Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/04/2003
Updated: 06/08/2004
Words: 42,729
Chapters: 13
Hits: 7,074

The Aftermath


Story Summary:
The fifteen-year-old Harry Potter had been staying at the Dursleys for a whole week now. He would constantly get owls from his friends but these weren’t enough to cheer his bleak existence. The thought of Sirius falling through the veil would always flash inside his head whether he was awake or asleep. He hated doing chores but it helped him get his mind off those sad memories.

Chapter 09


Title: The Aftermath


CHAPTER 9: A Letter from Sirius

"Oh no, we're in so much trouble," Hermione said, as they entered Harry's room.

"Relax Hermione, it's not like we'll get expelled or anything," Harry reassured her.

"I think Snape would have wanted our heads off for listening. Actually, I don't see why we can't be part of their discussion it's probably about Harry," Ron muttered.

"I hate being the topic of a discussion I'm not really part of. I think it's rather unfair," Harry added. He and Ron were about to start to sneak out of the room and back down stairs to listen.

"No you don't we're ordered to stay here and we will," Hermione scolded.

"She's right you know," Ginny said, as she stroked Crookshanks ginger coat. Ginny was seated on the floor playing with the cat, which seemed very interested in her wool jumper.

"Fine," Ron grunted, as he sat beside Ginny and started pulling the cat by the tail.

Harry sat on his bed next to Hermione and stared at what's Ron was doing. "You know, Crookshanks doesn't like his tail being pulled like that. You can get hurt badly if you don't stop, Ron," Harry said and Hermione looked at Ron's little mischief.

"Stop it!" Ginny retorted. "He doesn't like that."

"I'm just playing with him," Ron said as he continued pulling the cat by the tail.

"That's very immature of you Ron. Harry's right, Crookshanks doesn't like his tail being played with," Hermione scolded him.

"I'm just playing, no permanent harm--," Ron was going to finish, but Crookshanks scratched both his arms and he suddenly let go of the cat's tail. The ginger cat leaped onto Harry's bed and cuddled between Hermione and Harry.

"You poor thing," Hermione stroke her cat.

"Hey, I was the one injured here," Ron argued.

"You deserved it," Ginny and Hermione answered.

Harry just gave him an I-told -you -so look.

Hermione started to engage them in a little mind game, of course neither Ron nor Ginny knew about her and Harry's Occlumency and Legilimency skills.

"Okay, I'll guess the answer to the questions you want me to answer," Hermione, said.

"How can you answer a question that hasn't even been asked yet?" Ron argued.

"That's the whole point of the game Ron. You just have to guess," Harry tried to reason.

"Okay, let's give it a go," Ginny said excitedly.

"You have to hold the hand of the person you want to ask. So you can have a link," Hermione instructed.

Harry watched as Ginny took Hermione's hand and looked her in the eyes. After a short while Hermione replied, "You know I can't answer that question."

Ginny shook her head in amazement.

"Hermione, I thought you hated Divination? Why are you so good at it now?" Ron asked.

"It's not Divination; it's mind magic," Harry said. Harry was thinking of what Ginny asked Hermione. He could use Occlumency, but Hermione might sense him doing it.

"Yah, right. Okay, I guess I should ask you then," Ron said. He took Harry's hand and looked him in the eyes.

Harry read Ron's thoughts and he wanted to ask Harry if he'd date Ginny.

"You know I answered that question already, and I said no," Harry replied.

"Bloody hell! You read my mind," Ron said in amazement.

'Err...Hermione, should we make them read each other's thoughts?' Harry asked her through Legilimency.

'Sure, Harry, so that way they would think it's just some trick,' Hermione answered.

"Okay, Ginny you try and read Ron's thoughts," Hermione said.

Harry concentrated on Ron, and he started hearing the question in Ron's head. 'Do you still like Harry?'

"How many times do have I have to tell you that I don't like him that way anymore," Ginny snapped. "Let's stop playing, I don't like mind games. It's too creepy."

Hermione and Harry both grinned.

"Ginny's right, that game was pathetic," Ron agreed. Suddenly Pig went flying inside the room with a letter. He flew around Ginny and landed on the floor with his leg up to show the letter.

"Honestly Ron, your owl has gone crazy like you," Ginny commented, and Harry and Hermione laughed along. Ginny took the letter from Pig's leg, and it was addressed to her.

"Pick on me all you like. Let's see whose boss when we get back to school on Prefect meetings," Ron exclaimed.

"I don't suppose you'll use your authority to aggravate a fellow prefect," Hermione said.

"Guys, it's from Luna. She says hello to everyone especially to Ronald," Ginny started excitedly.

Ron had a disgusted look on his face, but Harry and Hermione both had winning smiles plastered on their faces.

"What's so funny?" Ron asked.

"Nothing," Harry and Hermione answered.

"She says she can't wait to see all of us at Kings Cross. She also says she brought us some stuff that we'll really like," Ginny read.

"I hope it's not one of those weird creatures she likes to talk about," Ron muttered.

"I don't think that's what she's bringing. She says she got some shape-shifting stones. They help people to learn how to become an Animagus," Ginny stated.

"Well, I take that back. I think Luna's cool," Ron exclaimed.

"But aren't those stones illegal?" Hermione asked.

Harry hadn't heard of such stones, so he really couldn't answer Hermione's questions but just like Ron's reaction, he was also looking forward to receiving the stone.

"You know Luna, it could just be a hoax. I doubt if anyone is selling real stones like that," Ginny said plainly.

"You're probably right," Hermione replied.

A few soft knocks got their attention. Dumbledore was standing outside the open door of Harry's room.

"Ron, Ginny, I think your parents and your brothers are leaving now. You two should say goodbye to them," Dumbledore said.

Ginny and Ron stood up and went their way to see their family leave.

"May I speak to the both of you now?" Dumbledore started as he made his way inside the room, he stood in front of the two friends who were seated on the bed with Crookshanks between them.

"What do you want to talk to us about Professor," Harry asked.

"After further deliberation the order has decided to make the Weasley twins members of the Order of the Phoenix," Dumbledore said.

Hermione and Harry were delighted. "Ron and Ginny will be thrilled," Hermione commented.

"We also came to a decision that the two of you will also be members of the Order," Dumbledore continued.

Harry and Hermione were dumbfounded.

'Me, an Order of the Phoenix member just like my parents,' Harry could not believe himself. "I don't know what to say professor."

"Say nothing Harry. I expected you'd be upset with all the recent events that took place, but I have a feeling that you have learned to accept your destiny. Thus, I believe you are ready to be in the Order," Dumbledore explained.

"What about Ron, professor?" Hermione asked with uncertainty.

"He would have been a member if only his mother did not oppose it," Dumbledore replied. "I believe we should keep this our little secret for now."

Harry felt sorry that Ron was not made a member but he knew that Mrs. Weasley was very stubborn and wouldn't let her children in any further danger.

"I will personally inform your parents, Hermione, and I will also pay your aunt Petunia a visit Harry," Dumbledore said. "You will be called upon for meetings like the rest of the members," he added.

"I'll see you at the start of term Harry. I believe there are things I need to discuss with you and Hermione," Dumbledore eyed them both.

"Thanks professor," Harry and Hermione cooed.

Dumbledore left the two of them.

"I bet Snape didn't approve of it," Harry said as he stood up.

"Maybe but isn't being a member of the Order a big responsibility?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, but it's also a privilege," Harry answered. "We'll be fighting along side the forces of good." He soon drifted into thought, 'and soon I will have to face my destiny. To kill or to die in the hands of the monster who killed my parents.'

"Harry? Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked with concern. She took a glass of water from her side table. "Here drink some water," she offered.

"Thanks," Harry said, as he took the glass of water and half finished the contents, when Ginny and Ron came back into the room.

"Mum will be back tomorrow. She says she'll get me something for being a prefect," Ginny said happily.

"So where did Dumbledore go?" Ron asked.

"He already left," Hermione answered.

"I didn't see him go out of the front door?" Ron said.

"Ginny, I'm tired. Don't you want to go to bed?" Hermione asked.

"I guess we should get going now?" Ginny said as she followed Hermione who was making her way out of the room.

"Good night, Harry, Ron," Hermione said, before she disappeared from outside the door.

"Good night," Harry answered. "You too Ginny," he added.

"Good night Harry. Good night Ron. I hope you dream of Luna tonight," Ginny said and she ran out to Hermione's room even before Ron could actually chase her out.

"Bratty little prat!" Ron blurted. "She's growing up to be just like Fred and George," he grunted.

"So you better be careful around her," Harry commented.

"She also keeps on telling me about Looney," Ron said sounding more annoyed.

"Luna's nice. A bit different, but nice," Harry said.

"She's nice to you but I think she's really weird," Ron said. "She isn't like Hermione."

"You don't argue with her like you do with Hermione," Harry said.

"That's because we hardly talk and the truth is I really don't think I want to be around her much," Ron admitted.

"I'm tired, we should get some shut eye," Harry said.

"Okay, goodnight Harry." Ron made his way to the other bed placed inside the room.

"Good night Ron," Harry said.

The rest of their stay in Grimmauld was spent with helping Ron with his homework. Hermione had to help Ron with all his pending school work, because he apparently forgot all about it. Harry practiced Occlumency and Legilimency alone with Dumbledore giving him mind exams and Ginny busied herself with reading the Prefect handbook and playing mind games with Tonks. Mrs. Weasley would come and visit them everyday but she had her attention focused on convincing Percy to come back to the Burrow.


Finally it was the day of their return to Hogwarts. Everyone was so excited. Ron was up and got ready early while Harry had a hard time getting up.

Hermione went to check on the boys and saw Harry still in his pajamas and snoozing on his bed.

"Why is he still sleeping, Ron? It's already eight o'clock we have to wake him," Hermione said.

"He was up all night I guess," Ron said.

"You didn't tell him to go to sleep early?" Hermione scolded, as he tried to wake Harry up.

"I'm not a baby sitter, and he's old enough to know when to go to sleep early and when not to," Ron grunted. They were going to argue again.

Harry was woken up by the sudden exchange. "Okay, I'm awake. I'm going to the bathroom for a quick shower. Don't start world war three I beg of you," Harry said, as he sprinted his way to the bathroom.

"I'm going, you boys better be ready now," Hermione scolded.

"Yes mum," Ron said sarcastically.

Hermione folded her arms on her chest and rolled her eyes. "Typical prat," she said under her breath and walked out of the room.

"I am not a prat," Ron tried to call after her.

After a few minutes, Harry got out of the bathroom all dressed and ready.

"Good you're done. I'm going down with my things. Just hurry or we won't hear the last of it from Hermione. When she's around who needs mum," Ron blurted as he walked out of the room dragging his trunk and carrying Pig's cage.

Harry just laughed at what Ron said and started packing the last of his things inside his trunk. He reached beneath his pillow to check if he had anything left underneath when he felt an envelop inside his pillowcase.

He took out the envelope and saw his name written on the front of it. He opened it and found a letter inside addressed to him.

Dear Harry,

I suddenly had the urge to write to you. I'm going to check on Buckbeak in a little while. He has all these cuts. Like I said, I don't know why I wanted to write to you, but I felt like I had to. About your father, he was a very good man, even if he seemed like much of a prat when we were your age but I have to say it was just a phase that we eventually grew out of. I also want you to know that I will always be here for you no matter what. I know that there is a very big future a head of you, a destiny that you will have to fulfill and I know you will be able to accomplish all of it. Always remember that you are not alone, you have Remus and me, and we're as good as real uncles, other than the fact that I'm also your godfather. You also have Hermione and Ron. Treasure them, because friends like them are as rare as the most precious stones. I know that because that's how important Remus and your parents are to me. I know I'm not much of any help to you, but I will try the best that I can to help the Order's cause. Always be brave, Harry, and remember that I will always be here to support you. I'm giving you authority over my Gringotts account. With this letter is the key to my vault. I also gave Tonks a letter to inform the wizard bank. I do not have any use for my money while I'm stuck here at Grimmauld Place. I love you Harry, like my very own son and I know life is hard for you but I know that someday you will find peace and happiness.

Your godfather,

Sirius Black


I have no idea how to send this letter to you.

Streams of tears fell on Harry's cheeks. He held the letter close to his heart. Sirius was indeed a missing part of who he is, just like his parents. He knew that what Sirius wrote was true, he had a destiny to fulfill, and he would not fail them. He would defeat the dark lord for his parents, for Neville's parents, for his godfather, and for all the people who suffered and died because of Voldemort.

He kept the letter with the key inside his trunk as well as his other things. Hedwig was inside her cage resting when Harry took hold of it and started on his way out of Sirius' room.

"Wait Harry!" the young Sirius on the portrait called.

"Oh, I forgot to say goodbye to you, didn't I?" Harry said as he turned back to look at the picture.

"Open the old chest; it has a piece of glass inside. I think you have the other half," the portrait said.

Harry went and opened the old chest. It had some old things in it that he assumed were all Sirius' belongings.

"Get that piece of glass and mount it right in front of my portrait, so you can talk to me even when you're in Hogwarts," the young Sirius said.

"Can't you just go to one of the portraits at Hogwarts," Harry asked.

"I can't go lurking about other portraits, my mum keeps me from getting out of this house. I can only go to other portraits in this house, but never outside," the portrait explained.

Harry leaned the mirror against the wall by his bed just across from the portrait.

"That's better. You might also want those books on Advanced Transfiguration in there. We used them to learn how to become Animagi. Bye Harry. I hope you have a far better year in Hogwarts this time," Young Sirius said. "And by the way, I hope you have a great time with the pranks. I saw you and the Weasley twins last night," the portrait added, then gave Harry a knowing look.

"Bye Siri, talk to you later," Harry said, and got the book outside of the old chest. He gave the portrait a last wave before heading down stairs.

Author notes: I know I'm abit slow in updating.... really really sorry for keeping you guys waiting. Just got a lot of things going in school....