Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/04/2003
Updated: 06/08/2004
Words: 42,729
Chapters: 13
Hits: 7,074

The Aftermath


Story Summary:
The fifteen-year-old Harry Potter had been staying at the Dursleys for a whole week now. He would constantly get owls from his friends but these weren’t enough to cheer his bleak existence. The thought of Sirius falling through the veil would always flash inside his head whether he was awake or asleep. He hated doing chores but it helped him get his mind off those sad memories.

Chapter 05


Title: The Aftermath

CHAPTER 5: Good Men

It had been a week since Harry's stay in 12 Grimmauld Place. It had been a week since his first ever birthday party. It had also been a week since he and Hermione had first kissed but he had to remind himself that it was just an accident. That day on his birthday he had written a letter to Neville. He found out from Dumbledore that they were born the same day but he was unfortunately chosen by the Dark Lord to be marked as his equal not that he really knew that he was fulfilling the prophecy. He, Ron and Hermione sent him a nice big box of Bertie Botts every flavored beans.

Harry and Hermione were always busy with Occlumency Training. Remus was actually assigned to supervise them although he usually left them to practice on their own. Hermione had been really serious about training him. He had more progress in his Occlumency now than when he had studied under Snape, who had made him feel uncomfortable. He had been able to concentrate better.

Hermione decided that Harry should learn some background in Occlumency before they continue with blocking the Legilimens. To Harry's surprise mastering Occlumency would have taken a mature wizard two whole months of training. It's also the reason why it would only be partly mentioned in their NEWTS. It was also said in the book that Occlumency and Legilimency were usually practiced only when necessary.

"Hermione, how exactly were you able to learn both Occlumency and Legilimency in less than a month? It says here in the book that Occlumency can be mastered by a matured wizard in a span of two months minimum and an additional month to study Legilimency," Harry asked. He really was puzzled. He knew Hermione was smart but if the book said it would take months to practice and learn the skills then she must have been keeping something from him.

"Read page 312, it says there that some wizards or witches have the innate skill of both Occlumency and Legilimency. These said witches and wizards already have the inborn skill but still need to study the skill. The only difference is they take less time mastering it. It's because they are just honing a skill that is dormant in their system," she beamed at him. From the looks on her face she seemed to have wanted to tell him that even before, but never really had the opportunity to do so. Harry did turn to read the page. He was actually pleased with Hermione's new skills.

"It also says here that only an organized mind can easily study these skills because it takes an individual a lot of effort, and a person's mind is very difficult to control. No wonder it was easy for you. You have both the innate skill and the organized mind. The problem is I don't fall into any of those criteria," Harry pointed out.

"That's what the relaxation exercises are for. It should help you control your mind. To help you organize your thoughts and keep them safe. Dumbledore told me that he wasn't surprised that I would be able to master it, but when he started testing me he was confident that I would be able to learn the skill easily. I had already finished studying both Occlumency and Legilimency when he pointed that out to me. He also said that it was rather unusual because most witches and wizards with innate abilities with regards to those two skills are mostly witches and wizards who are pureblood. Dumbledore told me he knew only one wizard who wasn't pureblood that had been able to accomplish what I did and he's Voldemort," Hermione said in a serious tone. "And Harry I think Occlumency and Legilimens is innate to you. It's just a hunch but I think it's true," she added.

"So I was right. You really are exceptional. I mean Voldemort is half blood but you, you're a muggle born witch," Harry complemented her. It wasn't something he usually did but he knew she deserved every compliment that he could give her although he was never really vocal about how he admired her intellect before. As for him having the innate skills as she has, was still something he had a hard time believing.

"Actually Harry I got scared of the idea. The only people who know about this are Dumbledore, Tonks and Remus other than you of course. Ever wonder why we're here in your room practicing instead of being in the study?" Hermione said.

"No, I didn't know that was the reason, I just thought it's because it's quieter here," he replied as he went back to his Indian seat position. Hermione had a very different approach to Occlumency. When he trained with Snape they were standing up and Snape used his wand in Legilimens. Hermione on the other hand just stared at him and the same feeling of swirling thoughts had occurred. It made him dizzy and weak but it wasn't as stressful as working with Snape.

Harry saw his third year when he first met Cho in the Quidditch field then the images changed into the time he was at the cemetery with Cedric. Then the image changed into the scene when a giant Snake bit Mr. Weasley.

"So that's why you thought you were the weapon," Hermione said as she broke her contact.

"Well, yes but how did you do it? You tapped into my vision," Harry said. He was pretty impressed Snape didn't even get that far in his head.

"You were actually letting me Harry. I guess you trust me too much. That is why your mind is almost like an open book to me. This won't help you really. It's all right to let me in your mind, Harry. But when we're training you're suppose to stop me from seeing and manipulating your thoughts. Let's pretend I'm someone you don't trust or that you're keeping a secret from me," Hermione instructed.

"But I trust you," Harry argued. Hermione was very good in teaching him but somehow their close relationship made the whole situation harder. 'I trust you. I guess even more than I trust Dumbledore himself. You're the only one who never left me,' he thought.

"Okay, let's put it this way. Think of anything that you wouldn't want me to know about you. Think of any secret that you haven't told Ron or me. I'll try to tap into that," Hermione said. "Try to concentrate and block that thought."

Harry was thinking of anything that he hasn't told Hermione or Ron yet. 'The Prophecy,' he thought to himself, 'or maybe the fact that I'm starting to like you.'

"Found any secrets you haven't told us yet?" Hermione asked.

"Okay, I think I have one. Let's start," Harry replied. Hermione sat across from Harry. They both stared at each other.

"Now, try and hold that thought in your head then try to put walls around that thought. Then cover it up with other pleasant thoughts as if hiding it from anyone one who would try to work their way into your mind. Concentrate Harry. You have to focus. After that , free your mind from all those thoughts," Hermione instructed as they stared at each other. Both Harry and Hermione weren't blinking.

Harry followed her instruction. He focused on that particular moment when he had seen the prophecy in Dumbledore's Pensieve. He then let this thought be blocked by happy memories mostly inhabited by his two best friends. Harry knew he was ready. After that he cleared his mind from any thoughts as told.

Hermione must have sensed that Harry had finally done what she told him. Harry felt the swirl of thoughts in his head. He had to focus and clear his mind and that was what he tried very hard to do.

Images started flashing in his head. He was already fighting the Legilimens but there were still snippets of his past flashing here and there. He saw himself locked up in the cupboard when he was five, an image of him being chased by Dudley and his gang when he was younger.

'Stop the images, focus. You have to close your mind,' he muttered to himself. More recent memories came and floated in his mind. Meeting Hermione on the train, a flash of his memory of saving her from the troll, the incident when she turned into a human cat and then the time she got petrified. Soon it became the image of Hermione fainting as the Dementors closed in on them by the lake, it then became the second task when he got Ron free but waited for someone to come and save Hermione.

'Stop the intrusion, relax,' he commanded himself and slowly he felt light. His mind felt very relaxed.

Hermione smiled at him. "You stopped my Legilimens. I'm very pleased, but you should practice more. I saw a lot of your memories, but I never knew exactly what you were hiding in that head of yours. I think you did well today. I didn't know you dreaded those memories of me getting into all those messes," Hermione said.

"Of course I dread those thoughts. Why were you interested in them by the way?" Harry asked. 'Of course I dread those thoughts they were mostly my fault. You got into so much trouble because of me,' he thought.

"I wanted to see the memories when you were most worried about someone. I guess I never realized how important I was to you until now," Hermione admitted.

"Well, I wasn't exactly that attentive to you before," Harry admitted.

"I'm glad you take notice of my efforts. I told you I will always be here for you no matter what," Hermione reassured him.

Harry and Hermione finished their Occlumency lesson and went to the kitchen to have some snacks.

When they got inside the kitchen they were surprised to see Dumbledore talking to Mad-eye Moody.

"Good afternoon to the two of you," Dumbledore greeted them.

"Hello professor," Hermione and Harry said almost in unison.

"I presume you're doing better with your training?" Dumbledore asked as he eyed both Harry and Hermione.

"Progressing, I guess," Harry answered.

"You mean he's studying Occlumency under her," Moody asked.

"Yes, Moody, Ms. Granger here wanted to help Harry so much that she studied both Occlumency and Legilimency. I even tested her skills myself," Dumbledore said. Hermione was slightly embarrassed but Harry was beaming with pride for her.

"She's muggle-born, isn't she?" Moody asked. "It's rather interesting that she can do Occlumency and Legilimency."

"Yes, rather peculiar but she's quite exceptional," Dumbledore, replied. "I believe you two need something to eat." And before Harry and Hermione's eyes the side of the table that they stood close to was filled with all sorts of cakes and pastries. There was also a big pitcher of Pumpkin juice and two tall glasses.

"Thanks professor," was the only reply they gave the professor. They went on eating their own feast while Moody and Dumbledore continued with their conversation.

"Why do you reckon the professor is here?" Harry whispered to Hermione as he ate a piece of pumpkin pasties.

"I don't really know why, but maybe the order will have a meeting here later," Hermione answered.

"I hope they will let us join the meetings," Harry said.

Tonks came in the kitchen carrying loads of books and other school supplies. Remus followed behind her carrying the same load.

They both placed the things on top of the table.

"We did your school shopping for you," Tonks exclaimed.

"We got everything you'll need for next school term," Remus added.

"Er... thanks you two," Harry said.

"Thanks," Hermione said. "Want some?" she offered some cakes to Tonks and Remus.

Remus declined but Tonks sat beside Hermione and took a fudge nougat cake.

"Tonks, Remus, I see you two have returned from your errand," Dumbledore commenced.

"We got everything professor. They don't have to go to Diagon alley to get their supplies," Remus said.

"I actually hoped we could go there to visit Ron but I think they don't want us to leave Grimmauld," Harry whispered to Hermione.

"I think so too. I guess Ron has to visit us instead. I was hoping I could see my parents when we go to Diagon alley. I wanted to go and meet them in the Leaky Cauldron. I guess I have to send them an owl that we I will not be meeting them," Hermione sighed.

"I already spoke to your parents. You can talk to them through Floo network. I have to be there to assist them of course," Tonks butted in.

"Really! Oh thank you! Thank you so much," Hermione exclaimed and hugged Tonks.

"You miss your parents a lot, don't you?" Harry asked Hermione.

"I do and I haven't spent enough time with them lately but they have been so understanding," Hermione muttered. "I'm just glad I'll be able to talk to them."

Dumbledore rose from his seat. Moody followed behind him. "Harry, I have to remind you that you two should not leave Grimmauld. I also trust that you would work on you Occlumency training. Ms. Granger, do be careful just like Harry here. If you need anything just tell either Remus or Tonks. I suggest you study in advance for school term. The OWLS result will be out a week before school term but you have all the books you need for all the possible subjects you could be taking," Dumbledore said with that twinkle in his eyes that hide behind those half-moon spectacles of his.

Harry somehow felt like he was a trapped animal.

'So this is what Sirius felt,' he thought and it brought back memories of his godfather.

"We'll be careful professor," Hermione replied.

"Before I leave Ms. Granger may I have a word with you please?" Dumbledore said and Hermione followed behind him as he left the kitchen.

'What does Dumbledore want with her?' Harry thought to himself.

"Harry, I need to talk to you," Remus interrupted his reverie.

"Er... sure what do you need to talk to me about?" he asked his former DADA teacher.

"I need to speak to you in private. Meet me at Buckbeak's room after dinner.

"Okay, later after dinner I will meet you there," Harry replied. He drank his pumpkin juice as he waited for Hermione to return.


After dinner Harry asked Hermione about her conversation with Dumbledore but she only told him that it was mainly concerned with her prefect duties.

"Are you sure that's all you talked about," Harry pressed. He placed all his school things on top of trunk beside Sirius' old chest.

"Yes, that's all we talked about Harry. Don't make a fuss about it," Hermione replied.

"All right, see you later. I'm going to have a private talk with Remus," Harry said.

"Oh," was the only thing that came out from Hermione. "I'll be in my room if you need anything," Hermione said as she went inside her room. Harry followed in helping her with her school things.

Harry went up to Buckbeak's room after helping Hermione with her things.

"Remus are you here?" he asked as he went inside.

"I'm here Harry," Remus answered. He sat on the floor his back on the wall near an old mirror.

"What did you want to tell me?" Harry asked as he sat on the floor by the door side.

"I actually wanted to ask you something?" Remus started.

"What about?" Harry asked curiously.

"About the prophecy, I know there was one about you and Voldemort but Dumbledore won't tell anyone," Remus said.

Harry was having a hard time thinking whether he should tell Remus or not. He was after all the only Marauder left except for the retched rat, Peter.

"I know he already told you about it. I'm not here to ask you to tell me what the prophecy is about. I'm just here to tell you that whatever happens I will support you," Remus muttered.

'Would you support me even if I'm tasked to murder Voldemort? Will you support me if you find out what I am destined to do? Will you still support me if I tell you that I only have two choices and that's to kill or be killed,' he thought.

"If I could only take the burden away from you I would," Remus muttered.

Harry had a puzzled look on his face.

"Have you any idea what the prophecy holds for me? Harry asked Remus.

"I only know that you are destined to defeat the dark lord. That's the only reason I could think of for Voldemort's intentions of killing you. He sees you as threat," Remus explained.

"He made me a threat. I could have been a regular wizard boy, but no, he wanted to kill me. He even killed my parents in the processes. He could have chosen someone else but he chose me instead," Harry barked.

"You mean someone could have taken your place?" Remus asked him.

Harry only nodded. "But I wouldn't wish my fate on anyone. I was given the worst destiny anyone could ever have," he muttered.

"I will help you. You know that, right? We are all here to help you," Remus said in reply. He looked sympathetically over Harry.

"You know I'm grateful for all your efforts. I know I would have broken down to pieces if it weren't for all of you. It's nice to know that I have people behind me. Only I also know that in the end it is a battle I have to face on my own. Yes, none of you can take the burden for me. I would have to face Voldemort eventually and I can only hope that it won't be to my death," Harry said sincerely.

Remus went to his side. He hugged Harry like a father to his son. "I know I can never replace Sirius but I will always be here for you. And Harry. I know you have been having doubts as to what kind of person your father was. He wasn't as ill mannered as you thought he was when you saw him in Snape's memory. Sirius told me about what you saw and James was a bit of a brat sometimes but he never intended anyone any harm. Snape wasn't exactly a nice and homely person before as he is now. So don't doubt the kindness in your father's heart. He may have been mischievous when we were young but he would never choose the dark side even if it seemed the easy way to go," Remus explained.

Somehow Remus answered the questions that Harry couldn't out right ask Sirius. Remus gave him an assurance to how his father was. He didn't tell him any details of what happened in their past but Harry felt relieved that his father was not an out right git as Snape has pictured him to be.

Harry looked up to Remus. He still had the slightly tattered robes and seemingly old features but he was a friend that both his father and his godfather had cherished so much.

"Thank you Remus," Harry muttered.

"For what? I haven't done much to help you," Remus asked as he and Harry stood up.

"For making me believe in my father again," Harry replied.

"You should never doubt your father. He was a very good man," Remus said before he left the room.

Harry felt happy. He gained back his faith in his father's memory and with Sirius. 'They were very good men. Just like Remus said,' he told himself.

To be continued...

Author notes: [A/N]: OWLS will be out next chapter… thanks for reading. I know it’s supposed to have romance. Sorry I will try and work on that one next time. Sorry it should have been out in July but I messed up with the dates..