Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/04/2003
Updated: 06/08/2004
Words: 42,729
Chapters: 13
Hits: 7,074

The Aftermath


Story Summary:
The fifteen-year-old Harry Potter had been staying at the Dursleys for a whole week now. He would constantly get owls from his friends but these weren’t enough to cheer his bleak existence. The thought of Sirius falling through the veil would always flash inside his head whether he was awake or asleep. He hated doing chores but it helped him get his mind off those sad memories.

Chapter 12


Title: The Aftermath

CHAPTER 12: The Truth About Hermione

"There are people in front of the Gargoyle, Harry," Hermione pointed out to him.

Harry was still deep in thought. He was awfully quiet on their way to Dumbledore's office as he tried to decipher certain emotions that started to dawn on him as early as their stay at Grimmauld that summer.

"I wonder who those people are?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know either. I thought you said Dumbledore wanted to speak to us," Harry replied.

"I thought so too. I guess we'll have some company," Hermione muttered.

"Ah, finally you have arrived. I thought after the scene you made in the Great Hall you would take years to get here," Snape snarled from behind them. "These men here are the Aurors that will man the Hogwarts' grounds. These are Earnshaw, Bradford, Henrick, Colbins, Watson, and you both know Shacklebolt" Snape introduced the men in Black coats to both Harry and Hermione. "And you all know this boy, Harry Potter and this is his girlfriend Hermione Granger," Snape said before neither Harry and Hermione could react.

"Nice to meet you both," the young man almost the same age as Tonks greeted them and shook hands with both Harry and Hermione but he lingered a little longer with the latter.

"You're Harry Potter," Watson said as he turned his attention again to Harry.

"I am and you are?" Harry asked trying to sound polite but he was a little annoyed by the way he looked at Hermione.

"Jeremy Watson," the youngest Auror said.

"I guess we'll be seeing a lot of you guys this year," Harry commented.

"Yes, indeed. I studied here at Hogwarts, same year as Dora," Jeremy said.

"Dora? You mean Tonks," Hermione said.

"Yes, I use to tease her," Jeremy replied.

"It's so nice to see the two of you," Kingsley cut in.

"It's so nice to see you too," Harry said as he looked at Watson who was staring at Hermione.

Hermione on the other hand was now busy talking to Kingsley as well.

"I believe you lot should get back at your posts," Snape said. "Kingsley stay behind you will have a word with the headmaster."

The Aurors cleared away except for Shacklebolt.

"You three better go inside the headmaster is waiting. The password is Scones and Honey," Snape said.

"Thank you Snape," Kingsley replied.

"Oh Potter before I forget. I'm not really sure how you got high marks in your Potion OWLs. You never seem to pay attention in my class. You must have copied off Grangers exams but I will assure you that my NEWT level class is no walk in the park," Snape said before he left them.

"I studied and got high marks I didn't cheat," Harry gritted his teeth.

"We all know that. Don't let him get to you Harry," Hermione said.

"She's right Harry. Snape is a skinny greasy prune," Kingsley joked and they all laughed.

"We should best get inside," Hermione said.

"Scones and Honey."

The Gargoyle moved from its place and showed a passage stairwell to the Headmaster's office. They head to the Headmaster's office.

As they got inside they saw Tonks, Remus and Moody.

"Hello Remus," Harry greeted him.

Hermione sat beside Tonks and Harry was beside her next to Remus. Kingsley sat from across Moody.

"I hope your feeling much better now Harry?" Dumbledore asked him.

Harry just nodded.

"And you Ms. Granger. I hope your condition is a lot better?" the headmaster then turned to her.

"Yes, Professor. I'm doing much better," Hermione replied.

"Then we shall begin with the meeting. You both know that you have been made members of the Order of the Phoenix. Why you may ask? It is because you both have a very important role in defeating the dark lord," Dumbledore started to say.

Harry was a bit confused he thought Dumbledore told him before he left Hogwarts on their fifth year that it was a fight he had to face alone.

"I know you are a bit confused Harry but it is the truth. There is a recent prophecy that I shall tell both of you," Dumbledore said.

"What new prophecy, Professor?" Harry asked. 'Does it involve Hermione?' he thought.

"I shall tell you later but for now I will have to talk to the both of you about the DA," Dumbledore said.

"What about it, professor?" Hermione inquired.

"We think that the members of the DA should continue their training but this time Moody and I will supervise and help you," Dumbledore said. "I believe you covered a lot last year. Of course we will have to offer the same training to any Slytherin who qualifies."

"Excuse me professor but most of the Slytherins were part of Umbridge's little group," Harry said indignantly.

"Yes, yes I am aware of that but it would only be fair if we take students from their house too," Dumbledore said.

"I'm suggesting Draco Malfoy," Moody said.

Harry and Hermione could not believe what they just heard.

"But professor. Draco is..." Harry tried to reason.

"Potter, remember this one thing. Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer," Moody said.

"But it doesn't make sense. Malfoy would tell his father. And training him would..." Hermione tried to reason.

"Would make him realize that we don't see him as an enemy but as an ally. Draco is still young. He can still change," Tonks said. "He is my cousin. I know growing up with parents like his is dreadful."

Harry didn't see any reason for arguing. Dumbledore and the rest seemed to be firm on their decision. Hermione also seemed to have adsorbed their reason but was weighing it in her thoughts. Remus was very quiet and has not spoken a word since they got there.

"Tonks and Lupin will also be there in times that Moody and I will have to attend to other important things," Dumbledore said.

"Professor, I really don't think it's a good idea to have Draco in the DA but I know you all made your mind. Professor Moody, I will take your word though I will keep Draco close," Harry retorted.

Hermione was actually relieved that Harry didn't throw a fit on those people inside the room.

Remus had a smile on his face.

"You two will also be informed when the Order have meetings. A special Portkey will be directly given to you by either Remus or Tonks," Moody said firmly. "I also think that it is best that you don't tell your other friend at the moment. Molly thinks it's for your friends own good. Merlin knows she doesn't even want the two of you involved in the Order. I have to go now Albus. I will head back to Grimmauld. Kingsley come with me," Alastor said and he went out of the headmaster's office followed by Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"I have to advice you two to continue your regular affairs and blend in. Engage yourselves in the activities you love to do. I think it best that Remus should tell you about the new room that you will use," Dumbledore said.

"A new room?" Harry and Hermione said in unison.

"Yes, a new room it's in the third floor. It is bewitched. You see, when inside you can train for five to six hours long and when you go out of the room only an hour has passed," Remus explained.

"A time freezing charm. I've read about it. It doesn't really freeze time but it only makes the time inside much longer, six times longer in fact. It is quite difficult to cast, " Hermione told Harry.

"That is NEWT level knowledge. You really know a lot Hermione," Tonks commented as she looked at Hermione with pride.

"Yes, she is very intelligent indeed," Dumbledore, said.

Hermione was blushing furiously from the comment made by the headmaster himself.

"It is almost like the room of requirement because it has the things you will need inside it," Tonks said.

"You'll be training once a week," Remus said. "This advance course will prepare you from possible encounters with death eaters."

"But Hogwarts is protected and guarded?" Harry asked.

"We can never be too sure," the headmaster said. "You and Ms. Granger should be protected at all cost. The Order knows that much but the Ministry is only aware of the fact that you, Harry are being protected."

"Information about Hermione should be kept under wraps not even Remus and I know about it. I believe the headmaster shall tell the both of you now," Tonks said.

"It's best we head off to our rooms and rest. It's so nice to be back here teaching again," Remus said with a smile.

"We're very delighted to have you back Lupin," Dumbledore said as he shook hands with Lupin.

"We'll see the two of you around," Remus said as he followed Tonks out of the headmaster's room.

Dumbledore closed the door of his office leaving just him, Harry, Hermione and Fawkes inside. "What I am about to say to you two is information that should not leave this room," the headmaster's urgent voice said.

"What is it that you want to tell us Professor?" Hermione asked anxiously.

Harry was quiet and was waiting intently for what Dumbledore wanted to tell them.

"It is your role Ms. Granger in Harry's quest in defeating Voldemort," Dumbledore started.

"What does Hermione have to do with this? It's my battle why do my friends need to get involved," Harry blurted. "Hermione almost died the last time."

"I know that you will act like this way dear boy but the prophecy says so. Her role is vital in the defeat of the Dark Lord," Dumbledore said.

Hermione placed a hand over Harry's rolled up fist. "It's alright. Somehow I knew I was part of something. I never knew what it is. It's the reason why I read so many books. I thirst for something that is unknown to me and now I think I will finally know the truth," Hermione said.

Harry looked at Hermione her eyes pleading for him to calm down. She did not need to use Legilimency to get her message across. Harry knew what she meant.

"The day you left Hogwarts for the Department of Mysteries Professor Trelawney came to see me in my place of hiding. She asked Moody to direct her to where I am staying. She said she was having visions. Naturally and the both of you know that visions that she can remember are mostly inaccurate but I met her just the same. That night when she came to see me while she was showing me her tea leaves reading. She had given out another prophecy."

"She made a prophecy about Hermione?" Harry asked.

"About you Harry and the person that will help you defeat the dark lord," Dumbledore said.

Harry looked at him dumbfounded.

"Yes, the prophecy says that a girl close to you will hold the key to destroy Voldemort. With her help you can finally end his evil," Dumbledore said.

"How did you know that it's Hermione? And why didn't you tell me when you told me about the other prophecy" Harry asked.

"I did not think that you can handle that much and the prophecy involved another person and I thought it best to include that person when I do speak of it. Have any of you heard of the guardians?" Dumbledore asked.

"No but we're talking about Hermione here," Harry grunted.

"I know about them," Hermione said.

Harry stared at her.

"Guardians are mythical people send by the Divine Beings. They're sent to look after certain individuals with important destinies to fulfill. Of course they're just myths. Merlin for example was said to be sent to Arthur as a guardian but we all know that's just a story," Hermione explained.

"Well, yes Ms. Granger, there are such stories. The truth is guardians do exist and they do look after people and they help them in their heroic acts," Dumbledore replied.

"But Professor I have read in books that guardians are born from magical decent or even born of pure magic and it's been hundreds of years since there had been one. That's what legend says," Hermione muttered.

"You're quite right. Most guardians are from pure wizarding families or born out of pure magic but there is one I know in the past who wasn't. She is in fact a muggleborn witch like you," Dumbledore said.

"I don't get it so what does Hermione have to do with it?" Harry asked. He was even more confused.

"Ms. Granger I believe that the curse that hit you in the Department of Mysteries was not a simple one. It wasn't a stunner or a blasting curse. Dolohov used the Killing Curse on you only it was a little weaker because the words were not said aloud. The effect was the change in the color the curse emits and it must have been weaker but nonetheless lethal. You see a regular witch or wizard should have simply died with the curse just the same," Dumbledore said.

"I guess I was lucky," Hermione tried to say with a slight chuckle.

"I do not think its luck but fate. How about the mark on your chest? It's a symbol of the sun. I'm sure you have taken that up in ancient runes. It's not another coincidence," Dumbledore said.

"Are you saying I'm Harry's guardian? But aren't guardians supposed to be older and wiser like you?" Hermione asked as she tried to put the pieces together in her mind.

"They should be wiser, yes but not necessarily older," Dumbledore replied.

"So Hermione is my guardian is that it? That's what the prophecy says," Harry said.

"The prophecy needs further studying. But I am certain that it is Ms. Granger. The prophecy was sent to the Department of Mysteries yesterday," Dumbledore said.

"Are you sure that it's her? If what you're saying is true the death eaters will be after her too," Harry said.

"I believe so. The prophecy says that ...a younger witch in the company of the one who is tasked to defeat the dark lord will escape the killing curse and bear the mark of the sun. That's why we should keep this in secret. It is best for both you and Ms. Granger," Dumbledore muttered.

Harry stood up from his seat. "So all of this. Hermione being my best friend this is part of my destiny? She was meant to be my friend so she can help me defeat Voldemort," Harry blurted. Their friendship, their connection, it was all part of a big plan.

"Yes and no. Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley became your friends because of their own reasons and her being chosen to be your guardian is another. Ms. Granger is very exceptional in her own right and is fitting to be a guardian. I will also have to press on you that Ms. Weasley and Ms. Lovegood were also there. They are also both younger than you an in your company. If they were the one with you and were hit by the curse and survived then anyone of them could be your guardian. You chose your guardian and you made her Hermione when you pulled her with you," Dumbledore explained.

Harry couldn't find any words to say. He was the one who dragged Hermione to all the mess he was already in.

"Harry, even if you didn't chose me I will still take the same risk and join you in defeating Voldemort. You know I'm that stubborn," Hermione muttered.

"I guess we're in this together now," Harry said.

Hermione smiled.

Harry was both relieved and scared. He was happy that Hermione was with him but he also feared for her safety and the truth that he only had a choice of dying or killing.

"Professor what about Ron?" Harry asked.

"His mother is reluctant for him and his younger sister to be involved but I think they are part of this battle just the same. I will have to ask the both of you to not let the truth interfere with your friendship. I know the weight of your destinies might give a toll and break something as precious as your friendship," Dumbledore said. 'I believe the both of you should take your much deserved rest. And Harry we can talk about what happened to you a while back some other time."

"Thanks Professor," Hermione said and was about to leave when she turned back and asked, "Who's the other muggleborn guardian you know?"

"I shall speak of her when the time comes but for now the two of you should head off to your dormitories and rest," Dumbledore said.

Harry just smiled weakly and followed Hermione out of the office.

"A prophecy. I can't believe I have a guardian," Harry said to Hermione and smiled at her trying to ease up the tension bursting inside him.

"Well, you aren't that hard to take care of," Hermione said as they made their way to the staircases.

They heard something move from behind.

"Who was that?" Harry said as he turned around to check who it was.

"Did you see anyone?" Hermione asked.

"Nobody," Harry said. "Let's head back to the Gryffindor tower. Let's not talk here."

The two of them made their way to the tower. They reached the portrait of the fat lady.

"Kneazle" Hermione said the password and the portrait opened revealing the Gryffindor common room.

"Finally, what took the two of you so long? Luckily Colin is too anxious with being a prefect he did everything for me," Ron said. He was sitting on the couch in their favorite place near the roaring fire reading a book.

"I can't believe I would live to see the day Ron is reading a book without having to force him," Harry said as he went to sit with Ron.

"I think it's a good thing. You should do the same," Hermione said as she followed Harry. "What is it you're reading?"

"Quidditch Tactics 101. What did you expect?" Ron asked.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I better head of to my room. Good night you two."

"Night," Ron said without even looking.

"Hermione," Harry said.

Hermione looked back at him.

"Don't forget your potion," Harry reminded her.

"Okay, Harry, good night," she replied and beamed at him.

Harry smiled and waved at her before she disappeared into the stairwell.

"Harry, what do you think? Do I have a fighting chance of being a captain?" Ron asked excitedly. "I think it will give me a good chance of making the Hogwarts team if I make it as team captain of Gryffindor."

"I think anyone who wants to be captain can be. You're pretty determined so I guess you'll make it," Harry said. He also wanted to be captain but maybe it was best if it was Ron who would become captain.

"I have all these great team plays in mind. Next week we'll have new members then we'll probably have a vote," Ron said. " Katie, Ginny, you and me are the only players left. I hope we get a better line up this year."

Harry's thoughts were on Dumbledore's new revelation but somehow he knew that it wasn't all there is to it to that prophecy. Dumbledore was still keeping something from him.

To be continued...

Author notes: A/N: I hope you liked this chappie