Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/04/2003
Updated: 06/08/2004
Words: 42,729
Chapters: 13
Hits: 7,074

The Aftermath


Story Summary:
The fifteen-year-old Harry Potter had been staying at the Dursleys for a whole week now. He would constantly get owls from his friends but these weren’t enough to cheer his bleak existence. The thought of Sirius falling through the veil would always flash inside his head whether he was awake or asleep. He hated doing chores but it helped him get his mind off those sad memories.

Chapter 04


Title: The Aftermath

CHAPTER 4: A Different Kind of Birthday

Harry felt better. He realized that he really wasn't alone; in fact he has many people caring for him and looking after him. They may never compare to what Sirius meant to him but they were enough to make him feel reassured.

"I'm glad to see a nice smile on your face," Hermione said as they stopped in the middle of the stairway.

She had that vibrant look on her face that made Harry wonder why he had never noticed her before. She was his friend but he never really took it upon himself to look any closer. He realized he was still holding her hand. A part of him was telling him to let go while the other wanted him to just let it be, they were best friends after all.

"I know, I felt better after that talk," Harry replied and he gave Hermione's hand a gentle squeeze. Somehow holding her hand made him feel secure and he didn't care even if it caused him to feel butterflies in his tummy.

"You know we've been standing here for quite a while and I think we should head to the kitchen. I mean I'm really very hungry," Hermione mused. She ran down the stairs dragging him along.

"You filthy mudblood! Half-breeds! You're disturbing the peace of my home!" The curtain of Sirius' mum's painting went flying open.

Harry made his way to it. "Actually the place was quiet before you started wailing! So shut up!" Harry yelled before shutting the curtain. He looked at Hermione who was shocked by what Harry did. "That felt good," he said and he flashed a nice grin.

Hermione went to his side and they made their way to the kitchen door. Harry and Hermione were deep in a conversation when the door burst open and everyone in the kitchen said, "Surprise!"

Harry was a little startled stopping at mid-sentence.

"Happy Birthday Harry!" Mrs. Weasley gave him a very big hug, which was followed by a many pats on the back by members of the order, Remus, Tonks, Mr. Weasley, the twins, Ginny and Bill.

The crowd led Harry to the head of the table. On it was the biggest cake Harry had ever seen. His eyes gaped at the beautifully made green and white cake.

He really was surprised and overwhelmed. He was very depressed when he got there because of his sad memory of Sirius' death and now he felt happy and bewildered by the shower of affection from the people around him. He looked around to see everyone who came. Ron wasn't around and he was about to ask Hermione where their best friend was, when he realized she wasn't by his side.

'Where did she go?' Harry thought to himself. 'It's my birthday and my two best friends aren't here with me. Why did she leave anyway?' he felt a sudden pang of jealousy.

"Hey, Harry happy birthday," George said as he handed a nicely wrapped box to Harry.

"Err... where is Ron?" he asked the twins.

"He's coming. We left another portkey in the shop. He said he'd stay there till closing. He's rather business minded lately. But he'll come. He wouldn't miss your birthday for anything," Fred replied.

"Have you seen Hermione though? She was with me a while ago before the whole surprise thing," Harry asked them.

Fred and George exchanged mischievous looks.

"Well, I'm not sure but I think she went back up stairs," George said. Harry was about to get out of the kitchen to look for her when Fred and George took him by both arms.

"Seriously Harry, you're not going to miss your own celebration are you?" Fred commented. "She'll be back, don't worry," he added.

Harry saw a big pile of presents at the other end of the table. "Those are all for you Harry," Ginny commented who handed him another present. "This one is from me and Dean," she beamed.

"Thanks Ginny, you shouldn't have," Harry said. "Do you know where Hermione is?" he asked her.

"I think she went up stairs to get something. You know how Hermione is. She'll be back," Ginny reassured him before she went to sit beside Bill.

"Harry dear why won't you blow out your candles," Mrs. Weasley prompted him from behind. He was living the dream he had when he was still very young. He remembered Dudley's birthday party where he waited on the sidelines and watched the other kids gather around and sing happy birthday. He envied his cousin then. Everyone started singing happy birthday then he felt someone run up to his side. It was Hermione.

"Sorry, I left without saying a word," she whispered to him. She was panting probably from all the running she did. "I forgot something upstairs," she added.

Harry just smiled at her. She started singing along. When the song ended it was time for Harry to blow out his candles. He did and he made a wish that only he knew. He was now sixteen and somehow his sorrows were brushed aside by the whole surprise bash.

"Did you make a wish?" Hermione asked him. He nodded.

"What is it then?" she asked curiously.

"Well, if I tell you then it won't come true," Harry said and grinned.

"Okay let's start eating," Mundungus said as he made his way to the cake but Mrs. Weasley caught his hand and stopped him.

"The first slice of cake is for Harry then the rest of you can have your turn. You wait for yours," Mrs. Weasley scolded him. Mundungus ended up scratching his head.

The members of the Order burst out laughing. Harry and Hermione and the other Weasley's did too. They ate cake and other delicious wizarding delicacies Mrs. Weasley had made for the special occasion.

Everyone was enjoying the night. Harry and Hermione were in the company of the Weasleys. Percy was not around because he had to attend some important meeting for the ministry. But Harry had a feeling he was just avoiding his brothers and sister.

"Hey, let's go and get Buckbeak some food," Hermione said as she held out a plate of chicken and other variations of meat.

"Okay, this place is too crowded anyway," Harry, answered as he took the plate from Hermione and head out to the stairs.

"I also have your present up there. Well, two of your presents aren't really from me. But I know you'll be glad to have them," Hermione beamed as they reached the door to Buckbeak's room.

Hermione opened it for Harry to get in. Buckbeak was sitting in a very dignified manner. Harry and Hermione bowed down in front of him and when the Hippogriff did the same they knew it was safe for them to go near the magnificent creature. Harry put the plate down in front of Buckbeak who started eating its contents. Harry turned to look at Hermione who just watched him as he patted the Hippogriffs scaly head.

"So where are my presents," Harry asked.

"Well, I said you have three. This one is from me," she said as she handed to him a small box.

Harry took it and started opening the present. He was surprised to see a nice necklace and a locket with a small emerald stone on the front. Harry instinctively opened it and saw his and Hermione's picture in it.

"Check out the back," Hermione prompted him.

Harry saw that engraved on the back of the locket were the initials 'H&H' with the phrase 'Friends Forever' underneath.

"This is really beautiful Hermione. Thanks a lot," Harry exclaimed as he put the necklace on. Hermione was definitely pleased that Harry liked her gift.

"You're welcome, and for my second gift. Well, not really my gift," Hermione handed him a big long box wrapped in brown paper. "I know you'll need it for next year captain," Hermione added.

"You're kidding!" Harry couldn't believe himself. He had unwrapped the package and saw his Firebolt. "How did you..." Harry was about to ask when Hermione started answering his question.

"I told the Headmaster that you need your broom back. I said it's really important to you because Sirius gave it to you," Hermione replied.

"Thanks Hermione. I can't believe you did all this for me," Harry muttered. He was happy to have his Firebolt back. The broom Sirius gave him.

"You still have one more but it's not here. It's in your room," Hermione said as she dragged Harry to his room.

"Isn't there a party down stairs? What are you two doing up here?" Phineas Nigellus the Black family patriarch asked. He was roaming one of the paintings in the second floor. "The Headmaster wishes you a happy birthday," the stern looking old man in Slytherin colored robes said.

"Er... thanks I guess," Harry answered. He and Hermione made it to his room.

"So where is the last present?" Harry asked.

"Go sit on your bed," Hermione said.

Harry had a funny feeling about this whole ordeal but he sat down anyway.

Now close your eyes," Hermione prompted him.

"What are you up to?" Harry asked and he felt his face almost burning red.

"Just relax okay. You'll love this I promise," Hermione instructed. Harry heard a big piece of cloth being moved. 'What could Hermione be doing?' he thought to himself.

"Okay you can open your eyes now," Hermione prodded.

"Are you sure it's safe," Harry asked jokingly.

"Go on open your eyes. I know you'll like it," Hermione said. Harry did open his eyes and saw a portrait on the wall across from him and standing there was the young Sirius Black.

"Hermione, where did you get this?" Harry asked. He was awestruck. He didn't know what to say.

"Hi Harry! It's so nice to see you," the young Sirius said. He looked as if he was about the same age as Harry.

"Hi! I guess," Harry didn't know exactly what to say. He wanted to see Sirius again but he never expected his dream to come true.

"Remus found it in Buckbeak's room. Tonks told me so I asked them to move it here. I knew you would like it. It was covered with an invisibility cloak that's why you didn't see it," Hermione beamed. She sat beside Harry. Both of them just looked up to the picture but soon the young Sirius left.

Harry's mind was racing. 'I have to thank Hermione somehow,' he thought to himself. 'But how am I supposed to do that.' Harry moved to give Hermione a kiss on the cheek and at the same time Hermione was about to do the same to him. There lips landed on each other. A weird sensation filled Harry's body. Their lips were simply pressed together but somehow it gave him a different feeling. It was a lot different than kissing Cho. For 15 long seconds they stared at each other their lips still pressed, when they soon realized what just happened, they moved apart. They sat on different ends of Harry's bed. Both of them seemed very embarrassed with each one's face burning scarlet red.

"Hey, what did I miss?" Ron's voice burst inside the room. Both Harry and Hermione were startled. "Happy birthday Harry!"

"Ron it's so nice to see you," Harry said. Ron gave him a nice brotherly hug.

"So what are you two doing in here? The party is down stairs," Ron asked.

"Hermione just showed me her presents for me," Harry replied curtly.

"Well, I guess I should leave you guys for some bonding time. I think I'll go and have a chat with Ginny or Mrs. Weasley," Hermione said briskly. "Er... happy birthday Harry," she said before she left.

"Thanks Hermione," Harry called after her.

"Hey, this is my birthday present to you," Ron handed him a nice big package.

Harry opened it and found a new Seeker hand gear. "Thanks Ron! This is really neat," Harry exclaimed.

"I thought you should have a new one. Gryffindor needs our old seeker back," Ron said. Harry was really thankful for Ron's gift and he could see that it was really expensive because of the nice material it was made of.

"It's dragon scales, it's tough but very flexible," Ron explained.

Harry's mind was drifting off somewhere. He and Hermione had kissed. It was an accident but it was still a kiss. Good thing Ron didn't see what happened. Harry figured that his other best friend had developed a liking for Hermione since they were in their fourth year. Now he was uncertain of his own feelings for her.

"Hey, nice necklace," Ron commented. "Who gave it to you?" he asked.

"It's... It's from Hermione," Harry answered causally. He didn't want Ron to see any changes in his actions towards Hermione.

"No wonder it's pretty. She really has good taste," Ron commented. "I wonder if she's seeing Krum though," Ron added.

"I think she's just being friendly with him," Harry replied. He had never felt uncomfortable talking about Hermione and Viktor before but somehow he found the idea unnerving. "Let's just go down and join the others. Thanks for the present by the way."

Harry and Ron went down stairs to join Hermione and Ginny. "So how long will you be staying at Fred and George's?" Ginny asked.

"I'm thinking until August so I can spend a month here with my two best friends," Ron put both arms around Harry and Hermione. "Managing the shop is really an experience. I think if I don't make it as a Quidditch player I wouldn't mind joining in the business," Ron exclaimed.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," Hermione commented. She had been avoiding Harry's eyes that had been looking at her since he and Ron got down from his room.

Ron gave her a sly look. Ginny rolled her eyes. "Ron, could you help me? I left something upstairs," Ginny grabbed Ron by the hand and dragged him away from Harry and Hermione.

Harry didn't know what to say. Everything seemed normal before that kiss and now everything seemed different between them.

"I'm sorry about what happened," they both said at the same time. Harry and Hermione laughed. At last the uncomfortable feeling was gone.

"It was an accident," Hermione said, as if trying to reassure herself.

"Yah, it was nobody's fault," Harry agreed. He was relieved that the kiss didn't create any permanent tension between them. But Harry knew that it triggered something in him. An emotion he never thought he had for Hermione.

"Say Harry, tomorrow we start with your Occlumency training. Are you excited?" Hermione asked.

"I'm actually looking forward to it. I just hope I can learn it fast," Harry replied.

"I'm glad you're growing to be a responsible adult Harry," Hermione complemented. "I know you'll learn it easily. I just know it," she added.

"I hope you're right. We can't afford Voldemort tapping into my head, can we?" Harry said jokingly.

"Harry have you seen Kreacher?" Hermione suddenly asked.

Harry hated the idea of Kreacher still being in that house. He's part of the reason why Sirius is dead. "I don't know and frankly Hermione I don't care," Harry retorted.

"I didn't mean to upset you Harry but we have to keep an eye on him. He knows too much. He is a bit disoriented and he can tell the Malfoy's some vital information," Hermione reasoned.

"I guess we can tell Remus about him," Harry said.


"Isn't it time master?" Peter asked the Dark Lord.

"Patience, let them enjoy this night, because when Potter returns to Hogwarts, that's when people will die," Voldemort said with his eerie tone.

"Soon Azkaban will be under our control. Everything is going according to plan. Lucius and the other death eaters are doing well convincing the rest of the Dementors to join our side," Peter reported.

"Dumbledore and the Ministry won't know what hit them. And I will make sure Potter will see everything. I will drive that boy mad and he will no longer be in my way," Voldemort said and he broke into a fit of evil laughter. "Let the wizarding world think that there isn't any danger. Wait till they let their guards down, then we will attack. We have to gather more allies."

"We are working on convincing the giants, master, and then we'll ask the other creatures especially those in the dark forest," Peter assured his master.