Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Original Female Witch
Draco Malfoy Original Female Witch
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 10/29/2002
Updated: 02/07/2003
Words: 3,957
Chapters: 5
Hits: 3,005

Second Chances

Kelsey Potter

Story Summary:
If you have dreams of marrying Draco Malfoy, this fic is not for you! An eleven-year-old girl starts Hogwarts and falls in love with Draco—and he loves her back! A love story with a few unexpected twists, several brand-new characters, and—of course—a very unusual Draco romance!

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
If you have dreams of marrying Draco Malfoy, this fic is not for you! An eleven-year-old girl starts Hogwarts and falls in love with Draco—and he loves her back! A love story with a few unexpected twists, several brand-new characters, and—of course—a very unusual Draco romance! Rated PG, actually PG-10/12, mostly because of violence in later chapters.
Author's Note:
Erin Sullivan asked me, more like flew down the aisle of the bus, got in my face, and begged me, to write her a fic where she and Draco got together because she thinks he is SO HOT (her words). They don't actually get together until the next chapter, but for now enjoy what I have.

Erin Sullivan waved to her mom as she walked over to Platform Nine. She stopped and studied the barriers. "Now," she said to no one in particular, "How do I get onto the platform?"

A voice behind her said, "Walk up to the barrier between platforms Nine and Ten. Don't stop and don't be afraid that you'll crash. Best do it at a bit of a run if your nervous."

Erin turned around to see a boy with jet-black hair and green eyes. She tossed him half a smile. He wasn't really all that cute, but he was nice, at least. "Thanks," she said, and walked straight at the barrier. A second later, she emerged on a platform filled with students. She climbed on the scarlet train waiting there and waited for the train to move.

After what seemed like forever, the train came to a stop. Erin got up, dressed in her black Hogwarts robes her mother had teased her about, and hopped off the train into the teeth of the pouring rain, thunder, and lightning. Just as she was wondering where to go, she heard a loud voice call, "Firs' years over here!" At the end of the platform, she saw a lantern and headed towards it. Standing there was the largest man she'd ever seen. Suddenly, she heard her name being called. She turned around as a short boy ran up to her, dripping almost as much as she was.

She frowned. "Noah, you creep, what are you doing here? I thought I was finally getting away from you."

"I thought the same thing. Obviously, we were both wrong," sighed Noah. "Still, how many first years start out with friends?"

"Quite a few, I expect," she said. Oh, well. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have company."

They walked down a winding path and turned a corner. They had come to a lake. Everyone climbed into boats, and they set off. As they turned a corner (which Erin remembered being told was called a look), everyone gasped. There, right in front of them, was a huge castle. Several of the rooms were aglow with light, which looked rather welcoming, especially to the shivering first years. Erin could see a flickering fire in one of the rooms.

When the boats stopped, the students dismounted and followed the large man to the castle. A stern-looking woman stood there waiting. The look on her face said all too clearly that she was glad she didn't have to fight across the lake with these kids.

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," said the man.

"Thank you, Hagrid," said Professor McGonagall, if that's what she was called. "Come this way, please."

She led the students to a room just inside the warm entrance hall. "Wait here," she instructed. "I have to go make sure they're ready for you, and then the Sorting will begin." She walked off, and immediately the hall began to buzz.

"I wonder what the Sorting is?" asked Noah nervously.

Erin shrugged. A voice behind her said, "You just try on a hat, and it tells you where to go." Erin turned around and saw a girl, who smiled and continued, "At least, that's what a boy on the train told me, but you know how boys are."

Erin giggled. "I'm Erin Sullivan. What's your name?"

"I'm Shirley Temple," said the girl.

"You're joking," said Erin.

"Yup," giggled the girl. "My name is Mary Jane Sanders. Call me Janey."

Suddenly, the doors opened. The hall got really quiet. Professor McGonagall stood there. "They're ready for you," she said.

Erin squeezed Janey's hand as they walked into the hall. They gaped around the room. Looking up, they saw lit candles floating above the tables. Looking farther up, they fancied they could see the night sky. Janey, however, whispered, "It's not really open. It's just bewitched, to look like the sky. I read about it in Hogwarts, A History."

They arrived at the front of the room. A patched and frayed hat stood on a stool. Professor McGonagall unrolled a scroll of parchment and began.