Under the Rain


Story Summary:
Post war, Hermione is dealing with the deaths of her friends. Severus Snape is dealing with his life. Two crumbling houses, an over-grown garden, and a meddling Minerva will bring the two battered characters together ? eventually.

Chapter 01

Post war, Hermione is dealing with the deaths of her friends. Severus Snape is dealing with his life. Two crumbling houses, an over-grown garden, and a meddling Minerva will bring the two battered characters together ? eventually.

Words: 602
Hits: 1,051

A glimpse of Hermione.

Words: 1,023
Hits: 1,040

The wind and rain had finally subsided. Snape sat quietly in a moldering chair in front of his fireplace with a glass of whiskey when the flames swirled green. “Minerva McGonagall for Severus Snape,” a voice called out to him. With a wave of his hand, Snape allowed the call to come, and Minerva’s head popped into the fire.

Words: 965
Hits: 648

Post war, Hermione is dealing with the deaths of her friends. Severus Snape is dealing with his life. Two crumbling houses, an over-grown garden, and a meddling Minerva will bring the two battered characters together ? eventually.

Words: 1,177
Hits: 640