, most likely lost, and I want you to find him."

"But Mrs. Longbottom," the man protested, wringing his hands together as he stared up at the formidable woman. "We've looked, and we can't..."

"Well, you're a wizard, aren't you?" She sniffed and lifted her chin haughtily at the hesitant nod. "Then use a spell! Do something! This is preposterous that..."

Percy cleared his throat and stepped past the threshold and into the room, biting back the familiar wash of nervous energy that spilled up through him as cold, dark eyes turned to meet his. "Excuse me, Mrs. Longbottom? Is there some sort of problem?"

"You could say that." She pulled her rather large handbag closer to her side and raised her brows. "My grandson has gone missing."

"Do you perhaps mean Neville?" At her small noise, he added, "We went to school together." He shifted the parchment from one hand to the other as he moved to take her fingers in his. Her palm was cool and dry, leathery wrinkles soft and giving beneath the pad of his thumb. "Percy Weasley at your service, ma'am."

"Ah." She smiled politely as she shook his hand. "Yes, of course. The Weasley family-- I know your father."

"Well, yes." Percy smiled. "If you'd care for assistance, I would be happy to try to find your son," he offered, looking up at the old woman. Percy was thin and tall-- he and Ron had both inherited that particular trait-- but it felt as if the old woman were towering over him. Perhaps it was her rather peculiar vulture hat...

"Thank you," she said, "I would appreciate that." She spared a withering glance towards the white-cloaked man. "At least there seems to be *some* competence in this world-- and I was beginning to give up hope!"


"I can't stand it here most times, Mum. I can't stand it anywhere. I know it's wicked and evil and ungrateful of me to wish that things were different. I know that I should be happy for what I have and not think so much about what I want, but... But there are so many things that I want. So many things.

I want to have someone to talk to, someone who'll talk to me and return. And we'd laugh and talk and laugh and talk and it'd be so good, Mum. It'd be so right. And they'd hold me to them and stroke back my hair...

I once watched as Mrs. Weasley said goodbye to her children at the station. She kissed their foreheads and gently pushed back their red hair, smiling down at them. I felt so hateful then, mum, because I wanted to be them. I wanted that...

I shouldn't have run from the institution. I shouldn't have left where I told Gran I'd be. But. But I don't want her to find me. I don't want her to. I just want to curl up here, away from your empty eyes, away from her fierce frowns, away from pitying, laughing expression and just... just be alone. Maybe if I'm here long enough... Maybe. Maybe I'll die.

I shouldn't think such things. I shouldn't. I *shouldn't*. I *do*.

*Why* couldn't I be Ron Weasley? *Why* couldn't I be Harry Potter? They have so much, so much, and it's not *fair*. What did *I* ever do? Please, tell me, what did I ever *do*?

At. At least, Harry, you know your parents are happy. At least you know that, wherever they are, they're together and happy. My parents are still alive, but they shouldn't be.

They shouldn't be...

We should all just be dead.


~This is ridiculous~ Percy sighed as he moved through the double doors. They opened automatically as they sensed his approach, swinging aside to let him through and out into the small garden. A fountain stood in the center of the octagonal enclosure, surrounded by gently swaying greenery.

But no Neville Longbottom.

"How does that boy manage to get lost wherever he goes?" he sighed as he glanced around the small enclosure. There was a tiny path leading along one side of the building, heading off into the larger gardens. Sighing again, Percy headed towards the stone overhanging, long-fingered hands reaching up to smooth his robes as he passed through the archway. There was a light tingle that ran over his body as he passed by, and he paused, concerned, before realizing what it was. ~This must be how they keep the inmates from wandering out into the gardens without supervision,~ he mused as he scanned the expansive ground, one hand raising to shield his vision. There was a small copse of trees that looked promising, and a hothouse in the far left corner. ~It's probably spelled so only non-patients can go through... And blast it, where could he be?~ He scanned the gardens once more.

A cloud shifted overhead, moving away from the sun, and suddenly the entire air was filled with a bright, almost blinding light. Percy jerked his head aside, eyes closing reflexively as the pure brilliance spilled from a glass gazebo in the center of a field of multi-colored flowers. "What the hell?" he muttered, raising his arm to partially block out the light. He took a step forwards, black robes rustling as he squinted his eyes against the light, willing his vision to focus.

Suddenly, the light diminished once more as another cloud formation partially blocked the sun. Dropping his arm, Percy shrugged and headed towards the enclosed gazebo, heels clicking against the stone walkway as flowers reached out to brush against his robe. It seemed as good of a place to check as any...

He paused when he reached the small structure, one hand reaching out to touch the glass side. The glass was thick and faceted, more like crystal than anything else, obscuring the inside. The door stood open, revealing the white stone floor, and Percy stepped across the threshold tentatively, head cocking to the side as a wash of dancing rainbows fell across his shoulders and arms. He lifted his face up to the ceiling, lips quirking in a smile as the facets of the glass shivered colored light across his hands.


A quiet, muffled sob echoed through the small room, disturbing the tranquil silence, and Percy turned to see a crumpled form sprawled across the smooth white floor, black robes clinging to a shuddering, boyish frame. The fickle rainbow light undulated across the shaking shoulders, drawing patterns against fair hair and even fairer skin as Neville Longbottom wrapped his arms around himself and cried.

~Mission accomplished. Now what?~

Percy paused, unsure of what to do next. If this was Ron, he'd probably roundly scold him for running off, all the while wanting to wrap his arms tight around his brother's slim frame. If it were Ginny, the scolding would wait as the physical comfort took forefront. But for Neville Longbottom...?

~I'm not meant to see this~ he thought frantically, averting his eyes. The other boy wouldn't want him to witness his complete lack of control-- wouldn't want him to watch as he slowly fell apart. ~I'll just... I'll go back and tell Mrs. Longbottom where he is. That will be more than enough.~ Nodding to himself, Percy turned on his heel and began to quietly creep away.

He made it three full steps before a soft, sucking cry made him pause. The sob echoed through the empty air, hitting the walls of the gazebo and washing over Percy in waves of needful denial. He closed his eyes, chin dropping down to his chest as he fought the impulse that winged up within him, building within his breast like a dull, pounding ache until...

~I will most likely regret this,~ Percy sighed as he turned on his heel and swiftly made his way to the crumpled form. ~I *know* I will most likely regret this.~ "Neville?"

The other boy's head jerked up in surprise, eyes wide and wet as he stared at Percy.

Sighing, Percy sank down onto the ground next to the younger boy, legs folding primly beneath him as he met the large hazel eyes. Neville's soft blondish hair fell across his forehead messily, as if he had shoved it back, and his round cheeks were pink and blotched with tears.


"Hey, Neville." Percy smiled, slightly uncomfortable as Neville hastily scrubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. "Your Grandmother is looking for you," he added.

Neville's eyes widened in alarm as he looked around him. The light shown in from the thin, delicate crystal, casting multicolor shadows across his pale face, brushing across his flickering lashes as he dragged in a deep, shaking breath. "Is she here?" he whispered, turning his head to look at Percy, eyes wide and glistening. "I mean... I'm not *hiding* from her. I just... I'm not..."

"It's okay," Percy smiled gently as he reached out to touch the other boy's shoulder. His fingers pressed briefly against the warmth, squeezing reassurance. Neville half-smiled and unconsciously leaned into the touch, face lifted up. "You don't have to go back there now," Percy added quietly, shifting closer. "She was just worried about you."

"Hm." Neville turned towards Percy and drew up his legs, arms wrapping around his calves as he rested his chin atop his knees. "Was she."

"Yes." He ducked his head, forcing hazel eyes to meet his own. "She was."

"I see." He glanced away, eyes unfocusing as he stared at the floor. "And she sent you to find me..." He sighed.


"I wish you hadn't found me."


"I wish no-one would have found me. Ever."

Percy pulled off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose, eyes shutting tight for a moment. His breath felt heavy and full in his throat and upper chest, constricting tight as he forced himself to breath. He shook his head in confusion, half-alarmed by the instinctive protectiveness that surged up within him at the soft, tear-filled eyes.

~Ginny doesn't need me; Ron doesn't need me; the Twins don't need me.~

He placed his glasses back on his nose and settled into Indian style, hands resting on his bony knees. Neville's eyes were trained on the flickering rainbows, following them as they raced across the floor.

"Neville," Percy tried, licking his lips as his mind rushed through all he wanted to say, ~You're alone. So alone. I'm alone, too. So quiet, so cold, no one to touch or hold or open up to. Need.~ "Neville, you can talk to me. I- I understand. And even if I don't, even if I can't, then I can listen to you."

Neville was silent.

"I'm not offering because I feel I have to," he added truthfully, "or because I think it's my duty. I want to know what's wrong. I want to help, if I can. Will... Will you let me try to help?"



"I was talking to Mum and Dad, you know." Neville's voice was a faint whisper, rasping past his lips as he hugged himself tighter. "We come here a lot during the summer, Gran and I. I. I guess I always just expect them to. To, you know, know me or something."

"But they don't?" Percy whispered back, voice husky as he ducked his head to hear the soft words.

Neville shook his head slowly. "No, they don't."

Percy shifted closer until he could feel the heat washing off of the other boy. He had an almost unbearable urge to reach over and pull the smaller form into the protective circle of his arms, but he bit back the impulse fiercely. ~You barely know him. Not on a personal level. It isn't your place. You shouldn't...~ But he looked so lonely. So alone.

Percy knew the feeling. The deep, grinding ache of having only your own arms to hold you.

"Do you remember *them*?" he asked, voice pitched low as well. It was as if the two of them were drawn down into the tight seclusion of brilliant light and hushed tones, the sound of a nearby fountain making a soft counterpoint to the rise and fall of their voices. "Your parents?"

Neville shook his head, silken hair falling into his eyes. "No. Only what I imagine they were like. Gran... Gran doesn't talk about how they were. She doesn't like to dwell in the past."

"I see." Neville's soft, sad sigh was too much for him. Percy watched in a strange, almost dreamlike detachment as his hand reached out to brush back the fall of pale hair, pushing the soft strands back from surprised hazel eyes.

Neville watched him through his lowered lashes, tongue darting out to lick his lips as Percy carefully tucked the longer strands behind the delicate slope of his ear, pads of his fingers brushing across warm flesh.

Shaking his red head, Percy drew his hand away, letting it fall useless into his lap as he met Neville's hungry gaze, heart swelling in his chest at the familiar expression. The twisting within the gentle eyes was something that he felt each time someone brushed by him on accident, a momentary lapse of flesh on flesh that he always wished would end yet hated when it inevitably did.

Touch. Human contact. A connection.

~I must be crazy~ his mental voice whispered even as his body reached forwards, ignoring decorum and common sense in exchange for simple comfort. Neville's eyes widened impossibly large as the older boy grasped his shoulders and tugged, pulling him unresisting into the circle of his arms. Neville shifted against him, turning his body instinctively so that his shoulder rested in the warm hollow beneath Percy's arm, hands raising to clasp before him as if in prayer or thanks.

~I simply must be crazy.~ But he couldn't deny the impulse to pull Neville closer and brush back that soft hair again, breath catching at the contact. He couldn't ignore the feeling that this was right, that this was how it was supposed to be. The warmth felt good against his side, the hot gusts of breath indescribable as they moved against his neck, stirring the fine hairs as Neville sighed in pure contentment. Neither felt the urge to talk as they watched the light dance in iridescent rainbows across the white floor, each soaking in the comfort of an unfamiliar embrace.

"It's been pretty hard living in my family as well." Percy cleared his throat, not believing what he was sharing even as the words spilled past his lips. "With all the others. Everyone always liked Bill, and Charlie was always so perfect. He was Head Boy, you know. And Captain of the Quidditch team. And... And then there's the twins, Fred and George, and they're always doing something, they're always getting so much attention. And they do poorly in school and they screw up, and that's okay because people love them. They love them for just being them. And I'd always try to do the right thing, and I'd always try to be the strong one and help everyone and..."

"And they never let you."

"Yeah. They'd just laugh. So."

"So I guess it's hard for everyone, huh?" Neville turned his head up to look at him. "No matter who you are?"

"Yeah. I guess." He squeezed him tight, pulling him against his chest. "I guess..."


I've always had an impossible time letting go. I've... It's been difficult for me, sometimes, just, I guess, being me. Just letting go of the worries about what other people are thinking and how they are judging me and weighing me in their minds. About how I stack up.

Just... letting go.

Something happened there in that crystal gazebo. It was as if the entire world just shuddered to a stop, and we were the only ones left, our breaths echoing in the light-filled air.

Hm. I should leave poetics to those whom which it comes naturally.

I don't know Neville Longbottom very well at all. If anyone were to ask me before, I would have said that I would never have felt anything resembling connection or empathy with him. He was merely a presence that I was to take care of-- one of the many children following my lead as I acted as Prefect and then Head Boy at Hogwarts. Maybe *that* is what made me want to comfort him so badly. Maybe *that* is why I felt the same tug that I felt every time Ginny or Ron or one of the Twins was in need.

A remnant of duty.

And yet... And yet, I can't help but think that if I had found Dean or Angelina or Lavender or Hermione crying there, body turned in upon itself, that I wouldn't have done the same thing. I can't help but think that I wouldn't have held them, any of them, and talked to them while they cried, and stroked back their silken hair, and...


And I certainly would not have asked their over-protective Guardian if I could take them to Diagon Alley with me. I wouldn't have offered to spend an entire day with them, to take off of my schedule (after dropping off the parchment into the hands of Dr. Sezzler) so that I could simply keep talking to him. I. I think I'm beginning to enjoy his company.


Well. This will definitely prove to be an interesting day.


"Look at that, Percy!"


"Wow. I've never seen one like that before!"


"Oh! Neat! Percy, come here! Look at this! Percy!"

"Coming... Yes, it's nice."

::happy sigh:: "This is so great! Gran never lets me in here. She's always afraid that I'll breOOPS!"

::quick lunge::

::wide-eyed stare::

"Wow, Percy, thanks! That was almost... I can't believe you caught that! I mean, you moved so fast. I was sure that it was gonna get broken."

"Yeah, well, I live with Fred and George." ::carefully puts back on shelf::

::brilliant grin:: "So I guess you learn to think on your feet, huh?"

::small smile:: "Yeah. Kind of." ::picks up purchases::

"Didja need help carrying those books?"


"I won't drop them. I promise."

"Er... Ok. Just be careful..."

"Of course!" ::takes a few of the books:: "Ooof! Sure are big, aren't they? And they look real official. Though I guess they rather have to be. I mean, you *are* a really important person and all, what with working in the Ministry. You must have to do lots of special things. So it makes sense that you'd have to have all these things, and OOPS! No, no, it's okay, I didn't drop them. See? I didn't drop them."

"Yes, thank you Neville."

::bright smile::

::clears throat.:: ::clears throat again:: "Erm... well, I'm rather hungry. What do you say we go get something?"


::nod:: "I was thinking we could perhaps pick up some ice cream and then find some quiet place to eat it and. And talk some more."

"I'd love that!" ::face-splitting grin::

::small, tentative smile:: "Yeah, Neville. Yeah, I'd rather love that, too."




"You have strawberry ice cream all down your chin."

"Oh." ::slurp::

"No-- you didn't quite get it all."

::rub rub wipe::

"Um... still there."

::growl:: "Stupid ice cream cone."



"Er" ::giggle:: "nothing."


"What was that, Percy?"

"I said, 'nothing my rear end.'"

"Oh!" ::chuckle:: "Well, okay, yeah. I mean, I just never imagined you with" ::laugh:: "with" ::louder laugh:: "Percy, it's *all* *over* your face!"


"Here, let me help you." ::lean over; wipe at chin and cheeks with napkin gently. eyes meet for a moment, then flicker away:: "There" ::breathlessly:: "I. I think I got it all."

"Thanks..." ::pause:: "Neville?"


"I had a nice time today."

::blush:: "Yeah, me too. It. It was fun."

"I... Well, Neville, I..."


"Would you like me to write to you some time? I mean, I'm awfully busy at the Ministry and all, but whenever I had time, if you didn't mind..."

"Yes, please."

"... because, you see, it was very nice getting to know you a bit better, and I wanted to... Oh. Yes?"

::bright grin:: "I'd love to write to you. I never have anyone to write to. Not anyone that ever writes back, that is."

"Okay." ::small smile::

"Yeah." ::blush; look down, then back up. burst into laughter::

"What? WHAT??!!??"

"Percy, do you even *know* how to eat that without spilling it all over yourself?"

::thwap:: "Oh, you hush."



::happy sighs::




"And I do, too know how to eat ice cream."

"Mmhhmm, sure, yeah, ok..."

"What's *that* supposed to mean?"




I promised that I'd keep you abreast of everything that has been happening with me, so here goes. There's a lot going on right now at the Ministry. I've been spending most of my time there, working as I am needed. It's obvious, though, that I am highly under-appreciated. I feel, however, that after some time has passed, my boss, Mr. Pharrens (you will recall that my former employer has recently entered retirement) will finally begin to appreciate the sheer amount of work that I do. How can he not?

The office is a flurry of activity. I can barely take a step without tripping over some courier making his or her way through the hallways. It seems as if there is going to be some rather exciting developments in the overseas magical market, but I can't give you any more details than that. Top Secret and all. But with all the bustling about, it has been a very exciting week.

Percy Weasley

PS-- The family is well.


Dear Percy,

Hi! How are you? I am fine. It was good getting your letter. Your owl is very pretty. Well, maybe not pretty-- it's a boy, isn't it? And boys aren't supposed to be pretty. So I guess handsome fits better.

There. Your owl is very handsome.

School is going on about the same as usual. Potions is a nightmare. Snape (*Professor* Snape; I really should call him *Professor* Snape, don't you think? I mean, I should show the proper respect and all) is cracking down pretty hard on all of us. If I thought that seventh year was going to be any easier than the first six, then this would definitely make me think different! Um... other classes are good. Hermione helps me out when I don't know what to do, and I'm glad because I'd probably fail if it weren't for her. But Ron's doing well, and he and Harry and Hermione are all still hanging out together and stuff. Dean and Seamus (you do remember them, right? The tall black Muggle and the Irish boy?) join them sometimes. They even ask me to tag along every once and awhile, which is really nice of them.

Um... Nothing more to say, I guess. Trevor says hi. He's not wandering off as much as he used to. He's getting really old for a frog, I guess, so he just sits there most of the time not doing anything. That's okay. He's a good listener.

I'd better go. Everyone is out in the common room and I guess I should see what they're up to. Um. Thanks for writing! I hope to hear from you soon. When you have time, of course, because I know you're really busy. So don't worry about replying at once or anything.





Professor Snape's still giving you troubles, hmm? Do you know why he dislikes you so much? Apart from you being Gryffindor, of course. He naturally hates all Gryffindors. He hated me, too, when I went to school at Hogwarts, and I am quite sure that I never did anything to antagonize him. I heard from Mother that Harry recently brought Gryffindor victory on the Quidditch field. Good for him! I also heard that Ron's been getting into some troubles with Draco Malfoy. Please tell him that he should learn to respect authority and leave Draco alone-- Draco is a prefect now, and though Ron never was able to appreciate that much, as a prefect, Malfoy has a lot more responsibility than he once did. He no longer has time to play around with him.

I had to make a short trip to Gastonia, but was able to receive your owl. It is very kind of Hermione to be helping you with classes. She's a good friend. Right? They are good friends to you? I don't mean to pry, of course, but your letter sounded... Er. Never mind.

I should go. I have an entire batch of reports to file before the evening. I hope this letter finds you well. Write back soon.



Dear Percy,

Wow, I wasn't expecting to get a return letter so quickly! I thought that it'd be awhile since you, you know, have so many really important things to do. But I'm not complaining, of course. It's *good* writing to someone that can write back. Mum and Dad never reply to my letters. Not that I expect them to, of course. But still, it's really nice of you to bother with me.

Classes are... classes are good. The same. Professor Snape poisoned me again today, but luckily Hermione knew what to do. I almost think Professor Snape was disappointed. Not that I think he wants to hurt me or anything-- of course not! But I rather think he wanted to be the one to revive me. *After* I was out for a while.

Dean and I talked today, for a whole half hour while Seamus was getting upbraided by Professor McGonagall for something about floo powder and flour. Dean's really nice-- he doesn't seem to mind it at all when I follow along behind them all. He's really smart, too. And a good athlete. I think he should have been on the Quidditch team, but he says that he'd prefer to stay on the ground. Seamus is on the team-- did you know that? He took Angelina's place.

Seamus just came back and he and Dean went down to do something. I wasn't invited, but that's good, because that gives me time to write you this letter. I like writing to you. I feel like you're really listening to me and all. Like you really understand. Which why would you? You're always really strong and popular and people really liked you because you were so smart and were Head Boy and all. I sometimes wonder what'd it be like if lots of people really liked me instead of just putting up with me. I wonder what...

I know, I know. Gran says I should spend my time studying instead of daydreaming, and I'm sure you'd agree. Both of you are so very smart.

I liked the little sketch you did on the last letter. The little picture on the back of the parchment up in the left corner? The one of the hands? It was very good.

I need to go now. I'll talk to you later.




dear Neville,

You shouldn't be putting yourself down like that! You're perfectly smart and good and I'm sure that people like you. People always like the kind, giving ones, even if they don't often show it like they should. People come to you when they have problems they need someone to listen to, right? That's a very important job.

And... Well, I hate to admit this, but I wasn't quite as popular at school as you remember. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that a lot of people didn't really like me. They were jealous, of course, because I was made Prefect and then Head Boy and they weren't, but still... I had to put up with a lot of ragging. Some of the others would, you know, play pranks on me. Completely harmless pranks of course-- they'd never want to hurt me-- but it was rather... embarrassing. And. And I didn't like it all that much. Really, Penelope was my only friend, and even she was... Well.

But. Work is going very well. It hasn't slowed down one bit, but don't worry-- your letters aren't distracting me from what I should be doing. Or, if they are, not enough that it's a bother. It's kind of nice to get owls from someone other than Charlie and Ginny. Ron, the Twins, and Bill never write, which is fine by me, though I can just imagine what they're getting themselves into without me to watch over them.

I'm, er, looking forwards to your next letter.

from Percy

PS-- I didn't realize that I had doodled on the last scroll. I'll make sure to use clean ones from now on


Dear Percy,

You're way too nice to me! I'm not used to getting an owl every day-- not even Gran writes me that often! I've been at school a whole two months now. Time always seems to drag-- I can't wait each day for meal time when your owl arrives. And thank you for the pictures you sent. You really look great standing before the Ministry doors. Are you growing your hair out? It looks longer than it used to. I really like it! You should grow it out a little more so you can wear it in a little pony-tail at the nape of your neck. I'm sure that would look very good on you. I'm trying to get a picture of me to send to you, but all of the pictures I take seem to be horrible. I think I have one that may work, even though I'm trying to duck out of the picture in it and my hair's a fright. Oh, well, I guess you asked for it.

No, I don't go out and 'play' with the other boys. I'm 17 years old! I don't play. Besides, they won't let me.

I did something in Potions today and turned my cauldron bright pink. Hermione said it was rather pretty, but I know that it wasn't supposed to be pink. I wonder what I did wrong? I'm afraid I wasn't paying much attention-- I was thinking about that story you told me about your trip to Dungaree with your family. Did Fred and George really pull that all the way? It seems awfully mean of them to try that.




Dear Neville

They sure did try that. They always do things like that. Mother tries to stop them, but they're too much of a handful. They get a lot of attention from her and Dad though. Not that I'm jealous or anything-- I mean, they're very proud of me. I've done a lot to be proud of. And...

Neville, have you ever wondered if no matter what you did, you were always going to be a certain type of person? Like a certain type of person that other people don't, well, like being around? That no matter how hard you tried, you were always the one no one was happy to see?

love, Percy


Percy! You shouldn't ever even think things like that! You are *not* a person that other's aren't happy to see. People like you-- they think that you're very smart and kind and very considerate. You care for everyone you meet. You-- you see to it that they are safe and comfortable and happy, and that is the best thing that anyone could every do! You do whatever you can, and you worry about people and you give them hugs when they need it. Did you know that you're a great hugger? Remember when you took me to Diagon Alley and put your arm around my shoulders and pulled me into your side? That was very comforting. *I* liked being with you. You-- you're very gentle. And you don't judge me on the stupid things that I do. And. And that's what's so great about you, Percy. You act like you honestly care for people.

I really like you. I like being with you. Um. I think about you a lot.

Please write back soon.

Love, Neville


Dear Neville,

I don't quite know what to say. Your last letter was... Um... Well, anyways, thank you. I needed that.

Well. So, yes, work is going ok.

I wish you were here. There. I wasn't going to say it, because it sounds ridiculous, but I really do wish that you were here. You are pleasant to be around. I like it that you listen to me and don't laugh or ignore me or brush me off, and I like it when you try to make me smile. Or are you even trying? I couldn't tell. Well, regardless, I enjoy time spent with you, even though I haven't had much of an opportunity to spend all that *much* time with you. Just that one day. And then letters. Months and months of letters.

I, er, kept all your letters. I like to read them over sometimes, you know, when I have time and all. And I like hugging you, too. You're very soft.

But. I should go. I need to get back to my report.

Love, Percy


Dear Percy

You work at the main Ministry branch in London, right? From 8:00 am? Or thereabouts. Must be really hard having the job that you do. You have a lot of responsibilities to take care of. Er... Ron said that your mother mentioned you in his letter. Well, he didn't say it to *me*-- I don't think he even knows that we know each other, let alone... Ah. *But* I overheard him tell Harry that Mrs. Weasley said that you were running yourself ragged. You will take care of yourself, right? I mean, I know that your work is really important and all, but you need to stay healthy.

And I'm a little worried. Let me know how you *really* are, ok?




Dear Neville,

I'm *fine*. There's no need to worry. I got a little sick lately, but it didn't keep me from doing what I needed to do. It was just a simple illness. I am not over-working or over-stressed, though I am gratified that you were worried about me. Thank you. But really, Neville, don't worry yourself. I am perfectly okay. Really.

love, Percy



You don't sound okay. Are you really okay? When I was sick, Gran would always make me go to bed and get some rest. Maybe you should try it?

Love and hugs




I'm fine. There's no need to worry. It's nothing at all. Really.

So. Tell me how you've been. I want to know what you've been up to.




So you're not sick? You're sure?




You don't give up, do you? OK, I'm a little sick. A little. But I'm still perfectly able to go to work. I promise.



Dear Mrs. Weasley:

I'm very sorry to disturb you, ma'am, but I was wondering if you could tell me how your son, Percy was doing? I have heard that he was unwell and I was kinda worried about him, but he won't tell me what's wrong exactly. I'm a friend of his from school. So could you please let me know as soon as possible? I would appreciate it a lot.

Neville Longbottom


Dear Neville,

I must say, I was rather surprised to receive your letter. I wasn't aware that Percy had many friends outside of work. But how should I know who he converses with? I'm just his mother.

Percy is not well. I keep trying to convince him to take it easy, but you know Percy-- always working. He's had a lot of stress at work of late, which I don't believe is helping him any. Maybe you could convince him that he should take a vacation.


Molly Weasley


Neville sighed as he pulled his pillow closer to him, arms wrapping around the soft cotton. He pressed his face into it's giving warmth, brows drawing together as he went through the steps in his mind. It was nearly 6 am-- all the other boys were asleep, with the sole exception of Dean Thomas, who always woke just before the dawn. The other boy was gathering his bathing supplies now, moving quietly through the room so as not to disturb anyone. Once he was gone, Neville could leave.

~They won't be alarmed when they see you're not in your bed-- they're used to you being up early,~ he reminded his pounding heart. He'd always wake up with the first rays of sunlight and go out onto the grounds to enjoy the pink and orange stained sky.

~So once Dean leaves, you sneak out. And be quiet! And go down-- don't forget that trick stair-- and out. Take the back grounds around past Hagrid's cottage and to the Christmas tree field. There's a gap in the wall there, just big enough. Call the Knight Bus, and...~

"Miss all my classes for the day," Neville whispered as he rolled out of bed. He had gone to sleep in his clothing, anticipating the need to sneak out silently and not trusting himself to dress without noise. He smoothed down his pale blue shirt and khakis and snatched his black wizard's robe as he moved through the open door, coins jingling merrily in the deep right pocket. He ran a trembling hand through his hair as he descended the long, twisting stairway to the Gryffindor common room, teeth nibbling on his bottom lip. "Miss all my classes for the day and get detention. Detention with Snape." He shuddered and fought back the frantic desire to run back up to his bed and forget about sneaking out, but he firmly shook his head as he crawled through the entranceway, robe dragging behind him. "I have to do this; I have to."

The halls were empty and silent as he crept past the paintings lining the cold stone walls. They smiled and waved as he passed by, and he waved back, thankful that he had taken the time to get to know many of them. Most of the students at Hogwarts tended to ignore them, but Neville always took the time to speak to them as he passed by, thus earning their friendship and ensuring that they would never think of tattling on him.

He went down the stairway carefully, almost forgetting about the trick step and just barely escaping getting stuck. He cursed quietly as he righted himself, letting go of his death grip on the banister and pulling his black robe tighter around him. "Stupid Neville," he hissed as he crept across the stone flagons and out the door. Not many of the Professors were ever up this early, but he didn't want to take the chance, especially today...

The cooling air gusted across the grounds, blowing out his robe and ruffling his sandy blond hair. Neville grabbed at the open ends of his school uniform and pulled them tight around himself, shivering as he hurried across the dew-wet grass and towards the far end of the field, where the Hogwarts greenhouses were. No classes were taught back here-- mostly, this was where the flowers and plants were grown that would be used around the campus. Neville loved to wander out into the gardens-- there was something so peaceful and serene about the flowers blooming in neat paths, bobbing towards him as he slowly made his way past.

Impulsively, Neville ducked down to pluck a crimson bloom, a smile tugging at his lips as he brushed the flower across his cheek. It was so soft and cool, like a caress. He tucked it gently into his robe pocket and climbed through the hole in the large gate. Back here, the gate was made out of wood-- something about protecting the delicate herbs that liked to grow along it. His robe snagged on the broken wood, and he sighed as he tugged at the black material, grimacing at the ripping noise.

"Just great," he muttered, holding up the hem to see the damage. There was a small horizontal tear along the bottom, but it wasn't too obvious. And it was nowhere near as bad as some of the things that had happened to his clothing. "Oh, well." He reached into his large pocket and pulled out the coin bag and his wand. It felt firm and warm in his hand, soothing in it's smoothness. He had almost been shocked to silence when, at Olivanders, the wand had sprung to life in his hands, shooting out gold and silver sparks. He shook it once, liking the feel of it thrumming in his hand, then, determinedly, held it out before him and waited for the Knight Bus.


"This is ridiculous," Percy muttered darkly as he stared down at the stacks of papers before him. He reached up to rub at his head, irritably pushing his glasses aside. He still wasn't sure what had spurred him into buying the new wire-frame lenses when his old pair were still perfectly functional-- vanity, he supposed, played a large part of it.

He sighed, tucking back his hair. That was another change that he could only attribute to growing vanity. He *did* look better with his hair grown out of its severe cut, though it was still too short to do anything with at all...

"Bother," he grumbled, shaking his head. He couldn't seem to focus his attention on what he was supposed to be reading-- something about imports or exports or...

He sighed as he leaned back in his chair, eyes dropping to the pictures neatly framed on his desk. There was only one family photo-- it was difficult to gather all the Weasleys in one place long enough to get a photograph, anyway. There was one of him at graduation, one of Ginny when she was about six, and three of Neville Longbottom.

A smile curved across his lips as he picked up one of the pictures. Neville was sitting on a low bench, elbows resting on his knees as he grinned at the camera, waving tentatively every once and awhile. The light glistened on his fair hair, making it gleam golden as he turned his head and--

"Hi, Percy."

"Ack!" Startled, Percy dropped the picture onto the desk and jerked out of his chair, toppling a pile of papers. Parchment floated through the air, drifting slowly towards the ground as Percy stared at Neville, brown eyes wide and unbelieving.


Neville smiled and held out a brilliant red flower. "Hey. I came to see if you were feeling better." He blinked and looked around the tiny office, a small frown creasing the skin between his brows. He sighed. "And it looks like I somehow managed to make an awful mess. Sorry about that."

Percy shook his head, hand reaching out automatically for the flower. "No, it was, ah, my fault."

"Oh, well, I did startle you."

"Which you wouldn't have if I had been paying attention."

"Yeah, ok." Neville dropped his hands into his pockets and shuffled his feet. "So..."

"So." Silence hung awkwardly between them as they both stared fixedly at the floor, unable to meet each others eyes. Then, suddenly, Neville shook his head, mouth pulled into a tight, determined line. He muttered something that could have been 'oh, to heck with it!' and reached out to pull Percy into a huge, welcoming hug.

Percy froze at the contact, eyes impossibly wide as Neville wrapped his arms tight around his middle, squeezing for all that he was worth. "I missed you," Neville whispered.

Slowly, Percy relaxed into the embrace.

Slowly, he let his arms curl around the other boy's shoulders, hands cupping the warm neck and fingers running through soft hair.

Slowly, slowly, slowly, he leaned his face down to that flaxen hair and breathed in Neville's sweet scent and he tugged him tighter into his arms.

"I missed you, too."




"Ahem. Um... How's school been?"

"Oh, it's okay. Here, Percy, let me help you pick those up... There sure are a lot of papers here."

::kneel on floor and help pick up dropped papers::

"Yeah, well, I've been having to fill out a lot of"

::bang heads together::



::sit back on heels and rub heads::

"I'm so sorry, Percy! I didn't mean to! Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine Neville, I jus*Neville*??"

::looks up from where he's perched on Percy's lap, expression innocent::


"What are you doing?" ::squirm::

"I'm checking out your forehead, silly. Now hold still." ::brushes back hair to inspect forehead. Leans closer::

::squirm:: "Neville? Neville, I don't think you" ::squirm SQUIRM:: "Neville, I'm *fine*."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm *sure*." ::squirm squirm nervous throat clearing::

"Okay then." ::gets out of lap, nearly hitting sensitive spot with knee::

::stands up quickly, parchment held at waist like a shield:: "Er. So. How longer are you here for?"

::smile:: "All day."

"All *day*?"

"Yup! I'm here to help you at work!" ::throws wide arms and beams:: "So. I am yours to command!"



::flips through papers::

::flips through papers::




::glance up::



"Oh, Percy, are you ok??"

::sit up, rub head:: "Neville..."

"I'm so sorry if I startled you! I definitely didn't *mean* to startle you-- I was just reading over your shoulder. Guess I shouldn't do that, huh? I mean, you obviously didn't know I was there and then I startled you and then... Are you all right? Here, let me help you-- OOPS! Um, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, here, I'll clean that up..."

"NO! Er, no, Neville, that's quite all right. I'll get it."

"You sure? I mean, I only want to help."

"I know; I know. You- you're very good at helping. I just think *I* should get it."





::get back in chair::

::flip through papers::



"*Neville*, *what*?"

::shrug:: "You just look tense. I thought I'd give you a massage, since you're sick and all..."

"I'm *fine*, I'm not si...Oh."

::grin:: "You like that."

"Mmm? Oh, mmmhmmm."

"How 'bout this?" ::digs fingers harder into neck muscles::

::melt:: "Oh, yeah, yeah, right..." ::sigh::







::pause, giggle::


"Oh, Percy, it's just..." ::laugh:: "It's just..." ::louder laugh::

"What? *What*?"

::helpless laughter:: "I never pegged you as being the vocal type."

::freeze:: ::blink:: "Er..." ::squirm:: "Ahem."

::continues massaging, oblivious::









::massage, light laughter, glare::


"So, Percy, I"


"Oh. Dear."

"Neville, what...?" ::sigh::

"I'm sorry, Percy! I didn't mean to. Here, let me help you..."

"No! No, it's okay." ::another sigh:: "Neville, I have an idea."


"Why don't we skip out and go do something else?"

::wide eyed stare:: "But I though that you *never*..."

"Well, er, you're a good influence on me. So. Would you like to?"


"Great, let me just... Neville!"



"Um. Oops?"



::small laugh::

"Percy, I didn't really mean to..."




"*Percy*? Are you all right??"


"Oh, Neville ::gasp:: let's just ::gasp, laugh:: get out of here before ::laugh laugh:: you bring the whole building ::laugh:: down on us!"

::blush:: ::small smile, mutating into a full grin at the red-faced, red-haired man:: "Yeah, okay." ::shakes head:: "You're being very silly, Percy."


"It's not *that* funny!"

::puts arm around shoulders, leads safely out of office, soft laughter:: "Oh, I'm sure it's not. Mmmhmm."


::choke, laugh::


I've never had as much... Well, to be honest, as much *fun* as I've had today. Neville is... Heh. He's truly special. And a total klutz. ::chuckle:: We can't forget the total klutz part.


I feel so odd. This day, this entire day, has been spent in his company, and I haven't felt quite the same for it. It's... it's as if I've always been so grown up and so adult, and he's so *young* and so alive. Everything is new, is an adventure, and then he just looks up at me with that brilliant grin and. And something inside me just *warms*.

He's so soft in my arms. I don't quite know how he got there, back against my chest, my arms around his middle, my face in his hair. But I do know that I have no plans of letting him go.

No now.

Not ever.

And oh, this is so wrong of me. It is wrong for me to want to touch him, to stroke back his hair and brush my fingers across his eyelids. It's *wrong* for me to want to lean down and brush my lips across his nose, his cheeks, his lips, to feel him sigh against my mouth as he slowly smiles up at me, innocent and earnest.

It's *wrong* *wrong* *wrong*.

And I want nothing else in this world.

He's just seventeen. He's still a *child*. He-- he knows nothing of love or passion or the world.

Just. A *child*. A *male* *child*.

Just a *boy*.

So why do I want him still?

Oh, God, why do I want him still?


Neville sighed happily as the flying carpet settled down on the grounds before the wooden gate. At first, he had been confused-- weren't flying carpets illegal because of Muggle problems?-- but Percy had hastened to assure him that a law had been passed and they were now perfectly legal, just like broomsticks. Percy tightened his arms around him once, then let go, shifting as he stood. Neville slowly stood as well, eyes going to the dark rise of Hogwarts nearby.

"Well," Percy said, dusting off his dark robes.

"Well." Neville looked down at the ground, suddenly enraptured by his foot making swirls in the dirt. "I had fun today."

"I did as well."

"Maybe...?" He looked up through the fringe in his lashes, then back down again. "Maybe we could do it again some time?"

A blush stole across Percy's high cheekbones, curving across the pale plain of his face and up to the soft shells of his ears. "Er, yes. Yes, I would enjoy that." He cleared his throat and shifted. "But not when you should be in classes."

"Okay." Neville looked up with a bright smile, and Percy cleared his throat again, eyes darting towards the carpet.



"I should go..." he turned and headed towards the flying carpet, head ducked down as he fought to drive back the indecent thoughts. ~He's just a child, it's wrong, he's a *boy*, he's Ron's *friend*, this is wrong, wrong, wro--~

He froze when Neville grabbed at one of his dark sleeves and tugged him around to face him.

"Er, Percy..." The round-cheeked face was flushed, but he met Percy's gaze, determined not to back down. "I wanted to say. That is, I thought you should know... I mean." He ducked his head and sighed miserably. "I can't say it."

"Um." Percy licked his lips nervously, willing himself to be anywhere but here. He thought he knew what was coming, and his breath froze in his chest as Neville shifted closer. "Neville, I... I don't think..."

Neville sighed. "I've always been really bad with words, so." He looked up through his lashes, hazel eyes intent. "So I'll just *show* you. 'Kay?"

Percy tried to make a dissenting noise, but then Neville's soft hands were on his cheeks, cupping along the curve of his cheekbones. His eyes slid shut of their own accord as Neville slowly guided his face down, head tilting to the side as soft lips brushed across his, moving gently as thumbs stroked his jaw line, soothing and sweet and very, very right.

Percy sighed into the kiss, giving in to his thudding heart as he wrapped his arms around Neville's back, drawing him tight against his body. Neville swayed into him, lips brushing constantly across his face, warm and soothing as the other boy breathed against him, wafting heat across his cheek.

Neville pulled back slightly, hands still cupping his face, and Percy opened his eyes, meeting the serious gaze. Neville's lips curved up into a small smile as he brushed his thumb across Percy's bottom lip, then leaned forwards again, eyes holding Percy's own as he brought their faces together and slowly, deliberately, swiped his tongue across Percy's lips.

Percy gasped and opened his mouth automatically, mind shutting down as Neville pressed further into him. Percy's hands clutched at the back of the other boy's robe, drawing him closer, as close as possible...

~This. Is. *Wrong*.~

He shoved away from the warm, giving body, head shaking in denial as Neville looked up at him, mouth swollen and eyes dilated. "Percy?"

"No, Neville. This is... Just *no*."


He squeezed his eyes shut, not able to stand the open, pleading expression that flitted across Neville's-- ~the *boy*, the *child*~-- face. "I don't want this, Neville."

"But, Percy..."

"I *don't* *want* this!" Heart constricting at the lie, he shoved Neville away, face hard and impossibly cold. Neville stumbled back, eyes wide as Percy stared down at him, then turned on his heel and headed sharply towards the carpet.

Neville's breath caught as he slowly sank to the ground, eyes unfocusing on the image of the broad back, covered in black, immaculate.

So beautiful as he walked away.

"I. I'll write," Percy managed to choke as the carpet lifted into the air. He couldn't stand to look at Neville, curled up below him as if he had just been struck, eyes open and staring and frighteningly empty. ~This is for the best-- for both of you. It couldn't work; it couldn't!~ "Goodbye." The air was cold as it rushed by him, cooling his burning cheeks as he fought to drive the image, the feel, the rightness of another boy, sweet and gentle as he pressed into his arms. ~It can't...~

Swiftly, Percy fled the truth, leaving Neville staring up at the cold sky.

Staring up at the dark heavens, and seeing nothing.


P-Percy? It's me. Neville.

I... I'm so cold, Percy. So very cold. And alone. I walk each day amongst so many people, laughing and talking and brushing up against me, and yet it's like they don't even exist. It's like I can see right through them.

Maybe it's me who doesn't exist. Maybe it's me.

So cold...

You haven't written. I didn't expect you to. Percy, whatever I did, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it...

No. No, I meant it. I meant every word that I whispered against your lips. I meant every touch and every look. I just. I.

I thought you meant it, too.

I guess I was wrong...

I just wish I knew why. Why? Was it me, was it you. Why?

I'm so cold, now, Percy. So cold, now, and so alone. Mum's left me, Dad's left me, you've left me, and now there's nothing left. Nothing at all.

I'm alone, Percy. And I'm so very frightened of being alone.

So. Cold...
